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    1. Raptor vs Raptor

      by , 07-14-2015 at 11:11 PM
      First dream: I'm out dressed up as a grizzly bear out in my backyard chasing after a male attempting to tackle him with my weight. He runs and screams until we run out in to the front yard where I nearly got a grasp of him but he slips away and we both end up in the backyard again. Unfortunately, this time he gets help from another grizzly bear who happens to play the role of a mother. While watching these two pair up, I'm up on top of the roof of the garage deciding whether or not to brawl with this heavy beast.

      As it's climbing up the roof, I start to lose interest in this conflict and run away from the mother bear. I climb up as fast as I could to the next higher level of roofing and right as soon as the mother bear reaches the roof, I charge towards the edge of the roof and start flying off in to the depths of the dark narrow street I live on. I flew faster and faster, enough to get me out of the zone of danger. I was afraid. Not only afraid of the mother bear but the darkness accumulating the whole street I flew in to.

      As I flew with great ferocity in to the dark, narrow street, I noticed a light at the end of the street. A home. This home was the end of the street - a source of open peace. Once I reached the end of this street, I would escape from the evils lying within it. Instead, I got the opposite of that. After flying for a while, I noticed an eerie looking abandoned home standing right next to the street. Bad experiences came of it whenever I visited it in previous dreams. I decided to go ahead and look what's inside it anyways in hopes that something different would happen.

      I walked in to the dark residence and slowly crept up inside the the interior of the building. What I heard was a few people engaging in a quiet conversation in the middle room of the home. It was a discreet conversation, so whatever they were talking about wasn't supposed to be heard by outsiders. I walked past the small the room and the first thing I noticed was its large size and open spaces. I was scared up to the point when I saw how dark it was in the areas surrounding it. I slowly walked out of the home unnoticed.

      Second Dream: There was a school somewhere inside a huge open field of grass. I was walking alongside my classmates figuring out where our next destination would be. On our way, I saw several crowds of people walking from class to class(unusual for me) and many of them were waiting outside entrances of unique classrooms. For example, one of the classrooms presented a small zoo where the students could learn about the species living in them. I look in to this one for a while because I thought it was curious. After a while, it was finally time to go back to finding our unknown point of interest. I followed both of my friends through the halls of the crowded school in to the school on to the entrance of the school office and confronted the principal for help. This is where we discovered a secret fear underlying the school's boundaries. What was it? I'm not sure. The principal stood and gave us a motionless stare and knew something was out to get us if we didn't leave the campus on time.

      All three of us quickly jumped down on to the stairs of the school to what was a large scene of green mountains surrounding the entire school. My friends and I transformed ourselves in to creatures. Dinosaurs. Raptors, I think. We all moved ran through the open plains at great speeds. We still had the minds of a human which meant that we knew a lot more than the Raptor's do. However, there were other raptors as well.

      We eventually ran in to what seemed to be nearing the edge of a really tall cliff. The leader, one of my friends, told us to get down on the ground and turn on our night vision. Both of my friends rested down in to the grass but I had a little trouble doing so. There were upcoming enemy raptors walking ahead of us. I tried to lay down but I couldn't. It wasn't until one of the enemy raptors came up near us when I finally had the power to bury myself in to the ground. But that was when I accidentally moved my body and alerted the raptor walking right past me. It roared. Me and my other two friends quickly got up from the ground and ran off to the edge of the cliff. I ran right behind the leader and my other friend besides me. The raptor behind us roared out and was about ready to eat us. Our leader jumped off of the cliff, over what seemed to be a river, in to the small village right next to it. He made it safety to the ground. When I jumped, however, I fell off and was hurled down in to the flowing river. The friend besides me followed.
    2. Fake Reality

      by , 03-10-2015 at 06:39 PM
      This felt like one of my longest lucid dreams yet. I went to sleep at around 11:30 PM, after taking sleeping pills, and woke up at about 4:07 AM the next morning and stayed awake until about 5:10 AM using the internet, printing a sheet, and trying to figure out what to do next before I go back to bed. I went back to sleep at around 5:20 AM and performed the WILD technique, I think. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. This is how it turned out.

      I woke up in sleep paralysis, after desperately attempting to move my body up out of bed. It took me a while to realize it, meaning the demons, or whatever it was, would come in to the room earlier. I was laid on my back under my covers(even though the blankets were not actually on me). I closed my eyes and began visualizing myself escape the current paralyzed state and imagine myself leaving the bedroom. I never actually imagined going anywhere else but inside the home I was already in. The harder I thought about myself going through that levitating phase, the harder I had to keep it in my mind. I ended up losing my train of thought the first time, but the second time I tried imagining myself moving freely away from my dream bed, I immediately flew out of this levitation mode and quickly flew through the closed door in my bedroom, in hopes that whatever else was in there would not catch me.

