Of course we should strive to live forever. Human life has value. If you believe that, than we should strive to protect human life. A person doesn't lose their value as a human being because they happen to get old. People are not old shoes that should be thrown away and replaced when the soles wear down.

Also, why do people say it is the fault of people wanting to live forever that there is overpopulation? If 100% of the population was immortal and never died, and they didn't have children, there wouldn't be overpopulation. The population would remain constant forever. It isn't the fault of people wanting to live forever, it is the fault of people having children. Also, if you live forever you can afford to wait until we are exploring space and have access to more resources before having children. Instead of having a child when your 20, wait until your 500. If everyone did that, there wouldn't be any overpopulation because we would increase at a slower rate and technology would easily advanced fast enough for us to provide for everyone.

There is no ethical reason not to seek immortally. In fact, it is ethically wrong to allow people to die. What we are talking about is basically medical services that aid old people. If I were to ask you, "Should we research medicine to help the elderly, or should we let them die off because their old?" would there be any question to what the correct responsible would be? That is literally what you are asking. If we should research medicine that helps elderly people live longer. It is just plain fucked up for a person to say we should let old people die just because they are old. Who is anyone here to decide that a person is 'too' old at 60, or 70, or 80, or 500? Who gets to decide at what age we should stop giving medical care to people because they have 'lived long enough'.

I don't believe in that shit. Human life is valuable and we should continue trying to cure all diseases and illnesses. I don't believe in such a thing as an 'old people's disease'. We are all humans and we should treat diseases that harm old people just as much as we treat diseases that harm babies. A baby, a kid, an adult, an elderly person, they are all humans. You don't lose value as a human being just because you happen to be old.

Heck, the older you get the more experiences you gain through your life. The loss of an entire life time worth of experiences is a crime against nature. Dying is a horrible thing. I am not sure how a person can be okay with death and still value human life.