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    Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation

    Welcome to my dream journal!

    Here I will describe what I dreamt in as much detail as I can, as is the purpose of a dream journal.

    Later on, I might document specifics about how my dream world and things that happened exactly work here when something like that occurs.

    1. Survival in chaos and war in my home | [11.07.2021]

      by , 07-11-2021 at 02:09 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Survival in chaos
      Dream fragment. There was some sort of survival situation, it seems to be happening with some sort of massive creatures or robots the dream itself compares to war of the worlds. At some point, at the location shown below (map day2_coast_09, Half-Life 2), a character imagined what it'd be like to be so powerful, which the dream illustrated. First, you saw a war of the worlds tripod emerge from the ocean, then, as it passed through an area where you can't see it, it turned into this large, bulky, and black robot and approaches something to fight it.

      War in my home
      There is a war in my home, and I am laying in a bed of sort with a friend who is fighting with me. He expresses his concerns if this position is safe, but I say that I can just play dead, but he doesn't feel safe so he runs away. Then, suddenly somebody discovers me, somebody with a female voice, who insults me and then crushes my skull. After just a second, it switches to the view of my friend.

      Then, there's a scene change. The war's over. A man is running around and complaining that he has to clean up. Apparently, there's a bunch of scorpions around because somebody broke a terrarium of sort. He puts away a few flower pots on the window sill and sees many small scorpions, which he crushes. Then, he sees what seems to be a dead tarantula on a cardboard box, which I know he thinks is a scorpion, which he whacks with something to make sure it's dead. Then, what appears to be an extremely agile spider jumps towards the man and I switch from spectator to active, as I then run away from the spider thing, which is now a butterfly or moth. It lands right in my face, and I try to wipe it off but it won't come off, which I explain to myself as the fact that it is way too flat. Then, somebody comes and gives me something which makes it easier to remove.

      Coast screenshot:
      Test tube baby Jesus-20210711141824_1.jpg
    2. Disgusting worm and losing a friend | [08.07., 09.07.2021]

      by , 07-09-2021 at 04:36 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Disgusting worm
      Some sort of scientist created a worm that looks like a vein and is apparently parasitic. The worm is for some reason in my home and everything is flooded. Apparently, this is also a recurring dream. I try to grab the worm with tweezers, but it tries to attack my hand so I accidentally drop it in a cup of tea or coffee. Then it's on the ground again and I ask my mother where my garden gloves went. She says she doesn't know, but shortly after, I find them on top of a cupboard and put them on to protect myself from it when using tweezers again.


      Losing a friend
      I am at some sort of massive forge with a friend or two. We have to do some sort of task where we have to ascend a platform while everything is breaking down and there's a great risk of death. In the end, all but one friend manages to get on the platform and that friend who didn't make it died.

      Then, we have hope that they are still alive and try to look for them. Eventually, we find a YouTube channel of them that is apparently still posting some sort of Minecraft content and we find them in a jungle that looks like the jungle area in Just Cause 4.
    3. Nice character died and disastrous tree portal | [17.06.2021]

      by , 06-18-2021 at 12:56 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Nice character died
      There was an adventure beforehand. While I and a group of other people were fleeing from monsters that shoot some form of projectile, he was hit and immediately killed. I sort of got sad as if he was a character from a movie that died, thinking that it's sad that they didn't continue on with his story. The character might not have been human.

      Disastrous tree portal
      There was something about entering a portal through a tree. It's sort of like a certain tree, where you do a certain thing with the bark and it opens, letting you go in and freefall into a different world of some sort.

      It appears it is like a trap, as I end up in a weird abandoned building, with strange lighting. It's like it's always dusk outside, the yellow light leading up the ghostly and dark hallways. It feels like the home of somebody who has died. All lights are off, and it seems like somebody just abruptly left. Everything seems like a still-life painting, with things laying around as if they were just about to be used. It's totally silent. I walk through the corridor, which is located on the second floor and on the east side of the building and is pretty narrow. On the right side are the aforementioned windows, and to the left are several doors. Suddenly, some sort of woman appears.

      Cut to some sort of video clip, showing several catastrophes, such as a rollercoaster accident. In the end, it always zooms into the face of the first person who dies, just a second before it happens, showing their scared, screaming faces.

      At some point, I am in a sort of white void, with a single patch of forest as a representation of the tree portal and the area around it. There is some sort of large person about it, about 4 meters in height. He is male, and I seem to trust and know him. He gives me advice on how to get back into the normal world.

      Cut back to the corridor. There is a woman there, I know she is a demon, presumably from the advice I got. I hide in a cupboard of sorts, or maybe behind a door that was set down in the corridor, but she finds me. Quickly, I think about the weak points of the human body, but I don't remember. Then, shortly after, I see a knife right of me on a window sill. I quickly grab it and ram it into the heart of the woman, but she just laughs, so I ram it into her stomach and then, finally, I slit her throat and then I ram it in her throat. Then, she is dead.
    4. Death dream and dream about former neighbor, and dreamviews thing | [27.05.2021]

      by , 05-27-2021 at 02:57 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Death dream
      I am dead, it seems, or comatose and about to die. I talk to an angel, it appears, and discuss something about death which I don't remember. Overall, it had a sad atmosphere.