      After making it out, and already becoming lucid, I decided to walk outside the home. I didn't really have anything to do so far, but to save me the sensations of bordem, I decided to go ahead and summon Sydney again, out on the parkway(which was all empty). I extended my right arm back and summon her. I pulled her out in front of me but I didn't actually sure what to do with her. Once we walked back in to the house, I noticed that two of the televisions were on inside the house; one in the living room and one in my parents' bedroom. My father was inside the living room and my mother was inside their bedroom. I also saw two kids walked in to the scene at the same time I did(they somehow where already in the house). One of them was a boy and the other one was a year, one who looked so suspiciously familiar.

      Me and Sydney followed the little girl and when she walked over to my mother inside her bedroom, I then realized that it was one of the children I helped back at a preschool a few years ago. She didn't look exactly the same, nor did it look like she had any of her traits come to think of it, but while dreaming, it really felt like we were finally meeting each other again after a long time. I'm not sure if I hugged her or not.

      Me and Sydney then walked back out of the house and walked around the front steps of the house for a small bit. I saw my dog there, along with his lover, at least that's what it looked like. They stuck very close to each other, walking around me and Sydney. My dog had a tendency to lick me every time he had the chance to. I didn't like it, but then again he was my dog, so I could never neglect him. He also had a tendency to drink water from anywhere, including the dirty brown water that was inside a small fountain next to the front porch. He drank it and didn't even care how dirty it was.

      After hanging around with my dog for a while, him and his lover left. Me and Sydney were now alone with each other. This was the best time to try and talk to her, especially since our waking life communications don't exit, they never did. I walked Sydney over to the wall next to the parkway and turned towards her. I looked in her eyes, closely observing her facial expressions and attempted to ask her a question hoping she reply with a somewhat real answer.

      "I like you, Sydney." I said.

      "I like you." she repeated.

      I continued telling her how I felt about her but she kept repeating what I said. After a couple times, it got annoying. I asked why she was copying me and eventually told her to stop copying me. She didn't want to listen to me. After asking her so many times, she did manage to tell me something irrelevant, but I forgot what she said. I then decided to leave Sydney here while I went venturing out the street I was in.

      Before I walked in to the street, the dream started to turn on me by fading away. I believed the sky was adding to it. It was so dark that many of the homes in the city looked haunted. I raised up both of my arms and imagined the skies to be lit with bright stars. After several attempts, all I did was turn midnight in to late evenings. The dream was practically blind by now. I resorted to the spinning technique as a last motive. I turned my body and turned it as much as I could, so I could feel the vibrations of my dream body move along a strong, consistent pattern to assist in achieving a better vision for the world. It surprisingly worked. Everything, including the skies, were clear. I was not only shocked, but amazed.

      I walked out on to the street and I already saw someone walking it. It was a stranger, someone that kept walking down this street consistently in the dream. They wore a pink/black decorated hoodie, so I had a little trouble recalling if they were male or female. I followed them out on the side of the street. I was walking behind them and felt the urge to do something I knew. I extended my right arm back and pulled out in front of me a metal hammer. What I wanted to do to this person was obvious, and I was going to do it whether or not there were people watching. Unfortunately, that person walked in to an area I did not want to walk in to. I decided to walk away and try my luck someplace else.

      On my way walked off to other houses on the street, I saw a police car driving off in to one of the parking lot of someone's home. I saw another one opposite of the same of the same home. The first one was going down in flames, which I'm not sure what happened, and the other cop car(and whoever else was in it) didn't seem to care that one of their pals' car was burning out.

      I walked over to different house on my right side of the street to see who I could kill in a discreetly manner. I noticed several mothers on the front lawns of their home working and taking the trash out. I focused on one that lived in a darkly lit area, followed by a lonely backyard parkway. I trespassed in to their home and walked up in to the shadowy trees and bushes. They were walking closer up to me and I waited for them to walk up in front of the shadows I was in. Once the got close enough for me to touch them, I swung the hammer heavily on to their forehead and unintentionally broke the hammer. The woman then started laughing at me for not being able to kill her. I gave up trying to kill someone else, so I decided to do something else with my lucidity.

      This was where things got interesting. I flew over near a small food market on the corner of the same street I just came out of. As I was flying on to the parking lot of this place, I summoned someone I didn't really intend on summoning before I went to bed. It was Madison, one of Sydney's friends. I held her hand until the both of us were on the ground. The reason I landed on to the parking lot of this small store was because there was going to be a special event taking place her in just a few more minutes. There was coincidentally two chairs already laid out on this parking lot. I sat in the left one and Madison, on my right. We were seemingly the first ones here. There were still a lot more people left.

      As we waited, I decided to go ahead and summon a bag of chips(seeing how you don't gain weight in dreams). They were my personal favorites - Cheddar Ruffles. I grabbed some of them to munch on and then handed the bag over to Madison. She ate some with me. The taste felt almost the same, but not vividly. It wasn't strong enough for me to actually set one of my intentions to summon them before going to sleep some other night. Me and Madison both sat there as people quickly started piling up.

