Well, I don't know how it is in America, but I know what it is like here in Scotland.

It seems that in primary school (5 years old to 11 years old), they sort of get it into your head that Christianity is all truth. You would sing songs about God thinking it is a normal and natural thing to believe in God.

Now, I don't mind religion being taught in school (because if you teach science, you need to teach other beliefs too), but ideally, they should teach you a range of religions, and a good amount about them. It seems we are forced to believe in the Christian faith without even thinking about it.

Children should be able to think for themselves what they believe in, and the best way to do that is to learn as much as possible about both sides.
I went all the way through my first few years of primary school thinking that God definitely exists, because the teachers said so and I had to believe them. It wasn't till after a few years I found out that it was not proven and that some people do not believe in God that I started to look into it. I was then able to make a decision on my own about what I believe in.

Do you guys think we should be taught in such a way that we should be able to make an educated decision on what we believe? Or do you think religion should still be pushed into our brains as children? Or do you think they should knock religion out of the way?

It would be interesting to see what you guys think about this.