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    The Dream Magic Experiment

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    1. Deja Vu Dream

      by , 08-07-2014 at 11:49 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      5:52 p.m.

      I was in an Amway event. I was with mom. It's along city streets, but not familiar. My orientation of it was somehow near Greenfields (where there's a weekly Saturday bazaar). I was talking to the woman who's selling the tickets for another event/promo. Mom wanted to join but I can only afford one at the time. I asked the woman questions about whether the ADC in Shaw transferred. She mentioned some other unfamiliar places, but she's also unsure.

      I was walking down a wavy path, bordered by plants and then some sort of plant hangers above. The "wave" is just like a sea wave, i.e. up and down, not sideways. There was supposed to be some sort of zip line to make the travel easier, but I didn't take it. It was easy enough. I had a sense of deja vu, like I was there before. I met up with some friends who also took the path.

      Nearby, there were some pagans praying or praising someone or something. I think they were praising or chanting one old woman's name, but the old woman didn't want it so she chanted something else, a name of a deity or nature. Everyone else followed.

      I was in a restaurant. Or was it a fast food chain? I was with a friend (Amben?). I was going to order something. I also had a feeling of deja vu, like I've been in these places in other dreams.


      - Slept at around 9:30 a.m.
      - Ate in Jollibee last night (I didn't sleep after).
    2. August 12, 2012

      by , 08-24-2012 at 08:57 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Listening to N21 and Amway audio CDs. Choosing from a LOT of CDs to play. Thinking of lending some.

      NOTE: Still awake after the LD audio but closed my eyes and found colorful shapes.
      Tags: amway, audio, cds, n21
    3. Business Travel

      by , 07-31-2011 at 03:58 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was learning how to talk to people and how to present the business. Also, there are other Amway registration packs. 2 or 3 different ones.

      I was in a comfort room. I just finished using it.

      Then I was with Doni and Tep in the backseat of a vehicle. Doni was trying to mix a juice drink. I wondered then, who was driving. I saw some guy. The face is very clear, but I don't know him.

      We stopped at the Northland place in our town. There was some... chat, talk, a guy was supposed to be punished. Hazy part.
    4. Cool School

      by , 07-28-2011 at 04:03 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our college, Lasalle, but it looks a bit different. Actually, it looks a whole lot better. We're supposed to be in front of the coliseum, but there are covers everywhere, and it looks cooler.

      There are Amway and N21 stuff there. I ran to them and wanted to buy, but I didn't have enough money. I felt depressed.

      I was going to Bacolod from Manapla (1 to 1 and a half hour travel distance). I was going to take a test.
      Tags: amway, college, n21