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    by , 04-14-2014 at 04:00 AM (881 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #200: Runway

    I’m walking out through the exit of an airport when I realize that I’ve left my cell phone inside, possibly on the plane. I want to turn back to get it but I’m feeling disoriented and can’t find my way back inside.

    Now I’m walking along the runway as planes taxi back and forth around me. I know that this is a bad idea but I can’t figure out what else I’m supposed to do and I wonder why they make airports so confusing. A plane rolls by on my right, uncomfortably close, and as I cringe away from it,
    I realize that this is all a dream.

    Calmer now, I walk along the runway toward an odd series of doors set into a metal frame. The frame’s set up right next to a long patch of grass and seems to lead nowhere, but when I walk through one of the doors, now I’m standing in the lobby of an ornate hotel.

    There’s a fancy, circular bench covered in some sort of red pillowtop. I walk around it to the foot of a grand staircase. For some reason I decide not to go up and I walk down a hallway around the side of the stairway. I realize that a group of people including my cousin SU is following close behind me. I don’t turn to address them but instead continue on slowly and deliberately, enjoying the vivid, stable feel of the dream.

    I come to a large glass window and I move toward it to phase. As I approach, I vividly see the reflections of SU and the 2-3 others behind me. I take the phase slowly, marvelling at the detail of not only the reflections behind me but the sensations of the phase itself. The glass feels like a cool, insubstantial liquid as I pass through it.

    I make my way into a busy, two-floor restaurant. It’s a fancy place and I stop to study it. I notice that the waitstaff is all women in their late 20s or early 30s wearing a long brown ponytail.

    I remember some snatch of an earlier Task of the Month that I think has something to do with wearing green. As I recall this, all of the waitresses turn to look at me for a moment, all of them now dressed in green pants and a white dress shirt. I notice no transition to the green pants. It’s just as if this is what they’ve been wearing the entire time. I know that I’m not remembering anything relevant about any task, so I let it go and the waitresses turn their attention back to the other DCs in the restaurant.

    I walk up the carpeted stairway to another row of tables full of nicely dressed DCs enjoying dinner. It doesn’t look like there’s a free table in the whole place. I walk along for a bit, wanting to explore further, but
    the dream ends.
    Mismagius, sparkley, NyxCC and 1 others like this.

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    1. Mismagius's Avatar
      Congratulations on hitting 200 lucids!

      The way those doors lead into a fancy hotel, I love that about dreams. You never know what you're going to find next.

      I also like how the waitresses changed clothes when you thought of March's task, they were like "Nope, not gonna happen"

      It sounds like it was a fun LD, the hotel must have been fun to explore.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Congrats on 200!!!!!

      I like the non transition to green pants. I feel like there could be a clue to understaning dream control a little more. Things arent always showy and magical like one tends to expect.

      Edit: Sorry if I've been missing your DJ entries. My notifications are currently broke. I try to look when I think of it.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @Mismagius - Thanks! It was a fun one. You're right, dreams are certainly not afraid to jump around. I was hoping to accomplish something really amazing and epic in #200, but in all honesty, what's cooler than the very act of consciously exploring our dreams, anyway? If we're doing that, I guess we're doing all right.

      Yeah, the hotel was quite vividly rendered. I really took my time moving through it, almost at a sort of half speed. In LDs I'm still not over that basic sense of whoa, how can this be happening?

      @Xanous - Thanks, dude!

      I completely agree re: the transition to green pants. The best dream control seems to happen when you simply accept that what you want is the new state of things. And then, of course, it is that new state.

      It seems that subtle, effortless dream control is best. And what is more subtle and effortless than all the changes we make accidentally to our dream scenes?
      Xanous likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Its a balancing act like most of lucid dreaming.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on ld 200!

      Really cool effects with the reflection of all the DCs behind you. Makes you wonder how is all that super quality possible. I also liked how you paid full attention to the phase sensation, possibly enhancing dream quality even more.

      Lol about the green task!

      And to 200 more!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks Nyx! Yeah, when I saw the reflection, that is exactly the kind of thoughts that were going through my head. I spent a lot of the dream just doing this very slow, deliberate walk through the dreamscape. Just sort of fascinated by the whole experience, you know?

      I wish that I had some way to record and rewind these dreams to scrutinize them somehow. Of course, the whole trick is that the dream is being built on the fly in reaction to what you study, how you study it, and your mental state when you experience it. But at least being able to see again exactly what I saw before just to get another look.

      Anyway! Nothing to be done for it but to just have more LDs, right?

      Thanks, to many more for you too! cheers:
      NyxCC likes this.
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
      I wish that I had some way to record and rewind these dreams to scrutinize them somehow. Of course, the whole trick is that the dream is being built on the fly in reaction to what you study, how you study it, and your mental state when you experience it. But at least being able to see again exactly what I saw before just to get another look.

      Anyway! Nothing to be done for it but to just have more LDs, right?
      I know that feel. There have been several times where I wished I could take a photo of the dream and bring it to real life.

      Perhaps it's possible to accurately call back a previous dream and mentally relieve it the way we may relieve a real life memory. But to vividly recall all the detail right we probably need superior visualization skills, focus and effective memory retrieval. Until we get those perfected a journal entry and more lds will have to do.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    8. Highlander's Avatar
      Congratulations :canislucidus: on the double-century!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, thanks, Highlander! I'm just back from vacation so you found the new emoticon before I did! :canislucidus:

      Catch up with you soon and I hope the projects are going well!
      Highlander likes this.
    10. Xanous's Avatar
      :canislucidus: ←another dv legend!
      Highlander and CanisLucidus like this.