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    Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self"

    School, house, Brother, plastic tube, party...

    by , 02-02-2011 at 09:59 PM (517 Views)
    I slept really well last night. I was not "conditioning" myself to remember my dreams or to realize being in a dream when spotting something strange. Even so, I still remembered pretty decent details from my dreams.

    I am at my secondary school in my village. I am standing in the ground floor class room. It is a large plain room with massive windows facing the street, right next to the headmaster's office. For this reason, I have always felt as if I was watched in this class room. But there is my brother as well. He is handling some plans. Even though I cannot see what's there, I know that he is planning to build a house. (In reality, he has already built one across the road opposite the school). The plan he is holding looks like an old vellum. He is talking to the headmaster. I am just watching the conversation, even though I cannot understand what are they saying. The headmaster is a big man, some 6'4" with great natural respect.
    Suddenly, I realize I can see on the plan that my brother's house is going to be right next to the school. I mean some 3 meters away from the front wall. Then I notice there are no windows any longer. And there is the front corner of the room missing. Only a lager rough hole, through which I can see foundation of my brother new house. Just raw shapes made of red bricks. I am surprised (not realizing it's a dream though), and my surprise triples when a massive tube, made of clear plastic, made of several segments is being installed, interconnecting the house and the school. My brother is saying something in the sense, that he wants easy access for his children. I feel that I am standing there in disbelief. Yet, I have the feeling that the plans are still being argued even though those big steps are being made. I feel that my brother is trying to force the headmaster to sign the plans. (I love those feelings when dreaming, seems like such a nonsense yet feels so real).

    Next dream:
    I am walking up the road through the village "Hroba Horka", just above the sharp turn where the block of flats is. When suddenly a brownish dirty car (favorit) comes from the other direction, passes me and stops. Then I can see the reverse gear has been selected as the reversing lights light up. The car is struggling a little... It seems like there is some mud on the road. I cannot see through the dirty windows who it is. It is a cloudy day, so it might have been raining, thus the dirt on the car doesn't really surprise me. I am a little bit anxious as I don't know who it is.
    The door opens and my friend Zbysek leans out, laughing as usually. I don't realize that the steering wheel is on the other side of the car. I notice some shadows through the windows, so there must be some more people. Event though I don't see who it is, I have a feeling that I know them. Zbysek asks me whether I want to join them as they are going for a party. I see that the car is already overloaded and pretty crowded. So I say I cannot make it, as I have loads of studying (this reflects my current situation actually :-D). Then he says, ok man, and drives off. I feel relieved.

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    non-lucid , memorable
