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    About Twinklefairytut
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    Hi. My name is Twinklefairytutu. I have had quite a few dreams where I momentarily realize I am dreaming but I slip back into the dream. I have had a few that I have been able to make changes to and only about two that I actually controlled. I have yet to manage to sustain the "I am dreaming mindset." There are soo many things that we can share about ourselves that I am not sure what to write. I have always been bad at this. If you would like to talk or get to know me please message me. I am open to talking to anyone about anything, dream related or not. I love meeting new people, learning, and helping others learn whether it is about something in which I have knowledge or just answering questions about myself and my opinions. I hope to talk to you sometime. Thank you for reading.
    I like gaming, watching tv/movies, photograpy, reading, writing, going for walks...
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    1. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by SilverBullet On thread : SilverBullet's Newly Revised Key to Lucid Dreaming
      (posted again due to the website data loss) So, after much trail and error in my learning process about lucid dreaming I've come up with a much better thread than my last. This should help you...
      Liked On: 11-20-2011, 12:01 PM
    2. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by BlackRain On thread : Anyone like to chat on msn?
      Hello. You will find that if using internet explorer, that clicking on chat will serve no purpose other than to give your mouse finger a workout. (at least in my experience) i use Mozilla for DV...
      Liked On: 11-10-2011, 08:19 PM
    3. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Puffin On thread : Dreaming more common when sleeping extremely late?
      Welcome to DV, MitchellMonster. :D Dreams tend to be more vivid in the morning, because our REM cycles become longer as we sleep more - and this is the period of sleep when dreams form. It's not...
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:26 PM
    4. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Waterknight On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      I dont want to be afriad of goign outside in both minecraft and my dreams.
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:44 AM
    5. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by n00bf0rlyf3 On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      2875: Pretend your like CoD and run around shooting people with ray guns 2876: Become a famous skater and go around skating in the city 2877: Make everybodys penis eyes back to regular eyes lol...
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:43 AM
    6. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by fOrceez On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      2844: Legit punch someone through the internet :D Admit it, we all have those moments.
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:42 AM
    7. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by uberyoshi On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      263. Visualize something in four dimensional space. 264. Own a TARDIS. 265. Learn to fly by throwing yourself at the ground and missing. 266. Make a planet out of marshmallow.
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:25 AM
    8. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Zephyrus On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      237. get her to make you a sandwich
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:19 AM
    9. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Shiznit On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      lol 98. Be King Solomon 99 . Kick Chuck Norris, Steven Seagull and Justin Biber's ass 100 . Having weed with Cypress Hill over the Pyramids 101 . Swimming in an endless ocean 102 . Get in...
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:04 AM
    10. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Hamburglar On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      Such a cool thread 89. Talk to God 90. Visit the Matrix 91. Kill a ghost just to see what happens 92. Steal the Krabby Patty secret recipe 93. Have a lucid dream on Halloween and see if DC's...
      Liked On: 11-01-2011, 06:03 AM
    11. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by fOrceez On thread : General LD experiences and Dream Guides?
      Like said, a dream guide is a character in your dream that is supposed to be fairly knowledgeable. From what i understand, there are two ways people view dream guides. 1) Just the same as every...
      Liked On: 10-31-2011, 08:19 PM
    12. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by lawilahd On thread : General LD experiences and Dream Guides?
      A dream guide is a character in a dream that supposedly knows alot more about you than any other character, and can help you in the dream to learn more about yourself and teach you new powers for...
      Liked On: 10-31-2011, 08:18 PM
    13. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by fOrceez On thread : Tips to stopping inner chatter?
      What you could do is some focal meditation on your breathing. Give yourself 1 or 2 minutes before you start the meditation itself, just lay there and relax. Try not to focus on anything in...
      Liked On: 10-31-2011, 08:16 PM
    14. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by YYNYM On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      136: Travel in the TARDIS 137: Use a sonic screwdriver 138: Freeze time Sorry about any reposts!
      Liked On: 10-31-2011, 08:11 PM
    15. Twinklefairytut
      Twinklefairytut liked post by Smuds On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      Don't know if any of these have been said, because I'm to lazy to read through the lists... 80.Play the character in your favorite video game (Fallout 3, hell yes). 81.(I personally, not the...
      Liked On: 10-31-2011, 07:28 AM
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    View Twinklefairytut's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Recurring dream 2. Hiding in the grass.

    by Twinklefairytut on 10-29-2011 at 01:40 AM
    This is a dream that I had every now and then from the age of hmmm about five to twelve? I started having it a few years before I moved which was when I was six and stopped sometime around the end of elementarty/beginning of middle school which woule be eleven. I know five is a pretty early age for this dream but I guess that is why it stuck. It is simple really. . .