      The seats began filling up quickly. Many of the seats in front of us were already filled. Some of the individuals attending this ceremony were young and some were old, but not too old. As me and Madison were eating our food, I noticed a young male staring at the food we were eating. This guy looked a lot like my best friend I used to hang around with during high school. I'm not sure if it was him, though. He never bothered greeting me and I never bothered greeting him. I assumed in forgotten all about me.

      The parking lot was full by the time the one's responsible for this ceremony put up the red/white decorations scattered all over the place. I turned over towards Madison and gave her a small kiss on the lips, which was a little tasty seeing how she still had the cheddar Ruffle powder taste on them. Madison was my date for the night, but I'm not even sure if she knows it.

      Eventually, the staff presenters walked up in front of the large crowd of audience in the parking lot. They went on talking about whatever it was they meant to talk about. I don't have any recollection of what they were trying to speak out. That wasn't the purpose of this perfect moment I held in delight as I sat there that night with Madison. As I sat there, surrounded by so many cheering individuals, most of which were strangers, I felt it'd be the best time to expand my relationship with Madison to something intense. I extended my right arm back and summoned a small black case holding a valuable item inside. I pulled out the box in front of me and held it discreetly in both my hands as I got down on the ground with one left knee in front of Madison. I held the box out in front of her and opened it up as I spoke out those four dazzling words, Will you marry me?

      The audience cheered with "awes" and applause. Madison was caught by surprise. I waited for her reply but after the audience began cheering less, Madison then went on to say something along the lines of, while smiling, It's too early. I was shocked, but as long as the two of us could keep together for a little while longer, it'd eventually be a possibility. The ceremony was over by now and everyone started getting up out of their chairs and walking towards the exit. Me and Madison both got up out of our chairs. I held her in my arms in front of me very closely. At that moment, I just noticed she wore a red. glittery dress. We then both walked out towards the exit, after being escorted, and walked in to what seemed to be a casino.

      Me and Madison departed ways once we entered this new scene. At the beginning on this small hallway, the one we were escorted to, I broke out a few dance moves behind some of the girls I was walking behind with. I think I was dancing to Uptown Funk, but I'm not quite sure. I followed these three girls until we reached the bigger part of the casino - the lounge. This area was big but not too big, and not too small either. There were slot machines on my right side, a set of tables just outside the small hallway I just walked out of, and a small bar to me left, one where Jay-Z happened to be in. Perhaps Jay-Z enjoyed bar tending more than making music. That is what I thought. I also saw two older men sitting just outside the hallway near the tables. I remember summoning a Berreta to see if it couldn't fire actual bullets this time. Instead, I fired off one plastic bb and I also had to reload the gun, which would eventually become harder to pull, at which then I decided to better yet throw the gun at the hairless man who didn't mind me throwing it at him.

      I saw a few others things in the dream. I tried setting the place on fire by using a small box of match and throwing it in small cups of gasoline(what I thought) scattered around the room. The fire would sometimes extended as far as where I was holding it but didn't feel a thing.
    3. Singing in the Rain

      by , 03-09-2015 at 07:26 PM
      Me and a few other family members, including my brother-in-law and aunt, were watching a movie inside the living room of my home. The movie was seconds away from being over and we were reeling in on the resolution moment of it. Me and my aunt were so much in to this movie that she almost held on to me as we both noticed a helicopter being shot down in the movie. There was a creepy vibe to it, not just what was happening on screen but something I felt going on in the living room. I'm not sure how exactly what I saw but, moments later, I showed up somewhere inside that scene along with the rest of my family members watch that movie.

      We were now in what seemed to be a parking lot of a small residential home. There was a long baseball field in front of it. There was also rain, but it felt like heavy rain. I had myself crouched down on the floor, watching what was left of the helicopter explosion that took place moments before. As I watched the flames and ashes floating away from the scene, I sang a tune as I slowly moved back away the explosion area.

      "When You're worried and you can't sleep, just close your eyes and count your blessings"

      I continued singing this tune as I moved up towards the stairs that would eventually led me towards the building that sat on this parking lot. My family followed.

      "and you'll fall sleep counting your blessings."

      The rest of my family were the first ones to run in to the residential home. I'm not sure what was in there, nor did I care much about it. All I wanted to do was listen to myself singing while being comforted with rain. Eventually, I began gaining consciousness of where I was. When I finally reached the building, I became lucid.

      After becoming lucid, I immediately ran in to the home, inside the garage. I walked past the garage and in to what seemed to be another garage in the same small building. I stopped and tried calming myself down. I told myself something along the lines of "This is a dream. I want to stay in this dream." I'm not sure what I said exactly but whatever it was, I felt a better sense of control of prolonging the dream. There was also someone with me. I'm not sure who. Probably someone who lived at the home? I'm not sure. He followed me as I went storming out of the house and towards the inner part of a high school.

