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    1. #2051
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      I haven't slept more than 4 hour the past few nights woooooooooooo

      Frying chicken

      I was frying chicken. I heard some people outside of the apartment, so I invited them over for dinner on the condition that they bring vodka.

    2. #2052
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      Last night had some mild success. I really wanted to go to bed early, so that like a normal person, I could catch up on the sleep that I have missed. Of course it didn't work out that way. I fell asleep sometime past 10pm and then woke up wide awake around 1am. I tried to get back to sleep but to no avail. I know that if I don't sleep soon my mood is going to start getting wonky. At 9am I took another melatonin, listened to thundersounds, and fell asleep for FOUR HOURS. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I feel so much better and had some dreams.


      I was living in Germany again with Kestrel. I realized I was wasting too much time in my apartment and had a sudden urge to explore the country. I started off in a mall/airport kind of watching people and had a bizarre encounter with a random man. Kestrel and I later went back to the apartment, ate pizza, and headed out again. We were in a tattoo shop. She had put down a $900 deposit on a tattoo she wanted to get, and I was wondering if the deposit was that large, how massively huge this tattoo was going to be. The tattoo shop was insanely crowded, and the person who delivered our pizza recognized me. I didn't recognize her at first. She apologized for the quality of the pizza (which I thought was fine) and explained that the pizza place she works at is kind of sketch.

    3. #2053
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      I got desperate for sleep and took a dramamine. 9 hours of sleep yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. But now I probably won't sleep again for three days, so.


      My sister and I were driving to Finland. We stopped at Stanford, kind of in the wrong general vicinity, for a college interview. I had no idea why I was doing this but went with it. I was tired and it didn't go well. As we were driving again, there was a car in front of us that was flickering. My sister couldn't figure out what was happening with it, but I offered up the totally realistic explanation that it was probably lagging.

      Short Lucid

      I falsely awakened and felt suuuuuper inebriated. I realized that there was no reason I should be feeling that this, and that I was probably dreaming, though I woke up shortly afterwards.

      Elementary School

      I was driving down a steep road that was under heavy construction. I almost hit at least five cars. I parked at an elementary school because it was Halloween and they were having a festival and Halloween is my favorite holiday so i was definitely going to take advantage of this. Unfortunately I got told to leave, cause I was too old.

    4. #2054
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      I haven't posted in a couple days but lack of sleep means y'all haven't missed much.

      Scary Exboyfriend

      I was in my apartment when I discovered that my exboyfriend had conveniently turned into a swamp monster and was haunting the place. He grabbed me and I tried to escape but I was stuck in his clutches. After a really really long time I eventually escaped.

    5. #2055
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      Deja Vu

      Akira was leading me into a dimly lit room. In the center of the room was a bathtub, or something. It was at this moment I had a deja vu and felt extremely strongly that I had been here before or had this dream before. His friend was there. Some really epic shit happened but I don't remember because I'm dumb and didn't write it down this morning because I thought I would remember the dream all day but apparently not wow zukin.

      The Fine Language of SpaghettiOs

      I had exams for my classes coming up the next day. I had apparently been taking four different language classes: French, Spanish, Italian, and the delicate language of SpaghettiOs. I hadn't studied for the last class at all in months and I knew I was going to fail it. My friend told me that I would be fine, since it was just a dialect of Italian. Jesus.

      Power Lines

      I woke up kind of stressed out about not being prepared for my spaghetti exam, but then realized that I didn't have any exams to worry about right now. I fell back asleep and the previous dream continued, to which I remembered to stop freaking out because this was a dream and no one knows how to talk to spaghetti. I decided to fly around campus, but I kept getting stuck between the power lines.

    6. #2056
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      didn't sleep much last night, but going to bed early tonight


      my apartment was totally flooded and so were the hallways but I had done this on purpose apparently. The maintenance people came to check because the apartment below me was getting wet. There was a duck making a nest in my cabinet in the bathroom. Kestrel had been hanging out with me before the apartment flooded. I discovered that I was dreaming. I thought about flying but decided to do phoenix ToTY, but not sure how far I got into it.

