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    About Tygar

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    About Tygar
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    Happily married to my childhood sweetheart, with a wonderful daughter. Work as manager at a high tech company. I have earned my MBA. I'm Living the Dream, and trying to live more in my dreams.
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    Central Massachusetts
    Lucid Dreaming, Extreme Calisthenics, Fasting, Reading, Movies
    Manager at a High Tech Company
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    I am reading Are You Dreaming? By Daniel Love. He mentions your site in his book


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    Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. ~William Dement


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    1. Tygar
      Tygar liked blog comment by NyxCC On : Dj 3/28/2014
      Ah, that was a fantastic ld! One only needs to read an entry like this to get fully motivated to ld. :)
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 11:57 PM
    2. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by JaYC On thread : 5 seconds of Heaven
      Excited beyond belief. Yet very upset. I have been studying and practicing lucid dreams for QUITE some time. Since I was about 15, a sophomore in high school til now, age 21. I've never had a...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 08:24 PM
    3. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Sibyline On thread : LD’s Multiple Nights Per Week
      Hi Tygar, I worked on it for a few months in the spring/summer of last year, and again since the end of January this year. I'm improving quickly right now, and I'm getting close to two per week on...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 06:28 PM
    4. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by AstroFlyer On thread : RC failing in a differnet way
      Thanks Sibyline for pointing that out. The RCs are more of a habit and a reinforcement that Im dreaming. I do however enter into LDs without needing RCs from time to time, but I have found the RCs...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 06:18 PM
    5. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Sibyline On thread : RC failing in a differnet way
      Hi AstroFlyer! Most likely you were already lucid when you did the hand check, but with fairly low awareness, since you let the levitation RC trick you. If your fingers look odd, you are dreaming....
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 06:18 PM
    6. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Sibyline On thread : RC failing in a differnet way
      I once again say: go for it! Get your lucid rocks off. As you noted yourself, you aren't going to maul some random woman IWL, just as we would have heard of it if lucid dreamers were jumping out of...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 06:18 PM
    7. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by starletdreamer On thread : How has lucid dreaming helped you in waking life?
      Dream recall and journaling has helped me identify possible obstacles in my life. As far as lucid dreaming is concerned, it has also helped me identify any obstacles that block my ability to control...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 01:36 PM
    8. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by L1ght3d On thread : An awesome first lucid dream... 6th attempt. :D
      Alright.. This was what happened during my sixth attempt.. along with some tips from my friends who have also experienced lucid dreaming... Tried to keep calm when I realized that I was actually...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 01:35 PM
    9. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Thena On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Superman kept ducking into the bathroom to change into Spiderman's costume. :lol:
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:15 PM
    10. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by acatalephobic On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      My mom got angry and defensive when I asked if there was any lunchmeat left, and after explaining that it was just a simple question, I awoke saying "I cannot comfort you any more than that" out loud.
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:15 PM
    11. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Iokheira On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      -Met some immortals and almost got possessed by a ghost, but since it was a boy ghost he would make me seem masculine and I would make him feminine, so we both agreed it was a bad idea (not that I...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:15 PM
    12. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Wasatch On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      1. A woman prison guard gets drugged and raped by a serial killer, her friends and co-workers swear vengeance.
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:15 PM
    13. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by AstralMango On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      1. I'm explaining the physics of some magical gems I'm looking for to some old women, even though they look bored out of their mind. 2. An FA where I wrote down dreams. (Dammit!) 3. I've found a...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:14 PM
    14. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by AstralMango On thread : How has lucid dreaming helped you in waking life?
      It's made me really happy because I can live out my wildest dreams! I used to daydream about doing all sorts of cool stuff before hearing about lucid dreaming, but felt a little sad that I couldn't...
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:04 PM
    15. Tygar
      Tygar liked post by Bobblehat On thread : How has lucid dreaming helped you in waking life?
      Lucid dreaming and learning a musical instrument are two things I've discovered later in life that I wish I'd known earlier in life. Both are great ways to find out a lot about yourself.
      Liked On: 03-31-2014, 12:04 PM
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    View Tygar's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Sun Sep 1 2019

    by Tygar on 09-03-2019 at 01:18 PM
    Well, I had some success over the weekend, but did not achieve lucidity.

    (Sunday Sep 1st 2019 - 6:45 AM is when I woke from the dream).

    In my dream I am at an American football game. It was either a high school or a college event. There are a lot of people standing around the field and many in the stands. I am aware that they are having a drawing and one lucky person will win one million dollars. I hear them call my name as the winner over the loud speakers. I turn to my wife and ask (with great surprise) "Did they just call my name???" She says yes, and is very excited. I ask where I need to go and she tells me there is a table near the entrance. I start jogging toward the table passing many people (who pay no attention to me). I reach the table and there is a blond woman standing behind the table, but there are 3 people in front of me speaking with her. I am amazed and excited that I have won 1 million dollars, but then (in my head) I ask the critical question "Am I Dreaming???" I glance behind the woman and there are 2 signs attached to a board behind her. One is a blue sign with white lettering that says "ADVANCED TICKETS" the other is a white sign with red letters which says "EXIT -->" I look away from the advanced ticket sign and then look back and it is exactly the same. So I assume I am not dreaming and I am very happy about that... the dream fades and I wake up.


    by Tygar on 08-20-2019 at 12:05 PM
    I was very sleep deprived last night and my dream recall was terrible. I know I woke up from a dream at one point before my alarm went off, but I couldn't recall anything. When I woke up to my alarm it killed most of my dream recall. The only thing I could remember was that the actor George Clooney and I were trying to find a way to parachute a baby elephant in to a region of the world were we had American troops fighting a war. I'm pretty sure that was part of the plot to a 1990's movie. Strange.