      Dream about former neighbor
      I appear to be in the house of my former neighbor, Monika, possibly with my parents. I am talking to her, but I don't remember about what.

      DreamViews thing
      I see in my notifications that apparently somebody voted one of my posts as awful.

      Updated 05-27-2021 at 03:01 PM by 96397 (added another dream)

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Freaky subway nightmare | [11.05.2021]

      by , 05-12-2021 at 02:58 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Freaky subway nightmare
      I remember that the situation is like playing a video game again, although this time I feel like I am forced to play, despite my fear of seeing some gruesome image within it. Then I am in the game, physically, and it's regarded as real. There's something about being underground. There's something I don't remember, then I am in a sort of train with people, and I sort of have to save us by getting weird rubbery things on circular parts on a metal box that seems to be central to the function of the train. I notice nobody else is doing anything and that if we don't manage to do this, we will crash with full force into a sort of other chambers, which we are sort of falling into from the top, and to brake we have to get the rubber things on there. I also appear to be some female character relevant to the story, and she might have a name starting with A. I see that nobody else is trying to save us, so I animate them to help. But then, I struggle to do it, so we soon crash. But then suddenly, there's like a second try, so this time, the same things happen, except that this time, I manage to get most of the rubber things on. I think we will die again, but this time, the train brakes and stops in the chamber with no one hurt.

      This might not seem freaky, but there's some sort of deep fear associated with this gruesome image. There were some past dreams that were so horrible that I've supressed them, with a much stronger version of this fear associated with it that are still horrible to think about today. Not sure where this fear comes from, but I probably don't want to know, to be honest.
    6. Weird tree dream and a tiny lucid | [14.10.2020, 15.10.2020]

      by , 10-15-2020 at 01:32 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Weird tree dream
      There was something about trees and that apparently me and my mother and like a big community of people are turning into them and there was something about reincarnation. But my father realized something at the end of the dream and he killed us all while sad music played.


      Tiny lucid
      There might be something about the series The Order. And then I had a moment of awareness, followed by me wondering about if I might be dreaming. And then I knew that I was, in fact, dreaming. I then tried stabilizing the dream somehow.

      Before I entered the lucid after waking up from a lot of dreams, I actually had the suspection that my next dream might be a lucid. Guess I was right lol

      I rarely ever practice reality checks or awareness training anymore, though. I don't quite know a reason to lucid dream right now.
    7. Creepy red creature | [26.09.2020]

      by , 09-26-2020 at 01:14 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Creepy red creature
      I am a spectator of a woman living on a sort of high tower. She did something that will make some sort of demon monster come and run up the tower to kill her. She waits and it's suddenly there and throws her against a wall with rather whacky physics, like in a video game, and blood splatters everywhere. The creature looks somewhat like an enemy from SUPERHOT. Then suddenly it's like real and I am now on the tower and did something. I watch it in terror, it's running up the stairs to the tower and is there soon. Then suddenly it's in front of me and also throws me against the wall and kills me. Then I am at home, and my mother did something that made me think it will make it come up. I complain to her and she tells me she doesn't believe it. I think about how it even gets into houses, and I tell my mother to properly lock the door, but she takes her time and keeps telling me things, and when she finally goes to lock the door, it seems to be too late. But then nothing happened and for some reason my mother is gone. Then the dream fades a bit and apparently I'm lying in bed. I get a bit aware that I am dreaming and try to open my real eyes to wake up, but it doesn't really work and I can only open my dream eyes, so I build up confidence since I think that the creature might be right in front of me. But it isn't there, so I stand up to see the brightly lit, but way too silent room. Outside, it is very dark. Then I hear very loud breathing, coming from everywhere at once. It had to do something with my mother, and I really wanted to wake up. And, as I wished, it worked this time. At some point, there was also some game title screen with the title "Worry - The game".

      That was creepy. Quite a cool dream. Also good that I got a bit aware at the end there, but not aware enough to remember that I could change the scene instead of waking up. Sad that I lost the opportunity. Also, that "Worry - The game" part might be a pretty funnily obvious reference to how I feel every day.

