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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 5/9/18--5/14/18 (L) | Twilight Sparkle, Desert, Oklahoma, College

      by , 05-15-2018 at 03:35 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      I was in Oklahoma for some reason. On a familiar body of water, there were huge sieves with plants on them. At a higher elevation, sprinklers were suspended from towers to water those plants. After entering the house across the bridge, which turned out to be my old house, I found BotW on the TV and a non-existent president. There was an explosion, so we went into the kitchen, Later, there were slides outside. Sliding down one was a light blue translucent object that was represented by "UO2", and an object with rotary blades represented by "UEO3". Earlier in the scene, we passed by several farms and one Cola stand. 2 people manned the stand, and nobody else was around. The weather was sunny and clear. During the sprinkler scene, I turned on Google Earth's clouds layer, which revealed a few broken cumulus clouds.

      -F-Something about Planetshot.

      5/11/18 (L)x3
      -(L)-I became lucid and lost it after 10 seconds.
      -(L)-Later, I became slightly lucid for 5-10 seconds.
      -(L)-Later, I became lucid once again and remembered a tiny amount of stabilization.
      -There was a thing where lots of characters were in a place surrounded by very rough ground. Teleporting was involved. There was a crossover episode between MLP and Avatar.
      -Time traveled in a delorean. I tried to stop my past self from doing that.

      -1-Twilight Sparkle and I tried to enter a settlement of sorts. I was a changeling. Chryssi showed up too. When we tried to approach the changeling settlement, we got flung back by a force. The closest stable area was a plain of mostly rock. The scene was a little foggy and somewhat dark, with incorrectly bright lighting. [FA] I woke up in my old house and ate ice cream.
      -2-Took a music class at my college and missed a storm cell.

      5/13/18 (L)
      -1-I explored a building at college. The layout was completely different, and I didn't catch the fact that the interior style was very similar to one I had seen in a past dream.
      -[FA]-Woke up and caught the FA. I calmly moved around in my dream bed for several seconds before a real-world lightning flash woke me up for real, eyes still closed. That was just a little bit frustrating.

      Spending a day in this particular desert world would be like spending a week in the prime world. (time differential) Twilight Sparkle entered the desert world looking for something. Trump was looking for an object in it. Later, Twilight found what she was looking for, and it turned out to be Spike and Discord. Also, it was all an unrated fanfic that appeared in a feed on Fimfiction.
      [New Scene]
      There was a scene at a building in a temperate area.

      I had some dream control over the ceiling of a place covered in snow. Also, there was a villain going around changing history, but leaving metaphorical bread crumbs for me to follow.

      -F-Something about getting maximum score on a something.

      5/17/18 (L)x6
      3 WILDs, 3 DILDs. Unfortunately, due to poor recall in exam week, I don't remember much of them. There was stuff about snow, driving, a gamecube, and weird people in black suits. The first 3 LDs were the WILDs, and the following 3 were DILDs. In the final LD, I did an RC while driving a car, and when lucidity was confirmed, I immediately spun outside of it. I performed some basic stabilization (somewhat poorly) and remained lucid for close to a minute before getting distracted.

      Lucid Time: 46-79 sec + 90-145 sec

      Updated 05-17-2018 at 03:32 PM by 67050

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    2. 3/28/18 (L)x4 | Store, Wind

      by , 03-28-2018 at 03:11 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-I don't remember anything from this LD. Later on in this dream, I parked the van in a residential area. After that, I walked down the street for about 2 seconds before I was climbing stairs at college.
      -2-I became lucid for a few seconds at the tail end of a dream. The dominant color was beige.
      -3-I reentered a dream, spawning in a store, before losing awareness. I looked at the lackluster board game selection on a few shelves, then left with my small, empty, useless cart. Later, I regained lucidity in a hallway, where I decided I would put my stabilization routine to the test. It was a failure, so it needed revision. (I'll be testing the revision tonight)
      -F-Grandpa sat in a weird computer chair that had malfunctioning arm rests.
      -F-FA. I noticed the winds were really high outside (60+ mph), so I observed at the window.
      Lucid Time: 1m55s--3m40s
      Tags: store, wind
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    3. July 2015 | Bits and Bobs

      by , 01-10-2018 at 05:47 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-Some earthquakes were going off and triggering the gold farm chickens. Whenever they shook, specs of corn shot outwards.

