Assuming you're at least as powerful as she is psychically, or even in the same ballpark, it still seems to me that her interference with your dreams must be driven mostly by the way you are thinking about her. You should have incomparably more control over your own mind than another person does. If she is 'at fault' that doesn't change this, and standing up for yourself and what's right doesn't change this.

Your type of 'shrewd', however well it may work on other situations, isn't achieving what you want in this situation. We were trying to offer a different kind that we know will work, notwithstanding how poorly we may have explained it or connected it to your particular circumstances.

Its not just about tactics and appearances, how you act, what you intend to express, and what you 'show' to another mind that affects these things. Fates, so to speak, eventually find a way to push your weaknesses to the surface and screw you with them, and frequently use other people to that ends. Even if you win you lose - you have to change or it will go on forever. Certainly you know more about your situation than anybody else does, so only you can put it together. But I'm pretty sure this is a piece.