      Once I reached what seemed to be a high school lunch area, I stopped and observed the environment. I noticed several students scattered all over the place, going on about their day. I saw several of my classmates standing around a drinking fountain, or so that's what it looked like - a fountain? The rain still went on, but not as much as it was a few moments ago. Suddenly, I felt this strange substance building up in my mouth. I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't like it. It started building up rapidly, eventually filling up my whole mouth. I put one of my fingers inside my mouth, hoping it would just be a bubbling type of food, but instead found a white-rice type of food. I don't even think it was rice, it tasted much more disgusting than that. I tried spitting it all out but before I could, woke up.
    4. No Sun

      by , 02-21-2015 at 05:02 PM
      I woke up at around 4 AM in the morning after going to sleep at around 11:00 PM the night before. I just woke up from a creepy dream where I was stuck inside my home again with all the lights shut off. I went back to sleep and woke up paralyzed in bed.

      It took me a few seconds to realize I couldn't move. The creepy sensations started to run throughout my body as I just started to hear someone in the room with me. It was a woman's voice(one around her 20's). She was standing/sitting right next to my bed and whispered me to turn over and look at her. I tried my very best not to panic and telling myself that it was all in my head.

      I wasn't so much about her, but I was worried if anything, like a furry creature, might come up to me and attacks. I was very scared but not once did I yell out for help. After a few moments of observing the dream elements around me, I decided to close my eyes in hopes that I would teleport myself in a happier dream scene. The first place I thought about was Fairfax Elementary School. I wanted to go there and be surrounded my sunlight and a peaceful playground. I closed my eyes and imagined myself teleporting through the exit door in front of me and being summoned in front of the peaceful scene.

      It felt a lot like I was flying through a portal. I felt the vibrations in my head building up from soft to loud. Unfortunately, it did not work. I was still stuck on my bed. I did, however, somehow managed to get half of my upper body to move. I used the extra time to get up from bed, using all of my strength, and fly out of this demonized home. As soon as I broke loose, I immediately flew through the walls and roof of my home, out towards the front yard. What happens next was a little depressing for me.

      Seeing how I was already lucid, I thought it was a great time to take advantage and do something fun with my imagination. I hovered above my front yard and found there to be one problem. It was still dark. There was no one around, just me. Even worse, I tried to brighten up the globe but failed to. I flew over to my neighbors house to see if anyone was there by looking through one of their windows but I didn't even try to go inside. Who knows what could be in there.

      I didn't know what to do. I thought about summoning some people but I guess I didn't feel motivated enough to be with them. What I really wanted to do was to bring the sun out, but that wasn't achievable in the dream. I tried closing my eyes and dream spinning to appear in a happier place but it just didn't want to work. I am getting a little bit more familiar with dream spinning, though. When I did close my eyes, my right eyes was somehow blocked. I couldn't see anything with my right eye. I knew the dream was over by then.

      Before I left the dream, I did manage to summon a meteor. I summoned the explosion somewhere downtown. Eventually, it'd make its way towards me and shred everything in its path.
    5. Broken Guns, Sharper Knives

      by , 01-29-2015 at 02:19 AM
      After waking up at around 3:47 AM, I thought about trying out WBTB. It was hard going to back to sleep. I laid in bed for about an hour trying to. It wasn't until I noticed the shadows entering the bedroom windows that I realized I wasn't going to have a lucid dream that morning. Luckily, I was able to fall asleep minutes before everyone in the house got up.

      Like many of my dreams, I started out inside my room. Two of my younger cousins were with me. The room around me was a complete mess. Everything felt so out of order. It also felt like a depressing night, especially with my two cousins with me. I watched the both of them playing video games on the television while I sat back and observed them. It got boring after a while. I didn't like having them here. They were hogging up all the fun.

      Moments later, they finally announced that they had to go back home. I felt excited when I heard of this. They then began packing their things and headed out the room. I followed and noticed a change in the atmosphere upon entering the living room. It was dark, very dark. It also felt scary. My vision was blurred at that point and I couldn't recall what I had seen while walking through the living room. All I could see was the front door that led out to the front yard.

      After both of my cousins left, I stood just outside the front porch watching both of them leave. My mother then came out of the house and did the same. I stood standing there, staring at the dark black sky and couldn't help but to feel something scary was about to happen to me. That is when I decided to manipulate the environment and take control of the dream. I didn't like how dark the sky was, so I change it. I closed my eyes and looked down at the ground right in front of my feet. I tried my very best to change the color of the sky. After a few seconds of imagining these dark skies to go away, I looked up and noticed a lighter color portion on the sky being lit up. It wasn't enough to get rid of all these unknown fears but it was good enough.