      -2-I was playing Ocarina of Time as Captain Falcon at Lake Hylia. In my inventory, there were a bunch of spare bottles, some of which had green potion, or fairies. I decided to fill all the remaining empty bottles with fairies from the spawner. I pressed a button, and 3 fairies spawned. I captured one and put it away.

      -3-I exited a forest into the open just as a thunderstorm started. Very close lightning started to appear. Suddenly, I fell through a portal to a familiar room in a house. Looking back at it, it appeared to be closed. Then, I laid a trail of garbage bags for mom to follow to find where the portal was. Somehow, I got back to the ring of trees, and I fell through the portal again. Then, 80s music played.

      -4-I was sleeping outside when I saw a low pressure system in the sky about 20ft above the ground. It looked like it was carrying a band of snow and then it started snowing. Eventually, it turned to rain halfway down. I decided to leave then. Right after that, it came down in a solid sheet and then a solid block of rain. It represented heavy rain in another dream scene that was going on at the same time.

      -5-NASA discovered warp drive and built “train molecules.” They made a green ring out of them.

      -6-I was very high up in a large tree, talking with a female on another tree. Then, the snow began to slide, and it was very soon a huge, chunky avalanche. It toppled the tree I was hanging on to, and pushed me down the slope. I started to run down, but it was hard to run normally. I jumped and then leaped off of several tree tops, then landed on a ledge before a cliff. I jumped down about 20ft to the first boulder, the avalanche still tailing me. At this point, I wanted to be a wolf, so I decided to start acting like one and ran on all fours, hoping the change would take place. I leaped head-first into a creek, which annoyingly slowed me down a lot. Once I got out, I tried to sprint, but I continued to hit trees and push myself off of them in quick succession. Eventually, I got to the bottom of the hill, where 4 people were playing super mario 3d world.
      Tags: games, snow, weather
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. June 8-11, 2015 | Cities, Craziness

      by , 01-07-2018 at 04:21 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      6/8/15 | Wolf, Tiny House, Island Cities
      -1-I was in some cave about 20ft from a campfire as a wolf. There were some dead animals around, but nobody cared. I slept there anyway. Setting: night, a cave near some woods.
      [New Scene]
      I entered what was supposed to be a house. It was dirty, rotting, and had a DC of similar age to me living in it. He said there were 30 mice in it, so I asked him, “How do you sleep with all that noise?” No answer. Next, the DC yelled, “When the sound reaches 80Db the channels organize themselves!” He was yelling because it was really hard to hear him behind a screen.
      [New Scene]
      I was messing with an island to give it a couple of cities. Originally, the island only had a few points of light, with the brighter ones in higher populated areas. Then, I expanded it to skyscrapers. As I tried to light up the place, standing with the top down, I added some light. For some reason, only the top few stories of the buildings were glowing. Gradually, ambient light within the cities increased.
      -2-This drunk guy stole a bunch of food and fled to some mountain. He wanted to find out how long he could survive there. Suddenly, I was at my grandparents' house, and we were all sitting around the table. Next, I was walking on some train tracks that led into a lake. [Skip] Looking out the window, I saw the tracks that ended in the lake. I opened the 2 windows, preparing to walk out there. Something I don’t remember stopped me from going out.
      [New Scene]
      I was drawing a path from one thing to another. It ended up a loop, ending at the start. The guy that traveled the path was annoyed by this, so he stole a couple of books.

      6/9/15 (L) L2 | Alt Dimension
      There was this box that I could slip into and through to another dimension and hide there. The path to get there was a closet building, and it led into another building that had beds and a TV. Some of the walls in both dimensions were covered in hanged clothes. [Skip] I ended up in a weird school that I was going to do something important in. [Skip] Yooka and Laylee were re-textured with TARDIS textures. I was lucid for a minute or two in the original alt dimension.
      Lucid Time: 1-2 minutes

