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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Eyedropper Enema & Riding Crop, White Horse, Smelling Food and Almost Tasting it!

      by , 10-05-2012 at 03:48 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Buying Eyedropper Enema and Riding Crop Stick? (Non-lucid)


      So I downloaded an mp3 file of a Binaural beat that lasts for one hour, and is supposed to aid in Astral Projection. I set it on repeat for the whole night, and at some point, probably moved. But when I woke up and slept again, I finally recalled a few dreams while the beats are playing.

      I'm inside of a store, and it looks like any regular supermarket like Walmart. I'm at a section where there seems to be some BDSM items at the end of the aisle. I noticed a Riding Crop is there along with what seems to be an eye dropper. It really looks like some cheap enema at first, and I get closer to get a better view.

      At the same time, I felt afraid looking at it because I was worried people might look over at me to see what I'm doing. So I tried to do this whole process slowly as I could, and there were several moments where I tried to grab both items, but failed because I would jump a bit if I saw someone pass by. I finally get the two items and put them in the cart.

      The dream shifts where I'm watching some people inside of a lab class, and one person seems to have a huge ass eye dropper that's probably the length from the tip of his fingers all the way to his wrists. For some weird reason, I would use that as an excuse if someone asked me why I have such a big eye dropper myself.

      The guy with the eye dropper looked like your classic southern Caucasian male, he wore a red mixed with some dark color striped dress shirt where the stripes were going horizontally and vertically. He had a light gray shirt underneath this opened dress shirt, and his hair is messed up.

      It's short and curly hair, and it look like it's regular brown hair, or dirty blonde hair. His visage obviously slows he's a bit chubby, and this is sort of augmenting him to look like a Larry the Cable Guy or Hardcore Hillbilly Truck Driver. He's talking with some people that I can't recall at all, and it seems he and the rest of the people are waiting for the experiment to start.

      The dream shifts back, and I now have the Huge Eyedropper in my hand again, but no signs of the Riding Crop
      (I don't really need to whip myself, so makes sense).

      I take a closer look at the eye dropper, and noticed the transparent tubing is way wider than it was when I first bought it. I could make a ring with my index finger and thumb, and that's the width of it. I also see there's anal beads, and each individual bead has a different color ranging from green, orange, and purple.

      I assumed that you could pull out the black squeezing material for the huge eye dropper and use it on someone, but I didn't. I went to the bathroom with it, and the rest is history.........................

      Actually, I don't know what I'm going to do with that, but I sure hope that it's at least a female and not myself I'm using it on.

      White Horse Rolling in Shallow Water (Non-lucid)


      There's a fairly big white horse, very majestic and beautiful, that ends up resting on its side on shallow pool of water that looks like a fountain as well. It has long and pretty white hair, and it seems to be trying to get up, and it looks awkward seeing the whole thing happen.

      I can't remember anything else.
      Smelling Food and Almost Tasting It!!!! (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle fairly quickly on what seems to be a freeway. Most of the area consists of a lot of green trees passing by, and several gray roads with yellow dashed lines between them. There's another road branching off to some different area, and the whole path seems that it'll make it curved.

      I end up going anyway, and the large green sign you see in traffic says something about. "Farmville"
      (looool, weird name to have that reminds me of the game on Facebook).

      I really get lost and try to find any paths to take me back to the freeway to get to my apartment I'm assuming that I'm going to. I stop, forget about the bicycle completely, and walk around this random area. There's a red sign with white text that says "AMT" or something of the sort.

      Then I go up to some wooden white gates that seems to be the entrance to get into some restaurant that has the format similar to "Denny's" in waking life.

      It has some fairly racial content on the gates, and I think it was stating something along the lines of,

      "Black Women Before they were Oscrzd"

      I'm assuming the "Oscrzd" was a horrible abbreviation for "ostracized." I felt afraid going inside of this area, especially if it had weird text on the gates hinting it could be a racist restaurant. I go in anyway, and I see some Black people anyway, so maybe it's just my mind trolling on me. I'm on a deck that's covered by some shade, and there's round tables with white cloth on top and chairs organized neatly.

      There's some food on the table, and I look at it, and I get a BURST of all these wonderful smells! DAMN IT, I could presume that my tongue was watering in the dream, because it's smells soooo good that I could literally almost taste what was there.

      I saw Peace Cobbler or Apple Pie, and mostly just other dessert type of stuff. There wasn't anyone around outside here except for one random Black person wearing a swamp-ish green shirt and probably gray shorts eating something at a table.

