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    Spellbee's Splendid Competition Night 6: Flipipping a Car

    by , 01-19-2017 at 01:39 PM (891 Views)
    I don't remember the non-lucid part of the dream, but I suddenly got lucid. I was in the middle of some large street, on some crosswalk. There were lots of car. I started walking fowards. There was a car in my way, so I decided I wanted to flip it. I put my two hands beneath the car and effortlesly flipped the car like a table. I continued walking until I reached the other side of the crosswalk, when I remember the three-step tasks. Luckily, I managed to reemmber the first one, telekinesis. I saw a woman across me and decided to TK her towards me. I extended my hands towards her and made her levitate and brought her into my arms. I let her down and continued walking on, until the dream started to fade. I tried RCing and touching stuff to stabilize, but lost the dream and woke up.

    Me and my family were staying in some huge, fancy hotel. I woke up a little late (I think about 9 A.M, almost 10) and decided to go get breakfast. I went into the elevator (which was huge, it had tables and chairs in it for some reason) and it started going down. I noticed I was wearing jusjt a shirt and boxer shirts, but decided I didn't care anyway cause it was breakfast and everyone was probably in their pajamas. I also remember some little kid being in the elevator. I them realized it was too late and they wouldn't be serving breakfast. When the elevator arrived at its destination, I went down some stairs and there were some bakeries where I could buy stuff. I got lucid at some point but everything was already fading away and I was feeling faint. I walked along some wall, touching it for stabilization but woke up.
    Saizaphod and NyxCC like this.

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    1. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Everyone is always using dream powers on cars for some reason, me myself included I guess they're just an easy target, idk haha.
      Cookino likes this.
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats! Nothing's more fun than wrecking havoc in dreamword!
      Cookino likes this.
    3. Cookino's Avatar
      Haha yeah, flipping that car sure was fun!
      NyxCC likes this.