      I became lucid in the dream just after the moment. The next moment got a little more intense. I walked out to the parkway next to my house and thought about some of the many things to do while lucid. After a brief pause, I immediately remembered that I wanted to summon someone. I wanted to summon Sydney, again. I extended my right arm back and summoned her behind me. After noticing her soft hands in my grasp, I pulled her out in front of me and immediately went for the kill. I pulled out a sharp knife and pulled it out in front of her. At that moment, something amazing happened. A couple of cop cars showed up; one to my left, one in front of me and Sydney, and one to my right. It was almost as if they were on my side. I wasn't even concerned if they'd try and detain me or not. I was bound to try anything.

      While all that commotion was taking place, Sydney appeared to be a lot smaller. As a matter of fact, I think she went from a young girl to a really small old man, judging by the amount of wrinkles I noticed on him. I played along with the dream and decided to murder him anyway. I aim the sharp knife towards his chest and pierced his skin. The old man was scared at that point. He looked more pissed off than happy. I wasn't sure whether I should of taken the knife out, or leave it strapped to his skin. Seeing how the cops were already there, it didn't even matter. The policemen lead him towards my front door where he would be detained.

      The scene then began settling down. I was still lucid, but the dream started to turn against me. It wasn't my vision, I just felt like something I was doing was making the dream go away. I refused to let that him and took advantage of one of the techniques I learned to help prolong the dream - the spinning method. I start spinning around like a top in hopes that I would stay in the dream longer. After a moment of doing that, it turned out I was doing it wrong. Not only did I have to spin but I had to feel the motions I performed while spinning. That worked a lot better.

      After feeling it was safe to stop, I then decided to go on and summon Sydney, the actual her, a second time. I extended my right hand back and like many times, it came out a success. I pulled out Sydney in front of me and noticed a change in her clothing. Rather than wearing the purple uniform, she was wearing the white one. I looked up at Sydney and without a surprise, she smiled. Before I attempted to stab her in the gut, I told her how much I loved her. I then pulled out the same sharp, Micheal Myers knife out in front of me with my left hand and pushed it in to her skin. Unlike one of the previous dreams I had about stabbing her, I didn't feel anything after doing it. I don't think I remember looking at her while I did it. The dream ended seconds later.
    6. Twisted

      by , 01-24-2015 at 06:08 PM
      I didn't prepare too much to try and achieve a lucid dream last night, not like this past week where I spent about an hour thinking about having one. I did have one last night after falling asleep a few minutes before 2 AM.

      Like many other of my dreams, I was back home when I first realized I was dreaming. It was already dark out, which is one of the scariest moments I noticed in my dreams. I had this sudden urge of fear that haunted me while gazing around the parameter of my home. It was really dark and there was nobody else with me. I was alone and afraid.I knew there was something out to get me, but I just wasn't sure when or how they'll catch me. Something was bound to happen if I stood a little while longer.

      I hovered above my backyard and noticed my neighbors backdoor lit up by a lamp just above the door. My first thought was to head there in hopes that I would find someone who could help me throw these feelings of creepiness away. I disapproved of it and immediately flew towards the side of the my house out towards the front yard. My flying abilities were weak at the time. I wasn't able to ascend to a higher position until I got enough run speed but as soon as I did, I quickly flew out of the backyard and landed on the front yard on grass.

      I began to calm down a bit, though still a little scared about what might happen next. That's when I was reminded that there was one way I could make my fears go away. A meteor. I wanted to summon a meteor. I wanted a big ball of roaring fire to come hurling through earth and destroy everything and everyone in it. I raised my right hand up towards the sky and ordered the dream to give me that meteor. Moments later, the meteor came hurling down earth and big waves of fire came mowing down everything and everyone across my field of vision. What happened next is a mystery. I woke up to yet another dream(after waking up and falling asleep again).

      This time I appeared to be inside my bedroom, along with both of my parents drunken out of their minds leaning against a wall while on the bed. I laid there right next to them, drunk as well. We were all just laying there having a good time until one of my dad's friends came walking in to the home for a visit. I didn't really want to talk to him at the time but seeing how I was drunk, I decided that perhaps I'll have a few good laughs and have a good night. I placed my drink down nearby and followed both my parents out the door. When I walked outside, I noticed two kids sitting on the couch watching television with my dad. They were my dad's friends. They looked bored out of their minds. I went up and talk to one of them but they didn't seem to care about what I had to say. It was a good think I was drunk, so it really didn't matter.

