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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. School bus, house, tennis in the pool, 3D thong and Rear Display....(SDE Day 06)

      by , 08-20-2012 at 07:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      School Bus and English Class (Non-lucid)


      There's a girl who's trying to find her father because he took something that she needed to get to somewhere I think.

      I forget if this girl is a blonde,
      since I think I slept again instead of typing it on my laptop because I was too lazy to turn it on.

      All I remember from this is that the girl used a bicycle, and her father had a faster model of another bicycle or motorcycle. I thought the girl wouldn't catch up, but she managed get to the same speed as her father. When he realized she really wants to talk to him, he finally stops.

      He gets off the bike and gives the girl a plastic bag with some random items in it, but most importantly, he also gave her the item she was looking for, a very transparent bead.

      The dream shifts, and now I'm inside of a yellow school bus. I couldn't see the outside, but based on how the seats were arranged, it definitely had to be a school bus. There were quite a few people inside, but there were two people I had most of my focus on.

      Before doing so, I think I looked at myself at the mirror, but I'm not sure if it's me, it looks like a female.....am I in a female's body?

      Whoever it is that I'm looking at in the mirror, she has some white cream on her face, so I take some object, probably a paper towel or something, and slowly wiped it off her face. It doesn't take long for me to finish this, and then I listen to the two girl's to the right a few seats in front of me. One girl was talking about how her Adviser told her she had to take some other course because of some condition I can't remember.

      The girl had to leave, and then her friend called her to declare that in short, her Adviser doesn't know what she's trying to tell her at all. She starts telling her that she can do whatever it is she thought she couldn't, and after they talk for a while, maybe a minute or two, I see the same girl who left walking around on the cell listening to her friend to respond,


      The girl was wearing a black leather jacket, white shirt, and some dark colored jeans. I don't do this often, but her visage wasn't very appealing to me, in fact, she reminds me of a girl in High School when I was a senior. She was on the cheerleader team, but I knew that someone like her would be the one talked about behind everyone's back as not looking good enough or something like that.

      She hangs up and after that, everything is quiet. Then another random girl, who is a redhead, wearing a light gray shirt and the usual blue jeans is talking about people's weight. As the bus is taking a very deep curve to the left, while I'm on the right side of the bus looking at the window of the arrows signaling vehicles to take a deep left turn, the girl talks about how that if she sees someone obese in her neighbor, she takes that as a compliment.

      It took me a few seconds to process how that can be a compliment, but for some weird reason, I found some logic in her twisted and cruel declaration. It makes sense, when you apply it as petting her ego and making herself feel better. She was a little pale in skin tone, and pretty skinny, but not too skinny, she had a little substance in a few regions.

      The dream shifts again (everything seems to be following the same theme for me)....now I'm inside of a school building, and I'm on the top floor. There's a classroom I have to go to that's "Room 113," something like that. The overall setting are shades of brown, very dull and boring.

      However, the room is closed, so we have to wait for a while, so I decided to walk around the hallway a bit and look around for any other classes that have started already. I get a hunch that someone is coming near Room 113, but it ends up being a student instead.

      It's one of my short-term friends, Marissa, and she's wearing a think black cotton type of jacket with some kind of brown or dirty colored shirt and dark pants. Her face looks just the same, but she has a brown beard showing.

      I can see why I didn't find this weird because she actually did a play where she had to paint a beard to act as a man....

      The teacher eventually comes, and everyone is already trying to find their new seats. There's probably 10-15 people inside, excluding the teacher. Most of these people are familiar faces. There's one guy who looks like Gere wearing a black shirt and dark pants. Then there's this skater dude that I sat near a lunch table with in middle school, though he was a douchebag in waking life.

      He's still skinny as ever, and is wearing a white shirt, though I can't remember the color of his pants. Then there's Marissa, who I already mentioned, and then there's another guy that I'll nickname "Hay" for the sake of being anonymous as well. I'm not too sure on that, but whenever I try to recall the details of the classroom, he always pops up.

      I also think another girl from middle school who had a family history of sickle cell anemia there as well wearing a thin black jacket like Marissa, except she was shorter than her. The teacher was also wearing a thin black jacket and probably a white shirt underneath.

      I think she had an inverted bowl shape hairstyle, which reminds me a lot like my first English AP teacher before I switched classes. While everyone is quickly finding their seats, I end up being the last one trying to pick a seat, and the teacher isn't really patient herself, in fact she told me,

      "It shouldn't take long to find a seat..." (paraphrasing here).

      I awkwardly acknowledge it, but I forget where I decided to sit down. I think she hands out some sheets, and while I'm scavenging through them, I find there's one worksheet that asked two questions. One was related to something about having a specific type of camera. I think it was a Yes or No question. I was confused about this because I thought this was an English class.

      But I think the reason why I assumed that is because I saw Marissa, who I only met my English AP and U.S. history dual credit class.

      It seems this is some type of photography class, and I think other people start getting confused as if they're in the wrong class.

      I can't remember anything else.

