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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Bugs Bunny, Nazi's, and Mr. Miles

    by , 11-16-2014 at 11:17 PM (699 Views)
    Joyce from work is holding me like I am a small child. I am trying to fall asleep but can't because she is talking about eating with another lady. I try to talk and move but I feel so sleepy and lethargic. This reminds me of a dream sign and I think I should nose plug but I don't have the energy to try. I really think this might be a dream but I tell myself to give is some more time.

    I have an FA were I am trying to DJ but nothing is working right and I can't move. I realize I am dreaming and decide to wait a little longer.

    I have another FA in a car. I am with my wife and her mom. I have false memories about camping and fishing. It's a shame we didn't get to fish much after driving all that way. I as my mother-in-law where we went camping. She says Michigan. Thinking of Wurlman I ask were in Michigan. She tells me it was near St. Florentine(not a real place) I an feeling really guilty about having camped in Michigan but totally not going to Wurlman's wedding. I tell her something about my friend living in near there and we should have drove a little farther.

    I watch a movie of WWII paratrooper Bugs Bunny diving out of an airplane. His chute doesn't open and he does an impossible belly flop in the water. The environment is realistic but Bug's is cartoon giving it a Roger Rabbit feel. Bugs then tries to deploy his inflatable raft but that's not working either. He swims off.

    I am standing in an old fashioned store in Nazi Germany. I am working as a spy with several others. Bugs Bunny is talking about calling customer service about his parachute and raft not working. There is a more modern corded phone on the wall but it is unplugged. I try to help him out but I am afraid of getting caught.

    For some reason I am staring off at a wall. A Nazi soldier walk's by and yells at me to get back to work. I drop the phone cord and leave Bugs Bunny to fend for himself. As I wonder around I see there are many unusual items on displays as well as people working on wire harnesses. I tell myself that I used to do that back home and could probably jump back into it to blend in. However, I am not sure why they are building something like this in this time period. Certain items start to look really steampunk and I dismiss it as secret advancement.

    I pay close attention to various tools for sale in hard plastic packages. They all look really alien but I can see how each one has a specific use. The detail is extremely vivid and interesting. Had I become lucid I doubt I would have done anything any different.

    After a minute or two I find a familiar face. Some guy that looks like celebrity that I don't know the name of. He's one of the other spies. He tells me that he's really working for the Nazi's now and is planning to stay. I notice he is wearing modern clothes but I just think he's not in uniform anymore. He's really quit. I look down and have a brown military uniform on but I am holding a t-shirt with a Captain America symbol on it in black and gray colors distressed colors. I am in some conversation with the man as he walks out of the store. Not wanting to look like I am stealing the shirt, I stop at the door and yell some final words at him. When I turn around, I hear a faint alarm.

    I look down at the shirt and see no sensor tag on it but I feel like the alarm is because of me. I look back and see the man come in. I feel like my cover is blown and I begin to hear theatrical pulsing danger music. I tell him that we are in trouble and need to run but he doesn't seem convinced. I say, "Don't you hear the music?" Then is dawns on me that this is related to a lucid dare I was going to try. I know I am dreaming and don't need to nose plug. Unfortunately, the dream crashes right at that moment.


    I am sitting on the couch next to my mom. She tells me my old elementary school teacher, Mr Miles, just passed away and flashes a vivid photo of him. I am said and tell my mom he was my favorite teacher of all time. I cry a little and my wife comforts me. I want to see that picture of him again but my mom can't find it. I take her camera and look through he pictures stored on memory. I ask mom how she knows he died and she tells me that she just talked to his wife. I am confused why she's been talking to her. My mom knows my old teacher's wife? Takes really weird. My vision is blurry and I can't really tell what I am looking for on the camera so I try to look him up online on my laptop. I try to type his name and the town and school he taught in but I can't get anything to work right. All of this reminds me of how when I have a FA and I try to type in my DJ. I think it can't hurt to do a nose plug and I am shocked by the result.

    Lucid now, I stand up and run forward into another room with some random DC's chilling in some chairs. I fly around the room with my arm out like an airplane. The DC's smile at me and seem to accept this as normal. There is a strong feeling of G-forces in my gut as I circle around back to the door.

