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    Thread: Falling in love in dreams

    1. #126
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      So this sounds really weird but I had a dream where I fell in love with someone and we had gotten together and all that good stuff ( you know the little girl from kickass?. Imagine her at the age of 20 or so) then she moved away( temporary dream move) and turns out she was pregnant and died during the birthing process in a hospital somewhere and now that I'm awake I can't help but feel really depressed.

    2. #127
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      I've been dreaming off and on about the same DC for about 15 years. She (or he, occasionally) has different names and appearances depending on the setting, and I've dreamed about falling in love with DCs other than her too, but this one character keeps reappearing. Even though she's my 'dream girl', a lot of the dreams are about less than ideal relationships - we'll fight, cheat, break up, die and leave the other in mourning or wind up haunting each other. And even when things are working out, the dreams usually aren't sexual or even particularly romantic; most of the time we're either busy with some mission or communicating long-distance. But during the dream I always think of her as 'the one.'

      I've never really known what to make of those dreams, so it's good to see how common this sort of dream is.

    3. #128
      Lurker TeraMelos420's Avatar
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      Ladies and gentlemen, i am the biggest dream romantic you might ever know. i think romance is cheesy, i do not believe in "True Love" yet, I'm lucky if i don't dream of falling with a complete stranger. Practically every month i have anywhere from one to six dreams of falling in love with complete and utterly beautiful strangers. Some months i might go without one of these dreams, and those are good months, when my waking life feels somewhat complete or satisfactory. Usually when i meet a new girl that i start seeing in waking life, i might go without the dreams for a bit. Sometimes the dreams will make me fall in love with someone i am seeing or am acquainted with in waking life.
      The reason i say "biggest dream romantic", is because ever since i could remember these dreams have haunted and blessed me with feelings of love, pain and longing, (extreme exaggerations of those emotions) things i might have only felt in rare moments in waking life. (Now i don't really think i am the biggest dream romantic, its safe to say i'm up there with the top 100. ;P). These dreams began from when i first started watching television and going to school. Even as a child i had these dreams about girls my age or sometimes older, sometimes class mates from the waking reality, sometimes complete dreamy strangers (and when i was younger a few television celebrities as well). One of the earliest i can remember from childhood was of a girl on a pier in a Key West type setting, don't remember much detail other than the heavy emotions and me asking for her phone number (i must've been no older than 6 ridiculous as this sounds), i even remember waking and trying to remember the number but failing to remember anything past the first couple of digits, then giving up.. a heartbroken 6 year old. I laugh thinking about how young i started having these dreams.
      Being twenty one years old now seems not much different, when it comes to dreams. Its not usually the same re-occuring girl, though at one point in my young life i remember there being one re-occuring girl, or maybe she was real i don't quite remember. I know that a 6 year old dreaming of love sounds quite absurd, but i assure you i was confused by this as a child, as i grew older i started to become more familiar with what the emotions in the dreams were considered (being "in love"), not to mention these type of dreams have stayed with me, lingering even in my waking life, making me long to change my world in my waking life, to do something different, something dreamy.. Often my best dreams take place in a party like setting, or in a "getting right out of high school setting" The school appearing as a blend of all my old schools (even now while i'm in college), the town appearing as a blend of everywhere i've been, or an exaggeration of places i've been, even places i've never been.
      Just turned 5 a.m in florida where i type this (class at 1p.m) Something about my dream just awhile ago caused me to wake and google "dreams of falling in love with strangers". Funny thing is tonight is one of the nights i had no romantic dreams, but still something about the dream i just had gave me this nostalgia of my teen years, a longing that reminded me of the dreams where i fall "in love". Then i found this site, and found this particular blog, or w.e it is. Now, i've known for a while i can't be the only one having this type of feeling about dream characters, but its comforting to see all these post. I too suffer from heartache, from the countless girls and women who have haunted and blessed my dreams growing up.
      I want to believe that these people exist in some reality or another, and scientifically speaking its possible considering the infinitude of the omniverse (multiple universe theory), these people can quite possibly exist if not in our own reality, in another. I also want to believe that the reason we share dreams with these lovers from other worlds is due to connections from past lives, (a lover from a past life trying to reconnect to you in a new form), which can be confusing but the emotion is there, and real is only what we interpret... ramble ramble ramble
      Last edited by TeraMelos420; 09-25-2013 at 10:33 AM.

