• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Fantastical Adventures

    You can expect to find Time Travel, Game Elements, and Pony, among other things.

    Definitions. I use a 5-Layer system for classifying levels of lucidity without mentioning control. Each Layer has two optional variants, "Minor" and "Major", where one variant isn't necessarily better or worse than another.
    Layer 0 - The dream gives hints that you may be dreaming.

    Minor - You dream about lucid dreaming subject matter, usually in the form of conversation, text, themes, etc.
    Major - Something may not feel quite right in this level. There may be a sense that there are no consequences to your actions, or that you can stop the experience at any time.
    Layer 1 - You realize you're dreaming, but you are barely lucid. This isn't limited by time. Layer 1s can still last very long, just like any other layer.
    Minor - You wake yourself up within seconds.
    Major - You lose lucidity within seconds either by distraction or false awakening.
    Layer 2 - You realize you're dreaming, but complete understanding of the situation does not properly sink in. Not caring enough to continue may occur.
    Minor - Dream characters are unaware of the dreamstate.
    Major - Dream characters are lucid.
    Layer 3 - The full implications of the situation are understood. You are aware of what DCs are.
    Minor - Dream characters are unaware of the dreamstate.
    Major - Dream characters are lucid.
    Layer 4 - The full implications of the situation are understood, and you have full waking consciousness. Memory and logic function properly.
    Minor - Dream characters are unaware of the dreamstate.
    Major - Dream characters are lucid.

    Abbreviations: Layer X = LX. Variations are like this: Layer X Minor = "LX-", and Layer X Major = "LX+".

    Procedure - A routine I use to increase lucidity.
    Initialization - Stabilization at the beginning of the Plan
    Plan - A routine I use to reach Layer 4 and solidify the environment.

    -1-, -2-, -x-. - Indicates the start of a new dream.
    [New Scene] - Indicates the start of a new scene from the same dream.

    Color Key:
    Layer 0
    Lucid, Layer 1/Layer 2
    Lucid, Layer 3
    Lucid, Layer 4

    1. 4/17/17 | Concrete, Pokemon, Rainbow Dash

      by , 04-17-2017 at 03:22 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      Conditions: Sunny, Calm, Late Afternoon
      I was outside in a rectangular concrete area surrounded by woods. In the center was a big screen of stretched around a giant cube. On the outside edges of the concrete area were rooms that I never saw the inside of. The mane 6 were trying to enter the east room before the Pokemon theme song played. I tried to sing along, but I didn’t remember even half the words, which meant I was gonna get beat up at the end of it. During the song, I snuck up behind the group to smell Rainbow Dash’s mane for some reason. However, she noticed me and instantly flew off at high speed before I could get a whiff. Also, whenever I put my fist forward in time with the music, I would be launched in that direction, and then I would slowly float down. By the end of the Pokemon theme, the scenario changed before anyone had the opportunity to beat me up.
      Now, the concrete area was flat, and made of Minecraft blocks(Railcraft’s concrete blocks). Nothing special happened here, or in the woods.

      Updated 04-17-2017 at 03:25 PM by 67050