    Aug 10, 11, 16 & 17 2019

    by Tygar on 08-19-2019 at 06:38 PM

    Dream 1: I'm taking a shower in a public shower, like the one at my Jr. high school back in the 80's. There are 2 other guys with me; 2 I don't know and the 3rd is Sylvester Stallone. As I took off my shirt i was feeling very confident with my physique (as I am in real life, for a 50 year old guy).

    Dream 2: I was in a 3 level apartment building, on the 3rd floor. There was a big storm going on outside. I am looking out of window in a door leading out to a deck. I see the water level is almost up to the 3rd floor (20+ feet). I go out the door onto the deck to look around. I slip and fall on the wet boards. The boards turn into a flexible material that looks like window blinds. As the waves below me come up and go down the material moves under me. I was very afraid that the deck was going to collapse. ... [Jump]... I'm back in the apartment building and I am very comfortable here as I know I live here. I have forgotten all about the storm. I'm walking down the hall. On my right is an open door. I look in, as I pass, and see a man in a wheel chair. I know him as a neighbor in my dream but not in real life. I suddenly hear music; it is an instrumental version of the song "Once Upon a Dream" from the Disney movie Cinderella. I begin to dance down the hall, along with the song, until I get to my room. I go into my apartment which is just a bedroom. The man in the wheelchair comes down to the doorway and picks up a small picture frame sitting on a small table near the door. I say, "That is a picture of my mother." He takes the picture with him as he wheels away.


    Dream 1: I'm sitting on the toilet in the larger bathroom in my house. I notice my tub is damaged. I know my wife will be upset and it will cost a lot of money to fix. I'm feeling negative emotion and do not do a RC.
    Dream 2: I'm in a room and laying on a platform. To my left is a man in a strange, very large, scuba diving suit. it covers his entire body and is very large. It looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie.
    Dream 3: I'm standing on the street in a city. Above me is a tall building. I see a man on the edge of the top floor doing a human flag (a very difficult gymnastics hold - just Google it). he is lowering and raising his legs like he is exercising. I worry he will fall.


    Dream 1: I'm on a college campus. A young Leonardo DiCaprio is standing along a sidewalk. He is trying to make conversation with women as they pass, but they are ignoring him. He has a horrible, patchy facial hair. It just looks terrible. I walk up to him and start talking to him about better ways to meet women. I tell him to stay in school so he can get a good job in the future. I tell him that good hygiene is very important. I also tell him to shave because it is better to be clean shaven than to have a bad mustache and beard.
    Dream 1: (Close to lucidity) At one point in the dream I am in a basement that I know is mine, but looks nothing like my actual basement. I am standing in front of the fuse box, about 6 feet away and I know something is wrong with it. Under the fuse box, leaning against the wall below it, I see a flat, rectangular piece of blue plastic (light blue with a dark blue boarder) which is about 4 feet tall by 6 feet long. I know it is something I need to use to fix the fuse box. I am staring at the plastic thing and I become confused and frustrated because I know I can't fix the fuse box with that plastic thing. I know something isn't right with this situation, but never do a RC. (this is a good sign that I may be getting closer to having a LD).


    I'm in a house with other people. I believe it is a dorm and I am back in college. I need to fill out paperwork, but I can't understand the writing. I am very frustrated (but don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm still in the house. I'm in a room and there is a broken bed frame which I need to set up, but the pieces of wood don't look like parts of a bed frame. I am confused and frustrated because I don't know how to put them together (I don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm with a young blond woman. She calls me over and tells me to look into a fish tank (which has no water, just some branches and leaves). I look in the open top and see a tiny (the size of a bumble bee) red bird in the tank sitting on a tiny branch. It looks like a red bird from the Angry Birds video game. (On this one again, I'm getting close to have a LD based on the confusion over things in dreams.)

    19-Aug-2019: Due to unexpected work issue I had to be online over night, so I set my alarm for 11 pm, 2 am, & 5 am. Each time the alarm went off I know I was dreaming but could not recall anything. This is a problem I have with waking up to an alarm; startling away almost always prevents me from remember dreams. I'm hoping for better dream recall tonight.


    by Tygar on 08-16-2019 at 02:04 PM
    Horrible dream recall last night. I remember being with my wife and the assistant pastor from her church. We were standing outside of a school bus (standard yellow color) and we were parked near a highway overpass. That's all I remember.


    by Tygar on 08-15-2019 at 11:45 AM
    My wife woke up at around 4 am to use the bathroom, which woke me up. I know I had a dream but didn't bother to think about it or jot down any notes. I will be sure to have my notebook and pen out tonight. I doze back off at some point. I find myself standing at the top of a cliff (a few hundred feet off the ground below). Below me I see the mall which is in my town. I am at the left side of the mall. I see just the outline of the foundation of what was the Sears store. I know they have torn it down and will be rebuilding it. My wife is standing to my right. We turn around and there there is an entrance to a large building (a warehouse) behind me. We walk into the warehouse and into a large room full of old dusty shelving and racks which I know came from the Sears store. We move to the left and down a short flight of stairs to an empty room. It is dimly lit and very dusty. I go down the stairs and lay down on the floor. Suddenly my ex-wife comes over to me. She looks as she did when she was in her early 20's. She reaches down and moves a blanket (that is suddenly there) over me and smiles. To my left I see my ex-wife's sister's current boyfriend. the dream fades and I wake up.