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    1. Captain Picard the Zoo Curator

      by , 07-20-2014 at 03:20 AM
      So I volunteer at the zoo.

      I don't remember much, but the other night I dreamed that:

      I leave the indoor elephant area to find Captain Picard (who I know to be the zoo curator) and the elephants' zookeeper sitting on lawn chairs facing the outside area of the elephant exhibit. There's an empty lawn chair between them, but Picard tells me to feed the elephants instead of sitting. Obliging, I pick up a basket of eggs and throw them one by one at a basketball hoop that's high up on the outside of the gate. However, I miss all that I try to throw (and hit an elephant once), so I turn back to Picard and say something like, "Can we just not? 'Cause all I'm really doing is egging the elephants." Picard nods, stands, and says something that I don't remember, then we all leave together.

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 04:18 AM by 55779

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Albino/Pink Animals

      by , 02-17-2014 at 10:59 PM
      Okay well I don't remember much because I woke up early and didn't write anything down ("I don't remember much" is quite a common phrase for me lately, huh?")

      I'm outside on my back porch and I see a ruby-throated hummingbird flying low near me. I carefully and slowly set down this small donut-bowl-shaped flower-fruit.. thing. The donut part has something like juice in it, and I nudge it carefully towards the bird. To my delight, it takes the bait and perches on the donut-bowl, leaning down to drink the juice. I watch for a little bit, but then I see a small, box-shaped turtle, and it's white with soft, bright, pastel pink. I'm delighted at finding such a strange-looking turtle that I've never seen before. I go to catch it, but then I think, the hummingbird will be gone soon, but the turtle won't be getting away too quickly. I should try to catch the hummingbird first, and then I could have two cool animals to show! So I slowly crouch down toward the hummingbird, then shoot my hand forward and grab it - I'm surprised that I actually managed to do it. Then I go and grab the turtle and go back to the back door to show my mom and dad (since I know my mom loves hummingbirds). When I get there and excitedly show them the animals, when I look at the hummingbird, it is also white and pink like the turtle. At the time, I think nothing of it, except that it's pretty and that I've seen nothing like it, so my mom is sure to like it.

      I know there's probably more I could remember if I tried, but I'm lazy, so I'll come back here and edit if a memory comes to me.
    3. I've Been Thinking About Bats a Lot Lately

      by , 07-21-2013 at 05:29 PM
      Well I don't remember much since I didn't get to really recall my dreams or write them down after I woke up and it's been a few hours since then, but,

      I'm in my kitchen and I open up a box or a bag, can't remember which, and take out a bat, which I had apparently ordered online. The bat looked like it was kind of a mix between a bug-eating bat and a fruit-eating bat. I get some sliced strawberries from the counter and feed them to it, "aw"ing and cooing at it the whole time I was feeding it. I knew I didn't have the equipment to care for a bat, so my plan was to order it, feed it and hold it for a while, and then send it back. My parents came in, and I expected them to get angry that I'd ordered a live animal without their permission, but they didn't really seem to care at all. At some point I lose track of the bat and find it drinking dirty water at the bottom of a dirty concrete hole in this weird, scary, concrete place, like a parking garage or something. I hold out my hand and coo at it until it comes and hangs from my hand, then I go back to the kitchen and use the fridge water dispenser to pour some clean water into my hand for it to drink.
      Tags: animal, animals, bat, bats
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Copy-pasted from a chat with my friend because I'm lazy (fun dream with animals, badly described

      by , 07-14-2013 at 01:05 AM
      Abigail: I had a long cool dream with lots of animals and also some other beings like a little cute yoshi
      Abigail: But I had this bat-friend (no doubt from thinking about batjohn too much, as my dreams from last night were from thinking about tinysherlock too much x3)
      Abigail: And for a lot of the dream the bat-friend clung to my shoulder or back, and it was a cute, white, sentient bat vuv
      Abigail: Well, before that I was placing these things all along the wide underside of a counter that was outside, because apparently you had to stick these little button things onto the underside of something before a bat could hang there
      Abigail: And I was planning on keeping a bunch of bats, just because I could, but for some reason I was never able to.
      Abigail: And at one point my family lived in a place in the woods and we had horses and dogs, like my aunt's place that I just went to, and then I went to sit on one of those foldable chairs that you take to places, again like at aunt ramona's, and some chibi naruto characters came and snuggled with me, and a little yoshi came, and something else, but I don't remember what, and it was all very cute
      Abigail: Oh and there was a part near the end where there was one of those "in the next merlin!" thingies
      Abigail: That was kind of random and out of nowhere
      Abigail: and omg
      Abigail: It was, like, Arthur was cursed into thinking that he was different animals at different times.. or at least act like them, and I was like OMG THIS IS GONNA BE A GOOD EPISODE and now I know that it is not real. how sad.
      Abigail: oh and when we had the horses and dogs, I was up on the roof for a bit, trying to chirp like the birds were chirping and trying to get them to chirp back and some of them were RIGHT next to me, but it was a dream so I didn't think anything about it
      Abigail: And when my parents got home I was like QUICK GET OFF THE ROOF because I knew they probably didn't want me up there 'cause I could damage things, so I went down to pretend like I'd been petting the dogs the whole time, and then Alex accidentally let our two bighorn sheep run away and he ran after them
      Abigail: Because apparently when we moved in, there were already two bighorn sheep there, so we just kept them. :I they didn't have a pen or anything, they just hung around.
      Abigail: Sorry this is a wall of text lol
      Abigail: Oh and I was iron man once, except that wasn't a very good dream because everyone kept being really mean and annoying, and so then I started having a tantrum and throwing things and stuff, and then I flew uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup into the air and made war machine follow me for some reason, then I flew straight down into the ground or something, I don't really remember, and then I woke up, but I held still and relaxed and tried to just go into the next dream, but it didn't work :V
      Abigail: And in the last dream with the sentient bat and the next time on merlin and all that, in our basement there were these elk that would just come in and I can't remember if they were sentient or not, only that elk would come into our basement sometimes, through the big open basement doors, and I think Alex had to wrestle them out or something? Or.. interrogate them or something? I don't remember. Maybe sometimes I would be the one to do it?
      Abigail: And there was an evil bat-human king that was living with us but he was the last of his kind and he was scheming to somehow use me and my bat-friend to continue his race or something.
      Abigail: I woke up before he did anything :V