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    Lucid Fragment

    by , 01-31-2013 at 01:25 PM (685 Views)
    I've been a little dry since Saturday so every little bit helps. By the way, I am not adding this to my count.

    Pre-Bed 5MG Melatonin
    WBTB 3:30 (Missed alarm so I just got up at 4:00 long enough to take LDS)
    100MG Caffeine
    200MG B6

    Unfortunately, I was able to finally confirm that taking melatonin pre-bed seems to cause WBTB insomnia. I didn't fall back to sleep until 5:30-5:40

    I am driving in a mini-van. I begin to take notice of my visual awareness. (I have been hitting ADA pretty hard this week. I think it was sinking in) I noticed in great detail the road and the turns. I begin to ask why am I here, What was I just doing, and most importantly why am I driving a mini-van? I hate mini-vans. My mind begins to wonder on those questions and my attention slips from my driving. (distracted driving HA!) I found myself on the wrong side of the guard rails on some mountain road. Ding! The light comes on. I don't have to verbalize that I am dreaming. I am just lucid. I instantly know that I can just fly away and have total freedom. I am not in a vehicle anymore and as I begin to float up into a vivid clear blue sky...I wake up just before the alarm. Must be that internal alarm clock thing. Dammit!

    Sleep position: Left Side
    CanisLucidus and The Sandman like this.

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    Tags: driving, flying


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on the frag, especially one where you got to feel good and fly around, even for a short time.

      I found myself on the wrong side of the guard rails on some mountain road
      Mountain roads already make me super nervous. I think that being on the wrong side of a guard rail might have freaked me out so badly that I woke up! (Hopefully to a dry bed...)

      Sorry to hear about the insomnia after the pre-bed melatonin. I'm sure that 100mg of caffeine during WBTB didn't help either. For what it's worth, that L-theanine you've got (or is it on its way still? no, I think you have it...) Anyway, yeah, the L-theanine may help out here. It's definitely not a sleeping pill, but it seems to help banish worry from your mind. (And one worry that doesn't help is, "Am I ever gonna fall asleep??") Plus, your dreaming is apparently so bulletproof against melatonin that you seem to be able to fall back on that at will, too.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks. For some reason that didn't shock me too much

      And yeah I need to utilize the L-Theanine. I'm not sure why I haven't yet. I guess I keep thinking I am tired enough without it.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      The most annoying variety of insomnia is the one where you feel super tired but still can't get to sleep.

      The L-theanine has never made me feel sleepy. It seems to just make me... more content. Quiet-minded. I actually had a fair stretch of wakefulness after taking G this morning, but I felt content to just enjoy the experience of relaxing in bed and waiting for my dreaming to start. No temptation to look at the clock, which I find helps keep the pressure off. (I did accidentally look once while rolling over.)
      Xanous likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Wow that sounds like what I need. I may just use L-Theanine with every WBTB especially if I use a trigger.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Good deal! I have not yet done any research into what (if any) risks of tolerance / desensitization are present with L-theanine, so I can't give amazingly good guidelines on frequency. I generally just employ it for any trigger that I worry will kick my ass. I think it goes without saying that G+C is one of those triggers.

      I'll be sure to let you know what I find when I get a chance to look into this. FWIW, 400mg at WBTB has been working great for me.
      Xanous likes this.
    6. The Sandman's Avatar
      Yep! The internal clock. I have to assume that any time I am lucid just before waking up, the logic center of my mind has kicked in. Unfortunately, I'm also ready to wake up.

      This is one reason I love when I get up to use the bathroom but I'm really tired when I get back to the bed. I can slip into a dream. Typically, I'm awake then. In these instances, if I think myself to sleep to try to be dreaming when I get to sleep, I only succeed in keeping myself awake. If I relax and don't think of anything, I don't realize when I get back to sleep.

      Oh well. I'll take any lucid I can get--even the short ones.
      Xanous likes this.
    7. Xanous's Avatar
      Yes that about sums things up. Lol. I usually try to watch the hypnagogia as one watches TV while maintaining a small sliver of awareness. SSILD is a lot like that which is why I think its so effective for WILD.
      The Sandman likes this.
    8. The Sandman's Avatar
      I had never read about SSILD until now, so your comparison to hypnagogia while watching TV with a sliver of awareness seems accurate. You've given me something to think about.

      I'm going to have to try SSILD.
      Xanous likes this.
    9. Xanous's Avatar
      Oh I was curious if you had heard of it. I'm glad you looked it up. Give it a go and let us know how it went. I hope this was the guide you found. http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...ml#post1848643
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Actually, you guys may both want to give the most updated SSILD tutorial a look. CosmicIron updated it in the middle of January on his blog and included new guidelines on fast cycles early on. I've been using the new variations for the past few LDs and it seems good. I really dig those fast cycles. Seems to do a nice job of prepping me for the longer stuff.

      See what you think: 宇宙の铁: Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD) Official Tutorial
      Xanous likes this.
    11. The Sandman's Avatar
      Oh I was curious if you had heard of it. I'm glad you looked it up. Give it a go and let us know how it went. I hope this was the guide you found. http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...ml#post1848643


      That was the tutorial I glossed over. I was very tired. It seems like an easy technique that parallels what I might try anyway, but without the internal dialogue, so I like it already. I just need to try it more. I'm going to look into the new tut that CL recommends.

      I tried it and went lucid last night, but I have to say that I believe the reason I went lucid was my intention and attention to the ToTM. My dream presented opportunity to complete it without even trying.
      Xanous likes this.