There's a lot of disagreement on this forum about shared dreaming and whether it's real, so I want to do an experiment to see if we can prove that shared dreaming actually exists. Why not? I'm a skeptic, make me a believer.

I propose that every night, I write down a password on a piece of paper at 10 PM (2200H EST), before I go to bed. I tell nobody what that password is.

There are a few participants in this experiment who, the next morning, will write what they believe to be the password on this forum.

I'll write on the forum what the password actually was the next day. We can see if we're right or wrong!

We can repeat this procedure very easily daily. New password, new night's sleep.

It would be ideal to also have a group *not* try to obtain "the password", and write down words that they encounter in their dream -- as a control group.

What would be a failed experiment? One in which we're not able to share "the password" with other participants.

What would be a successful experiment? One in which we ARE able to share "the password" with other participants, but also at a rate which is statistically unique compared to the control group. (e.g., let's say we choose a really weak password like "computer". One participant in the control group dreams about computers and one person in the password group happens to think of the word "computer". This is not statistically significant.)

Any other ideas and feedback?