      I look around, and feel tempted to just take a bite of the stuff on the empty tables, but choose not to. I looked inside, and noticed there are more people eating, though it's barely noticeable. The wonderful smell of food was too overwhelming to me,
      and I forget what happens next.

    2. Pepper Seed Jar, Angelina Jolie Spams God mode, Sensui and his New Light

      by , 09-24-2012 at 05:36 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I took a nap around 4:15 PM, woke up to alarm set for 7:00 PM, set it to 8:00PM and slept until I woke up around 7:50 PM.

      Pepper Seed Jar and Biochemistry Adviser Office (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside an office, and there's a lady to my right sitting at a desk. It has a computer, a bunch of papers spread out, the usual thing. From the front left, I see there's another door opened to another room near the main office, probably 10-20 feet away from me. Inside of that same room, I saw my Biochemistry Adviser sitting down looking at the computer.

      Before I describe her, the office itself was slightly different than the waking life counterpart. My adviser's room is designed to where you can't see her unless you actually go into the room, because when the door opens, only half of her room is visible when you come into the main office before looking inside. Here, I could possibly see everything there, if the door was completely opened in the dream.

      My advisory wore a dark gray polyester female dress shirt (it was a thin material), and a light gray dress underneath that. The door was slightly opened, and I assumed that I talked to her previously in the dream, but I can't recall what we talked about. But by judging my feelings in the dream, it didn't seem anything too serious, and as I'm close to leaving this section of the Biochemistry Department, I just happened to see to my right, pepper seeds.

      They were contained in a circular jar, like those types where the ends would be cut (not literally) with rectangular ends, so the jar wouldn't roll off the counter or shelf. There was a black text that showed the price to eat the pepper seeds I'm assuming, and it was for "15 cents" each, with the logo for cents.

      I didn't know about this until later on, so I took one pepper, and quickly put it in my mouth and chewed on it.


      OH MY.......SPICY!!!!!!!! Its taste is hitting certain areas around my tongue.....

      Ooooh, tasting the salt there......ooooh tasting the bitterness there......OH OH OHHHHH THAT WAS SPICY]

      All that I said in brackets is how it felt in those few 2-3 seconds of chewing it (Note I wasn't really saying that, just added expression to how real the taste was).

      I prepare myself to leave the office, but I immediately hear the lady that was to the right of me before I turn my back declare,

      "15 Cents will be taken off.."

      I respond,

      "Ooooh....Oh! Sorry, I'll go ahead and pay for that right now!" (the pepper seed).

      I take my left hand to dig through my left pant pocket, and heard some change jingling around. I take as much as I can out of it, and I quickly counted 15 cents and gave it to the lady.

      I think she said "Thank you," and as I'm turning my back again to leave the room, I turn around once more and declared,

      "Oh! I gave 20 cents instead huh?"

      She quickly looks at the change with her hand opened, but before she could say something, I professed,

      "Oh, don't worry about it..."

      I left the area, and that's all that I remember.

      Angelina Jolie Counterpart spams God Mode (Non-lucid)


      I looked up Pepper Dream meaning signs, and most of it foreshadows danger of some sort, be it through quarreling, financial loss, etc....but I feel that previous dream was just prelude to this one.....I can't really take dream meanings as set in stone notions of truth...but still....

      *sigh* Anyway

      Ugh....not this kind of dream again.....

      Invincible DC+ me being a crappy aim or them spamming God Mode = GETS ANNOYING.

      I'm inside a gym, and the carpet is dark blue, there are mirrors attached to the walls on all sides, excluding the entrance and exits I'm assuming. There's a pretty large collection of treadmills around this area. I happen to be close to one, and I believe I'm just observing what's around me.

      There's this man who looks like he's an inspector of some sort, like to see if the gym equipment are in good conditions for gym members. He's a really picky guy, he has that really really really analytical eye going about these treadmills and other gym equipment.

      There was one treadmill where he put his finger around some buttons, and he didn't like it at all. He takes his index finger off the machine, quickly wipes it off his pants in disgust, and declares,

      "I don't like this at all!!"

      Not sure who he's talking to, but he was looking at someone. I also recall that same man wearing a dark colored dress shirt tucked into some long Khaki pants I believe.

      Then the dream shifts a little bit to where I'm near a dark-skinned lady, and she wants me to look through something that resembles that scope thing you see in submarines to check what's out there. As soon as I put my eyes near the glass to see what's going on through the scope, it's like I'm being transported to a completely different dream environment.

