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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    February 27th 2013 Non-Lucid

    by , 02-27-2013 at 03:43 PM (453 Views)
    The dream takes place at night in a fictional neighborhood with big houses, particularly one big one at the end of a culdesac. Recently some guys from school got in trouble with the law so that is the subject of my dream.

    The dream starts as we're all in this big house and there are some other people in the house that I don't recognize. It's a party with illegal substances so the fear of cops is in my mind as I walk into this empty room. On this projector screen is mario-kart being played or something I don't really remember.

    Suddenly I'm outside and we're running around this neighborhood at night trick-or-treating houses, and it seems like there's 100s of kids my age running around. I'm longboarding down this hill when a car rounds a corner and drifts right around me. I look in to see it's the guy who got a DUI from my school and I get spooked out. Then we're all inside drinking and dancing in the house. A line forms of people dancing as we walk out of the house onto the front porch and there's apparently another door that leads back into the house on the other side of the porch.

    As the line comes to a halt, the police show up and they start busting people on the deck.
    IRL I've been in trouble with the law so I can't afford to get into anymore trouble, so in the dream I start freaking out at the cops. I look inside to see people hiding in the house away from the cops. Eventually they take me and put me on trial in the senate and I'm free to go or something.

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    Tags: cops, house party
