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    Date of Birth
    July 19, 1966 (57)
    About NonDualistic
    Informal practitioner of Dzogchen as written of by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, however, the practice is not limited by such mere labels and words. There are lines, but no true divisions.Reality is not as we so ltake it to be. Neither, are we ourselves as we appear to be.
    Around age of 10, became aware of a difference between religious teachings and the teachings of those the religions were founded around. At age 20 had a profound Dream/near death experience which deeply affected my perception of reality. At age 30, another nearly identical profound experience, which further clarified the perception. At age 40 a series of deeply profound meditative experiences have served to bring me to where I Am NOW.
    Quad Cities , Illinois USA
    Jack of all trades master of none
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    Loving through the bigotry

    by NonDualistic on 02-05-2014 at 01:27 PM
    Its as if my consciousness were taking a ride with 3 other persons one at a time. By "ride", I mean that its as if I were sharing in their own personal conscious experience, as if I were a part of their consciousness, experiencing directly what they are experiencing. I see what they see, feel what they are personally feeling, know their thoughts. At the same time I am aware of my own thoughts, my own feelings, and see also as if a observer from outside the experience. Its really a unique multi layered experience, all in one.

    The first person seems as if a female who is into "God". Religious or spiritual as the case may be, she seems to be known as a believer in God. We travel north into a lush green park like area turning east along a roadway or drive and follow it as it turns south towards other people and a suburban type area. As we come into the other people they begin to persecute this woman for her beliefs. They ridicule and heckle her. They insult her and push her around. She endures their anger and hatred with a wall of pure love. She feels no anger, nor hatred towards them. She feels compassion for them, polite and caring for them in attitude and presence towards them even in the face of their persecution.

    Then the dream shifts back to the beginning again and this time its with another person. A male gay person. The situation that develops is about identical towards this person as the last. Even the physical locations and settings are the same. This man is persecuted by those who hate gays and lesbians. He endure the same sort of heckling and persecution. Pushed and hit, he has the same love inside him as the previous woman did. The experience is nearly the same and his feelings of love, compassion, and caring , are as steadfast as the previous womans.

    Dream shifts to a third person. This one is a black man, seemingly in his early 30's. The path traveled runs the same direction wise, but the roadway is wider and the scenery and landscape broader. This one is seemingly set in a past era, 50's or early 60's. This man is a man who is a talented repair man. He has a broad knowledge of repair and fixing things in general. He meets the same persecution as the previous two, this for no other reason than skin color.
    This experience is a little different than the first two. There is way more detail to the instances of him being put down and put "in his place". While in the other 2 experiences, I did not really have any personal feelings, in this one I seem to marvel at this mans composure and the huge amount of love and compassion in this mans heart. I "hear" his thoughts each time he is confronted. One large white man puts him down and then tries to fix his own car. He don't want any black man to touch it, he knows what he is doing. The black man know how to fix the car and wishes the guy would just put his hate away and ask for help. There is great compassion here in this ones heart. Other things happen and my view is whisked above the scene as I begin to feel anger towards all these other people doing these things to this black man. My connection breaks and the dream ends.

    This experience was profound. I was left with the thought of why I had taken hold of anger when these 3 people under direct provocation had not. Tells me I have more work to do inside myself. This is humbling.

    Train Tracks - old and new

    by NonDualistic on 02-03-2014 at 02:10 PM
    Yesterday spent meditating on personal direction, and love, the kind of love the saints poured out into this world .. I even set forth a direction for myself and put it on paper..