      I then walked over to the kitchen where I see my older sister and mother. My mother was sitting at the table near the backdoor enjoying her drink while my sister was near the sink cleaning some of the utilities. At that moment, somehow, it struck me. I became lucid. I'm not sure how but, I felt this sudden urge to do something insane(one of them being too strange to type). One of the things I done second was to try and summon a dream character. Unknowingly, that's when the dream felt like it was slipping away from me. I immediately used the spinning technique to help me prolong my dream time. I turned around and around like a top as I felt the movements of my dream body move in a vibrating-like motion. It took a lot of spinning to get it to work. It wasn't until a few moments in when I felt amazed at how much this technique was working for me. It got even better. After a while of spinning, the dream started to fade a lot more quickly. It came to the point where I couldn't see anything. I started to panic and yelled out something like, "Keep me in the dream!" or something along those lines. I also spun quicker. It worked, surprisingly. I might have not lasted long after all that turning but it's definitely worth practicing with.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. A Gateway to Death

      by , 10-05-2013 at 11:46 PM
      I'm just outside the front gate in front of my home. I'm going inside one of the families' cars and going to be waiting for the rest of my family to get inside. It's going to take them a while for all of them to get in.

      I waited a bit longer but they still didn't show up. I then decided to start the car up making it easier for us to ride on the road already. Suddenly, something happens. A few seconds after I turn the car on, the car began moving. It moved in reverse for a few seconds and the mirrors on the front seat passenger's side was torn apart by a nearby wall. I was in trouble.

      I immediately took control of the wheel to try and get the car to stop. Unfortunately for me I have a tendency to afraid of being insides cars in dreams. The car begins to take off by itself. I begin to worry, but still, I must make sure I do not crash as bad as I did before.

      The car begins to ride itself down the road and I begin to panic. I have always been afraid of being left alone in a car in dreams. While inside this moving car, its speed begins to increase. There were a few cars coming my way but I tried my best to get out of their way. I hit a few other obstacles on the way such as trashcans.

      I eventually found out this wasn't real but I was not fully lucid. I then began to think. There's a good chance that I may die now and if that's a possibility, I'm going to make sure I crash in to Trinh's home.

      The car begins to go as fast as it can and eventually I knew I was going to die soon. I felt a sense of adrenaline and excitement, almost as if I wasn't afraid to die. I was soon able to see Trinh's house. Before the car could reach the home, I closed my eyes and began to think it was a mistake. I wanted to wake up, and so I did.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Only in Dreams...

      by , 08-23-2013 at 04:54 AM
      I can't even remember the dream fully but I remember I started out out on my street right in front of my house. It's lonely(as always). I'm walking towards my house and I noticed someone a few houses away from mine. It was one of my friends I used to walk with back when in 2012. I don't talk to her anymore, but I thought I'd wave at her to see if she would say anything.

      I raised my right hand and waved at her. She just stared at me. So then I walked in to my house and as soon as I walked in, I turned around and saw my old friend only, this time she looked like(or reminded me of Skylar Grey). I had asked who she was looking for and it turns out, she wasn't looking for me. I invite her in to my home and at point, I felt lucid. Surprisingly, I didn't do perform any reality checks. I'm a little confused about that. But I think it could be because I dream a lot about my home and after dreaming of my home so many times, I think this could be one of my dream signs.

      After becoming lucid, I decided to summon someone. Now, not that I really wanted to(it was hard for me to think at the time), I tried to summon Quynh(the most evil beast I ever met in my life) to perhaps, make love or make an attempt to kill her. She didn't pop up and so my dream starting fading at that time.

      I woke up and tried to go back in to the dream by laying still and trying my best to keep calm but then I realized I had school in the morning.
    9. Haunted Voices

      by , 03-18-2013 at 05:41 PM
      I was having a pretty hard time getting away from that haunting home. I do not remember making it out. The first thing I remember was walking towards the home bathroom down the hall. It was a lonely and quiet night, I was the only one there at the time.

      I walked in to the bathroom and was scared at this point, I knew there was no way I could stand another night sleeping here. I would sometimes have to enter my dreams in this dream and find materials that I'd need to use in the first dream to get away from the demons. But even that was scary. I was determined to get the hell out of this place, even if I had to face something scarier.

      I walked back to my room down the hall and heard voices coming from around the home. I also had an intense feeling of fear. I could not know what the voices were saying nor do I remember seeing anything paranormal in the house, to me it felt like it was a nightmare while I was dreaming.

      My father walks in to the bedroom and wonders where the voices are coming from. He slowly walks over to the front window of my bedroom(the front house window) and opens the binds all the way open. I could see the outside perfectly from where I was standing. There was nothing there though. I only saw the front yard and the very dark street in front of it.

      By that time I had already told my father that there was ghosts in this house and I just wanted to move somewhere else. He didn't talk to me about it. He was more worried about how much money it's going to cost trying to get a new home. I was hopeless by now and sooner or later, the voices moved towards me.

      I felt hands in front of me, invisible hands. They were my sisters'. I could hear her voice, she's trying her best to talk to me and convince me that she is indeed my sister and that this house is not haunted. I was the only one being haunted...
    10. Don't Even Think About It!

      by , 03-10-2013 at 10:56 PM
      There is nothing scarier than starting out at my house for me. There is always something scary about this home I'm living in. It was dark at the time, and I was walking all over my home looking for something interesting. Nothing much happened really. I only remember two unique moments. The first one happened when I first realized I was lucid.

