5htp (100-200 mg) or tryptophan (500 mg), 1 hour before bedtime should help. Or eat a huge turkey steak for dinner |
Hello DV, i am recently experiencing some difficulties at sleeping before 5 am, probably because i messed around with my sleep pattern, but its really annoying me, i just want some sleep so i can keep practising my LD techniques. If i try to sleep before 5 am, my mind stays too active, and doesnt stay quiet. I even do mindfulness meditation before i try to sleep every nights. |
5htp (100-200 mg) or tryptophan (500 mg), 1 hour before bedtime should help. Or eat a huge turkey steak for dinner |
You have 'delayed sleep cycle syndrome', it is no wonder even after meditation you are not tired or able to sleep, the neuro chemicals which initiate sleep aren't being produced yet, since they are dictated by ones internal clock. |
"Parable.- Those thinkers in whom all stars move in cyclic orbits are not the most profound: whoever looks into himself as into vast space and carries galaxies in himself also knows how irregular all galaxies are; they lead into the chaos and labyrinth of existence."- Friedrich Nietzsche, the gay science, First published in 1882 revised in 1887, translated by Walter Kaufmann [/SIGPIC]
It's doubtful that 5htp, tryptophan, or a turkey dinner will "fix" the sleep issue because the medical literature shows that even taking tryptophan as a supplement, getting much higher doses than from foods, doesn't really work well for insomnia or sleep problems (read Nutritional Supplements: Are L-Tryptophan Supplements Good For Insomnia?), it seems rather unlikely that this amino acid is the real predominant reason for having a huge impact on sleep induction or quality. |
http://www.dreamviews.com/sleep-heal...xperiment.html |
Stephen LaBerge's tips for MILD: (http://www.dreamviews.com/lucid-expe...ml#post2160952
Turkey apparently doesn't have high levels of tryptophan in it... or at least, none more than pretty much any other meat. Chicken, pork, and beef all have only a negligible difference in tryptophan content in comparison to turkey. The reason people get sleepy after eating a turkey is because typically you have turkey at a holiday meal, and you eat a much larger meal, usually filled with lots of carbohydrates (which eating lots of can make you somewhat tired). |