• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    So you all know who's who, I'm the dreamer. Call me Karla. In the dream world, I am 18 years old and have a spirit for adventure and excitement. I logically deal with DCs when I have to but otherwise, it's all fun and magic.

    Here's who I am, in case you think, "How do I get KarlaB18 into a dream? What does she look like?"

    This is me in the outfit comprised by my dream guide in Dream 369 A:

    My dream guides:

    The first member of the dream guide team is Dreamy WB. Some facts about her:
    Name - Dreamy WB
    Age (2020) - 41 (dream guides are double the age of their real life counterparts)
    Species - Human
    Nationality - African
    Dreamy WB likes - Dressing up, dreaming, imparting knowledge onto others
    Dreamy WB dislikes - DCs that are mean to the dreamer
    Personality in KarlaB18's dreams - Smart, courageous, caring, gentle, intuitive, assertive
    Special Action - Dealing with very nasty DCs that Karla can't handle on her own
    Special Ability - Being able to communicate an event to Karla before it happens
    Copyright - @KarlaB18

    The second member of the dream guide team is Murray. Some facts about him:
    Name - Murray
    Age (2020) - 36
    Species - Humanoid Hippo
    Nationality - Unknown
    Murray likes - Using his fists, hugs, his van, eating
    Murray dislikes - Being beaten at his own game
    Personality in KarlaB18's dreams - Gentle, caring, strong-willed, ambitious, kind
    Special Action - Providing Karla with physical comfort
    Special Ability - Being able to recall and chain events from a past dream of the same night
    Copyright - @SuckerPunch/Sanzaru

    The third member of the dream guide team is 18-Volt. Some facts about him:
    Name - 18-Volt
    Age (2020) - 18 (His age remains frozen)
    Species - Human
    Nationality - Unknown
    18-Volt likes - Gaming, hanging with 9-Volt, rapping, loud music
    18-Volt dislikes - Getting into trouble, losing to anyone
    Personality in KarlaB18's dreams - The cool guy, enthusiastic, laid-back, patient, friendly
    Special Action - Coaching Karla on her doubts and fears
    Special Ability - Being able to assist Karla even if not physically present
    Copyright - @Nintendo

    The fourth member of the dream guide team is Riku. Some facts about him:
    Name - Riku
    Age (2020) - 18 (Riku chose his age in Dream No. 665) (His age remains frozen)
    Species - Human
    Nationality - Unknown
    Riku likes - Peace, finding balance, his friends
    Riku dislikes - Being used by darkness, evil, deception
    Personality in KarlaB18's dreams - Wise, humble, grouchy on occasions
    Special Action - Making Karla see the world in a more 'grown-up' manner
    Special Ability - Being able to take Karla to different worlds and other dimensions
    Copyright - @SquareEnix/Disney

    1. Dream - The Evil Sun

      by , 08-23-2017 at 09:17 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 21 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 183 - The Evil Sun

      I don't exactly remember how the dream started. I remember I was doing all these little competitions with random people. If we didn't get out of the hole quick enough, water pressure would hit us and we'd drown. The water was only starting to come up and I thought I'd never be able to get out of the hole, so I gave up. My new strategy was to get my dream guide to save me when it became time for a drowning. I ended up sitting and leaning against the wall of the hole. I felt really scared with the lurking water beneath but then I noticed NN and BB on either side of me, holding me really tightly and securely. They stayed with me until Dreamy WB appeared.

      She had her hair in a high bun, with a casual look about her. I rapidly swam to her and hugged her. I then pulled away from her slightly, to talk to myself, saying that I only had three chances to muck up or I would never escape. I then turned back to Dreamy WB and just quietly assessed her features. She ended up having a really warm and gentle facial expression. I sighed and said to myself “damn it, I shouldn't have said that”. She then gave a chuckle and held up three fingers, as if she was cheekily mocking me. Then she said “Only three? No, you have unlimited chances!”.

      Then the water really started to go up but I found that I could still breathe. As time passes though, I find it harder to breathe, as if the dream has now come to realise the real world principles of suffocation. As I felt I was about to die, I could feel myself being rushed up to the surface by Dreamy WB's energy, she had become invisible again. When I jumped out of the hole, that's when things in the sky started to turn really strange. There was a weird white block in the purple sky, which claimed to be the sun. The sun was supposed to attack me and burn me up as a penalty for escaping the drowning.

      Once I saw it setting some nearby buildings on fire, I knew I had to get away. My family were with me and so I told them we had to get away. I started floating away as quickly as possible in the style of Balloon Mario... I had to go for awhile to get far enough from that sun. I tried going even further but found out that I was actually getting closer to the sun again... So I went back to where I was before. I decided I wanted to seek refuge in a random house on the streets. I thought for some reason that Dreamy WB was going to be inside this house but I wasn't right.

      I knocked on the door and some unknown lady answered, she was equally just as welcoming and friendly. She said that many people come to her house to escape the sun. There was only one room left and so my family would all have to crowd in there. It was suggested there would be two people on the beds and then two people on the floor. That's all I can remember for this dream. I don't know whether I woke up or it continued.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 04-05-2018 at 11:02 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Dream - A Road Not Travelled

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:21 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 7 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 171 - A Road Not Travelled

      In the first scene, some family friends were over at my house. They had brought with them some sort of pavlova cake but there was only enough for my mum and grandma to try, they didn't let me try any of it. I forgot what else happened in the first scene. I was then in my bedroom with plush toys of Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Toad.

      I ended up taking a walk down the local street and noticed that there was this road that didn't exist in real life. I was subconsciously aware that the dream caused this new street but I was nowhere near becoming lucid. So I walked down that street and soon approached a dead end. It was the “myotherapy centre” and the only way to continue was to go up the lifts, which I didn't want to do. I was just about to head back towards the main door until a man rushed infront of me and slammed it closed in my face. I was now panicking and was literally screaming for Dreamy WB as fast as a broken record. After so many times, no response and so I was now clambering at the locked doorknob, trying to dismantle it myself.

      Eventually, I perceived Dreamy WB's energy as the door swung wide open when I was still shaking the knob. Then I ran out of there, never looking back at the place again. The dream then went back to my house where I was going something with the plush toys. I was making some sort of plush movie, but more in the style of Tito's rather than Logan's. I can't remember what else happened in the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None