I have repeatedly come close to achieving WILD on multiple occasions; whenever i come close i experience all the things i can handle, such as numbness, imagery in the eyes, sounds etc. But then my throat gets heavy and if I'm on my back it prevents me breathing at all or makes it so hard that i can't ignore it (and so come out of my WIlding attempt) if i am in an i deal position i.e. pillow behind my back, a second pillow on top of one of my shoulders and then i twist my head back as far as i can so that my throat can't close no matter how relaxed it is.

But even when i try this is still have this really uncomfortable feeling in my throat of heaviness that leads/ forces me to swallow and by that point i usually give up and go to sleep normally. Which is on my side but no matter what i do if I'm on my side i can't achieve lucidity...i think because its too comfortable.

So how do you recommend i deal with the heavy throat feeling and salivation thing or ignore it thx