      6/10/15 | Tornadoes, E3 2015, GameFAQs
      -1-I went to some place where I got to play Melee against mang0 on a dream version of Brinstar.
      [New Scene]
      I was eating some food outside on the coast of somewhere. There were steep hills around, including the ones in the water. Also, there was a lighthouse on the left. For some reason, it was pointing the light straight at me.
      -2-Tornadoes were happening at home everywhere. I could see most of them. There was also flooding. There was a 2mph crossing speed limit on an orange crosswalk to the south, and a 5mph one between my house and a neighbor's.
      [New Scene]
      As I was watching the Sony E3 2015 Press Conference, Fallout 4 was shown. Or maybe it was Elder Scrolls VI. I couldn’t tell. The sky and the area had a blue-green tint(slightly), and the narrator mentioned the Dominion. Suddenly, Source models of Mario and Link started running around. Then, Bethesda dropped a megaton. The announcer said, “Fallout 4…will be…exclusive…to Wii U.” Afterwards, I hopped on to GameFAQS and sure enough, the boards completely exploded—so much that most users were posting only large numbers.

      6/11/15 (L) L1 | Pokemon Theater, Alien Car, Strong Bad
      -1-There was a huge wooden room with tons of seats everywhere. Front-center: Screen. I watched Pokemon there. For some reason, the volume was turned all the way up, so I turned it down to a bearable level before turning on the Pokemon music. It was pretty accurate music too. I don’t remember the 2 DCs that were also present in the room. Earlier on, my mom was talking really loudly over the speakers.
      -2(L)-I became lucid for a moment in a green place.
      -3-Strong Bad hopped into an alien car with 2 pedals: left and right. Left was gas, right was brake, and sometimes they switched functions, and even occasionally did nothing. As he was driving, he slammed the brakes, which barely helped. He did a handbrake turn, then punched it in the other direction, which didn’t help at all. Eventually, the car came almost under SB’s control as he drove it back towards his house again. Then, he started recording his voice onto a yellow glowy thing. After 2 sentences, he was like, “Forget it, you guys will figure it out in the morning.” Suddenly, I was on a moving train with a convenient platform.
      Lucid Time: 5-20 seconds
    5. August 16-23, 2013

      by , 06-13-2017 at 04:59 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      8/16/13 | Vibrations
      Something like using vibrations to use things, or to progress, or to attack.

      8/17/13 | Minecraft 1.4.5
      I dreamt that I bought Minecraft. First, I spawned in an area where I had to spawn a cactus in the middle of some grass. Then I turned around and made a pile of blocks to sleep on, but I knocked it down to collect them again. Suddenly, mom and my younger sister were there, using legos that also acted as blocks.

      8/18/13 (L) Value: 0 | Toothpick Snap
      First, I was playing Twilight Princess for half a minute when I became lucid. When I became lucid, I snapped a toothpick in half and was teleported to the bathroom for shapeshifting. I don’t remember exactly what I did then, but my heart rate momentarily increased, which I calmed down a moment later. But then, mom showed up and I went to the stairs to find my older sister sitting on them, playing StarCraft 3. I thought about Star Trek Online for a moment. Then, I found myself playing it. I unfortunately lost my lucidity there because I got distracted by some DCs.
      Time: 30-90 seconds

      8/19/13 (L) Value: 0 | Underwater Wheezy, 6-Armed Wall Climbing
      -1-Yet another boring everyday life dream. Dad put stuff in the bathtub, and mom drove into the water in Wheezy(the minivan) before I picked it up and put it back.
      -2(L)-Just two parts. I grew some more arms to help me climb a wall. After that, the dream began fading away, so I spun around while focusing on my hands, but the transition was too fast, and I woke up.
      Time: 30-40 seconds

      8/20/13 | Escaping Yellowstone With Rockets
      Apparently, Yellowstone was the safest place on the planet. I said, “If it erupts, then it obviously won’t be the safest place on the planet. What do you know, it did erupt. [Skip the boring parts] I was escaping the eruption with some people at high speed with rockets.

