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    1. Hanging w/ Ellen Degeneres at The Peoples Choice Awards Show

      by , 08-30-2016 at 10:02 PM
      D1: I am hanging out w/ Ellen Degeneres & we are getting ready for The Peoples : Choice Awards Show. We are good friends. We gone down w/ Mike & are scoping out our seats. I tell him she has some things to do & I have to go get her a gift. He's irritated that we are leaving him there alone. Ellen says "Fuck It", "lets just go." We see Melissa McCarthy & say hi, cuz we are all good buds ya know. We went shopping & picked up things & ran into other people. When we got back Mike was even more pissed & saying, "See, I knew this would happen if you left!" He couldn't save the seats. I told him not to freak out & that Ellen can get us seats. So we leave him there, lol. I would never normally leave him but it's Ellen & we have to get sat down before things start. We finally find seats but I can see Mike & he's fuming!

      Meesha Cat started bugging me & I batted her away but only had time to phase into a frag.

      D2: I was still w/ Ellen & Mike & now we are at some really weird tacky ass funeral outside.

      I had a third but just couldn't hold on to it. My A/c seems better today but my nose is still running from allergies. But I'll take the dreams I got because they were fun. Ellen is a common DC for me, also so is Melissa McCarthy.
    2. Hanging with Melissa McCarthy!

      by , 08-18-2016 at 12:31 AM
      Non-lucid: I was in a college w/ Melissa McCarthy. We were in an around the world culinary contest. In which one guy tried to cheat & we were very disappointed w/ him. I woke up before it was over due to my wbtb alarm.

      I tried to go back to sleep but my phone was blowing up. The A/C guys were back to try & fix the new leak in our new A/C. It's evening now & it's acting stupid again already! I'm really getting tired of dealing w/ this shit. It's brand fucking new! Sigh.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP/OOB-Brown