    I was in my backyard. In the house I lived in at the time the yard basicly circled around it. the grass was very tall, about up to my chest. I had two strangers searching for me, both men. One had a shotgud and the other had a pistol. Sometimes it was night and sometimes it was afternoon but always the same things happening. I would run around crouching behind the grass trying to keep my distance and sometimes sitting still while they walk past searchign for me. I think someties they shot at me but in a "something moved over there so I will shoot wildly" kind of way. It is the only dream I have had more than twice and it happened over years. One of the very few dreams I have ever had that scared me.

    Recurring dream 1.

    by Twinklefairytut on 10-29-2011 at 01:21 AM
    I know I call this recurring but I think I only had it twice. However it is one of the only two dreams I can think of that has ever happened more than once. This dream happened when I was a teenager both times within a few months from both times of dreaming it.

    I was at home and my family was not there except for my grandfather who was on the deck (it was not my real grandfather but rather a man, slightly older than my father, who I had not recognized but knew him as my grandfather in this dream. All of my grandparents live on the other side of the country. The one that I "recognized" this man as is a very kind and loving grandfather.) In the dream he started throwing things at me. I ran away but he chased me around the backyard throwing hatchets at me. For some reason I stayed in the yard and he never ran out of hatchets. He did not even seem angry, more like he just did not like me and wanted to do this. I continued dodging his throws and wishing over and over that someone would come home to help me. That is all I remember really. I think there was more to it but I am not sure.

    Updated 10-29-2011 at 01:29 AM by Twinklefairytut


    Dream Signs

    by Twinklefairytut on 10-29-2011 at 01:10 AM
    These are some of the dream signs I have discovered by going over my dream journal.

    1. School (This is very common in my dreams and I graduated over three years ago.

    2. Snakes (Usually a large number of them and all tiny. I am usually expected to take care of them but they escape and/or go all over the house.

    3. The Girls (My two pretty bearded dragons. I often dream of them talking, being out of their home or being hurt unintentionally by me.

    4. Strangers Wanting sex (Self explanatory really. I just often have horny strangers in my dreams.)

    5. Kink (The sex is usually kinky.)

    6.Losing her ( I used to dream every single night that my common-law wife left me, cheated on me, and did other extremely hurtful and scary things.

    7. Video games (I often dream that instead of realizing I am dreaming, I am convinced I am in a video game. Because of this I have limited control and no fear of being harmed. It is sort of like lucid dreaming except that I am convinced that I am in a game.

    Those are the main signs I have noticed so far. A big list? A small list? Please comment if you have any opinions on this. Thank you.

    Updated 10-29-2011 at 01:28 AM by Twinklefairytut

    side notes

    Number 1! Endless halls.

    by Twinklefairytut on 10-27-2011 at 06:15 PM
    I am gong to start with a short introduction. Hi I am TwinklefairyTUTU (not "tut") and I am 21. I have not had fully lucid or vivid dreams. I have had some dreams where I realise I am sleeping and change one thing then go back into it. Well... actually i had one that I drifted in and out of knowing and then started controlling near the end. It took some effort to change things but I guess i did. I would however like to start off by sharing a non-lucid dream. It is a dream that has been in my head forever. The most vivid dream I have had and the only one in which I can remember every detail. I could not forget about it so i wrote it as a short story. I had planned on turning it into a ong story but did not get far. I have a lack of motivation, confidence and inspiration. Anyways, it is written in the form of a story so it may seem false but every detail is correct in refards to my dream. I hope you like it. I believe the only difference is that it is told in third person and I gave the runner a name, sort of. In my dream I was the runner and it was first person however I did not have an identity. Oh! and in the end of the dream I was a camera in the sky staring at bloody tire trails and such on the road. I decided to leave that out.

