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    Zechariah's Dream Journal

    1. Being a pterodactyl.

      by , 10-04-2012 at 08:27 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      I'll run through the first couple dreams somewhat quick to get to the lucid ones. First I had a dream I was at my house, and my sister's best friend's ghost was around bugging me. This weird annoying form of "Haunting" in the dream. (Her friend's not dead in real life) Well for some reason I had control over ghosts in some sort of fashion, but I didn't have control of making them go away or passing them on to the next life. I knew that my sister had the ability to pass ghosts onto the next life, so I went to her, and she did it for me. (Long story short)

      I was put in a mental hospital with my wife's other friend Corey, we met a few people there and had conversations around the table with a few other people. I remember at one point an elder japanese man pulled me off to another room and was kind enough to share his penut butter with me. We talked for a moment, and the dream was over.

      OH! One dream that I had was so interesting to me while I was in it, and when I woke up. I was looking out onto this very, very, very strange highway. It was a highway of hundreds of different auto mobiles not just going past each other, but driving around and over each other like a huge swarm of bugs. It wasn't just normal automobiles though, there was probably one of ever automobile I've ever seen in my life. Real ones and fictional ones. I saw some from old video games, like a Ghost vehicle from Halo III for instance. Everything. So I chose one. It looked nothing like a car, but it owned the highway. I was happy with my choice.

      So, my alarm went off and I fell back asleep. The dream started out with an explanation of a specific being that was a character in my dream. I'm pretty sure I watched her explanation twice. She was a tool of the universe, given the power to paint the world back into health each time that it had been severely damaged throughout history. When the earth would flood or move out of it's destined path, she would come and bring it back to normal. The problem was, she became angry, and wicked. It turned into a scene where I along with my family and a group of other people were being held captive in her house. She had a strange sense of humor, so she was ordering us to do a set of things like arrange her house and belongings. While killing each other and having people dissimbody each other while in the process. I remember at one point I was carrying out a keyboard with two disconnected legs hanging from it.
      At some point in this dream, I realized somewhat that it was a dream. I knew it was a dream, but I needed to save my family out of this house. I told my mother and sister to hold my hand, and I closed my eyes, and made us appear in my back yard. I then noticed.. that I didn't know how to get back to save my dad. I flew over the wall and tried to recall what the previous house looked like... it was too foggy to jump back to. Just then, I noticed my dad walking up to the side of the house. He walked up, not phased one bit with what just happen. He seemed alright. He said something to the nature of, "Eh, I get why she did it. The process just sucked." They all walked in the house, and I went off flying to explore. I flew up above the forest that shows up each time I start flying from my house, but I didn't want to get stuck in it. So I found a place behind the trees that wasn't the same. It was a huge field with a small bunch of very large and fancy houses going down one side of the area. I decided that I wanted to go in and explore the houses. Just as I flew up to one of the entrances, I noticed there was a guy that lived there about to walk in. I didn't want to struggle with this dream character, so I carried him up and put him in one of the tallest trees, then flew back down. For some reason, all of the houses had a bunch of very large books in front of them. The houses turned into bookshelves and there was no entrances. I knocked all of the books off, just a flat wall behind them. So I flew threw a few more scenes, and out the window of some appartment. Suddenly it was rainy, and cloudy. I was over a bay area, and the sea was strongly disturbed. I flew up into the clouds to try to find sunlight above them. The clouds went on for a very, very long time. Unnaturally long. I noticed even back at the appartment that something about my dream started to make me nervous. Maybe there was something wrong with my body, but it started to turn south. I was flying through the clouds some more, and thinking what could possibly go wrong? I'm hundreds of feet in the air. For some reason, I thought of the only dangerous thing I could think of that would be in the air in a dream state. Something like a Pterodactyl. I hope none of those pop up in my dream, I thought to myself. Then what do you think happened. A few pterodactyls flew by and tried snapping at me. HUGE, birds. They looked dangerous. I'm not sure how this happened, but after awhile I thought that I was dreaming with my wife. We both turned into small pterodactyls and flew around with some other little guys. I noticed on the side of the cliff there was a flock of them hanging their tails on little branches over the ocean.
      Brilliant! I thought. I've always wanted a tail. I used my tail to hang upside down and my wife did the same. We 'hung out' for a while. But I started getting nipped by the other birds around me. It actually really hurt. So my wife and I left, and returned to human form. We walked into some sort of storage room, and were about to get it on- when some lady walked past us. Very suspicious-like. In the dream, it was some lady that was supposed to be keeping an eye on my wife and we felt weird about it. That's about where I think it ended. Altogether, a very interesting night. But a little bit nerve wracking during the later parts of it.
    2. The city park.

