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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Salvaging My Psyche From Destruction

      by , 11-19-2014 at 12:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Salvaging My Psyche From Destruction (DILD)


      I feel as if I’m in a helpless situation, and I’m in an environment that has an “The Evil Within”-esue kind of feeling to it. Basically, I’m inside a realm where I see a huge brain right in front of me, and I presume it’s my mind’s rendering of my brain.

      There’s some idiosyncrasies of this portray of my brain, and I can feel the pulsations surging through my body, and the environment, and this causes a vibration that spreads everywhere. A voice tells me something along the lines of how things are going to end very soon, and not in a positive outcome either.

      I see words like “Death,” and other wordings that are blurred out, because I instinctively take the stand to ignore them, and do something about this. My body starts glowing, and I can see the inside of it; mostly just what could be a representation of the circulatory system, and nervous system. I can see that parts of the brain are quickly separating from the core, and the sense of urgency to pull them all back together augments.

      I cannot comprehend what I will exactly do, and I end up making overly exaggerated motions that seem to be done for the sake of mentally pulling the parts of the brain escaping from my perception of this virtual experiential reality.

      And this is all done while this part of a song, “Ordinary World” by RED, is playing (2:48):

      It could be the part later on in the song that repeats the same thing, beats me.

      But wow, parsing symbolic meaning from that would be more along the lines of existentialism, I guess.

      But I’m not really feeling mental stress in my life. So maybe there’s something else I can’t cognitively grasp, unfortunately.

      Updated 11-19-2014 at 12:08 PM by 47756

      lucid , memorable
    2. Buying PS2 and MGS3, Playing it, Talking to Old man about it, Golden Dildo

      by , 01-24-2012 at 03:52 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      I woke up and had an image of blonde female DC I believe, but I didn't pay too much attention to it to branch it off to what I may have experienced in a dream.

      So I just decided to relax a little bit and try to get my thoughts together and finally remembered something about Metal Gear Solid, and then I was like "Oh okay" and remembered other dreams.

      I think I'll also start giving short titles to the dream I have, even though the Title above pretty much covers the overall dreams anyway.

      Dream 1: Buying MGS3 and PS2

      I was in a room with a random DC who had his games all over the place. I asked him if he had a Playstation 2 and wanted to sell it. He said yes, and I give an offer for "$40" for it (since GameStop, who are really bandits when it comes to trading sells refurbished PS2's for $39.99). I think I also ask if he's selling a Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence game as well.

      I'M ICEDAWGS SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-ps2combo.jpg

      I think he says yes, but I end up looking at a case that looks like MGS4. I think the DC asks me a question on more offers, but I forgot what he said specifically.

      Dream 2: Liquid Snake in a red outfit?

      I'll assume this was a different dream, I think it chained with the previous though.

      I was playing a Metal Gear game, and it looked like MGS1 for the PC. I see these different modes in the Start Menu, but I can't remember specifically what they were, I choose a random one.

      It starts out with Solid Snake in the first section of the game, and he's ducking for cover while trying to shoot the guards with his pistol. Then I realize I'm the one who's ducking for cover, so now I take the perspective of Snake.

      (I look back now, and I see something was wrong with this dream, you could actually do a first-person view aim with weapons, like MGS3, but I wasn't aware of it at the time).

      I aim the gun the guard, but I don't know what happened after that. I find myself in another area crouched looking at a guard's movements.

      I was basically in the prone position next to a small opening to a wall. I think I probably got there by crouching from a small hole behind me on the right. The guard starts searching where I'm crouching, and he sees something weird, and he was staring right in my direction.

      He says, "Hmmmm??" like he's suspicious, but thankfully I was too far within his radius for him to get too close, so he just moves on his usual patrol route.

      Then I see this guard again, and I swore he had a resemblance to Liquid Snake. I think he was wearing a red outfit with tiger stripes on it, but I won't put too much faith on that.

      I'M ICEDAWGS SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-liquid1.jpg

      He finds something weird going on again at a different location, and calls for backup. Things are at a Caution level, so there's just more guards in the area, but they don't know where I am.

      I think I start shooting them off that knocks them out instead of killing them because they just dropped instantly without any blood pouring out.

      After I shot more guards and tried to get out, dream fades I guess.

      Dream 3: Conversation with old man DC

      I'm sitting with an old man I believe who looks kind of like the professor who gave a seminar on the Memory and Learning course I had to take for Undergraduate studying my first semester in college. Except he didn't wear his glasses.

      We were talking about Metal Gear Solid, and the guy talks about how he likes he can freely aim in the game now. I wonder why I'm having this conversation with this old man. His mouth was open a little bit while he was talking, and he left it hanging for a few seconds as well.

      The conversation was boring to be honest, and I think the dream fades from there.

      Dream 4: Golden Dildo

      I'm inside a house, probably the one I went for college break. I think I come out of the master bedroom, and I see a Golden Dildo (I think) right in the middle of the living room. I'm a little bothered by it.

      It was kind of big, and I'm wondering who the hell would want a Golden Dildo that looked way too big for anyone. Then a female DC to the left of me asks me "Is that for me?" I can't remember how she looked like, but I felt her presence, I didn't even turn around to look at her either.

      (Lol what the hell???? I didn't realize this until I typed it, but I realize I came out of the bedroom with a female DC...I don't know what we were doing before, but the question she asked me makes me assume it wasn't baking cookies or pizza)

      I tried to give her an answer without sounding embarrassing, for some reason, it felt like I bought the Dildo, because I was stopping in between words, but I'm still wondering why the Dildo was there.

      Dream fades I guess.