    7. #2057
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      My dream characters are acting really weird. I had a little bit of insomnia again last night. I slept from 10pm to 4am, which wasn't too bad. I took a nap at 2pm.

      BLS Training

      I was gathered with my classmates, we were going to be practicing our CPR skills. A lot of the upperclassman told us that this was a really stressful experience back when they did it. They said that a few of them even fainted. It was explained to us that we were going to go through a bunch of different scenarios and for some reason some classmates were equipped with boat paddles.

      Limpy Man

      I was volunteering at a hospital. I was done for the day and I was trying to find my way out of there, but I got really lost and found myself on the wrong floor. I found a room where they were cryogenically freezing people, a birthing room, and a room with big blue lockers. I was getting even more lost and stopped for a second in the hallway to catch my bearings.

      An old man with a limp and a cane walked up to me. I assumed he was a hospital employee that was trying to get me to move off the floor, so I told him I was lost. That didn't phase him at all. He told me that he wanted to talk with me and sat me down in the middle of the flipping hallway.

      He started to ask me a lot of personal questions, like my age, where I lived, etc. It didn't come across as creepy, though. I felt like I was being analyzed by a therapist. He kept wanting to know more about me. I told him that I went to the pharmacy school down the street. He told me that he was a professor there. He was super intense and almost non-DC-like. We talked for awhile, but he asked SO many questions.

      Before it Shows

      I was viewing an house that I was considering renting for next year. All the girls who lived there were present in the house. One of them was showing me around. I asked her if it was haunted and she said, "Moderately. The cats do weird things sometimes." Hahaha. When she showed me the kitchen there was a teenage boy sort of sitting behind a cabinent but I didn't pay much attention to him.

      She decided to show me the basement. Down there, I saw a license plate with my old university logo on it and I asked about it. She told me that it was the landlord's. As we were about to head back upstairs, I heard the sound of feet running down the stairs.

      In front of me stood the boy from the kitchen.

      "Did you not notice me when I was in the kitchen?" He asked. I sort of did for a second, but he was hiding behind the cabinets so I didn't really pay much attention to him. He looked to be around 16 years old and had straight brown hair.

      "How old are you?" He asked out of nowhere.

      "23," I replied.

      He then said the most meta thing to me ever:

      "If you're going to live here, you need to know, that you need to talk to me about your problems...before they show themselves on the outside."

    8. #2058
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      I was bad and didn't write down anything but I have vivid recall of having a series of weird nightmares last night in which the zombie thing from The Ring/The Grudge was stalking me. It never did anything, but it spent the entire dream just staring. I also had another dream that I was living in a new apartment that was supposed to have room mates but the room mates never ever showed up.

    9. #2059
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      i had some weird af dreams last night

      The Dimensions

      My mother and I were driving somewhere. She suddenly drove into the ditch but she assured me she knew what she was doing. The ditch became a thick forest and a thick forest became a psychedelic wonderland. Our car was jumping like a frog in a black nothingness from lily pad to lily pad. We got out of the car and explored. It was fucking bizarre. It was as if we were walking through a music visualizer in real life.

      My mother and I got separated and I ran into a guy that told me he had been lost here for years. He was sobbing and then he killed himself.

      Icebergs and Shit

      It was the end of the world pretty much. The entire world had frozen over and all that was left was rocks and icebergs inbetween violent ocean currents. I was wandering from iceberg to iceberg doing an awesome job at not dying. I ran into some other people. They were a group of three: a boy about 16 and his younger sister and brother. He told me that the people who lived several icebergs over had formed a faction and weren't nice.

    10. #2060
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      I haven't slept much these past few nights. A friend of mine recommended that I try doxylamine for sleep. So I did. And it didn't work. At all. It gave me thoughtmares/confusioning-loss-of-control-of-thoughts for hours and I could only fall asleep when it was out of my system. I tried it again the next night because maybe it was a fluke but the exact same thing happened. My physiology is weird. I fell asleep for about three hours but I had an insane amount of dreams, probably from sleep deprivation at this point.