    Dream opens up with my view looking south down an old rail line. The tracks and ties have been removed and the surface graded. There are workers pouring a new gravel bed from the south coming north. The sun is out and it is as if morning. As I look around I am on a large square 20 or so acre patch of green grass with some trees . The trees are thicker in the southwest corner around both sides of the tracks and thin out as you go north till they are no more by the north edge of the property.
    All around this property to the west, the north and the east is either flat grassy plain or plowed farm fields. To the south is rolling hills east and west that are grassy, with forested hills to the southwest.
    The train tracks are on the very western edge of the property going straight north and south. At mid property there is what seems a covered bridge the tracks are going to go through. I don't see the progress of this construction beyond the bridge to the north.
    The workers get the gravel laid and graded and a foreman comes along and is measuring for the tracks. they seem to have one rail set up to the western side of the gravel, but there are no ties to spike them too. I seem to see them driving spike into the gravel temporarily for some reason. Makes no sense to me even while in the dream.
    Dream shift to looking eastward. There is an old rail line to the north about mid property, rusting and seemingly now out of use. It comes into the property from the north through a open building that looks like a twin corn crib you would drive through, about a third of the way along the north side from the west. It snakes to the east and around a huge old dilapidated barn.
    My view shifts to inside the barn. You can easily see through the open slats in the sides of the barn all the way around. Its built more like an open corn crib than a barn as far as the outer walls go. Inside you can see the rotted falling apart structure. The south wall is falling down on the ground with the wall base completely rotted and off the foundations. The whole view to the south outside is blocked from the collapsing wall.
    Inside a railroad construction engineer is there looking at the old rail line that had gone through this building. He was looking at how to get the line opened up through this wreckage of a building. I seem to show him that the line y'ed off around the east side of the building outside, so they didn't have to come through here anymore.
    We went outside and saw the old line go on around the building back to the west and out the south central part of the property where is y'ed off in two directions again going southwest and southeast. The sky is now overcast and cloudy with the wind picking up.
    My view races upwards as if flying overhead and around the property looking it all over and taking it all in. There is some latent thoughts and concerns of installing of crossings where the old tracks go through the property where a dirt or gravel road runs east and west. Not sure what is going on with the 2 rails lines, one old and one new. Dream ends..

    Jumbled mess

    by NonDualistic on 02-02-2014 at 02:25 PM
    Mind has been a real distraction the last few days...

    Its as if components from my life, people, places, and things were all thrown into a blender and spewed out in the dreamscape at random . Its like the dream was set in a huge square two story building with a basement. The structure was stone and masonry, and it was built in the shape of a square with the center of it an open courtyard or similar. Basically 4 long hallways connecting at the corners.

    I seem to start in northeast corner facing and heading south from an outdoor setting then into the basement of the South east corner turning west. Its a super dark dream, dark as if set in a horror movie of sort.s I seem to be walking a balance beam of sorts heading west, but walking backwards. There are dream characters representing all sorts of people. My father is to the south telling me how things should be, and what I should be doing with my life according to him. On the north side there are lots of people, dead and gone, one of his friends. A former president comes and meets these people and honors them in some way unexpectedly. Its really strange.
    Then its like everything shifts to being up on the next level starting over again in the northeast corner heading south. The only thing I remember is 20 years of tensions with my wife coming to a head in some way(this is true and is happening right now)and there is in the midst of this Queen
    Elizabeth and some sort of thing going on requiring attention by a number of persons in the dream including myself. Seems to be a set of bright white jewelry for a man and a woman. A matched set. The idea arises that I and my wife need to wear these to whatever event is coming up. But I have no idea how that is going to be given the situation with her and I. The jewelry has different shapes, one is a cross with a loop in the top, very soft lined and elegant, graceful in every what, white with gold and silver etching. Diamonds wrapping around it. There are other pieces, but that one is the one that stands out.
    The Queen is staying in the shadows , as if intentionally trying not to be noticed in any of this going on. Its as if we all who are involved are supposed to know about her, but not mention her or make light of her. This part ends unresolved..

