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    • 4 Post By Evolventity
    • 4 Post By NickSeagull
    • 2 Post By Ginsan
    • 1 Post By Evolventity
    • 2 Post By tropicalbreeze
    • 1 Post By GeminilianII
    • 1 Post By fruitpassion
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    Thread: Tell Me Good Things About Yourself

    1. #1
      Member Evolventity's Avatar
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      Red face Tell Me Good Things About Yourself

      I want you to take a moment to think of at least THREE positive characteristics about yourself. Feel free to add more! We all have something good to say about ourselves but if you're having difficulty thinking of something then just remember that there's no wrong answer.

      Now give yourself credit for being you!

    2. #2
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      Three positive aspects of my self huh?
      - I never lie
      - I never say the truth
      - I'm 100% sure that one of those two is truthy, although I dont know if the other is

      Just joking

      - I learn quickly
      - I get really enthusiastic with new things
      - I got a pretty wide sense of humor (Yes I can sense when you are laughing kilometers away from me *badumtss*)
      Waking up every day with a beam of the moonlight in my eye
      Stimulate my consciousness with the focus of my mind
      I've got to take myself back to the feeling of eternally breaking free
      Knowing that my body's motionless and still asleep

      - Fly with me, DubFX

    3. #3
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      1: I am one of the funniest people I know

      2: I am very smart

      3: I am extremely logical

      4: I am very efficient with my energy (not lazy)

      5: I am honest

      6: I am generous

      7: I am kind

      8: I never hurt anybody's feelings, except when they deserve it, which is a good thing because I teach them to reflect on their bad behavior

      9: I have a fit, strong and healthy body

      10: I am knowledgeable about many things

      11: I am open minded, even about my awesomeness, I consider the possibility that I am not awesome

      12: I am trustworthy

      13: I am respectful toward everyone

      14: I understand myself

      15: I am clear minded

      16: I have a peaceful mind

      17: I get respect from many people

      18: I am handy, I used to make awesome things with K'nex as a kid

      19: I am musically talented

      20: I value all life equally

      21: I have great memory

      22: I am very humble. Which is maybe the most amazing thing about me, since I am so amazing, it is hard to remain humble

      edit: This feels amazing. thank you so much for making this thread, I never thought that this would feel so good. Maybe that is my one flaw, not knowing this trick to feeling good.
      Last edited by Ginsan; 01-03-2016 at 11:46 AM.
      atramentis and Zhaylin like this.

    4. #4
      Member Evolventity's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ginsan View Post
      1 - 22.
      Gin, knowing the statements you have said in chat about yourself and this thread I would hope that you try to understand the positive intentions of this exercise, and how important it is for some of us to give ourselves little confidence boosts. It is an activity that I was assigned by a therapist in 2015 to help improve myself and I encourage you to seriously participate too.

    5. #5
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      One of the things i love most about myself is that i don't let not having friends or girlfriends get me down in life. Even though i feel like an outcast I still go out, travel and enjoy life as much as possible. I continue to pursue my dreams and passions in life regardless.

      Other things:

      I have a great sense of humor and make myself laugh

      I put passion before money

      I live by my own set standards

      I find joy in the little, simple things

      I allow myself to be selfish and negative

      I have an awesome, colorful personality

      I have a wonderful imagination

      I'm honest with myself enough to see my strengths and weakness, to see that i am still a work in progress, to see that i've yet to realize my full potential and that i am fully capable of reaching it.

      I am sexy as fuck
      Zhaylin and smallmos like this.

    6. #6
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      I think 2?
      I am accepting and friendly of majority of the people I meet
      I can adapt to almost any situation except for social situations for some reason that one is a problem
      I have a beautiful mind and soul
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    7. #7
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      Patient. Loyal. Hardworking. Those are the top 3, i guess. haha.
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    8. #8
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      -I'd like to think I'm the kind of person who can be both right and left brained. Though I think I lean more towards the artistic/creative/sporadic side, I can think logically if I have to.

      -I'm very in touch with my emotions and I don't give a crap and a half what other people think of that. If I need to show others angry/sad/scared or anything else I will do it. If people are really my friends they won't judge me for it.

      -Confidence. I can't think of a third thing so I'm just going to click post.
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    9. #9
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      I am stoic,loyal and generous. Something that is hard to find from the people today. Let's talk so that I can tell you more about me.
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    10. #10
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      Whom knows?
      Lost in pages.
      Depends on your definition of "good".

      I am not intimidated by hotheads. If anything, I pity them.

