Hi there, this is my first post on the forum

I wanted to ask help about an issue i have when i try WILD or DEILD.
I didn't find anything here or elsewhere on the internet about it, so i guess it is a quite unusual issue.

Here is the problem : Whenever i feel like im getting close to have a LD (heart beating fast, body numb and warm...), my eyelids start blinking (opening and closing) really fast for approximately 30 sec to 1 mn (it can start again after if i keep trying to have a LD), which is really annoying.
This disturbs me because I want to make my eyes keep shut in order not to break the process, but it doesn't really work and it makes me lose my concentration.
However if i let it happen, it still somehow keeps me from having a LD (maybe because it makes my eyes get some daylight, i don't know...)

I am really lost and don't know what to do to avoid this.
I would be really thankful for all your help, thanks