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    Tuesday 12th June 2012

    by , 06-19-2012 at 10:31 PM (457 Views)
    Last Nights Dream
    Dream 1

    I'm on a hillside that has a river running through it, there is a group of people who are also here with me. I feel very close to one of the males, I love him so much . I'm rescuing birds from the water but one of them turns out to be a bear, just a small bear who's feet are sewn together . I keep it safe on my shoulder but it falls back into the water, one of the group jump in and rescue it and they decide to keep it. I'm now speaking with all of them and they say they have to go, they also tell me that I'm doing a great job with the animals that I rescue. They now all give me gifts, just silly thinks like toys for a barbie doll etc lol, they then hug me tight and say their goodbyes. They wave to me as they all run across the hillside. The male I am close to leaves last and says "we will see you again soon" END

    I now wake-up in SP, I have the vibrations etc. and feel really trippy I must hav then just fell back into a normal dream..bugger lol

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