      I was in a mall and the super cute youtuber swoozie was there.

      And then other things happened.

      Flying with Fire

      I woke up and looked at the time - it was in the afternoon! That meant I had slept through my alarm this morning and forgot to go to work. Fuuuuuck. I thought about it for a moment and it seemed sightly unlikely, so I did a reality check. Dreaming! I decided to fly around outside. I flew around a really beautiful landscape. The landscape was full of Roman architecture and statues and there was a lot of intricate detail in everything. I then flew around a festival or a ritual in which there was a giant bonfire. As I flew around the fire I discovered that I could bend the fire by the way I flew. And then I used fire to fly and it was amazing. Later, it had became night and I was looking up at the sky. I could see the purple-pink outline of the clouds above me. I flew into the center of the earth and became one with the earth.

      Beautiful Singing

      I false awakened and did a reality check - dreaming. I flew around some more, but stopped when I heard harmonious singing. I landed at what looked like a college campus or a park and followed the sound of the voices to a group of five or six girls sitting on a pedestal/statue. One of them had a guitar and all of them were singing in perfect harmony. It was so beautiful I had to dance right then and there to their music.

      Attack of the Clones

      I false awakened again and did a reality check - dreaming. Once I managed to get out of the room I was semi-trapped in, I started walking around outside. I got a strange mental 'notification' that there was somebody here to see me. Why not? I had nothing better to do.

      I turned around and saw someone walking towards me. He looked like a (very) young John Lynch. He introduced himself to me but not a few seconds went by before another exact copy of him walked up to me. And then another. And another. And another. And what was stranger was that there were copies of me everywhere too. WTF?!! There were at least 10 clones of each of us and it was chaos.


      I was at a factory site with a classmate at night. We had little soap box cars that we were going to race. We raced them around town and chased each other through malls and stores and everywhere we weren't supposed to be.

    11. #2061
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      I was at a giant lecture hall that was teaching a class about broadcasting. We were doing live demonstrations. I was working with two older students (I was an elementary school student) to do a live broadcast of a race happening at my university. I was super short so I had to stand on a bucket to be at the same height as the two other students.

      Being Stalked

      I was chilling out at my friend's pool and I had to leave for a few hours. It was night time and I had my hoop. There were two men following behind me on the sidewalk and I felt like I was being watched by them, so I started walking faster and then they chased after me. I eventually made it back safe, but was kind of freaked out from the experience.

    12. #2062
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      On phone. Took a Dramamine so I'll be out soon.
      Last night was kind of restless, but I slept. Just in a restless way. I dreamed that I was working in a giant mansion as a pharmacy technician and I was showing Kestrel how to do things.
      My other dream I was also in a big castle, but it was destroyed and in ruins. I remember the dream being spooky, so I think I saw some things there.

    13. #2063
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      The Zukes is back. Finished my two weeks of rotations which was hell and then packed up all my shit and moved across the country. Excited to hang out with Kestrel. Still haven't been sleeping much, though.

    14. #2064
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      On phone. Took doxylamine last night to sleep and it actually worked. I had a dream about being in a lecture hall with a friend and smoking in front of the professor. The professor then invited us to his house. He had a pool inside his house that lead out INRI his balcony. He was hitting on us the entire time and it was semi creepy.

    15. #2065
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      I Shouldn't Be Here

      I was at my rotation site, and in the dream it was Friday. I realized that I shouldn't be here today...since it was Friday.

      Hotel with Snakes

      Snakes...in a hotel. Also I was running and discovered that I could fly.

    16. #2066
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      In my dream last night I was in a gym. The weirdest, strangest people were in this gym. It was like a giant flow-fest. I decided to hula hoop. I remember being intensely watched by a guy in a tie-dye shirt.