    I go back into the living room but it is now a totally different house. It's way more spacious that anything I've even been in and every room and has really light brown thick fluffy carpet. The walls are nearly the same color but it has a serene and heavenly feel to it. I rush through at kitchen with a large island and come to some sort of den or family room. My father is relaxed on a cough giving me a knowing look. I fly around this room a few times but I become preoccupied thinking I had a goal in mind. I try for several seconds but it just wont come to me. Not wanting to ruin the dream, I decide to forget about it.

    I come back around to the dad DC and take his hand trying to pull him off the cough. I want him to go adventuring with me but he won't move. For some reason, I notice his hand feels funny. My sense of touch is numbed but his hand feels spongy. I try to ignore it, "Dad, I am having a dream. Get up lets go." He waves me away. "But Dad, it's a lucid dream."

    I fall to the floor now and the dream goes dark. I feel the carpet and try to stabilize myself. The plush is deep and I dig in holding on. My left leg twitches and it feel as if I am on my stomach. I wonder if it's my physical body but I know I am not sleeping on my stomach. Then, I feel as if my feet are being pulled up and I wonder if my Dad DC was an actual entity if he sees me being sucked into a vortex from the dream world into the waking world. I can almost see it in my mind. I hear strange noises and then I wake up.

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      I can't help but notice how regularly spaced your three wake-up times are. Its cool how you can visualize your sleep cycle.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah that time stamp is a cool feature of the note app I use. I sometimes pay attention to how long it is between dreams but it doesn't show how long it takes to get back to sleep.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on the lucids, man! The first sequence where you were overcome with lucid laziness was both hilarious and familiar. I wonder whether this is sometimes a feature of lucids and near-lucids that occur on the earlier end of sleep...? Although this dream wasn't really all that early, so maybe that's not it.

      The Bugs Bunny vs. the Nazis dream sounded like a fun and crazy premise. Really cool how that led you so close to a dare completion! That task really seems to have stuck in both of our minds!
      Jenkees likes this.
    4. Jenkees's Avatar
      That's awesome that the music dare is a winner. Sounds like you and Canis will both get it soon!

      The other night I had a strange sequence of dreams that Dreamer described as a lucid nightmares, where I kept recognising I was dreaming, but I really wanted to wake up and couldn't. The main reason I wanted to wake up was because I felt super tired, and I thought waking up would fix it. I think it was pretty early in the sleep (like maybe 3-4 hours in).
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the lds! Was Bugs Bunny like an animated cartoon character in the otherwise almost normal dream scene? You had quite of an action going on there!

      Nice lucid catch in the main dream. Your dad's spongy hand sounded like an interesting dream sensation.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
      @CL That dream was about an hour after taking G. I tried to do a longer WBTB but I just could make myself. So I may have been back to bed for about 45 minutes. Maybe the extra tired feeling carried over to the dream?

      It was cool the dare sunk in and actually triggered lucidity. It sort of worked in reverse for me I guess.

      @Jenkees Yeah I needed something to get me excited so thanks for the idea!

      Maybe I'm strange but I almost like lucid nightmares. A good scare can be a lot of fun, but I guess in your case it was more annoying than anything. One tip that I have picked up is when you really really really want to bail from a dream and can't... Hold your breath until you wake up. It's one of the few body functions that you can control and will trigger whatever emergency mechanism it is that wakes us up. I have used it a few times when SP got way too intense.

      @NyxCC Yeah he was cartoon in a non-cartoon world. It was a pretty fun and vivid dream. I just wish I had got lucid sooner.

      That was a strange feeling with the spongy hand. I guess it was just the dream starting to deteriorate.
      CanisLucidus, Jenkees and NyxCC like this.
    7. Jenkees's Avatar
      Maybe I'm strange but I almost like lucid nightmares. A good scare can be a lot of fun, but I guess in your case it was more annoying than anything. One tip that I have picked up is when you really really really want to bail from a dream and can't... Hold your breath until you wake up. It's one of the few body functions that you can control and will trigger whatever emergency mechanism it is that wakes us up. I have used it a few times when SP got way too intense.
      Yeah a good scare is sometimes enjoyable, but this was just a frustrating cycle that wouldn't stop. It's the first time I can remember that it's happened, but I don't mind if it does more often because it presents an opportunity for a genuine lucid dream. Thanks for the tip.