      8/22/13 (L) Value: 4 | Hill With Deadly Mountains, FA, Partial Progress
      -1-It started out with me in the car and mom driving us to a BBQ. I looked to the north and could see a nonexistent, steep hill with mountains nearby, which some others and I eventually climbed. I found myself coming down from the top after a beautiful scene of mountains. Some deadly rocks detached from the side of the hill and fell on top of someone, killing them instantly. I saw a potential one, thinking it might kill me, so I took a different route down and then I suddenly had a FA with sleep paralysis engaged. I thought I had woken up, so I decided to do a FILD. No more than 5 seconds had elapsed before some really weird things started happening. I felt like my right shoulder muscles were stretching and being pulled in weird directions.
      -2(L)-So the FA began right after another FA that I didn’t catch, and I became lucid by doing an RC. I could breathe with my nose plugged. It works every time. I forgot to stabilize the dream here. The first thing did was say, “Tail, grow.” That didn’t work, so I walked over to the door, and said, “Tail, grow through my clothing.” That was more convincing for me, so my tail grew to 24 inches. I grabbed it, and felt the whole thing! I scratched the end of it, and felt that too!
      Time: 1-2 minutes

      8/23/13 | Forgotten Mountainous Scenery
      At one point I was at this grassy place with mountainous scenery to the N, E, and SE. Apparently it was same world and place that I walked up and down 3 times.
    6. December 2012

      by , 04-30-2017 at 10:02 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      12/1/12 | Ancient Structure, Trees
      Exploring some long, ancient-looking structure still in use and well maintained. At least one large tree was being fed by a sprinkler.

      12/3/12 | LBP2 Fake Sackboys
      I am using this device to play my LBP2 levels every 2 seconds, as it is using “fake sackboys” to play my levels. The numbers kept increasing until I woke up.

      12/4/12 | Clarkson, Aston Martin
      During the night, Jeremy Clarkson drove to the house in an Aston Martin.
      Current Lucid Triggers: c

      12/6/12 | Black Ops 2, Shooting a Rock
      COD: BO2 real/shot rock
      CLT: c

      12/7/12 | Time Traveling With Q
      Time traveling with Q --> April/mistakes
      Family traveling suddenly to Poulsbo by teleport; I had a compass, so I found north and went south. Ending up at some busy station, I ran outside with Q. Teleported to some island in WW’s Great Sea, fought Zant.? Beat him.
      CLT: c

      12/8/12 (L) Value: 2 | Command For Lights

      I can only remember one part. I became lucid for a few seconds while I was standing on the deck during some night, and I commanded all the lights to turn on everywhere.
      Current Lucid Triggers: c, gray deck

      12/14/12 (L) Value: 2 | Frisbee

      Out in the Egyptian desert with the Pyramids, there was a HUGE sun statue in a small bowl next to the sphinx that was actually standing up. “That’s right, one gigantic f*****g headshot.” NCS threw the sun at the sphinx, and suddenly I was then playing Frisbee….in almost complete darkness. I’m like, “not this again!” Visibility=3ft, dark brown fog. “I wish this dream was a real, LUCID dream!” I said that because I was tired of the darkness. Sure enough, the darkness instantly lifted, I became LUCID, I felt the environment, everything became 100% vivid, and I could consciously play Frisbee. Before, I felt nothing. Now, I could feel everything, even the wind, except for my footsteps. I was lucid for the remainder of that dream. Playing Frisbee with some old friends and being lucid, I decided not to go shapeshifting, but to have a lot of fun with Frisbee. When I was nearly done, I set the Frisbee on fire when I threw it.
      Lucid Triggers: c, gray deck, darkness

      Updated 05-01-2017 at 06:03 PM by 67050

      dream fragment
    7. Somewhere in late september 2012

      by , 07-09-2014 at 03:05 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      Failed attempt at MILD. I remember jumping onto a nonexistent sofa to play a card game. At one point, I was at the campground I go to every memorial day weekend, but where the lodge was supposed to be was just grass, and there happened to be a house sitting by some trees and a sand pit.
      Tags: camp
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    8. You're kidding, right?

      by , 01-06-2014 at 09:06 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      So I dreamt that I was in the downstairs bathroom shapeshifting myself into stuff. I thought it was real life, so I thought, "AWESOME SHAPESHIFTING CAN'T WAIT TO DO STUFF." Out of habit, I did a reality check. The check itself worked perfectly, but I didn't care because FREAKING SHAPESHIFTING POWERS. So, not conscious enough to prolong the dream, I woke up a few minutes later and was disappointed.

      Updated 05-01-2017 at 12:18 AM by 67050

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment