If none of you have seen "What the bleep, down the rabbit hole," I highly recommend dedicating a little of your time to watch it. On the documentary there is a physicist named Dr. John Hagelin who has one of the full interviews from the movie on Youtube. This physicist was one who works on whats called Super String Theory. In the interview he does a wonderful job explaining the implications of quantum physics & string theory & some of the things they have found. For a while I was under the impression that quantum mechanics & string theory were all conflicting forms of physics & that only one can really be true. When in fact classical physics, known to the scientific community as billiard ball physics, is for things at roughly the scale of humans & animals & billiard balls. When quantum physics is the study of quantum electrons, or as Hagelin put it the field of potential electrons, so the study of things that are so small & move so fast that they are actually in multiple possible places at once. Then there is String theory which is study of even smaller than quantum, in other words what makes up this field of potential electrons, is what string theory is studying. Even smaller than string theory is Super String Theory and that is where science is at right now.
So that was a little over-view now lets get to the Title of the thread. "How did science discover "God""? Well remember quantum physics and what I said about the electrons being electron clouds made of potential electrons, well what is a "potential electron," what is it made of. Well it seems the farther we look into what we are made of the more what we are made of doesn't appear to be what we perceive as "solid". Once you get down to Super String Theory it appears that the stuff were are made of is made of stuff that does not have a "mass." According to Super String Theory what these Super Strings are made of are Pure Consciousness. There is a string for everything that "is" right now & once someone creates a new idea then a new string is formed. Where does "God" play into this? Well the super strings is what everything is made of, it is you, me, a spoon, the floor, the air, everything. Although there is a perception of individuality if you were to look through an unimaginable powerful microscope you would see we are all made of the same thing, Consciousness. If you know something about quantum mechanics you have heard of super-position, the act of one particle splitting it's Consciousness and being in many places at the same time but still being ONE thing. If you know about the big bang you know that before this universe was created there was a point of singularity, a single point of Super-Consciousness when everything was one thing. Well if everything was once one & everything that "is" is made up of strings of Pure Super-Consciousness isn't that "God."
This almighty Super-Consciousness that used to be everything in a single point of Consciousness but is now an infinite amount of Consciousness, Super Strings, that we are all made of. You see what Super String Theory says is that "God" is consciousness and because everything is made of consciousness we are all made of "God" & because we are all consciousness we are "God" as well. We are all connected by this Super String that is Consciousness, that is "God."
"But how did it prove everyone wrong?" In his interview Hagelin expresses many times that there are different levels of truth. For example when I talked about your perception of being separate than everything else, your individuality, it is true to say you have individuality. On our macroscopic world of billiards and cannonballs we are very much individuals, our personalities are different from one another, our upbringing was different, our lessons were different, how we reacted to every experience of our life was different. However it is also true to say we are the same, super-microscopically thinking, I'm talking the Planck Scale, we are made of the same thing & the same thing everything is made of, therefor we have the same potential as each other & the potential of everything, Infinity. As fractal geometry has taught Infinity does exist and that it is natural in nature in ever sense of the meaning. This means our potential as Consciousness to evolve is Infinite, everything in existence is made of Consciousness and many schools of thought will tell you the main objective of Consciousness is to expand & grow.
That is the major breakthrough of quantum mechanics and string theory, the implementation of Consciousness in Science. That is why I think quantum mechanics and String theory is getting people really interested, it takes people from seeing the universe as such a lonely death-ridden boring empty nothingness to something that is ever expanding & something that depends on the very fabric of existence, Consciousness. If reality depends of Consciousness then there has to be more Conscious entities somewhere & there has to be some way all Conscious entities communicate. Some believe that is what meditation teaches you but that is another discussion. Another thing I heard that does pretty well of humbling most everyone about what they "know" or all of their beliefs & really explains why none of know anything: Every Model anyone makes about the universe will never be correct, it will only be their interpretation of how reality works based on their beliefs based on their experiences influenced by their history; not to say it couldn't be a reasonable interpretation but humans don't know everything about their own body so to say we, especially the people that don't give a damn about reality, know how reality works is just plain Ignorance. However the Model that person made will tell you a lot about the person. So every Model science has is just a theory, the best interpretation of the available information, and only shows us something about the human race as a whole, and for the last "God" knows how long science has been leaving Consciousness out of the equation. The scientific principles we believe in show a lot about who we are as humans, don't just believe something because it was "taught" to you long ago and it is what you've just accepted. question everything you see with healthy skepticism until you have checked it out for yourself but never believe you beliefs can't be changed.
Well I hopped I peaked some of your interests about quantum mechanics, string theory, and/or Consciousness itself(or yourself). I will put up a couple of videos that I think did a pretty good job of explaining as a starting point for some. Please feel free to comment and question me.
As always, enjoy your day comrades. <---atatat, some of these are great.