      It feels like a video game now, and I'm in it. Whatever area I'm confined in now, it's moving, and it's moving fairly quickly. I find out I'm inside a vehicle or some sort, maybe it's not, but it is moving. I still have the feelings that I'm looking through the same scope.

      While I still am, I zoom in on a lady that's inside of the back of a truck that's also moving. Before I go into details on her, here's how the environment looks like. There's a huge brown boulder, or mini-cliff on the left side, and there's a huge body of water on the right, though me and the truck that this vehicle I'm in is following are way above the water level.

      (click for bigger picture)

      I see some area that looks like a town is coming up to the right far away, and finally, I see the lady. The scope has Thermal vision, so I'm mostly seeing blue, green, yellow, red, and some orange colors, but it's mostly just cool colors I'm seeing....that's weird....barely any body heat on this woman?

      I don't think she's human.....she's mostly showing up as colors of blue and green throughout her whole body, and maybe a little hint of yellow and red on her forehead, but it was a very thin vertical line.

      She's wearing a pastel green sleeveless tank top, and probably some short khaki dress. She looks like she's looking at me directly, has her lips slightly opened, with her teeth together, and she has pretty big lips. She wears some sunglasses with a thin metal frame around the lens, and she seems to not mind me looking at her.

      But something about her bothered me.....it seemed she was up to something.

      You know like one of those shows where some random person sees someone, but they look completely normal to them, but they don't know they're probably kind of serial killer or bank robber? Yeah, it felt like that.....

      Something made me try to aim a weapon at her, but by the time I do that, the back of the truck seems to be covering half of where she is probably behind right now. Maybe it could be that the right side of the truck cargo she's in is exposed rather than the back. Or it could just be that the thermal vision from the scope can see through thick metal, and I assumed that the backside of the truck cargo was exposed.....hmmmm.

      The truck makes a sharp right turn in this enclosed road we're on, and the moment that happened, I decided to just shoot the damn thing.


      Then all sorts of things happen, there's this rush, so many events happening....the truck speed up, along with the vehicle I'm in speeding up. Sometimes I wonder if I was just running as high speeds, because I don't recall seeing any kind of car roofs or windows at the time.

      Anyway, the dream shifts, and now I'm in a room...I don't pay too much attention to it. All I know is that it consists of light colors of brown and white...like a Calypso type of setting...yeah, this whole dream has that vibe. I open a dark gray door, and I slowly peek out to my left....and I believe the Angeline Jolie counterpart is with some random old guy.

      He's wearing a dark dress shirt that's unbuttoned, and probably a light gray shirt with some dark pants and shoes as well. The guy is fairly shorter than her, and she's pretty tall, probably 6'4", something like that. The mini hallway they're in, there's a window in front of them, and it's fairly bright, must still be sunny out there.

      (click for bigger picture)

      The floor tiles are vanilla colored, and as soon as Angelina Jolie and the old man start, I quickly take aim at try to shoot her as much as I can. Crap...is my aim this HORRIBLE???? I panic, slam the door shut, and quickly looked at the gun I'm holding. It's like a default pistol with a gray coating around the gun head, and studded black material around the holding base.

      It also had some weird attachment to the front of it that seems that it can be pressed for some kind of feature, though the split second thinking I'm running out of, I didn't have the time for that. I looked at the gun a bit more, and saw "Bronze Hatchet" labeled on it.

      Ugh...another Runescape item reference? But the gun doesn't look anything like a hatchet!!! It's a gun....bleeeh!!

      I need to find a place to duck for cover before she opens that door. I quickly find a table that has a decent covering spot, and I hide under there. The door opens, and I see just Angelina's legs walking, searching around the area in her first few seconds of entering it. Then I realized, my father is sitting down on the floor, bracing his back against the wall next to the opened door.

      Shit....I get up quickly and aim my gun at her...and by this point, I just start going crazy, I can't recall perfectly on what happened. But based on me going nuts and worrying if she'll shoot my father or something, I assumed I just shot at her in fear, and it didn't seem to work at all. I noticed the gunshots sounded like the M1 Garand "ping" sound.

      Nothing is working on her....there's not a dent on her....and I think she has her gun in her right hand aimed near my father's head, and she's looking at me with her glasses off I believe. It definitely looks like an Angelina Jolie counterpart, or a doppelganger.

      I aim my gun at the old dirty, and probably smelly guy, but the gunshots aren't affecting him as well. I know I'm not a crappy aim in a close-ranged situation, so these two probably just have God Mode on full blast.