    4. #129
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      Quote Originally Posted by TeraMelos420 View Post
      I want to believe that these people exist in some reality or another, and scientifically speaking its possible considering the infinitude of the omniverse (multiple universe theory), these people can quite possibly exist if not in our own reality, in another. I also want to believe that the reason we share dreams with these lovers from other worlds is due to connections from past lives, (a lover from a past life trying to reconnect to you in a new form), which can be confusing but the emotion is there, and real is only what we interpret... ramble ramble ramble
      Hey, I've never really been one to share my dreams on forums - never actually thought about it before, but my dream last night has lead me here.

      After an intensely vivid set of dreams last night, I found myself in the arms of someone who I really felt I had known, and had lost some time before. I cried and cried and cried - I had missed this guy - and I couldn't understand why I was crying but at the same time some part of me knew why. I also knew that the dream had a limited life span which made me cry even more.

      I once explored a past life under hypnosis, and it is an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Currently I'm 23 years old, in a 5 year very loving and well balanced relationship with my partner (of the same sex), but I guess nothing really prepared me for experiencing loving a woman, and having children in the life past. And being Belgian...of all nationalities. It was confronting and extremely intense, but I'd highly recommend it for anyone who's reading this and hasn't yet delved the depths.

      I guess my point is that my dream lover last night (the only person I can recall ever having so strong a love for in a dream despite my awake-time love circumstances) intuitively felt like someone from a time past. I don't know...might have been, maybe not...but either way I'll be interested to see how my future dreams pan out.

    5. #130
      Lucid trainee for 1 year RobiZ's Avatar
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      Once (like 4 years ago) i had a dream where i fell in love with a girl , but i didn't even seen her. I always felt her presence in the dream and i knew that she was perfect etc. It was pretty confusing and weird when i woke up. Like i felt that feeling of love to her, but i never really knew her or saw her. Well and i've never got that dream or dream about her again.
      It's sometimes hard to overcome the feelings that come from the dreams ( as they are induced by your body and really powerful, and sometimes stays there for a long time), but it just fades after a longer time.

    6. #131
      Femme fatale sanctum's Avatar
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      It's always so sad to wake up, but it's a delicious pain. That moment on waking when you're disoriented and unsure of what just happened...and then like you've been stumbling in the dark and accidentally hit the light switch, everything you just did suddenly comes flooding in. It makes me ache, of course, but it's also so nice to get that feeling of love, even for a little bit. Depending on who it is and what the nature of the feelings are, it usually means for me a representation of attraction not quite physically manifest, or just an opportunity to reflect on what love means to me. Things like that. I don't think it's damaging as long as you don't start wanting that reality more than this one.
      We were always dreaming of how it was going to be.

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      And this because I love it:

    7. #132
      Member WhyAmINaked's Avatar
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      I don't have enough knowledge of dreams to contribute too much, but I know I've gotten pretty annoyed with someone in a dream to the point it sets the mood for me the rest of the day.

      Perhaps oversimplifying things, but since it's possible to feel irritation, I won't rule out loving someone in a dream -- or, at least based on the comments I've read so far, infatuation and affection at the least. Although, in my personal opinion, complex emotions like love or hate is something that requires fostering; base emotions like anger doesn't have that same evolution. Either way, pretty trippy to think about.