      House (Non-lucid)


      In a house with father and mother probably, there was some talk about ants and how they don't go onto certain animals because of their stench....house feels incomplete.

      Not a lot I can remember here.
      Tennis in the pool (Non-lucid)


      I wake up, making grunting sounds, and I felt really tired as well. I see one person to the left of me who looks like Jerry in waking life. He's wearing dark clothes. In front of me is a pool, but I can't remember if it's full or not.

      It had a sky blue glow to it, and apparent, there was supposed to be a tennis match near the pool. I think I ask Jerry if I can join in, but I don't hear anything from him.

      I see three fluorescent green tennis balls on the grass. I pick them up and formed them into a triangle. A random lady comes out of nowhere and looks at me. It seems she's going to pick up the tennis ball, but I can't remember what she does. She's a little overweight, and based on the cap, she looked like she could be the umpire.

      This area seems to be the backyard of someone's house.

      3D Thong and Rear Display (Non-lucid)


      Spoiler for 18+:
    2. Green Globe, Pool of Toy Balls, Is that a Dragon, Eva and Akashic Records??

      by , 04-22-2012 at 02:27 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Green Globe (Non-lucid)


      I don't really care too much to this dream, except for the fact that this possibly was a precursor to the dream I had with Eva and the Akashic records dream...

      I'm walking somewhere at my University, and I'm following a group of people, but the traffic and amount of people here started to irritate me, so I thought of trying to teleport somewhere....

      The opposite of that occurs, and I find myself instantly flying up pretty quickly. I look down, and was a little scared at first, but instead of trying to think about falling down, I looked up, closed my eyes, and imagine myself propelling upwards.

      Then a white light flashes before more, signaling that I teleported out of the dream environment.

      I'm now floating, and I see a Green globe, and I rotate it with my mind, and I decided I should go to Houston, TX.

      I feel a pulling sensation from this green globe, and feel like I'm being warped into the area I wanted to go to...

      I can't remember much from that dream..
      Swimming pool of Toy Balls? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a play area that's full of what seems to be toy balls, or something like that? It was kind of dark though, and it seems there's always water in this area as well.

      There's this random lady who is fairly huge, and we're just floating around, minding our own business. Then the lady started to say, "Daddy?" out of the blue, so I presumed someone else was with us.

      I think I see a man who is shirtless, and is wearing dark blue shorts underwater, and the daughter I think lands on him. I was kind of concerned that her weight might cause his to open his air path in his throat, and possibly drown him or something.

      Then all of a sudden, when I go back up to the surface, the girl is floating as well, and she's wondering where her father was, and I think she's close to even crying.

      I go underwater again, and I see this white string near a drain that's sucking up the water, so the dad probably was sucked in there.

      I can't remember much after that, didn't really care too much about this dream in the first place....too random...and it was too dark for me to associate anything from it...
      Is that a Dragon? (Non-lucid)


      I was trying to convince some people to look up at the sky, because I'm seeing a large creature flying, and it looks like a dragon in metal armor, it had that silver color to it with some slight hints of blue.

      I think I saw a redheaded lady as well, not sure if it was Opheliablue, but I was trying to nudge at whoever it was to look up. Even when they did look up, all they did was shrug and have the "I don't know" expression on their face.
      Eva and Akashic Records? (Non-lucid)


      First of all, I'm glad I finally met Eva for once, she was a little bit more degraded from something...and man, this dream was scary.

      I honestly thought I wouldn't have met Eva AT ALL, but it seems the intention worked by watching a few videos about her and Snake.

      (I watched some short videos on the Akashic Records, and I wonder if this dream itself was the path for me to get there, seeing as you normally need a guide to shift you to the right path.....and clearly, I was following Eva like she was a guide....and there were guards.....so there has to be something precious within this library......)

      Watch this video first before reading the dream if you can, there are some things that the lady said like "Cairo, Egypt" and such that you'll find that my mind did some homologous association with it the people in white robes...you'll find out what I mean...I don't know why, but I was browsing through DV articles, and typed "are the akashic recrods real?" on a youtube search bar, and found this late at night before I slept.

      Things start out where I'm at an area that seems to be a green underground cave. I believe I'm in the lighter side of this area, and I finally see Eva.

      There's something odd about her, there's this type of loneliness within her, she looks degraded, used up, raped, or something...it was kind of sickening, but the fact that I still saw her, she obviously had the intention of actually interacting with me for once for a little longer.

      Her hair, it isn't blonde like it was before when she gave me the grey letter with the letter "M" on it with in a non-lucid I had a long time ago.

      It was light orange, but you see, it looked like it was like the color because someone probably fried her hair up a little, I'm not too sure.

      She looked exactly like Eva, she was quiet, but it was definitely Eva. She wore a very bright green military jacket, and she had it open.

      And I saw her breasts, she left them exposed with her opened jacket, and her nipples were pink, maybe a little darker than that. I think the point of her projection was to portray that she was used up by someone or something.

      As for her pants, it was the same with her regular biker outfit, it's just that the jacket was green instead of the usual Khaki type of color all over, and I believe she had black boots as well.

