I don't quite know how many here would be familiar with Deepak Chopra - renowned motivational speaker and spiritualist - I've heard my father always talk about how wonderful this guy is and I've been planning to read many of his books. Just now online though, I noticed an ad for this game, Leela and saw the name Deepak Chopra and thought 'What?'

Deepak Chopra's Leela™

From the video I gather that it's some sort of system to act as somewhat of a guided meditation - helping people learn how to meditate properly and monitoring your body with the kinect camera on the Xbox. To me, this sounds like a great idea and the ability of the kinect to allow you to interact with the game without a controller makes this possible where it hasn't been before.

I'm honestly interested and I might see if I can pick up a kinect sensor somewhere along the line and try this out, what do you think, DV?