    8. #133
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      I agree. After dreaming of falling in love could be healthy and unhealthy. It lets you experience feelings and emotions you haven't felt before or would like to feel. It leaves you wanting more. It gives you pleasure and comfort dreaming of it but at the same time when you wake up and realize it was just another dream it affects you emotionally and or physiologically. We have all experienced it before, the deep sadness and disillusion we get after waking up from that beautiful dream. I too dreamed of it last night. One of the best dreams I have ever had.... Even though its a little strange. I'll tell you my dream in detail. So there was a big tsunami that flooded the U.S. and me and my mother were a few of the lucky survivors. We ran away to some urban place I really have no idea where, but we soon found out that there was a man following us so we tried running as fast as we could to somewhere safe. I could run as fast for I had just gone grocery shopping and spent the little money we had on food. So I was holding on to the bags for dear life, when I run right into a soccer field were some guys are playing soccer. I couldn't run anymore so I just collapsed on to the ground. Me and my mom got separated, she ran in a different direction. So a guy see's me and runs over to me to help me. This is where I fall In love with him. It was basically love at first sight. Before I know it he is trying to help me up. I soon remembered that a man was following me and my mother and told the guy I had to go. He offered in walking me home but I told him I don't really have a home and need to look for my mother. But still he was hard headed and wanted to help. So I walk back to the direction my mother ran and I soon find its a big hill. Me and him try to walk up the hill several times but its impossible. Then I look over and see a figure move under some leaves, I run to to it to soon find a little boy who had fell off his bike and I help the little boy get up. The guy Im in love with soon comes to help too. But then 2 little girls Come and take him. I'm guessing those where his little sisters. I don't know. It was soon very dark and I need to look for a place to stay. I soon saw an abandoned complex and looked for a room to rest. He followed along. It was a 5 room complex and I looked in each room but It seemed to all be busy . Then I notice clothing I recognize. It's my moms! My mom had been looking for the same place to sleep in and took the room. Then my dog comes out of nowhere and I unhook her from her leash which she is tied. I tell him my mother is here and I'm decided to spend the night here. He said good because he would look after us so he too would spend the night here. Soon my mom comes in the door and is happy to see me. Then she sees the guy and asks who is he. I just say a friend but he says boyfriend. Lol. So from their the journey of our love begins. I get to know him more and the more I know him the more I fall for him and turns into someone I can't live without. He looks over my mom, the dog, and me. It's such a weird dream but I loved the sensation it gave me. Although I never knew the guys name and isn't see his face. Hope one day I actually stop dreaming of falling in love but actually do fall in love. Strange how a simple dream can affect you.

    9. #134
      Fragmented Subconscious DreamscapeGoat's Avatar
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      I feel emotional just reading this thread. I want to hug every single person that's posted.

      As for my own story, I've never truly fallen in love, per se, but I have had true emotions flesh themelves out in dreams before. I've had multiple dreams with a very good friend of mine, and in each one, my emotions seem to release themselves from the lockbox, and out comes my true feelings. Yeah, it hurts a bit when I have to wake up, but it's then I really see, if you get what I mean.

      I have realized now that I really do have feelings for her. I have also accepted the fact that I can't handle a relationship. I guess the dreams have helped me to be at peace with myself.

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    10. #135
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      This happend to me last night and i woke up feeling horrible. I mean i did not want to do anything at all but meet this girl in my dream. She was so beautiful in my dream but i cant explain what she looked like in my dream to anyone but myself. I think it might be bad because it makes me refuse to accept reality and not talk to anyone and it makes me grumpy and angry torward people. But when im dreaming its like being in heavin with her. Just a massive wave of love.

    11. #136
      Member feebs's Avatar
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      My dreams are becoming very real and the feelings in them are very real, i have been dreaming of this man who i have fallen in love with but have never met but i know everything about him, at first i thought it was just one of those dreams where my mind has made up a person and gave them all the traits i would want in a man but it recently has become more and he has traits i would never of gave him but im finding him more attractive everytime we meet in my dreams, im finding myself looking in my awake time to find him and its sort of becoming an obsession.
      I feel i need to meet this person but have no idea how..lol
      The last dream of him it was as if it is a punishment to never know him in reality .
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    12. #137
      Call me Drew. Achievements:
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      I have a girl. In my dreams. Recurring dreams. She's sort of an emotional advisor for me. I'm head over heels for her. She appears often in my dreams, always when I'm lucid, and whenever I daywalk.

      The first dream i experienced extreme time dialation. It lasted 2 years. Since then i've had recurring dreams with her

      Recently I found her look-alike on line. I was fucking in love which is was stupid. So like, yeah. I lowered myself down to a normal level of friendship. She knows she looks like Drew, and it annoys her that I compare them, Even though I don't anymore.
      Last edited by Theepicdreamer; 01-30-2014 at 12:54 AM.
      Love is a powerful word.

    13. #138
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      I have a girl. In my dreams. Recurring dreams. She's sort of an emotional advisor for me. I'm head over heels for her. She appears often in my dreams, always when I'm lucid, and whenever I daywalk.

      The first dream i experienced extreme time dialation. It lasted 2 years. Since then i've had recurring dreams with her
      Sounds like a dream guide to me.

      Now here is an interesting take on the story. I have my main dream guide (female) and a sort of second dream guide (male) and the two are lovers. I've never taken that much of an interest in loving dream characters. Though it's happened before in non-lucid dreams where I meet a girl, we fall in love, then have her break my heart before waking up in tears. And I always have fun telling people how this story ends:

      *Sob* I was having this dream where I *Sob* met this girl and we fell in love *Sob* and we went to this restaurant together *Sob* but then she left me for *Sob* some other guy.

      my parents:

      The reason being that to me falling in love with a dream character always sort of felt like being fourteen again and having an imaginary boy/girlfriend. Even though this person that you've created is perfect and amazing in every way, you just feel empty keeping them around.