      I was in my background, there was now light outside. I'm standing behind my sister's bedroom building. I'm standing there wondering. Eventually I wondered too much and thought of something/someone I met before in this same exact place. I thought of a dark, scary reaper. I immediately stopped thinking about it but when I first looked up in front of the garage, I saw it.

      At first, I was scared that I had to see this reaper again and even seeing it again brought back the memories I had when I first had nightmares about this thing a few years ago when I first found out about Dream Views(2009). It was a pleasure meeting the reaper again. I ran up to reaper and before I could do anything, it disappeared(I might not remember correctly).

      I thought about another great idea to do while I was lucid. Well, it wasn't the best but now that it happened, I thought it was worth to do. At first, I wanted to have sex but I was already tired of doing that(I'm guessing), so I I thought about trying to summon Quynh, the most childish and bitchiest girl I've ever met back in high school, but I still admire her. The first technique I tried using was, "I'm going to yell out your name and move my right hand back and hope you will be there." Surprisingly, it worked! Not only did it summon her but it looked a little bit like the REAL her. Though, what I really wanted was to see her just the way she was back when I first met her in piano class. She was really beautiful before throwing a lot of hate on me. But she's Vietnamese, so I suppose that's why she doesn't want to know me anymore, she'd rather go out with one of her own or someone who's not so in to her...
    11. Getting Wet

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:43 PM
      Must be 18+ years to read.

      There's two girls in my bedroom at night. They appear to be teenagers, it wasn't sure. They were both attractive but there was one I wanted to get my hands on. She was really good looking and also had a nice body, I mean come on! You wouldn't deny it if you were there.

      I walked up to this girl and as I got closer, it started to get intense and sooner or later we would already be on the bed. I wasn't even paying attention to the other girl, as long as this other girl showed her approval for me, I wasn't embarrassed! This was my chance to get some action.

      I grabbed on to her and brought her closer to me. I gently grabbed a hold of her neck and started kissing her lips until things got more intense. As I was making out with her though it almost felt very vividly real, so that made it better.

      I started placing my hands all over her body, anywhere I could get my hands on(Yes, even there). She was showing no disapproval for me grabbing her all over. I think she enjoyed it. I continued grabbing on to her body until I finally came to the point where we started undressing.

      I quickly removed her shorts so I won't have to lose my chance at this. I don't remember taking off my clothes. I then laid on a bed behind me and brought her closer to me and my accomplice(the penis). She got on top of me while I was getting ready to insert my penis inside her vagina. At first, my penis wasn't in there right but I was determined to get it in there. I didn't think got it in the whole way but I eventually did and that's when she started moving herself up and down. From there, she put her hands on my body as I laid back and watched her moving up and down.

      Then I woke up.
    12. Remember Me

      by , 02-17-2013 at 05:21 AM
      It's been a while since I last had this familiar dream. Not the exact same one but it felt like the memories were coming back to me. I'm standing under a structure in front of an abandoned city. It was also raining. There was no one in sight. The last time I was here I was on a mission to kill a few people silently around the city. The city looked very beautiful. It sort of looks like Rome or France. I had no goal in this dream, I only walked around to see what would happen.

      I felt an unusual feeling when I stared at one of the buildings in front of me. I started to think about someone. I started thinking about Quynh. I pictured her in the same clothes she wore when I first met her in the waking world;green sweater, blue pants, and white shoes. I always picture her in the same clothes. I never once tried to summon the "new" her in my current dreams, I just can't. She was so beautiful before. Having the same feelings I had about her in this dream, they made me happy.

      I can't help to think that this place also reminds me of my sister's room. The last time I saw Quynh in my sister's room was when she was there alone and I walked in there to develop a special relationship with her.

      That wasn't the whole dream. I still remember the moment when I tried to summon her. I was at my parents' home. I was standing in the kitchen at night with no one in there at the time. One of the small lights on the kitchen counter was on. I don't remember being lucid but whenever I try to summon Quynh, I always try to make sure it's the real one.

      I tried summoning her by yelling out her name. She appeared after I yelled two more times. It didn't work. Instead of Quynh I got this smaller kid who looked a lot like my niece. I was disappointed and I wasn't sure how I was ever going to make it work. So, I done another technique. I grabbed on to her shoulders and asked, "Why aren't you Quynh?", "Why don't you look the same?!" Not the exact same words but I still remember asking something like them.

      It didn't work. I tried a few times and knew it wasn't going to work. This is all I could remember.
    13. Getting Away with Murder

      by , 02-02-2013 at 06:52 PM
      It first started somewhere out in Pacific High School, somewhere in the back of the school where my old history teacher was teaching in. I had a cold feeling being here but I'm not exactly sure why I was feeling like this.

