I just find that idea silly, for several reason. Firstly because that simply isn't true. People already live long enough on average that most of us don't think about death all that often. Most of us don't have any real need to rush out and do stuff because our time is limited. We don't commonly think about our love ones dying or anything like that. In fact, that is one of the most common things people say when a loved one suddenly dies, that they didn't think the person would be go so soon. They never even really considered the idea that they would be gone so soon. Usually it is small events that cause people to remember that life is short and people soon go back to their usual routines. So that theory is nonsense to me, human brains don't work like that.

Maybe you are one of the few who thinks about death constantly, but 99% of all people don't think about it all, put off thinking about it and procrastinate all the time. Secondly just because someone lives forever doesn't mean they will be with you forever. Even if you need the threat of losing someone to appreciate them, you can lose them in many ways besides them dying. Like I mentioned before, they can just move away. People drift apart, that is a natural part of life. You don't need to go around killing people to have the feeling your talking about, just knowing you might never see them again is more than sufficient.

Is seems idiotic to me, that you want people to die because 'maybe' 'some' people will appreciate life more. Yeah if a flu kills off 90% of the population yearly, it would make every person sacred, but in that situation we would all try to cure the flu wouldn't we? It is insane to kill people off because you think it some how adds value to life.

Honestly, I truly don't believe any sane person can truly believe those sort of things. Not that I think any of you are insane. I think it is common for people to be so afraid of death that they have to tell them self it isn't so bad. They have to comfort them self and go into a state of denial because the idea of death is overwhelming. The only way to cope is through denial. To tell yourself that it is some how a good thing. Because if it is a good thing, then there is no reason to fear it right? That is the only reason people think we shouldn't live forever, because they are scared of death. It is a coping mechanism.

It is absurd to stop advancing medicine because of people's fear of death. That just makes it a self fulfilling prophecy, where because we think immortality is impossible, we never reach it, because we never truly try. There is no reason not to aim for immortality. You lose nothing by trying to gain it. In the end if you die then your life has no meaning for you no longer exist. All your memories good or bad are entirely irrelevant because they no longer exist. What we do on earth have a short term impact but after time that soon ceases to exist as well.

The only way your life will ever have mattered is if humans in some form reach immortality. For every person who ever died, they were a stepping stone for us to reach the future. As long as the human race continues, their sacrifice will have had meaning for they helped the survivors become what they are. However, once the last human has died and the last land mark, last piece of technology is gone, nothing anyone has ever done will have mattered. It will all cease to exist and be meaningless.

However, with immortality that is not true. With immortality all life will have mattered, all life will have shaped the future. For the sake of all of us, we need to reach immortality. It is the only moral and ethical thing to do. Otherwise none of our lives meant a single damn thing, and that is perhaps the worst possible outcome there is. For all of lives precious gifts to forever vanish from this world.