    14. #139
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      dang dude that sounds pretty deep

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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    15. #140
      Member Shor's Avatar
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      This is not exactly about "falling in love", but more like feeling motherly love.
      I dreamed once I was pregnant. And I'm not the type of person who longs for having a child or something like that.
      Anyway, I remember being in a horrible turmoil throughout the dream because I did not want the kid. I was crying, yelling, being confused and depressed (yeah, it was a strong, pretty complex and vivid dream), shouting at everyone I could meet that this kid is ruining my plans. My pregnancy was fast coming to the 'end' and I didn't know what to do. But then I remember someone almost hitting my belly with a ball, and me putting my hands around it to protect my not-yet-born baby. Starting then, I kind of began to accept the though that I'll give birth, and even though I was still uneasy about this, it wasn't as bad as before. Also, somehow in the dream I knew I was going to have a baby girl.

      Well, when I woke up, the first thing I did was jumping up and putting my hands on my belly, checking and if I still had the kid, not because I was afraid I might be pregnant but because I actually wanted to see if she was okay. When I realized my baby is gone, that it wasn't real, I felt horrible. Like, really, really horrible.

    16. #141
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      I had something like this happen to me back in 2007. I was living on campus and spontaneously began dreaming about a guy who lived in another dorm. He wasn't someone I knew personally, I'd just seen him around campus and hadn't even really liked him. But the dreams became so real, and freakishly accurate -- like I dreamed one night that he had a hole through his foot, and the next day he was walking around with a crutch. The most shocking thing to me was that a short time after the dreams began, I was told by a classmate that this guy had a crush on me in real life. He began coming by my dorm room for little things, like borrowing costume make-up at Halloween, and I overheard him asking his friend once what my name was and what did he know about me, etc. The dreams were nightly by then, and I didn't know what to make of it -- it was just too strange. Was there a purpose to the dreams, was I supposed to go get to know him? But we were such different people, and it all felt vaguely creepy, so I tried to stay away from him in real life, even though I did secretly become sort of limerent toward him. And in the end, the dreams just stopped on their own. There seems to have been no purpose behind it. And worst of all, it distracted me from pursuing someone else that I was genuinely interested in at the time, who was interested in me as well.

    17. #142
      Aeterna Somnia Soulless's Avatar
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      I never fall in love in dreams. Most of my interaction in dreams that can be somewhat similar to love is general affection of spending time and fascination with someone else, which is far and away from the mad love that so many others seem to regard.

      The only thing I could say would be my recurring DC, the Kind Man. I don't think he's much of a dream-guide or a lover or anything like that, though. I feel that dream stuff is pathological once it gets in the way of your functioning... If you are not feeding/clothing/etc. yourself because of dreams, then yeah we got a problem... Other than that, whatever, humans will do as they please.

    18. #143
      Returned Oneironaught Myke Gregory's Avatar
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      I saw my current GF in a dream before I even met her.
      I wish i could have seen my face when i saw her! haha. She added me as a friend on myspace (I know right, MYSPACE)
      Since 7/02/2014
      LD's: 0
      Goals: Talk to a DC | Go lucid again | Look at what I'm wearing | Observe surroundings | Meet Dream Guide
      Discovered Dream Signs: Strange Locations (I think)

    19. #144
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      I'm going through an incredibly depressing time at the minute. I've just started on Lithium which seems to have made everything even worse.

      One thing I keep getting, almost every night, is a falling in love dream. Every time I wake up, I am devastated that it isn't real. It's strange though, since I'm married, to be having these dreams, but they keep happening, again and again and again.

      Every time I wake up is like losing someone I love, it's horrible.

      Does anyone else get repetitive versions like this?

    20. #145
      Femme fatale sanctum's Avatar
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      I'm not having them currently, but I have in the past. I know exactly what you mean. For a few minutes there, you've found someone that makes everything right with the world. And nothing is more crushing than waking up and realizing that that was never the case.
      We were always dreaming of how it was going to be.

