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    Thread: Trying to WILD

    1. #1
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      Trying to WILD

      Hello guys

      I am one of those who constantly flirts with idea of lucid dreaming, then I read about it for a while, start writting my dream journal and after a week I give up, cause I am lazy as 1 can be
      I have morning lucid dreams now and then, but few days ago I really truly decided I want to do it right this time. After 3 days of constant reading, watching videos about lucidity, 10+ reality checks trough the day and really trying to remember my dreams, I feel like I am on the right path now. First day I remembered 1 dream but very hardly, yesterday they were 3 dreams and today 4, full with details, there was no need to really try to remember, I just had the memory of them instantly. Whoaaah

      So yesterday I decided to tried WILD. I was so excited, that I woke up at almost 1 o clock at night and couldnt fall asleep until 4 ) So this night didnt go as planned. Today I woke up after 5 hours of sleep (naturally) and again.. Couldnt fall asleep for almost 2 hours. When I finally did start to get tired, I tried focusing on something really hard, but I just couldnt visualise anything very strongly so I didnt achived WILD, instead I just started regular dreams. Today is another try. I am having hard time fallin back to sleep even if I am not so excited, so that for me will be the harddest thing to do I guess.

      Will keep trying and I know I will do it right once, maybe even reality checks will work out for me in the near future
      I think I am natural, since I am having lucid dreams since "forever", few were strong, I have more and more power in them, if only I would try harder
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    2. #2
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      There is no need to try hard to visualize. If you can't do it easily, then it will just keep you focused too much on it and that's not good.

      When I visualize, I just think of any previous cool dream I had, or start thinking about some nice place I have visited, or basically just recalling some nice images. I'm not trying to 'see them'. But you really don't need to do this, at least until you have more experience.

      here is an excellent WILD (sageous) tutorial that will help you learn about WILDing process. good luck

      *Moved to WILD

    3. #3
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      Thanks! I did read it yesterday after you gave me the link.

      My intentions to WILD today were VERY high. I set my mind to wake up after 4-6 hours, went to bed a little later, since I have had problems sleeping back last two days. I did a lot of reality checks through the day, imagined how I will WILD etc.
      The funny thing happened then. I actually did woke up, naturally after 4,5 hours after I went to bed. I was still tired, so it was the perfect time to do WILD. First I waited half an hour, was trying really hard to remember what I just dreamed, but couldnt and couldnt. It was like I was almost there remembering but didnt brake through. I always forget to stay calm when I wake up, I just remember that I have to remember my dreams to late. So Then after aprox. half an hour I became really tired. My husband was breathing calmly next to me and I decided to use it as environment anchor. Now here is the strange part!!
      I did sleep into dream immediately, no special effects were there during WILD (I guess there was a WILD any way?). But it was damn false awakening, which I didnt know. I decided to go to toilete before starting WILD (didnt know I was already dreaming) and I went like 5 times, but my bladder was still full. Then I said to myself that I will try to fall asleep with WILD and ignore my bladder. Still didnt know I was dreaming. And the my WILD totaly succeded. TOTALLY! It was (to clear ofcourse) vivid visualization and thingling, sounds transition, then my head felt dizzy and started really going up, when I said to myself to stay calm, this is it and then... I woke up

      So I ve had fake wakening and fake wild only to wake up.
      I tried again in the morning, just fell asleep, no lucid for me today.

      Was I close or was this just some stupid dream?
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    4. #4
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      Start to RC everytime you get up from bed. This will get you to RC when you get up in FA and you got yourself a lucid.

      As to the other part. I used to have lots of dreams in which I decided to WILD. Many times had transition effects and when I "woke up" still in a dream, I was lucid, or I thought I was lucid.

      Sometimes now I have dreams, in which I hear things and feel things as you do during transition. I think those are happening for real and me being little more aware from all this LD training can feel them.

      Sometimes I WILD but fall asleep normally and later on I feel these sensations. Sometimes I get lucid, sometimes I don't.

      So you see, it's pretty hard even for the person that this happend to to know for sure what happened. One thing is for sure, that you thinking about WILDing triggered something in you, made you more aware of your sleep and sensations. Keep it up and you will have successfull WILD.

      Here is another article, in case you find yoursel in this situation, it may help you transition. Sensations, HH and types of entry into WILD. Good luck and happy dreams

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      Quote Originally Posted by nitika View Post
      My intentions to WILD today were VERY high.
      Same with me.. Exactly.

    6. #6
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      Nitika, I love your enthusiasm! I think this is the way to keep things going. I had lots of natural LDs and some DILDs coming from RCs, but have never attempted WILD before today, which was a WILD fail (see my last DJ entry). Despite my experience with meditation, my mind this morning was still too wild for me to have a successful WILD . What's funny is that I meditated yesterday in the late afternoon for about 50mins with eyes closed and the classical WILD track began, lights, HI, and I was drifting away. But I didn't want to wild or sleep then. In the morning I did, but was first thinking too much, and when I relaxed, I just lapsed into regular dreams.

      Gab, thanks for sharing the great idea of starting the day with RC. I will try to make it a habit for myself as well.

      Despite my WILD failure, and some doubts I have about my wild abilities, I am sure though, that thinking about it will eventually reach my subcon and increase lucidity and general dream awareness. Dream on!
      Last edited by NyxCC; 03-16-2013 at 10:05 PM.
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    7. #7
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      My WILDS arent really working, had NONE )
      But my morning WBTB are awesome!!!

      Cant reach full vividness yet, but the time I spend in lucid dream and controling is awesome. Getting better and better. This week I ve had 3 morning lucid dreams, one lasted and lasted, I would say 20 minutes

      But damn, I cant get fully vivid dreams, only semi vivid, so I am not enjoying it so much.

      Practice is the key I guess
      Last edited by nitika; 03-31-2013 at 12:19 PM.

    8. #8
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      Thanks for sharing! That's great to hear, congrats on the LDs!

      It looks like you manage to hold the dream for a long time, that's good. But you say it's not very vidid, so I have to ask how is your stabilization? Do you also engage in the dream? Touching or grabbing objects might help stabilize the dream and increase the vividness. On the supplements side, b6 vitamins or B complex helps increase vividness if the issue is due to chemical balance. At any rate things do get better with more practice.

      Keep it going and sweet dreams!

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