      I remember something, someone I was pursuing to kill. It was Quynh, I wanted to kill Quynh. Pacific is no longer the school I'm attending but one of the problems I have is with Quynh. I went through groups and groups of people hoping no one would recognize me and catch me. They didn't know my intent and I wasn't going to stop the urge. I scattered all around until I came to a new scenario. I had a scary feeling during all of this, I'm not sure how to describe it well. The more about it, the more scared I was.

      I then appeared in a mall. I was feeling this group of three girls until they led me somewhere interesting. The lights of the mall weren't so well light. The lights gave off a grey color to the whole room making me feel like I've been here before. I never been.

      As me and these group of girls were walking around the mall, I thought about killing someone. I felt lucid but it didn't feel all that exciting here. We were walking under the escalator and that's when it happened. I grabbed someone by their neck and cracked it, not knowing why the body I was holding felt really thin.

      The next person I murdered in the dream, it was Quynh, my old Vietnamese friend. I summoned her with my eyes closed and twisted her neck as well. Even then, I felt no satisfaction in feeling that liar died.

      That wasn't all. I had to get away with it now. I was now in the back yard of my home. There was an online buddy chasing me. Their name was Gold_Digger_5000. I chat with them on a Minecraft server sometimes.

      I had this card that read "hax" on it. I'm not sure what it was supposed to do but I held on to it just in case. This buddy of mine, he wanted to catch me, so I won't do anymore harm. He was the only one after me at the time. We climbed from roof top to roof top, from yard to yard until I decided to use my flying abilities. I jumped and started flying just a few feet above the ground. I struggled with it at times but I still managed to get away.
    14. Short Excitement

      by , 12-21-2012 at 02:46 AM
      I've always wanted to become lucid in a dark scene like this. I'm walking on a lonely street on this dark night and see nothing but empty areas. At one point, I felt it to be a dream but I stared at the sidewalk right next to me and continued to look at it until I became fully lucid. When I finally became lucid, I already started to panic. I tried to control myself by telling myself to calm down and walk calmly. The dream began to fade away and before I knew it, I woke up.

      Something else happened when I woke up. I noticed I had just woken up from the dream and because it was a very short lucid, I wanted to see if I can go back in and try it again.

      My whole body was numb, and it kind of scared me. I didn't want to go in to a paralyzed state. I still did performed one of the handy techniques I read about on Dream Views though. I didn't even have the confidence being able to go back to sleep after having a lucid. I don't remember hearing anything creepy right now.

      This next dream I had was, I guess, a way of my lucid dream telling me it's sorry because I woke up quick from it. This dream was a sex dream.

      You might want to close your eyes if you're too young.

      It happened at the old house I used to live in. My parents were gone and it was already dark. Me and this other girl first started to make out in the room I currently live in. She didn't even try resisting me and the best thing about it was, her kisses didn't taste bad either. I started to share my tongue with her(it was a dream focused on sex, I don't remember being lucid). Sometimes I would pull her pants down and use my mouth there. She gave me oral too! At first, when she put her mouth around my dude, she only wanted to suck until I finally told her to lick.

      At one point, when she was sucking too much, I found her mouth stuck to my penis. And the more she sucked it, the tinnier my thing got. When she sucked too much,I pulled her head away and accidently broke part of her mouth off. She told me something like, "I have another one."

      I heard my parents coming from the front door. I quickly carried this girl to my parents bedroom and locked her in there with me. I tried to do the best I could before I woke up. And before I could do anything really exciting, I woke up. I think you know the next part.
    15. Old Friends Come Back

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:31 PM
      I'm somewhere in the same city I grew up in when I was a kid. I was no where near my home but I was somewhere near a friend's house. Her name was Trinh. I've only seen her face in a few dreams before. I felt like I've been here before. This place looks a lot like a dream where I once became lucid by noticing the no need to catch my breath after a long run.

      At first, it made no sense to me what I was doing here. I wasn't here for long. I got teleported back to my old home in the same city. I don't remember much from being in the house once I teleported but, I do remember the time walking outside.

      I was hanging around outside waiting for Trinh, me and her are going to walk together back to her home. I was in this area for a while until someone finally decided to show up in front of our house. The people who arrived were a few of Trinh's friends, and her. They came in a car. I fell to the ground once I saw them. I'm not sure why. I laid with my face towards the ground, looking at them. I saw everyone come out of the car and walk straight towards the house in the neighbors house. I saw Trinh walk in as well. I assumed she didn't want to go walking with me anymore. I didn't know what to do. It felt as if I was of no importance to her.

      I got back up from the ground and walk over to my right, the garden. From there, I thought of another idea. Perhaps Quynh would like someone to walk with. After all, she is going to walk down this street in a couple of minutes. I noticed that my relationship in these types of dreams, Quynh was always my friend, never a stranger. I never did take a walk with her. I woke up instead.
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