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    Thread: Question about ADA?

    1. #1
      Member ber5897's Avatar
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      Question Question about ADA?

      I have a question about ADA. I have been practicing ADA, and I understand that the main long term goal of ADA is to have complete awareness of your surroundings, all the time. I know that it is difficult to achieve awareness all the time, but I have been having trouble doing it for even a little bit.

      Whenever I do a reality check or just happen to think about awareness or LDing, I am reminded to start being aware of my surroundings. However, this does not last very long, as it requires full concentration. I only end up having awareness of me and my surrounding for a couple minutes at most.

      I feel like the main reason for this is because I am doing something else that requires concentration. I can not have full concentration on ADA and something else at the same time. For example, if I am practicing guitar, that is something that requires my full concentration. How can I concentrate on guitar and awareness at the same time? Or even if I am doing something on my computer, I just can not seem to keep awareness.

      So is this a thing that is able to be overcome? Is it possible to have concentration on my awareness at the same time I am doing something else that requires concentration?
      Last edited by ber5897; 11-04-2013 at 03:43 AM.

    2. #2
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      I think ADA is more about gently acknowledging your surroundings and whatever you are doing, rather than trying to force yourself to watch everything while doing something else.

      Image going out for a walk, you casually stroll down the street, you may focus on feeling the wind on your face or acknowledge the kids playing nearby as you pass them by. Ada during the day is like that, you slow down a bit and instead of jumping from one activity to the next, you pay attention to what you are doing and notice more details.

      When you play your guitar, you can practice ADA as well - feel the strings, enjoy all the tones.
      With ADA you just observe more details slowly, there's no need to flood yourself with detail. Just relax and watch whatever you are doing, no tension, no hurry, one thing at a time. You are playing your guitar. This is ADA.
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    3. #3
      Member ber5897's Avatar
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      Thank you, that explanation really helps. So it is more of a matter of trying to always acknowledge the details, instead of what I have been doing, which was trying to completely have all of my concentration and attention on ADA. Again, thanks for the explanation, it definitely cleared things up!
      NyxCC likes this.

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