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    About Tygar

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    About Tygar
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    Happily married to my childhood sweetheart, with a wonderful daughter. Work as manager at a high tech company. I have earned my MBA. I'm Living the Dream, and trying to live more in my dreams.
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    Central Massachusetts
    Lucid Dreaming, Extreme Calisthenics, Fasting, Reading, Movies
    Manager at a High Tech Company
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    I am reading Are You Dreaming? By Daniel Love. He mentions your site in his book


    Total LDs (some very brief) = 2004: 4 * 2005: 18 * 2006: 16 * 2007: 2 * 2008: 0 * 2009: 0 * 2010: 1 * 2011: 12 * 2012: 3 * 2013: 1 * 2014: 6 * 2015: 1 * 2016: 0 * 2017: 18 * 2018: 3 * 2019: 0 (so far)

    Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. ~William Dement


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    1. Lang
      Lang liked post by Tygar On thread : I can't believe I WASN'T dreaming!
      I was out with my wife, her old boss, the bosses sister, and some other people. We are in a bar. The sister comes over to me and is talking, she is obviously drunk. All of a sudden she wraps her...
      Liked On: 11-12-2019, 05:59 PM
    2. Sangfoot
      Sangfoot liked post by Tygar On thread : Lucid Dream Goals
      Right now I have 1 goal: To get lucid. :)
      Liked On: 08-27-2019, 01:52 AM
    3. Zthread
      Zthread liked post by Tygar On thread : Age and Lucidity
      lenscaper - are you keeping a record of your LDs? If so, be sure to post them in the dream journal. I really enjoy reading other people's LDs. It is inspiring and often very entertaining.
      Liked On: 08-23-2019, 10:05 PM
    4. Zthread
      Zthread liked post by Tygar On thread : Age and Lucidity
      Hi Lenscaper. I had my first LD back in 2004 and have been pursuing it off and on since then with varying degrees of success. It can be extremely frustrating at time. Sacrificing a good night's...
      Liked On: 08-23-2019, 10:04 PM
    5. MasterControl
      MasterControl liked post by Tygar On thread : Weirdest, strangest, most perverted thing you've done while lucid?
      It may have tasted better if you add some fava beans and a nice chianti. :cheeky:
      Liked On: 09-08-2017, 04:46 PM
    6. rastro13
      rastro13 liked post by Tygar On thread : I can't believe I WASN'T dreaming!
      I was out with my wife, her old boss, the bosses sister, and some other people. We are in a bar. The sister comes over to me and is talking, she is obviously drunk. All of a sudden she wraps her...
      Liked On: 08-27-2016, 12:33 AM
    7. MasterControl
      MasterControl liked post by Tygar On thread : Weirdest, strangest, most perverted thing you've done while lucid?
      This a a good thread. In a good % of my LDs my sex drive just completely takes over. From what I've read it is because during REM the bodies sexual hormone levels are so high...either that or I'm...
      Liked On: 08-28-2015, 10:17 PM
    8. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Tygar On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      From my dream last night. Basically I was Tarzan. I am remembering my mother, who is an ape, who sang this little song to me when I was a baby: "I love you for breakfast, I love you for lunch, I...
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 11:21 PM
    9. KonchogTashi
      KonchogTashi liked post by Tygar On thread : I can't believe I WASN'T dreaming!
      I was out with my wife, her old boss, the bosses sister, and some other people. We are in a bar. The sister comes over to me and is talking, she is obviously drunk. All of a sudden she wraps her...
      Liked On: 02-15-2015, 12:17 AM
    10. Rainman
      Rainman liked post by Tygar On thread : I can't believe I WASN'T dreaming!
      I was out with my wife, her old boss, the bosses sister, and some other people. We are in a bar. The sister comes over to me and is talking, she is obviously drunk. All of a sudden she wraps her...
      Liked On: 10-17-2014, 05:26 AM
    11. INess
      INess liked post by Tygar On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      From my dream last night. Basically I was Tarzan. I am remembering my mother, who is an ape, who sang this little song to me when I was a baby: "I love you for breakfast, I love you for lunch, I...
      Liked On: 08-16-2014, 06:57 PM
    12. INess
      INess liked post by Tygar On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I haven't interacted too much with my DCs and most of the time they give brief logical responses or say nothing at all. But here are the 2 best I have so far: My mother is standing out there. I...
      Liked On: 08-16-2014, 06:54 PM
    13. Maxis
      Maxis liked post by Tygar On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Ok, a DC didn't say this... but I had a dream last night where I had a clear memory of a very large scary man and I knew his actual name was "Manny McMurderer."
      Liked On: 07-30-2014, 07:20 PM
    14. Maxis
      Maxis liked post by Tygar On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      From my dream last night. Basically I was Tarzan. I am remembering my mother, who is an ape, who sang this little song to me when I was a baby: "I love you for breakfast, I love you for lunch, I...
      Liked On: 07-30-2014, 07:19 PM
    15. Csarks
      Csarks liked post by Tygar On thread : Weirdest, strangest, most perverted thing you've done while lucid?
      This a a good thread. In a good % of my LDs my sex drive just completely takes over. From what I've read it is because during REM the bodies sexual hormone levels are so high...either that or I'm...
      Liked On: 07-09-2014, 07:29 PM
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    View Tygar's Dream Journal