      I can't think straight, I don't know what to do, I don't know what she's going to do with that gun aimed at my father. They're just STANDING there, doing nothing, waiting for me to do something, but I'm dissociated from myself that I eventually just try to end the dream
      and woke up somehow out of fear of what would happen next.

      Sensui and his New Light (Non-lucid)


      I'll keep this dream short, because the second dream.....took a quite a while because I was distracted with some things, and I really should finish this lab report and pre-lab questions too before it gets too late at night.

      Alright, I'm in a void....it's really.....dark...so empty...I don't see myself, maybe I'm just looking at this void in first person view, but I hear Shinobu Sensui's voice from Yu Yu Hakusho.

      He talks about how in the darkness.....the blood was his new light.

      *sigh* Too much ambiguity...
    3. Alyzarin's Videos, Oil-spill road

      by , 09-21-2012 at 01:37 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alyzarin's Videos (Non-lucid)


      I only remember Alyzarin giving me video links to show clips of herself. I think she was hanging around with people, I'm not sure, or maybe she was just making some YouTube video about herself.
      Oil-spill Roads (Non-lucid)


      I'm waiting outside for a shuttle bus of some sort to go somewhere. I look at the roads, and there's oil covering the middle area of it.

    4. Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces, Biology Professor and Facebook (SDE Day 08)

      by , 08-22-2012 at 07:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      My Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces (Non-lucid)


      Thank goodness this was a dream.

      I remember talking a few people inside a fairly small building, I couldn't tell if it's an apartment entrance or a small store or coffee shop. I don't know how, but when the conversation was coming to a close, I told them how I had 150 videos on my Zune HD....

      That's waaaaaaaay too many videos dream self!

      I tried to pass what I said off as a joke, and even tried doing a fake laugh. The others fall for it, or are probably just being nice and laughing as well. There's more that I know that occurred before this, like meeting someone, and all I can feel from that is disappointment from the person. It was a female, she had some weird but positive aura in her.

      The dream setting was hard to tell, the area I'm in feels slightly dark, but there is still a little bit of sunlight. It could be the sun setting or rising.

      Then I find myself riding a bicycle, but I don't really pay too much attention to the details of it. It's a very ominous setting now with dark turquoise clouds and a cool atmosphere. It seems I'm riding on a new black tarred road and on each side, there's open fields everywhere, very beautiful. Even though I didn't pay too much attention to this large and expansive area, I could just feel how that despite the gloomy setting, it was still amazing.

      It seems I have my earphones on, and I guess I'm playing music on my Zune HD while riding my bicycle. I start riding a little faster, and then the earphones get caught on something below. I quickly look down and they get between the spokes of one of the bicycle wheel.

      Damn, and I knew I couldn't do anything about it, but I still tried to stop.

      That was the worst decision I could've made at that time.....

      The earphone and the wires connecting it start dangling rapidly through the spokes, and then I realize....

      Crap, the plug that usually stays firm inside the Zune plug-in must be out by now. I hear several clanking sounds, and decided to just press the brakes even harder because the last attempt was just just a progression rather than a complete one. I get off the bicycle, let it drop on the around, and I'm looking at metal trails along the road.

      No no no no no........

      No no no............I get closer and I look at my Zune HD, smashed to pieces. I start shaking the bottom of my mouth in shock. I really believed this was the actual Zune HD I have, and I start walking slowly thinking of how I made over $180 go to waste(probably more than that now that it's a discontinued product).

      I could do nothing but walk away, there's no pointing picking it up.........

      You know what's funny...it could just be coincidence, but I was watching a video on my Zune HD where a camera gets smashed into pieces because someone accidentally fell and crashed into it.

      Ha....Ha....Ha.....*starts getting paranoid* Don't LEAVE ME ZUNE HD, I NEED YOU TO PLAY MUSIC.

      Music, when you close your eyes and listen to it, and depending on the theme of the song, can really help with imagination.....Anyway, done with that dream.

      Biology Teacher and Facebook (Non-lucid)


      Finally we're getting somewhere related to the password experiment.....because there's no way in hell that I want to even be near that professor I had...ever...again...

      I go inside of a classroom, the size of it alone feels like I'm in Middle School or High School. There's the dark blue carpet mixed and drowning other small colors, light colored walls, and adequate lighting on top. I look over to someone on my right, and it's him.

      Let's call my previous professor "M." M looked over to me, started to lighten up his mood a bit, and he's actually enthusiastic to see me. Ha ha ha......right...

      I start putting on that horrible facade of tolerating others that I cannot stand to be around, and decided I might as well be nice around the guy. He was telling me a few things, but I was being distracted holding two sheets of something.

