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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. Odd dream fragments

      by , 05-06-2016 at 10:09 PM
      I only had some really odd dream fragments, non-lucid. I'm just completely exhausted because my allergies are really crazy. I've been really busy getting things ready to travel soon for a family engagement. Then last night I called my son & told him when we would be there & he said that he had given me the wrong date so I had to cancel my reservations & make new ones which was exhausting because it was really late last night when I finished. (I will be taking my laptop because I have not missed logging something in my journal every day yet) Being sick & on meds is really taking all I have to do anything so I just tried to get some sleep. I slept for about 12 hrs & woke up still exhausted, lol... I have been reading & trying to get a good grasp on the dragon for the TOTY.
    2. Bikini line & puppies

      by , 04-30-2016 at 09:53 PM
      I'm taking antibiotics right now so my dreams are all over the place! I was in this really beautiful water & was swimming around but every time I would get out of the water I would check my bikini line & shave my hair there, over & over, lol. I saw my grandpa Jacobs & my aunt Jill (she is only 2 wks & 3 days older than me). I kept thinking that them being there was weird. There were these puppies. I don't know why but we kept coming across all of these puppies. Yup none of this made sense to me either!....

      When I woke up I tried to go back to sleep because I instantly thought. Be a dragon, be a dragon, be a dragon. I guess the prep for achieving the first task in the TOTY was trying to kick in. So I guess you could say that was my first failed attempt at TOTY.