      I am not afraid of the truth, no matter how unpleasant it is. In mine opinion, truth and honesty can only be perceived as "brutal" or offensive by those whom are too weak of mind to see past their own self-created biases and sensitivities. Tragic...really. [Shrugs] At least I know which people not to get involved with. Only plus side of pettiness, inferiority, and a temper problem.
      Last edited by Aristaeus; 07-28-2016 at 12:42 PM.
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    11. #11
      Drowning in Dreams Achievements:
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      I am kind-hearted, loyal, open-minded, accepting, impartial in most things (I can almost always see the validity of multiple sides of an argument and I try to find common ground to connect each side).

    12. #12
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      I'm gonna focus more one what I've managed to change about myself in the last 2 years than anything else:

      ---Used to have a really bad drug problem with dissociatives (mix of self-medication and escapism, although its fair to say it started off as self-medication and recreation and then I merely told myself I was self-medicating later on) and I've made considerable progress in regards to limiting or totally abstaining from use.

      ---Used to be extremely cold toward others (people in general I mean, not necessarily my close friends, although I was toward family) to the point of believing I was a sociopath either naturally or as result of my two (especially first) concussions, and having extreme rage and anger issues. Now I know that I had relegated myself to that behavior because an a dramatic outlook/world view and I simply refused to believe in the possibility that I could bring myself to care for others or be what I considered a good person. At most I believed I could be a semi-convincing fake who tried to be good, but didn't see the point. As time went on, I got sick of my mindset and total apathy towards being any kind of morally good individual and decided that even if all I could do is fake it, I would, but to my pleasant surprise, I have actually conditioned myself to reflexively do right by others even when it doesn't really matter, and some semblance of emotional capacity for caring for others has actually returned. That was the thing that made me feel the most like the best I could do is fake empathy or being a "good" person--the fact that making the wrong decision, seeing bad things happen to others, seeing good things happen to others, or caring anything about their needs and wants was something I couldn't actually "feel" within me, and I had to put in actual effort to make myself go through the motions.

      However, doing it enough despite how inconvenient it seemed at one point in time has made me feel something like human again, and I actually feel something when I witness suffering of really any kind, or even being extra rude and stuff kind of makes me uncomfortable. It's a vague something that I can't really identify all that well, but I'm at the point where I don't feel like I'm faking it any more, which is a massive improvement and actually provides some upward mobility in life rather than accepting being miserable and not caring about anything. I also know that I actually have some semblance of control over my life, and that sociopathy wasn't the best explanation for my issues, it was all part of an aspect of my personality I had the ability to change with proper behavioral modification once I had the conviction to improve myself. I know, kind of a downer explaining most of it, but honestly it's something that means a lot to me and I think is one of the best results I've gotten from trying to make a change in my life, so even though it was a lengthy explanation, it's definitely worthy of being on a list of something good about me.

      ...God that's long, here's a TL;DR: I used to not feel anything about anyone else and didn't care about anything and was complacent with being whatever I was at the time (which by most people's books would be considered a bad person), but I actually trained myself to be empathetic and made a conscious effort to be good and improve as a person despite believing it wouldn't change anything beyond a surface level view of myself, and instead it actually worked and I care about things and people now and even genuinely feel something emotionally in terms of empathy.

      ---I'm a committed skeptic.

      ---I'm very loyal to anyone I truly consider to be a friend (which is pretty much just my buddy and his wife, they're my chosen family really).

      ---I don't generally get offended by much of anything.

      ---Try hard to be open-minded (inevitably as a human I fail at times in this aspect, but I feel I do better than a lot of people I know and encounter).

      ---Apparently I'm really polite and proper in a work setting (got told I was really proper a lot by two people at my last job).

      ---I try hard to be accepting of whatever situation I'm in (unless it's not something very serious and doesn't warrant being completely level-headed, and even then I usually try to be that way anyway), in order to deal with it most effectively, without letting emotions get in the way of reason

    13. #13
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      If someone's bugging me on the net, or if I just plainly don't like someone, I block them and be done with it. Blocking = scroll reduction. [Shrugs] That said, I can say that one user in this thread has been on mine ignore list for a VERY long time--even before it changed its name the first time. Heh.

    14. #14
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      In my mind
      2.That I Am.
      3.That I Am now.
      4.That I can't be what i think I am.
      5.That I Am already that I Am.

      You are not your thoughts...

    15. #15
      USA bro is offline
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      This is a beautiful exercise. On a daily basis, It's important to remember to give ourselves a pat on the back. Something I don't do often enough!
      -A Desire to see you for who you are.

      -a sense of time (and on which things I will try not to waste it...not always successful)

      -Willingness and Ability to apologize, immediately, if I wrong someone.
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    16. #16
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      your post was deleted. You went out of your way to necro this thread just to spew some more hateful words towards members. I don't know what made you be the way you are. To have to inflict pain on others to make yourself feel better. They way you interact with people here is not normal and it will not be tolerated.

      If you decide you must comment on this post, do it in Talk to Staff, not here. Although I would prefer you didn't respond.

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