      It looked like tracing paper, it had the slight opacity that you would see in them, but it could've been overhead transparency sheets as well. There was something written and drawn on it, and it looks like==================== that I wanted to show to the participants in my attempts to find them.

      After going through the two sheets back and forth, I put them down, and M asked me if I could log onto Facebook for him. I wanted to ask him why, but just gave a questionable expression on my face and went around his desk. I think he already has the site open for me,
      and that's all I remember.


      Oh, and about the Zune HD dream, I was headed for the Biochemistry Department to send a letter for my adviser, and my sunglasses fell off while I tried to put them on while riding my bicycle. The moment that happen, I chuckled to myself on how this was just like the dream, except it was hot as hell out here.

      Updated 08-22-2012 at 07:59 PM by 47756

    5. Long Road, Mall, Chemistry Final Exam, Laundromat Closed Down...

      by , 05-08-2012 at 10:20 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I took a nap today, and took 51 milligrams of Melatonin too before hand. Not much of a difference, at least for me. Guess I should've saved that for tonight instead of sleeping for most of the day.

      Long Road (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm riding my bicycle on a very long road. It's afternoon time, no surprise there, seeing as I'm sleeping during the day. There's a lot of construction going on, which makes me have to shift to left and right lanes a lot.

      I remember going down some mini hill with some sand, and it seems there was a person's footprints on it, and that kind of bothered me for a few seconds before I went down the hill. I presumed it must've been a construction worker walking when there wasn't as much traffic to go down the hill.

      Mall (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a mall, and the overall setting is blue, or turquoise if you want to be precise. There's this black female in a red dress that appears as I'm getting closer to one of the stores, and she asks me a question, but I'm not planning to go into any store.

      This leaves her in an awkward position, and her smile slowly turns into a neutral form, and goes back into the store. She wasn't mad at me or anything, just in an awkward position.

      Chemistry Final Exam (Non-lucid)


      This dream is kind of funny because when I woke up from the alarm from the afternoon nap, as I was drifting to sleep, the dream sort of came just like that, but I wasn't aware.

      I'm sitting down, taking an exam for Chemistry, I'm assuming it's my final exam since I took it today.

      I'm sitting at a different seat than I was in waking life, which was supposed to be near the upper regions at a column of seats for left handers, but I'm shifted to the bottom left side of columns for left handers.

      I'm sitting next to a girl, can't really remember the facial details and all that, and a few people are asking the professor a few questions before they take the exam. The professor was exactly like the one I had in waking life, and she was wearing something that was light pink as a shirt or a vest over a shirt.

      Some questions were about theories, but I can't remember what exactly, and most of them weren't even related to the course work, but I wasn't even bothered to do a reality check. I was just too worried that I'm taking an exam.

      I looked down at the sheet to see a random question before quickly looking up to see the professor talk about a few things on the large screen in front of class. There was a girl who finished her exam, and she got up to ask the professor if GPA matters for her major to apply for research.

      The teacher said, "No," since she was was a Socioeconomic major, some thing along those words.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Laundromat Closed Down (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a Laundromat, and it resembles the one near my area. It's shut down, and I don't know why I'm inside of it, there are no lights turned on or anything. There were some clothes in the dryers, but not a lot.

      There were two females I believe with me, and they were wondering if the place was closed down as well, and then we all went outside. I think I asked one of them where I could find another laundromat, and they said something with the name "wood," can't remember unfortunately.

      I acknowledge their response, and I can't remember what I did after.

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 10:43 PM by 47756

    6. That Guy, I don't build roads, Melanieb and Erii DV post, Stealing my thunder.....

      by , 04-14-2012 at 11:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      That Guy, I don't build roads, Melanieb and Erii DV post, Stealing my thunder(Non-lucid)


      Took a short nap, well a little too long of a nap around 12:50PM-3:55 PM, with at least one period of waking up and going back to sleep, so I'm going to start with the one I had recently.

      Oh, and I also realized that the DJ program I use collects all dreams from the same date when it makes a clipboard to copy the text from....didn't know about that before ( I just thought the clipboard copied separate entries, and you would manually have to click publish and close the tabs that appear to the DJ entry link, but that's not the case), at least I don't have to make another long title of my dreams except when entering a DJ title. I really feel like an idiot for not realizing that....oh well, learn something new everyday.

      Dream 1: That Guy....

      I'm inside of a classroom, probably a High School room because it was way smaller than a college lecture room. I believe it was a Chemistry teacher that had a review session with us.