      by , 09-18-2012 at 04:36 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      This dream started out with my wife and I walking along the grass. We were in some kind of park, but a nice park that was connected to a city hall. There was an open field, but also a section full of semented water falls and pools of decoration. For some reason or another, my wife wasn't wearing a shirt- and started playing in the water. I was off about fifty feet on the cement, standing on a slab next to the city hall watching in awe.
      I began hearing people talking, wondering what she was doing in the water. They kept going, and going... I was suprised at how many people gave a crap that she was in the water. Didn't they have more important things to talk about? lol.
      I walked up to her and got in the fountain pool to back her up. No harm done, except maybe to our skin because of the chlorine. Shortly after we were joined by a few others that noticed it looked fun, and in no time we had a small crowd of fountain swimmers to mingle with. My family actually showed up and took a dip. They were on their way to Bible study in the park, and we decided to go with them.
      The study didn't start for a good hour, and my mom reminded me that I had an eye doctor's appointment to be at right now. So we hurried down the street to a new doctors office. They were still renovating and moving things around. My mom seemed so conserned today that I might lose my ability to see color, and she went on and on about how nervous she was about it.
      "Mom... Mom. Calm down, I can see fine. I can see colors fine, Mom. Red, blue, yellow green, their fine." I said trying to reassure her. I went in to the doctor and asked if we could get some type of test on my visual ability to see color. He was cool with that, and we did a couple tests. He said something a couple times that gave me the impression he was being rude, but every time in a few moments I noticed he meant something else entirely. The appointment was concluded and it was time to hurry back on over to the park. I remember I had a talk with my dad about my two brothers, I'm not sure what it was about though. We got back to the park and saw the studying pastor. I don't remember much after this point, but I do remember feeling strange and unnequiped, I didn't have a Bible.
    3. I don't want to join the military.

      by , 09-10-2012 at 12:27 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      My first dream last night started out in my back yard. I was holding a radio box about the size of a small T.V.- This dream had to do with the fact that in real life, I registered myself for manditory drafting not too long ago. (Even though even if I am ever to be drafted, I can't ever join the military because of my eye disorder)

      A transmition came through from the U.S. military informing me that a platoon was in route to my house, and I was ordered to read aloud one of my fictional short stories to them. I pushed the communication button and replied, "Uhm... no, I'm not in the military. I'm not gonna do that."

      Right after that, all these transmitions poored in about my federal arrest. Like as if I had just commited treason against the U.S.- they told me the platoon was now on their way to take me in for dissobeying a direct order. I began to panic and went inside my house to tell my wife. I told her and then ran outside to tell my parents, they had just pulled up and gotten out of their car. I hollered at them and told them what was going on, they didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal. My mom pointed out the obvious, that I can't even join the military because of my eye disorder and I ran back inside to say goodbye to my wife. I had no idea how long they intended on taking me. The group of soldiers walked into my yard and began to talk with my parents. I expected the worst. I thought to myself, these guys are probably going to treat me like shit because they think I'm a traitor.
      My parents requested they be informed of what goes on in my case and where I'm going to be put. I sarcastically added "And I request the least amount of bloodshed from hazing on the way there, I'll be right back."
      I had to go pee, and I didn't want to have to go pee while being taken captive. Who knows when I'd get to a restroom. I went in the bathroom... and was to nervous to go. So I kissed my wife, and let the soldiers take me. The next scene was me, somehow transformed into a video game with the rest of that platoon. We were all lions on a two deminsional screen, playing some sort of game on a football field. That game fucking hurt! Seriously, they kept clipping my sides and I could feel the sting. I could tell they didn't like me. I just had to keep pushing my way through. After a while of that, the dream back up back into a personal point of view and I was standing next to a software engineer. I said, "What the hell was that? I didn't understand one bit of what was going on in there."
      He told me that this was a new military software that was testing my psyche, I had to play the game like usual. He told me how to play, I don't remember how but then I understood what was going on, so I went back in as a lion. Somehow, I got a team mate this time. My wife's dad, Mike. We kicked their ass this time. I must say, Mike makes a good lion. I can totally see it.

      After that I was released, my charges were dropped. That's the end.
    4. The later scenes of my house.

      by , 09-07-2012 at 02:00 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      My wife and I were sitting in bed after that weird bathroom thing happened, when my parents walked in.

      I could tell my mom was upset. She explained that she was upset over my sister lying about somewhere she was going. It seemed like my mom thought of her as a child in this dream or something, because my mom has dealt with us lying about where we're going before. And never got that emotional. But anyways, my mom just kind of rested her head down on her hand and my dad told her... something along the lines of, she shouldn't get so upset over it- it's not that big of a deal. Which is strange and completely out of character for my dad.
      They left, and I did what my sister and I have always done after finding out that our parents are mad at one of us for something we were unaware of yet. I called her. But the process of calling her was so frustrating. I had a blackberry, but the buttons didn't make any sense.
      A while later we found my sister at the park down the street from my house and I told her what was up. Still trying to figure out my stupid blackberry, the buttons were changing. That's why I couldn't figure it out.
      My sister looked the way she did when she was... around seventeen, eighteen or so. I don't keep up with her hairstyles in a timeline so I'm not sure, but somewhere around there. Pointing that out because she's twenty and I have a niece that didn't exist in this dream.