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    1. View Conversation
      heyyy! long time no talk! how's it been? by the way, i've been meaning to get your name! i'm Rosa by the way

      you must have a good recall being able to remember your lucid dreams at that age! i was 13 too when i looked it up and started to get into it! wow i would have never guessed that English isn't your native language since it's impeccable!

      any dream goals at the moment?
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      LOL such an amazing pic xD
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      Haha, no I'm not. You are
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      I was going to wait to start my 20 days but I listened to some of the tracks well meditating and wow he does a great job! I had amazing HI for awhile but like always I get to excited lol hbu ?
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      I agree that they are the longest LDs. And they're more stable and clear! I didn't have to keep rubbing my hands together or spinning, which I often do when I WILD.

      Nice! The nose pinch and finger-through-palm are my faves too! Best of luck on having a DILD! By the way, how old were you when you first discovered lucid dreaming?
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      Ya, I was majorly freaked. What do you mostly try to achieve when you successfully lucid dream? Do you have any memorable dream goals that you've been able to accomplish? Oh man, working does tend to screw with lucid dreaming lol. I find it so hard to wake up naturally between dreams!
      OMG I had my first DEILD yesterday...I think!!! :O I remember waking up, turning off my alarm and going back to sleep. I woke up again, without the alarm and told myself to stay still and recalled the image from my previous dream. Then I was back in the dream I recalled and suddenly Christian Bale is walking towards me.I ask him for his autograph and he asks if I want to go and have lunch and we did just that. Now I'm wondering if I truly had a DEILD because I didn't plan for him to appear. Although, I did act on my accord asking him for an autograph and another woman to take our picture...Hmm...
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      So I'm really curious. Have you succeeded in dreaming about Thor/Chris Hemsworth yet?

      I think I'm going to abandon that goal for a bit because the last dream I had with Chris didn't end up as planned. I wasn't lucid or anything but I dreamt that we were in a water arena with sharks and spiders and his objectives were to catch me. It wasn't pleasant. He was grinning alot and I was so freaked out!

      I am gonna try DEILD tonight. How many tries did it take you to find the perfect alarm time btw? And how long do your DEILDs last? Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely keep them in mind! Oh oh and do you do reality checks throughout the day? What do you do to check if you're dreaming?
    8. View Conversation
      Same...my goodness, the last entry in my dream journal was this year on May 17th! I can remember my dream most of the times but I just don't bother to write 'em down anymore. I do get DILD once in a while though. Y
      ou're right, I think will, desire and determination are key to having successful lucid dream and I've just been really out of it, thus, explaining my sloppiness towards having an amazing and controlled lucid dream.
      I did get lucid tonight but I didn't have much control For some reason, I found myself running beside a train that was going in the opposite direction I was and also, I was running away from a mob of people. Then I looked towards my right and see Tom Hiddleston grinning at me and I became aware that I was dreaming so instead of running, I decided to fly...I was able to do so, but I always came crashing back down, which didn't hurt(thank goodness) but flying wasn't successful.
    9. View Conversation
      Yepp, it's done! But that also means that summer break is coming to an end ;(
      So how good is your dream recall and do you write your dreams in a journal? If so, how many journals have you gone through ever since you started? Oh wow, you really have a hang on lucid dreaming! I'm so jealous! I need to get back at it. Okay tonight, I am going to try it your way, since I usually prefer the WILD method, but as of late, it's been difficult trying to stay consciously alert while tricking my body to sleep.

      Do you have any personal tips on how to have a successful DEILD?
    10. View Conversation
      That's good! The more you practise, the better your dreams will get you pro oneironaut you! ;P Haha, no time to lucid dream in French speaking Québec unfortunately...I found that the first few days there, my dream recall was really strong but the few weeks in, I started to remember less and less. I guess it was due to stress/hectic schedule. I mean, my bike ride to work which was at a boat canal, took 45 minutes! I don't usually bike so this was new for me.

      So how's your summer been? And what have your favourite lucid dreams been about?
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    1. WDr
      WDr liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : My first lucid dream!
      Yesterday morning I had my very first lucid dream!! I don't mean to sound like I won an award or anything, but I'd like to take a moment to express how thankful I am to have found this site & forum...
      Liked On: 10-24-2011, 07:46 PM
    2. WDr
      WDr liked post by Neoquestmoo On thread : What are you planning on lucid dreaming about tonight?
      Go in to everyday situations (grocery store, school cafeteria, riding the bus) and just burst in to a musical number, with a band and everything and lights and stuff!
      Liked On: 10-13-2011, 08:33 PM
    3. WDr
      WDr liked post by Twoshadows On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      I haven't posted pictures for a while. So here are a couple: View from my (almost) everyday walk. http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w170/mysterycanyon/IMG_6949_1a.jpg Picture from where I...
      Liked On: 10-11-2011, 08:09 PM
    4. WDr
      WDr liked post by djpatch999 On thread : What do you want to do in your next lucid dream?
      I want to meet my dreamguide, fly and bend the elements :)
      Liked On: 10-10-2011, 06:23 PM
    5. WDr
      WDr liked post by Stirred On thread : Going to Lucid Dream today!
      Excellent work! I'm going to have to start rethinking some of my self imposed limitations now.
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 01:58 PM
    6. WDr
      WDr liked post by nito89 On thread : Going to Lucid Dream today!
      Haha good luck. And i hope you don't, ya know... Make noises in your sleep when you um... mum comes in to wake you ;) haha. Im sure youll be fine :P
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 01:58 PM
    7. WDr
      WDr liked post by Pandabear On thread : The Language Thread
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 07:06 AM
    8. WDr
      WDr liked post by khh On thread : The Language Thread
      And yet you failed to answer me >.< :p
      Liked On: 10-04-2011, 07:02 AM
    9. WDr
      WDr liked post by Solarflare On thread : What do you think about crimes in lucid dreaming
      i hate GTA
      Liked On: 10-03-2011, 06:40 PM
    10. WDr
      WDr liked post by Mancon On thread : Post pictures of hot guys. MAN CANDY
      http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/24200000/Ryan-Reynolds-The-Change-Up-premiere-ryan-reynolds-24253978-1222-816.jpg ...
      Liked On: 10-03-2011, 05:05 PM
    11. WDr
      WDr liked post by Erii On thread : Post pictures of hot guys. MAN CANDY
      Liked On: 10-01-2011, 09:36 PM
    12. WDr
      WDr liked post by Mancon On thread : Post pictures of hot guys. MAN CANDY
      Liked On: 09-30-2011, 10:41 PM
    13. WDr
      WDr liked post by nina On thread : 2Dimensional Art with an Extra Dimension
      That's not very nice. You can give critique constructively, otherwise why even comment.
      Liked On: 09-30-2011, 06:36 PM
    14. WDr
      WDr liked post by nina On thread : 2Dimensional Art with an Extra Dimension
      *puts on official design critique hat* ...Hmm...not very effective. The hair splash thing makes no sense and does nothing to make the image look more 3d. I think the original image was a poor...
      Liked On: 09-30-2011, 06:36 PM
    15. WDr
      WDr liked post by Choi On thread : Lucd Dreaming Inspiring Tv-Show
      I just watched "No Ordinary Family" and for those who use superpowers to motivate yourself to lucid dream, this is a great tv-show. It's like the cartoon "The Incredibles" but well not animated .D...
      Liked On: 09-30-2011, 05:05 PM
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