      Everyone is dismissed, and as I'm walking out, I stop mid-way to put some things into a black backpack I have. I put some papers in, probably the review worksheet. Then I find myself holding a plastic bowl with a cover that's filled with water, or some other type of clear liquid.

      The bowl cover was kind of messed up around the edges because there was water dripping out randomly, and I didn't want to put in my backpack if it was going to drip on review sheet inside of it. The bowl was transparent orange, and the cover itself was an apricot kind of orange.

      I'm wondering what the heck is wrong with this thing, even if I seal it, it either drips a little, or just splashes a bunch of liquid on the floor. I decide I should just hold it in my hand instead.

      I stop again to listen to some girls talk about something, but I keep my back facing to them, and one girl says,

      "My grandpa (or father) gets more ladies than that guy...."

      At first I wanted to think that they were mentioning someone else, but then I get that vibe that they could possibly be talking about me. Then I'm sure I have the feeling that they're talking to me, because the girl pauses after her speech, and the group of girls she's with laughs with her.

      I just ignore them, get out of the room, and turn left to go somewhere.

      Dream 2: I don't build Roads....

      I'm outside of a house with my father, and we're standing on the front yard. This setting looks exactly like a previous house I've lived before when I was much younger.

      There was the pine tree in the middle, a small sidewalk if you walked a bit further from that. The atmosphere was neutral, and it was kind of peaceful because the weather felt perfect
      (at least it would've if I actually went that deep into dream senses).

      My father is wearing a gray vest, and some short as well, and he calls me to show me that I could use some type of material to build some roads.

      "I don't build roads, father...." I declared. I believe I also turned my back, just my back, and pointed to the main road that is completely tar black with yellow lines in the middle to help distinguish which lane is which.

      That abnormality itself should've made me do an RC, since roads like that aren't usually in neighborhoods, but focus my attention back to my father. I believe my mother was here as well, but I didn't pay too much attention to her.

      The dream shifts to where I'm in a different house, and it seems to be the one I went to most recently other than my apartment. My father is busy washing the dishes manually.

      Then out of the blue, when I see him doing this, I go up to him, smile, and say,

      "Let me do this....let me do this."

      It takes a while, but he lets go. I ask him if there's anything he wants me to clean that he needs now, and then he said something weird along with the word "knife."

      I was a bit confused, and asked him what he meant by that, and he picks up a butter knife.

      "Oh, okay."

      I only remember myself washing the dishes after that.

      Dream 3: Melanieb's Post and Erii

      I can't remember much about this dream....but it's worth putting anyway.

      I'm on the DV forums most likely, and I see Melanieb is posting something. Apparently, it was deleted by a mod, and I wondered why it was deleted.

      It was just a picture of some blonde wearing a black vest. I think she was holding her hair up, which would tempt your eyes to look at her cleavage since the long strands weren't as distracting.

      Then I decide to post the same picture to see what happens, and it gets deleted too, apparently.

      Then I asked some mods why the picture wasn't acceptable for viewing, but no one responds, and then I made a joke, and then Erii responds with something funny as well, but I can't remember.

      I also noticed when I saw Erii's response, her avatar had a green hue to it instead of the blue stripes...I guess I wasn't that aware in the dream.

      Dream 4: You stole my thunder....

      It took me a while to notice this, but I believe I was standing on a stage with a few females. All of them were anime girls, and I think I took the role of a random anime guy. He was wearing a fancy suit and pants, with some black lace-less shoes.

      It felt kind of weird, it was like I was shifting from first-person to third-person perspective back and forth for a decent amount of times.

      Whenever I had to speak, I would always shift to first person perspective. I hear a random voice ask me an awkward question, which leads me to transfer to first-person perspective.

      "I...uh.....I went out with, this girl! And that one too!"

      The anime girls were a bit confused, but they started to smile at me and advanced towards me. I believe even Elie from Rave master was there too. She was wearing her basic outfit from the anime series.

      Then some other dude makes a grand entrance, and even though I couldn't remember his visage, he was more attractive to the girls.

      All of them except one left me.....he totally stole my thunder, even though I was portraying bravado when I lied about going out with those anime girls.

      The girl who is staying with me, she kind of looks like Megumi Ooumi from Zatch bell, but the one in my dreams had black hair. She was probably wearing a long yellow dress with a green jacket. She had her arms on my neck, and I felt kind of happy that she didn't abandon me.

      I look at the other guy with the other girls, and that's all remember.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 11:40 PM by 47756
