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    Thread: Looking for some direction

    1. #1
      USA jcm is offline
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      Looking for some direction

      I am not sure if I'm at the right place but after doing a search I came upon this site in the hopes of maybe finding some direction/guidance while trying to save my sanity at the same time. I am not here on my behalf but on that of my husband who is troubled by his dreams.

      His (lucid) dreams have a recurring theme, the dead, not death, but the dead. It seems he is always surrounded in some way or other by them. He says they are even in our bedroom at the foot of our bed at times. Some he recognizes and and some he doesn't. They speak to him and tell him things that will happen. The frightening thing is that usually within 2 weeks his dreams become a reality. Approx. a month ago he dreamt of a small car under a large truck. About 3 weeks ago there was an accident on a main road in the next town that involved a young man who attended school with our son which was overtaken by a large hino truck. When he saw the photo he said that it was that very car and truck he dreamt of. He also told me that he was told I would suffer a fall while skiing, and I did, about 3 days later. I was not able to return to skiing all of last year because I hurt my knee so badly. Another time he dreamt that we were driving on a road and hit a guard rail, about 2 weeks later we were indeed driving down the very road he dreamt of and just missed the rail at the very point he had envisioned in this dream. He has even seen live people walk/talk among those he knows have died only to find out the next day that the person has died.

      His dreams are very vivid and many times he talks in his sleep making it impossible to sleep. As you can imagine this is very concerning to say the least. Can anyone offer any assistance and/or give some direction as to where to start looking for some answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you.

    2. #2
      USA gab is offline
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      Hi jcm. Wow, this seems to go deeper than just lucid dreaming. I really wish I knew how to help. Forgive me if this sounds silly - have you considered taking these 'warnings' about future as something that can help you? Maybe future is not set in stone and what you are shown or told is just one possible reality and if you know what's coming, you can try and change it? Best of luck, I hope you'll figure it out.

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      Hi jcm! I'm also not sure I can help, but since I was told of this post by gab (thank you, gab!), I want to at least let you know that is something that is becoming more frequent as the energies of the Earth are shifting. Your husband has a gift, although he is not seeing it as one yet. If he could learn to have a bit more 'control' he'd realize this is a GREAT learning opportunity!

      I am a frequent astral traveler, and in many occasions have met with others who have passed. I have not had a lot of 'future event' notices as your husband has, but ultimately, that is also something he will need to learn how to 'control'. I agree with gab, future events are NOT written in stone, and we have the freedom of choice to make changes in our lives.

      One thing I feel your husband needs to do is take more 'control' by using affirmations and visualizations of white light surrounding him and protecting him....as he falls asleep he should affirm that only 'those who are at or above my level of development' be allowed to assist him in his learning....if he is frightened or concerned with what's happening, that 'negative' energy aspect will only override any positive experiences. He needs to see this as a learning experience and ask for guidance and assistance in helping him to understand. Believe me, when you as for help, the Universe always responds!

      I have a blog of my experiences, as well as posted here on dreamviews...(The Travels of a Dreamwalker) It's rather lengthy but you can get an idea of what I do from the 'highlighted' blog posts at the top right....

      I don't purport to have all the answers...I can only tell you what I feel from my perspective. Your husband has a gift...and he needs to see it as such. He should be journaling everything he dreams, that is so important! I have a good friend who is a psychic and very down to earth to talk to...maybe she can help....

      If you are on Facebook, add me as friend, "Karen Sixfivenine" and I can message and talk to you easier there....or email me at [email protected]....

      Hope this helps in some way...
      I wish you all the best....
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      Great post, karen.. I hope you stay around mroe frequently - I wouldn't like to hijack jcm's thread, but perhaps I could PM you sometime?
      Welcome to Dreamviews, jcm. It is a shame that it seems your bringing was because of a distressing time :/ I agree with karen in the sense that it is a great learning oppurtunity. Myself, I have also tried to attain spirituality through dreams. Perhaps your husband should attempt to learn more about this by asking the dead, themselves. Thread will be moved to Beyond Dreaming as it is a more appropriate section.
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      USA jcm is offline
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      I don't know if it makes a difference, but I did not mention that though he has always had vivid dreams it was only after his open heart surgery (quadruple bypass) that he has had these visits from the dead, so naturally he is frightened. I believe he is afraid of dying.