    I call it. endless Halls.
    He reached the top of the short vertical section of the vent. A small spot of blood sat near the top corner after his head beat off of the top and he landed on his feet. He did not have time to care about the gash which just opened up on the top of his head. The teenage boy continued to run through the large-dark vent, without looking back. He could not hear his pursuer, but could sense his presence. The boy felt a change of density in the floor and put his hands in front of him right before hitting a wall. He was in a hallway. The terrified teenager pushed away from the wall and headed down the corridor as his eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness and he could tell where the walls were. He ran past closed doors and barely missed multiple small tables. The boy took many turns in this seemingly endless and empty building.
    The number of residents in this hellish building was well known to be very large by all of those inside but kept secret from all outsiders. No one from the outside world had any clue what went on inside this building or what the kids inside had to deal with. Many scared children and teenagers sat behind the hundreds of doors. Many, too disturbed to sleep and most , too scared to lay awake. Two-hundred-twelve, was what the boy had been used to answering too. It was the number on his room door. All of these things raced through his head as he raced down the hallway, along with questions. “What do I do? What happens when I get to the end? Is anyone ever going to find out and help?” He knew that his master would be angrier then ever before when he was caught and he knew that more than one person was willing to catch him. What he did not know was if he would survive what they would do to him.
    Around the next turn sat several young children. A boy and girl were on one side of the hall and another boy on the other. There was a small table on both sides but still room to run between with no problem. The lonely boy sat, huddled against the side of the table, facing away from the direction of Two-hundred-twelve.
    On the other side of the hall the girl was also crying. “I’m scared. We should go back.”
    The second boy held her hand tight and led her forward as they constantly looked around. “I can’t. I’m scar…” His eyes widened. “Shh.” He dropped to the ground behind the table close by and pulled the girl to him. He stuck his face into the wall and stayed tight into the corner as the footsteps got closer. He held little doubt that the darkness would not hide them, but was still covered with fear. The teenage escapee bolted passed them and they froze in fear.
    Two-hundred-twelve had no idea where he was heading but he took even more turns. “These hallways can’t really be endless. I have to come to something else eventually. I think I have been all over this floor before and it has some other areas. Yes!” He could see light peeking around the next corner and followed it. The hallway grew brighter as he got further and the white end finally opened up into a large room.
    The room was well lit with all white surfaces and many tables. This white cafeteria had a straight wall along the right which led to a ramp to another eating area only a few feet lower. A beautiful woman in the lower area noticed the boy as he sprinted between the tables toward the rounded ledge along the left.
    “Hey.” The woman screamed a simple alert and the boys master emerged from the hall behind him. Two-hundred-twelve vaulted over the rail and landed hard on the lower area.
    “Stop him!” His master followed his exact trail. The boy began to feel hope and jumped onto and over the first two tables. The woman’s hand barely missed his foot and she grunted as her gut hit the second table and she watched him escape.
    Two-hundred-twelve could not help but let out a small smile as he stared through the glass wall ahead of him and into the dark city. He could see the rooftops of some of the largest buildings in the city. They were very high up.
    The master yelled as he attempted to reach his target but missed by several feet. “Stop!”
    Two-hundred-twelve lowered his head and covered with his arms, embracing himself for the next step. His feet push off the floor and the smash echoed through the room and nearby halls. He removed his arms and stared at freedom, hundreds of feet below. The streets were fairly busy in this part of town even in the middle of night. The black-velvet road was in his direct path and he suddenly felt fear. “Oh no. This the end, The painful end…” then his smile came back, “This is the end. The painless end.” Only freedom existed in the boys body as it smashed into the road and over an oncoming car, which skid to a stop.
    The smashed window was to high to notice from the streets and the master stared down at the scene. “Damn.” His handsome face was covered with anger. He needed to be in control and this time he was not, He made it clear that he did not like this, and his other subjects would pay for it. Kids were secretly watching from the nearest dark areas in the hallways and they knew things would get worse for them. They watched in fear and jealously as they attempted to create their own plan.
    “Get this fixed right away.” The master removed his glare from the roads and walked away. The audience scattered and retreated back to their rooms as quickly and quietly as possible.

    Updated 10-29-2011 at 01:25 AM by Twinklefairytut

    non-lucid , memorable