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      And this because I love it:

    21. #146
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      I have a bit of the reverse situation. I fell in love with my current wife, back when we were in grade school. Then we dated in high school to early college. Be broke up, she moved away and got married and I got married. I used to dream about her constantly. I assume it was because I missed her so much.

      As for falling in love with a dream character; in my opinion all of your dream characters are created by your imagination, expectations, and experiences. So, your DCs are really just part of you. Thereby, you are in love with yourself. It is always good to love yourself.
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      Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. ~William Dement

    22. #147
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vance View Post
      Obviously this thread has been done before, but I think it needs refreshing.

      Most, if not all of us, have probably "fallen in love" with someone in a dream, waking up wishing we were back in the dream, when later, we wonder at our infatuation. Some of us have dream after dream about the same person. And some of us have even lucidly fallen in love. Besides being an interesting experience (or strange if you have a wife) there are times where waking up is a literal nightmare, a paradise lost. I thought it might be interesting to hear some stories of this, and of people who literally have someone to look forward to at night. To further deepen the discussion, is lucidly falling in love a healthy or safe way to enjoy your nights?
      Similar experiences, this only ever happens with people I previously like in real life. But they always feel so real that when you wake up it's kind of hard not to wish it could happen in real life. I always like dreams like these but feel relatively sad when I wake up to see that they were only just dreams.

    23. #148
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      When I watch TV, I get emotionally attached to people. I don't know why, maybe their character or just their body. One such person is Maggie Greene, from the walking dead. In a dream once I fell in love with someone so hard that when I woke up in tears knowing I've been ripped away from her. The woman didn't look like her but Maggie reminds me of her. My mom ran into my room and thought I was crazy. I'm only fifteen so I wonder if this is normal. It wasn't a sexual relationship but a loving one, she made me feel safe. It wasn't till the end of the dream that I realized I was dreaming. The last I saw of this woman was she exited out if the door. It wasn't Maggie, but her character gives me the same feeling. I feel I would do anything to protect her, the dream girl and Maggie. I hope this reality where your dreams exist is real because that means that some version of me is so happy, safe and loved. I haven't had a girl in years, someone I liked that liked me back. It's such a distinct feeling, a touch of an angel. I pray that one day I'll find someone who makes me feel this way. I'm a guy who only has friends, not a girlfriend or crush. I'm lonely to say the least, but when I see her it makes me hopeful that one day I will experience that love. Just livin off the land, sitting on the porch with her in my arms, whoever she is. I pray so fervently that I will meet someone like her soon , but I will wait an eternity as long as I know I will meet her. Y'all can discredit me sayin I'm to young to have experience love. I may never have experienced sexual live but I have emotional. I hope that one day I will be as lucky as my alternate self and he would be jealous of me. I hope all of you can find your dream mate and spend forever with them.

    24. #149
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      I recently had a dream about falling in love, about a month after I've just stopped hearing from my girlfriend, who I was completely in love with. It's been bothering me because she struggles with depression and I've been extremely worried, but last night I had a dream where I was in a state where I didn't even know she existed, and met someone who was somewhat similar to her, but was relatively different in appearance (not in terms of body type or anything, just things like short blue and black hair, taller, minor stuff like that.) We fell in love almost immediately, not unlike me and my current girlfiend, and the next two days in that dream I was the happiest I've been in weeks. Needless to say, waking up was painful at best, but not because I "lost" someone I loved, but because it was the first I had some peace of mind in a while. Seeing as the two events (not hearing from my girlfriend and the dream about falling in love) were most likely related in some way, I've narrowed it down to two meanings, either I need to move on and I'll find someone else, or that things will eventually get better but things in our relationship will be different. Although both are somewhat bittersweet (the former more so than the latter), I'll probably end up waiting and see which of the two comes first.

    25. #150
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      Quote Originally Posted by Theepicdreamer View Post
      I have a girl. In my dreams. Recurring dreams. She's sort of an emotional advisor for me. I'm head over heels for her. She appears often in my dreams, always when I'm lucid, and whenever I daywalk.

      The first dream i experienced extreme time dialation. It lasted 2 years. Since then i've had recurring dreams with her

      Recently I found her look-alike on line. I was fucking in love which is was stupid. So like, yeah. I lowered myself down to a normal level of friendship. She knows she looks like Drew, and it annoys her that I compare them, Even though I don't anymore.
      2 years? like it literally felt like 2 years? I have to dilate time in my next dream!

      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
      -Perfect the time dilation watch
      -Continue to have a dream plan for most of my lucid dreams

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