    17. #2067
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      On phone. In my dream I was in a medieval village and I bursted into the pub. I was on a mission to kill the evil prince. But not before we did cocaine off each others bodies. And then I killed him. And decided to go swimming.

    18. #2068
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      ^^ holy shit i posted at exactly midnight last night and it's 00:00

      I'm too lazy for legit formatting so here we go past few days

      -I was in the car with a Kestrel and we were on a road trip. And then I realized I was dreaming. I didn't do much though, but I turned on the radio and listened to what dream-steff-radio had to offer and I floated around some.

      -I have had a looot of dreams where I am back at my rotation site and something is happening or I'm being asked to counsel a patient, etc. Good review, I guess.

      -Something scary.

    19. #2069
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      I was in the mall with my sister and her fiance. We were in a store in which everything was for sale, but certain items had a 'wild cad' attached. If it happened that you bought a 'wild card' item (no one knew if they were buying one or not), you got that item for free and also whatever else you were buying from the store. Some things were super expensive. There was a rock collection that was over $17,000. I left the store and sat down on a bench and watched the people inside the store. A girl came up to me and introduced herself as Holly. She had dark skin and dark hair. We talked for a long time and became pretty good friends. We decided to go somewhere.

      Late for an Exam

      I had a final exam in a class that I took over a year ago. It was one of the hardest classes I had ever taken and I wasn't thrilled to have to take the final again in a couple hours for something I hadn't studied for in nearly a year. To make matters worse, I was in the wrong town. I had been visiting my parents and was about an hour away from the school. And to make matters even worse I was already an hour late for the two hour exam. I thought about calling the professor, but what would I even say? I drove back to the campus and started to take the exam. There was only two other students there. The professor then announced that we were all going to a party and that we would just finish our exams later. I was pretty relieved since I knew literally nothing on that exam. So we went to this party and it was a bamboo party. There were giant poles of bamboo and people were climbing on them like monkeys. I thought my professor was definitely into some weird shit in his spare time.

    20. #2070
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      On phone.
      I was with Kestrel at an ocean or an outdoor wave pool. There were a lot of people there and in particular there was a girl who had built a giant fortress that looked like a skyscraper made out of wood. She would take her lover-boy victims up there and then dispose of their corpses throw a giant slide that ran from the top of the skyscraper into the ocean. Kestrel and I thought well hey that looks fun. So we sneaked up to the top of the slide and slid down. It was actually pretty fun.

    21. #2071
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      just a fragment

      karate fragment

      I dreamed that I re-enrolled in karate.

    22. #2072
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      On phone. In my dream last night, I was late for the first day of classes of the semester. So I was rushing out of my apartment to get there and I get in the elevator and its totally malfunctioning. It makes a giant jolt and then I tumble to the ground. I did a reality check at this point but I passed. I was pretty sure I was about to fall to my death. It happened in a later dream as well.

    23. #2073
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      Got back from a 4 day festival in the woods. I didn't write much down, but I remember a dream in which I was trapped in a massive forest fire. I also had a dream in which I lived in a tent city and my professor was checking people's tents.

    24. #2074
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      On phone. I had a brief lucid dream last night. I remember being in a very strange place when it occurred to me that I was dreaming, so I decided to go along with the plot. Kestrel (in real life) later told me that she also had a lucid dream last night in which I was lucid and I told her that she was dreaming. I thought that was pretty cool.

    25. #2075
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      Ice and Rice

      Kestrel and I were at a festival. We were gathering bits of ice and rice because we wanted to make a sculpture in Kestrel's van for my boyfriend. A lot of people had little stalls selling things things but sometimes the ice was warm and sometimes it was literally black and weird. Sometimes the ice was shaped like little trinkets. We managed to get some brown rice from someone who had a bunch of yellow inner tubes stacked up on top of each other.


      Kestrel and I discovered that we where wizards when we were adopted by an old wizardy woman. She explained to us that in order to harness our power, we needed to insert giant crystal dildos into our vaginas.

      Apparently this would make our inner magic radiate from within us. Also we went to prison.

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