      Updated 09-26-2020 at 01:16 PM by 96397 (Made blue color not burn into one's retina.)

      memorable , side notes , non-lucid
    8. Reviewing life moments after death | [06.09.2020]

      by , 09-07-2020 at 01:06 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Reviewing life moments after death
      I am in complete darkness, and the only thing that I can still sense are my memories. There is a sort of sad music, but it has a happy and ethereal to it, like I was done now and no longer had to worry about anything, but now it is all over in exchange. It was some sort of synth instrument maybe, but there was definitely piano. I relive the memory of when I was 4 and apparently a cousin and his mother were coming up to visit us. I came to see them. Then, probably a few years later, apparently the house of them were now right next to ours, only about 8 meters needed to walk to the other's house entrance. It was night, and the cousin was visiting. At some point later we apparently flooded their house, which was extremely big, with phosgene for some reason and left to my house. At some point I looked to the window and it was pitch black outside. My mother smelled something weird at some point, and I suggested it might be the phosgene, so I closed our windows. Had problems closing the left one, though, and it had a weird design. Back in the black, I kept thinking how I really wished that you could just turn back time. At some point I also thought about my borther.

      That was deep.. also, that phosgene part was weird.
    9. Strange creepy gaster dream | [27.08.2020]

      by , 08-27-2020 at 12:06 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strange creepy gaster dream
      It was sort of about Undertale, but not really. The only real character from Undertale was Gaster. They were sort of travelling worlds, but I don't know if it'd be permanent or not. I was happy for them, though. But then Gaster told me something unsettling. He said that the darkness was coming. My happiness faded away immediately. I tried asking him what he meant, but he didn't reply, and then they were gone. I saw that they were flying away, but something was wrong, they were only flying into a void, everything around them was the blackest it could have been. I tried warning them, but they disappeared. In the evening in my home, with my parents doing stuff around the house, I heard some documentary saying "Imagine if it was entirely dark and you couldn't see anything." or something, since apparently this darkness is like a natural disaster. I looked out the window, and no light was there. I was afraid of the window not being closed, and I didn't remember how the handle of it looked when it was closed, so I thought about opening the window and closing it again, but then I thought that'd be a bad idea. I don't remember anything else.

      This time I remembered to do my mantra when I went to sleep. Now I just have to keep it up and I'll have some lucids again.
    10. Psych fragment | [23.08.2020]

      by , 08-23-2020 at 10:14 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Psych fragment
      At some point it's about Gus and Shawn at an airport working on a case. Then it's Jules being maybe shot and dead, but a few seconds later shows that she fell on yellow gems which were apparently zirconium which heals you, so she survived and Gus and Shawn came to help.

      I should really really reality check to the series I watch, shouldn't I?
    11. Meeting an almighty person and a fragment | [06.08.2020]

      by , 08-06-2020 at 04:08 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Meeting an almighty person
      There is some like almighty person with questionable morals, like with all the dark ones from Once Upon a Time. At first I think I was just a spectator. Later, I had something which had some sort of smell in my home, but my father told me that if some family under our home smelt it I'd get problems with this dark almighty person, so I got scared and thought about quickly running down the staircase into the garden, but was worried if they would smell it as I ran past. Then the dark guy was somewhere with me, and I remember me trying to not show fear, and he commented on that, and I say "Of course I'm scared of you."
      Then it was showing why he was evil and it was like he married a woman, but then she died and then it became nonsensical and it showed his wife comforting him about her own death.

      Something was going on, which I don't remember anymore.
    12. A fragment after a mantra | [23.06.2019]

      by , 06-23-2019 at 07:21 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      FNaF + school + Doctor Who + ...¹
      ²I remember being in my old primary school, about first or second grade. I am one of the children, seemingly coming from another class because I had to be assigned a new place to sit, a kid changing seats to the one next to him to let me sit there. I place down my bag at my new sitting place and listen to the female teacher.
      It seems we will go to visit.. something having to do with the Five Nights at Freddy's animatronic 'Circus Baby', according to what she says. Can't exactly remember what she says, though.

      The dream is skipping to our teacher going down to check on the animatronic, opening a chamber with a hissing noise as a sort of white smoke came out of it and it revealed the chamber to be a metallic, dark and blue tube with Circus Baby standing in the middle, the tube just large enough to fit her in. Upon looking into the chamber, the teacher started to scream as Circus Baby activated.

      Scene change to a bar, restaurant or some sort of store standing in a forest, the teacher laying motionless in front of it. I know that she fell from a hole in the sky. I am suddenly inside the store and an unfriendly man, possibly some sort of elve or dwarf seems to have something to do with the death of the teacher. Then either I turn into the doctor or the doctor appears, in his eleventh regeneration. He suddenly begins a speech about that the man can't just "play with lives". I don't remember the rest of the conversation.

      Now I am again somewhere having to do with a storm, but I don't remember anything except that.

      ¹: The school came from the fact that I am constantly stressed out about it, Doctor Who came from my excitement of it coming on One (A German TV channel) every Tuesday, FNaF came from me watching an entire series of Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted on YouTube and the storm came from me looking at stormchasing videos again.

      ²: I had chanted a mantra for a second before drifting off. Seemed to have helped with recall a lot, even when chanting it such a low amount. I will retry this next night.