      Her jacket was way brighter than this, so imagine it being opened completely, and you can see her bare skin and breasts exposed to you, with the edges of the jacket hanging on the sides of her nipples.

      She gets close to me, but there's this type of barrier separating both of us, so she starts pushing as much as she can. I take a step back to let her open it fully, and I get closer to her.


      She doesn't look too desperate for small talk right now, seeing as how the look on her visage was a little bit depressed and sad. There were marks on her hair, and some of it wasn't complete. She was bald in a few areas, but she still had her long hair.

      I follow her, and we go up some stairs, we haven't talked at all, I merely pick up her non-verbal cues. There are two characters talking to each other, and I stay behind Eva, completely relying on her to guide me through what seems to be a library.....

      We wait for the two guys to finish talking, and it seems to be that they are wearing white robes like they're from Egypt....

      (Okay something is up...but you'll find out what I mean after)...

      I wait for Eva's cue to move, and she finally does, so I quickly go along with her, and we hide behind some shelves until the two Egyptian robe wearing characters move further to the left. Then Eva goes to a bookshelf perpendicular towards the direction she's going.

      Like, imagine being parallel to the back of a bookshelf, and one being perpendicular to you....so I quickly dash to the bookshelf, slowly moved my head up to see that there are two or so guards on the other side.

      I crouch back down, waiting for Eva to cue something to me already.

      For some reason, I decided to be a little bold, and I start making a little whistle sound to attract the guards. I believe I did that because I thought the guard was too far to hear the whistle, but they pick up the sound a few seconds later.

      I crouch down quickly since I saw the guard turn around immediately. I started to get tensed up for a little, feeling this weird tingling sensation in my head....I definitely made the horrible mistake in making that whistle....

      I have a gun in my hand, and I believe Eva didn't have a weapon at all, so I guess I had to be the support in case things get rough.

      (Normally, when I ignore a DC and get distracted with something else, they usually disappear, but she was still there....it's not my obsession with finding her that kept her there, in fact, my concern over her was temporarily faded because we're in a serious situation with the guards and everything).

      I have my gun ready, and it has a cyan laser sight, and once I realized this, I quickly moved the laser sight to the edge of the bookshelf we're parallel to, because the guard might find the laser dot....but I already knew my feelings of being tensed up and fearful meant the guards were already too suspicious.

      I wait having my gun aimed at the predicted path of where the guard's head should be...I started to get more tensed up, feel the guard coming closer and closer....

      Then I see the side of a face taking a slow peak, and I slowly aim my laser sighted gun to their heads, but they quickly so their whole body to me and try to aim at me, but since he saw that he's not going to win this one, he's shocked, and an Exclamation mark appears on his head....

      Definitely a Metal Gear Solid element there with the exclamation mark....

      (It was like this, but the mark was light blue)

      Anyway, since the guard was moving, I decided I might as well show myself to the others, but I didn't, I just popped my head over to the top of the shelf to see that the same guard told the other one that we're here.

      So I decided to shoot the guard trying to contact Headquarters through this big swamp green radio phone....I believe I managed to shoot him before he did...

      The same man with the radio phone wore glasses, a long brown leather jacket, and it he looked a lot like Ocelot when he was extremely old in MGS4.

      Once he's taken care of, at least, I'm presuming he's dead or knocked out from the gun shot, I try to aim to the other guard that alerted him.

      Then this other guard comes out from NOWHERE, and has holds a pump-action shotgun with one hand. I thought he was going to come after me first, but he's aiming at Eva, and she's still crouching down....I realized that she was too injured to react

      He came so quick, that I couldn't even shoot him because my gun didn't even fire any bullets. He shoots Eva, I get fucking pissed, and the gun magically works, I shoot the hell out of the guy.

      But instead of going to Eva immediately, I had to make sure there weren't any more guards around us, so I move forward to scan the area, and things are okay.

      I take a look at some kind of weird base in front of me, and I believe I'm looking outside the library, like the door was wide open. There was this area with grass, but the type of grass you see in video games, where everything on the floor is just mashed up together.

      I see the door to go to another base....and it's overall color is violet with some hues of bright pink....then I realized...


      I completely forgot about her, and I turned around, but I couldn't do it quickly, everything was going slow, the dream is starting to fade, and this would've been the point where I would've been lucid, since I felt so much emotion in this dream.....

      But the dream fades quickly..

      I wake up, but I still have my eyes close, I'm still thinking in my mind saying




      I thought I should do a DEILD, but I might've forgetten the dream if I did...

      I find it funny that despite finally meeting Eva, who had a few alterations like having orange hair (redhead), green jacket, and some other qualities.......I didn't remember her saying one word to me. Not ONE little word at all...

      All she did was just guide me somewhere...and I honestly believe it was for the Akashic records, but obviously, because I was being stupid and whistled at the guards, I obviously wasn't prepared for it....

      I can't believe one careless mistake I made would cause so many chain of events.

      Updated 04-22-2012 at 03:34 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable