So I have been messing around with lucid dreaming for about a 3 weeks now. I have found that the best technique for me becoming lucid is the WILD method. I have had 4 very good WILD's within these last three weeks! After my last one I seem to have a feeling as if neurons are sparking off in my brain or as if my brain is growing/expanding. Sometimes I can feel my heartbeat in the center of my forehead, and this happens all day long now not just when I close my eyes to try to enter a WILD. After doing alot of reading and research online I have found that my symptoms are those common of your "Third Eye" or (Ajna Chakra) which is pretty much your Pineal gland becoming active or getting ready to open. It seems like I am very close to opening but cannot seem to do so, I just have this feeling in my brain all day. I could use tips on how to fully open it, or advised from someone going through the same thing. Thanks!