When I go outside I have to check a lot of times if I have all my clothes on. I've some fear of looking at my feet and realizing I went out with slippers |
I'll start. I have ADD, I read everything, and think in another language. |
When I go outside I have to check a lot of times if I have all my clothes on. I've some fear of looking at my feet and realizing I went out with slippers |
I like destruction and reality, and one invariably leads to the other.
'Dreams are real while they last. Can we say more of life?'
'We die to remember what we live to forget'
Hehehe...cool. Does this have anything to do w/ your dreams? |
Okay. Let's make the little confession. |
i get random giggles and laugh attacks. i'll be walking down the streets and out of nowhere i'll start laughing. even at my job, it will be quiet then all of a sudden i'll burst out in laughter. |
I have mild OCD, nothing too serious but occasionally I need to recheck things, like I always have to check to make sure I have my keys every 20 minutes while out, and when I go to bed, I set my alarm, then reset it like a dozen times to make sure it is set. I also randomly have to align things just right. Which is odd because I have a huge clutter in my room, and everything is disorganized and a mess. Things are all over the place and nothing is neat at all, it is just chaos, and I don't mind. But then, I have like a sticky note laying on my desk, and I feel a need to perfectly align it to the front of the desk, so it is parallel with it. Nothing else is parallel, but I need that one paper to be. |
Physically, I have Ehlers-Danlos Disease Hypermobility Type with the possibility of a bit of the Vascular Type. I've always been fairly flexible. But that's about it. I have loose joints and have to be careful not to dislocate anything and I can have early onset ostoarthritis. My joints have ached or hurt since I was in my teens. I'm one of the lucky ones as I've only broken 2 bones throughout my lifetime and both were because of falls. But my bio-dad and his mom both had brain aneurisms which tells me we may have some vascular cross-over because anuerisms aren't supposed to be hereditary. |
I've been on Zoloft for anxiety/panic disorder since I was 12. Supposedly I might have ADD; I think I'm just lazy and bored because the pace of school is so slow. |
I hum tunes to myself all the time. Sometimes I don't realise I'm doing it until someone says, "Cut that out!" |
I don't do the things I actually want to do just because of laziness. Like brushing my teeth, training, doing some homework (yes I do, because if I don't I will not get a diploma) getting a #$"#% job and go back to playing the violin already. Hold my toilet needs until the last moment just because I don't feel like letting go of my laptop or pausing my game Sometimes this results in both toilets being in use and me being in trouble |
I leave the house without shoes on more often than not, I recently stopped biting my nails but now picked up the habit of biting the skin off of my lips, I have mood swings probably every 4 to 6 months, I have self diagnosed myself with anxiety after realizing how much I overthink every interaction I have ever had with a human being, and I Google every problem I ever experience probably not helping with the self diagnosing. |
I have the tendency to growl unintentionally when I get mad. One time at college during breakfast, I was filling up a cup with orange juice and a guy came next to me and began get himself a drink. I immediately growled being ever so disturbed and pissed to all Hell as my immediate reaction made me distance myself from him and continue on my way. I usually have this tendency to explicitly distance myself from people whenever they get too close to me physically, I get a horrible vibe and my comfort level freezes over when they're around a certain perimeter. But mainly just the majority of humanity. Usually if I see an attractive guy, mainly those with a goth-like appearance or someone I have became VERY close friends with, then that negative vibe is nonexistent. |
Last edited by MobianAngel; 01-16-2016 at 10:36 AM.
When it comes to romantic relationships, I have a fairly bad fear of abandonment, this I think comes from a mixture of my foster car upbringing from ages 2-5, and the fact that I've had lots of people leave me without so much as an explanation. It's not that I'm afraid of being alone, once a relationship ends, yeah, it hurts a lot but I'm able to deal with the pain in (usually) healthy ways. I just hate the idea that I'm putting in 100% of my heart and soul into a relationship and that the other person doesnt give so much as a shit and could just end it at any time without a second guess, I'm a relationship oriented person that knows what I want and I have a hard time believing that someone's feelings for me are real even if I'm told they are. |
You should move to Hawaii...everyone goes out in slippahs! Although, technically they're flip flops so it would potentially worsen your fear out of pure confusion. |