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    Sun Sep 1 2019

    by Tygar on 09-03-2019 at 01:18 PM
    Well, I had some success over the weekend, but did not achieve lucidity.

    (Sunday Sep 1st 2019 - 6:45 AM is when I woke from the dream).

    In my dream I am at an American football game. It was either a high school or a college event. There are a lot of people standing around the field and many in the stands. I am aware that they are having a drawing and one lucky person will win one million dollars. I hear them call my name as the winner over the loud speakers. I turn to my wife and ask (with great surprise) "Did they just call my name???" She says yes, and is very excited. I ask where I need to go and she tells me there is a table near the entrance. I start jogging toward the table passing many people (who pay no attention to me). I reach the table and there is a blond woman standing behind the table, but there are 3 people in front of me speaking with her. I am amazed and excited that I have won 1 million dollars, but then (in my head) I ask the critical question "Am I Dreaming???" I glance behind the woman and there are 2 signs attached to a board behind her. One is a blue sign with white lettering that says "ADVANCED TICKETS" the other is a white sign with red letters which says "EXIT -->" I look away from the advanced ticket sign and then look back and it is exactly the same. So I assume I am not dreaming and I am very happy about that... the dream fades and I wake up.


    by Tygar on 08-20-2019 at 12:05 PM
    I was very sleep deprived last night and my dream recall was terrible. I know I woke up from a dream at one point before my alarm went off, but I couldn't recall anything. When I woke up to my alarm it killed most of my dream recall. The only thing I could remember was that the actor George Clooney and I were trying to find a way to parachute a baby elephant in to a region of the world were we had American troops fighting a war. I'm pretty sure that was part of the plot to a 1990's movie. Strange.

    Aug 10, 11, 16 & 17 2019

    by Tygar on 08-19-2019 at 06:38 PM

    Dream 1: I'm taking a shower in a public shower, like the one at my Jr. high school back in the 80's. There are 2 other guys with me; 2 I don't know and the 3rd is Sylvester Stallone. As I took off my shirt i was feeling very confident with my physique (as I am in real life, for a 50 year old guy).

    Dream 2: I was in a 3 level apartment building, on the 3rd floor. There was a big storm going on outside. I am looking out of window in a door leading out to a deck. I see the water level is almost up to the 3rd floor (20+ feet). I go out the door onto the deck to look around. I slip and fall on the wet boards. The boards turn into a flexible material that looks like window blinds. As the waves below me come up and go down the material moves under me. I was very afraid that the deck was going to collapse. ... [Jump]... I'm back in the apartment building and I am very comfortable here as I know I live here. I have forgotten all about the storm. I'm walking down the hall. On my right is an open door. I look in, as I pass, and see a man in a wheel chair. I know him as a neighbor in my dream but not in real life. I suddenly hear music; it is an instrumental version of the song "Once Upon a Dream" from the Disney movie Cinderella. I begin to dance down the hall, along with the song, until I get to my room. I go into my apartment which is just a bedroom. The man in the wheelchair comes down to the doorway and picks up a small picture frame sitting on a small table near the door. I say, "That is a picture of my mother." He takes the picture with him as he wheels away.