    Then everything shifts to going south to the southwest corner of the upper floor and heading west down a long empty corridor. to some sort of commotion in the southwest corner. Seems there are monsterous sorts of persons there waiting to get us. We weave through them in a hurry and run down the next corridor going north. In the northwest corner there seems to be 3 dead maidservants, their ghosts, coming out a door and heading east down the back corridor. I seem to be alone now and follow them around the corner. When I get there they are now gone. Dream seems to end here

    There was way more content to this at different places, but what I wrote is all that remains with me this morning.

    Hiddeen stairway

    by NonDualistic on 01-31-2014 at 07:24 PM
    This one happened right aft the Old folks dream... just didn't have time to write it down earlier. These two dreams were refreshingly easier to recall than those of the last many days..

    Entered a set of double doors into a huge main floor of a huge house. The doors are set into the east wall to the north side of that wall. Reminds me of a old Victorian turned into a fraternity house is the impression I have. I am following a tour guide or someone showing me inside as if I am going to be moving in.
    I seem to be somewhat occupied as to finding the other people that are supposed to be living there already. Theses a sense that they are there, downstairs it feels like. But I see no one other than the 1 or 2 persons now guiding me. Seems as there might be others with me in a group, but it is only a sense, not really clear.
    There is a center column or pillar that runs through the center of the building, centered in the room. Around it seems to be a huge kitchen area. To the south wall there is several staircases going up and down, but they don't seem to lead anywhere upon investigating them.
    There is another pair of stair cases to the north wall that only go up. I go to see where they go, but have this feeling that they do not go where I want to go, at least they are not they way I am intended to go is/may be the feeling I am getting.
    Then The guide says to come here to the center column in the kitchen area. We seem to see a hidden stair case wrapped into and around the column going up. We push something and move a couple of things and the staircase unfolds out of the column and can be used to go up.

    The dream shifts radically all of a sudden and I am working on a lawn mower with a rototiller , trying to put the tiller on the tractor. Iam familiar with this tiller and the way it is in the dream is not the way it is in reality. I recognize this point but do not become lucid quite all the way. Kind of weird.. There is a circular part that hinges the parts together and its not adjusted right.

    Dream shifts yet again. to inside a cave or large shed of sorts, Hard to tell .seems like there is something going on down in a lower level cant really tell the direction. I seems east or north, sometimes west. Really weird the way its turned in here. The only definite thing is the large entrance into here from the south with light shining through it. There is some commotion as to some persons coming. Not sure at all what's happening, but there is some slight anxiety felt as if one is being chased.

    Dream ends abruptly

    Old folks

    by NonDualistic on 01-31-2014 at 02:08 PM
    Started out on a morning facing north, on country roads. Seemed as if it was going to be a bright clear day as the sun was coming to the eastern horizon. Roads and area was where I grew up and lived in my youth. Was going east and ended up visiting my maternal grandparents , long deceased. Was there a while and then moved along west picking up my paternal grandmother and taking here to eat somewhere, red lobster I think.
    Moved along west some more down a hill and to the north. seemed as if I just dropped my grandmother off somewhere. Came to a fence along a road that was running east and west. Parked in front of the fence in a grassy field. To the west and north across the road were three girls laying out in their bikini's sunning themselves and talking. I thought they were pretty good looking, but seemed distracted from that with other matters on my mind.
    I looked to the east and up a short hill next to my truck was a trailer house. On the north end of the trailer house was a older black woman standing their smiling at me. She said(with sound and words, which is not normal for my dreams) something like " wouldn't be a man if' n ya didn't take notice of that and give it some thought" as she gazed over at the 3 woman. I replied something like " true, but I'm almost 25 years married". She responded with something I either didn't hear or don't remember, to which I said something like " probably going to be divorce soon anyhow" . She said something and I said I'd like to come over and talk a bit and spend some time with her. She smiled as if eager to have me for company. As we walked towards the back of her yard the dream ended . I woke up a bit disappointed I didn't get to talk..

    She was another woman who in my dream had distinct presence that I was aware of and a certain rich warmth and love. The 3 women across the road, while looking great and sexy, were empty of such feeling...illusions in a way