I noticed that a child about 7 was fondling his sibling who was about 5 & that child was trying to get away from that older one so I intervened & tried to tell the parents. But instead of being disturbed by this fact they were angry & wanted me to leave saying I couldn't be trusted now w/ their secret & I tried to tell them I would try & get some professional help for their family & that things would be okay but they weren't having any of that & wanted me to leave..... With that being said, this is a dream sign for me, which is quite disturbing. I have odd dreams of this similiar nature... So, on that note I have no quams w/ explaining why this is a dream sign for me because I'm a pretty open person...
In real life. When I was almost 14 I was removed from my hometown for fear of my safety.... First off, I lived in a town of less than 2000 ppl, & most of which resided on the outter limits... After my grandmother died my whole family fell apart. We lived on my grandparents land & my mom worked nights & she wasn't very maternal so I had spent alot of time w/ my grandmother being my mother figure & my dad was a very good father. So, when my grandmother died I started acting out & having sex, etc, no drugs, just not being home much, so my parents had taken me to a counselor which was worthless & gave our family terrible advice. And since I kept getting into trouble at school the school brought in a counselor for me who was given permission to tape our sessions... (It should also be noted, that no such counselor had ever even been to our small school, so this was drawing alot of attention to me to begin with.) During one of these sessions she somehow got me to talk about something that happend to me & it was recorded on tape... The following is what occurred: For the previous couple of yrs I was having sex w/ a married man from our church who was 19 or 20 when he was arrested so I guess he was 17, 18 & 19 while this was going on.... I had previouly told my father about this incident & he told me to not tell my mom which I ended up doing because I was a smartass & said my dad had told me not to tell her what we had discussed. She was livid AT ME incredibly. She called me a slut & a whore & in hindsight maybe that was why they agreed to have my sessions at the school recorded. (I was told the recording was for a degree the counselor was trying to achieve) Anyway back to the time of the arrest..... #1 I had a boyfriend who was in my class at the time, & who also was a cousin of the man arrested & I was not engaging in sexual activity w/ this man any longer. #2 My family, my boyfriends family & the family of the man arrested were the primary/prodominant families of our small town. Which means are families had been there for generations & had contributed to the small town.
So, on the day of the arrest I was in a couseling session during school hrs & she had asked me what I had done over the wknd & some how I referred to something about this man. It was in casusal conversation about a place at the school itself & had referred to an encounter w/ the man on school grounds.... I was very young but I knew just as soon as the words came out of my life that this man's life & my life would be destroyed & therefore tried to recant my statement but they called the police & made me give a full account of all my encounters with this man, which included many on the school grounds & in the school itself & of course the first event which took place almost in plain sight across from my church......Afterwards I watched as he was being halled off out of the office & into the police car all the while I was screaming at him that I was sorry. Again, remember I was young... (in all my yrs living there that was only the second police car I had ever seen in our town, so this was quite a spectical) At that point I was removed from my home for safety reasons due to the dynamics of the town & I sure didn't want to go home to my mother, whom as I mentioned, called me a whore & a slut when I told her previously this was going on. So I went to my first foster home & shortly after recieved I recieved death threats, due to his popularity as a star football player at our high school the previous 4 yrs. He also in turn lost his job as a janitor at the school, which he got due to wife being pregnant in her senior year..... I spent the remainder of my school yrs until I was almost 18 in foster homes & the last 2 in a group home... This event destroyed most of my adult yrs in various ways also until I met my current husband who has watched me go through phase after phase of bullshit, until 2 yrs ago when I finally found peace & joy in life. I'm so grateful for him that I can't even describe in words.... Just to be clear, this paragraph was in no way form a dream but a very real traumatic event that happend to me in real life. And yes I know this sounds like a crazy book & I wish it was & that I had never lived through it.....
Therefore, this traumatic event in my life triggers really sick dreams like this occasionally & I try to get help for people in them usually, like in this last one. And also there is the reoccurance of people wanting me to leave for irrational reasons. And yes, these are very disturbing dream signs but they are nonetheless some I have.