I successfully WILDed a few nights ago after getting into bed. It took around 1 hour, 30 minutes to get into SP, but I carried on into an LD. However, to my dismay, I got up out of bed and even though I could see, everything was very, very dark. It frustrated me so much, I couldn't even think straight and remember to try accomplishing a dream goal.

Last night, I WILDed again at around 4:00 AM using WBTB for 10 minutes. I got a glass of water and went back to my bedroom. I entered an LD after around 20 minutes, without feeling much SP at all, other than hearing occasional banging noises. I got up once they ceased, and my vision was really strange - I could only see through a horizontal strip of vision in the center of my eyes, and the upper/lower parts of my eyes were really dark. I was so pissed off, I woke up. I really can't stand wasting WILDs without knowing what to do with my vision.

Help! =(