    Dream 1: I'm sitting on the toilet in the larger bathroom in my house. I notice my tub is damaged. I know my wife will be upset and it will cost a lot of money to fix. I'm feeling negative emotion and do not do a RC.
    Dream 2: I'm in a room and laying on a platform. To my left is a man in a strange, very large, scuba diving suit. it covers his entire body and is very large. It looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie.
    Dream 3: I'm standing on the street in a city. Above me is a tall building. I see a man on the edge of the top floor doing a human flag (a very difficult gymnastics hold - just Google it). he is lowering and raising his legs like he is exercising. I worry he will fall.


    Dream 1: I'm on a college campus. A young Leonardo DiCaprio is standing along a sidewalk. He is trying to make conversation with women as they pass, but they are ignoring him. He has a horrible, patchy facial hair. It just looks terrible. I walk up to him and start talking to him about better ways to meet women. I tell him to stay in school so he can get a good job in the future. I tell him that good hygiene is very important. I also tell him to shave because it is better to be clean shaven than to have a bad mustache and beard.
    Dream 1: (Close to lucidity) At one point in the dream I am in a basement that I know is mine, but looks nothing like my actual basement. I am standing in front of the fuse box, about 6 feet away and I know something is wrong with it. Under the fuse box, leaning against the wall below it, I see a flat, rectangular piece of blue plastic (light blue with a dark blue boarder) which is about 4 feet tall by 6 feet long. I know it is something I need to use to fix the fuse box. I am staring at the plastic thing and I become confused and frustrated because I know I can't fix the fuse box with that plastic thing. I know something isn't right with this situation, but never do a RC. (this is a good sign that I may be getting closer to having a LD).


    I'm in a house with other people. I believe it is a dorm and I am back in college. I need to fill out paperwork, but I can't understand the writing. I am very frustrated (but don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm still in the house. I'm in a room and there is a broken bed frame which I need to set up, but the pieces of wood don't look like parts of a bed frame. I am confused and frustrated because I don't know how to put them together (I don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm with a young blond woman. She calls me over and tells me to look into a fish tank (which has no water, just some branches and leaves). I look in the open top and see a tiny (the size of a bumble bee) red bird in the tank sitting on a tiny branch. It looks like a red bird from the Angry Birds video game. (On this one again, I'm getting close to have a LD based on the confusion over things in dreams.)

    19-Aug-2019: Due to unexpected work issue I had to be online over night, so I set my alarm for 11 pm, 2 am, & 5 am. Each time the alarm went off I know I was dreaming but could not recall anything. This is a problem I have with waking up to an alarm; startling away almost always prevents me from remember dreams. I'm hoping for better dream recall tonight.


    by Tygar on 08-16-2019 at 02:04 PM
    Horrible dream recall last night. I remember being with my wife and the assistant pastor from her church. We were standing outside of a school bus (standard yellow color) and we were parked near a highway overpass. That's all I remember.


    by Tygar on 08-15-2019 at 11:45 AM
    My wife woke up at around 4 am to use the bathroom, which woke me up. I know I had a dream but didn't bother to think about it or jot down any notes. I will be sure to have my notebook and pen out tonight. I doze back off at some point. I find myself standing at the top of a cliff (a few hundred feet off the ground below). Below me I see the mall which is in my town. I am at the left side of the mall. I see just the outline of the foundation of what was the Sears store. I know they have torn it down and will be rebuilding it. My wife is standing to my right. We turn around and there there is an entrance to a large building (a warehouse) behind me. We walk into the warehouse and into a large room full of old dusty shelving and racks which I know came from the Sears store. We move to the left and down a short flight of stairs to an empty room. It is dimly lit and very dusty. I go down the stairs and lay down on the floor. Suddenly my ex-wife comes over to me. She looks as she did when she was in her early 20's. She reaches down and moves a blanket (that is suddenly there) over me and smiles. To my left I see my ex-wife's sister's current boyfriend. the dream fades and I wake up.