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      USA gab is offline
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      I agree with Karens great post. I understand, this is a frightening experience for you, especially, since you didn't ask for it. But if you just a little bit believe, that there is life 'after' and the souls live in the heavens/astral plains waiting to be born again, it could be comforting to be able to communicate with them.
      Good luck to you

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      Quote Originally Posted by jcm View Post
      I don't know if it makes a difference, but I did not mention that though he has always had vivid dreams it was only after his open heart surgery (quadruple bypass) that he has had these visits from the dead, so naturally he is frightened. I believe he is afraid of dying.
      I have heard that things like this happen when things like this happen it usually emotional trauma and near neath experiences. I'm not really sure what I can say to help, though. Sorry.
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    8. #8
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      The operation and the narcosis could have caused a shift in your husbands energy body allowing him this increased awareness during sleep. It does not mean at all, that he is somehow closer to the dead - as being closer to dying, or such. It only means that he can now perceive something, he could not before.

      There are many souls, that do not cross over immediately after death. They are attracted to people who have some level of awareness of their presence. So they would be attracted to your husband - at least while he is asleep.
      Seeing the future is just an extension of making an estimate about what might happen. It is based on probabilities. Like, if your neighbor leaves his house every morning at 8 o'clock, then you might estimate he will do that also on next Monday. So, if you bring in a change, then the outcome can change.

      It might be good to start protecting the house, or put a kind of shield around the bed room to keep the spirits from visiting during the night. That can be done as a visualization every day or saying a blessing for a restful night, or similar.

      Is your husband lucid during his dreams?
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      Quote Originally Posted by jcm View Post
      I don't know if it makes a difference, but I did not mention that though he has always had vivid dreams it was only after his open heart surgery (quadruple bypass) that he has had these visits from the dead, so naturally he is frightened. I believe he is afraid of dying.
      I also just want to mention now that you've added this, is that it IS likely while your husband was under anesthesia and his heart 'bypassed', he did visit the 'other side' and met with his guides and family all agreed he was ready to move on to the next stage of 'work' in his life. IMO, he was reminded of his need to use this special gift more often, and hence he is now more aware of it so he can start the learning process. Please make sure he reads some great books on this topic...Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon both are regression therapists who have great books detailing our 'other life' and 'between lives'. I highly recommend them...please don't hesitate to contact me via PM, email, or FB if you have any other concerns....I always get back to you... -Karen

    10. #10
      USA jcm is offline
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      Kilpikonna, thank you for taking the time to reply.
      Regarding lucidity, he experiences both, lucid and non-lucid. I am not saying he is dying, however, he thinks they are coming to tell him so, as a matter of fact, one spirit asked him for his phone number he said, about a week ago and told him he will be calling him. I've asked him to try and get as much from them as possible by asking questions, but honestly, I do think he is afraid.
      Last year I went to talk to a psychologist who is very interested in dream interpretations and he would not come to the sessions with me. He said he did not need it.
      Another experience he had was after telling me about a dream, he was told that they would not tell him anything anymore because he told me.
      I am happy that others confirm what I say and that it's not linked to death, however, I did reach out to a psychic one day out of desperation and she asked if any family members are visiting. She said that it's when family visits that death is usually near.
      Unfortunately, as I've mentioned he's had the open heart and is naturally frightened, but to compound that, he is diabetic and also had an encounter with prostate cancer (thankfully stage 1) about a year ago. It's just been one thing after another with him. He is only 55 years old.

      Karen, thank you again. I too suspected he had visited the other side but my husband seems to dismiss these things. Why and how, I don't understand with all that's been happening. He feels this is all linked to the anesthesia and meds, however, doesn't really discount the reality of what he is experiencing because he does forewarn me.
      It's just said for the kids and myself to see him with a dark cloud looming overhead (please don't suggest anti-depressants, he won't hear of it). I will reach out to you either later today or tomorrow at the latest. Thanks.
      p.s. I took a peek at your blog, very interesting.

      Oh, Gab, I never said I don't believe, I do believe in life hereafter, my husband doesn't. And I hate to admit it, but I am troubled yet fascinated by his dreams at the same time, if that makes any sense at all to you. "Once we're dead, we're dead" is his usual response.

      Quote Originally Posted by gab View Post
      I agree with Karens great post. I understand, this is a frightening experience for you, especially, since you didn't ask for it. But if you just a little bit believe, that there is life 'after' and the souls live in the heavens/astral plains waiting to be born again, it could be comforting to be able to communicate with them.
      Good luck to you
      Oh, Gab, I never said I don't believe, I do believe in life hereafter, my husband doesn't. And I hate to admit it, but I am troubled yet fascinated by his dreams at the same time, if that makes any sense at all to you. "Once we're dead, we're dead" is his usual response.
      Last edited by fOrceez; 03-30-2012 at 10:02 PM. Reason: quadruple post!

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      Merged the 4 posts together Don't forget that you have an "Edit Post" button if you have anything to add

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      Hi jcm,

      I've had some disturbing dreams, including several accurate premonitions of lethal accidents, and I've had some acquaintance with spirits. A few comments based on my experience and observation:

      Psychic powers and mental illness are far from mutually exclusive. Even if your husband's experiences are 'real', they'll still go away or take a more benign form as he deals constructively with his emotional issues. It sounds like there could be issues with the medication or other health effects involved also.

      I'm 100% with him on staying away from anti-depressants. I guess a lot of people need it and benefit from it, as a lesser of evils. But in my view its also poison from a spiritual standpoint, and I think a person is much better off if they can do without it.

      If your husband is skeptical of New Age mumbo jumbo I'm with him on that too. People have been using the term New Age for at least the 19th century, yet every generation people talk as if we're on the cusp of grand transition this decade, while ignoring all of the mediumistic farces and tragedies of the last 100 years. Granted 120 years isn't very long, the core ideas are much older than that, and were half bullshit back then too. That said, a lot of the ideas are half true also, and the true part can be very valuable. For example, I'm generally against affirmations, in the sense that telling yourself that things you want to be true are true confuses your spirit, and leads to character weakness and mental illness. But affirmations don't have to be done in that manner, and its also true that if you ask for help, you do get help. And moving one's mindset to a more positive place and reinforcing that does help also. I agree that the asking for help part is great advice, and I think its probably the most important thing anyone can tell you. It doesn't matter if your husband doesn't believe in God or life after death, asking still works, particularly if you can follow through with the honesty that the asking requires.

      Personally I think religious faith is over-rated. Its important for a lot of people, but if agnosticism is your husband's path then he needs to work with that.

      I don't agree with the idea that your husband should try to cultivate his 'gift'. I agree that suppressing it would probably be unhealthy, and a person has to grow and work with whatever they've got in a positive way. So maybe that growing constitutes cultivation. But the way that your husband develops it might take a very different form than what other lucid dreamers and mediums expect. It may be that he'll become more compassionate and open spiritually, but that the weird experiences will go away entirely as he mistakes other positive changes. My supernatural experiences have been growing weaker for months, but I don't think its because I'm going backwards, I think its a positive development in some ways. That said, in a lot of ways I agree with people who advocate a more spiritualist approach, I'm just trying to give an alternative perspective, particularly since it sounds like your husband may be more like me in some regards.

      Anyway, I wish you both the best. Please feel free to ask more questions or send e-mail or private message if you prefer.

    13. #13
      Lucid Shaman mcwillis's Avatar
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      I have had these types of dreams before. No wonder you feel concerned. The best advice I can give is that your husband consult Rev. Cassandra Anaya and ask for an Angel reading. I have consulted her many times and she has had the ability to communicate with three Angels since she was a child - Uriel, Metatron & Yannie. They will be able to inform your husband of the reasons for his experiences and how to deal with them emotionally and mentally. She is an absolutely amazing, spiritual lady. She does charge a small fee for her time but it is worth every cent. She can be found at this link
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