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    1. Raptor vs Raptor

      by , 07-14-2015 at 11:11 PM
      First dream: I'm out dressed up as a grizzly bear out in my backyard chasing after a male attempting to tackle him with my weight. He runs and screams until we run out in to the front yard where I nearly got a grasp of him but he slips away and we both end up in the backyard again. Unfortunately, this time he gets help from another grizzly bear who happens to play the role of a mother. While watching these two pair up, I'm up on top of the roof of the garage deciding whether or not to brawl with this heavy beast.

      As it's climbing up the roof, I start to lose interest in this conflict and run away from the mother bear. I climb up as fast as I could to the next higher level of roofing and right as soon as the mother bear reaches the roof, I charge towards the edge of the roof and start flying off in to the depths of the dark narrow street I live on. I flew faster and faster, enough to get me out of the zone of danger. I was afraid. Not only afraid of the mother bear but the darkness accumulating the whole street I flew in to.

      As I flew with great ferocity in to the dark, narrow street, I noticed a light at the end of the street. A home. This home was the end of the street - a source of open peace. Once I reached the end of this street, I would escape from the evils lying within it. Instead, I got the opposite of that. After flying for a while, I noticed an eerie looking abandoned home standing right next to the street. Bad experiences came of it whenever I visited it in previous dreams. I decided to go ahead and look what's inside it anyways in hopes that something different would happen.

      I walked in to the dark residence and slowly crept up inside the the interior of the building. What I heard was a few people engaging in a quiet conversation in the middle room of the home. It was a discreet conversation, so whatever they were talking about wasn't supposed to be heard by outsiders. I walked past the small the room and the first thing I noticed was its large size and open spaces. I was scared up to the point when I saw how dark it was in the areas surrounding it. I slowly walked out of the home unnoticed.

      Second Dream: There was a school somewhere inside a huge open field of grass. I was walking alongside my classmates figuring out where our next destination would be. On our way, I saw several crowds of people walking from class to class(unusual for me) and many of them were waiting outside entrances of unique classrooms. For example, one of the classrooms presented a small zoo where the students could learn about the species living in them. I look in to this one for a while because I thought it was curious. After a while, it was finally time to go back to finding our unknown point of interest. I followed both of my friends through the halls of the crowded school in to the school on to the entrance of the school office and confronted the principal for help. This is where we discovered a secret fear underlying the school's boundaries. What was it? I'm not sure. The principal stood and gave us a motionless stare and knew something was out to get us if we didn't leave the campus on time.

      All three of us quickly jumped down on to the stairs of the school to what was a large scene of green mountains surrounding the entire school. My friends and I transformed ourselves in to creatures. Dinosaurs. Raptors, I think. We all moved ran through the open plains at great speeds. We still had the minds of a human which meant that we knew a lot more than the Raptor's do. However, there were other raptors as well.

      We eventually ran in to what seemed to be nearing the edge of a really tall cliff. The leader, one of my friends, told us to get down on the ground and turn on our night vision. Both of my friends rested down in to the grass but I had a little trouble doing so. There were upcoming enemy raptors walking ahead of us. I tried to lay down but I couldn't. It wasn't until one of the enemy raptors came up near us when I finally had the power to bury myself in to the ground. But that was when I accidentally moved my body and alerted the raptor walking right past me. It roared. Me and my other two friends quickly got up from the ground and ran off to the edge of the cliff. I ran right behind the leader and my other friend besides me. The raptor behind us roared out and was about ready to eat us. Our leader jumped off of the cliff, over what seemed to be a river, in to the small village right next to it. He made it safety to the ground. When I jumped, however, I fell off and was hurled down in to the flowing river. The friend besides me followed.
    2. Singing in the Rain

      by , 03-09-2015 at 07:26 PM
      Me and a few other family members, including my brother-in-law and aunt, were watching a movie inside the living room of my home. The movie was seconds away from being over and we were reeling in on the resolution moment of it. Me and my aunt were so much in to this movie that she almost held on to me as we both noticed a helicopter being shot down in the movie. There was a creepy vibe to it, not just what was happening on screen but something I felt going on in the living room. I'm not sure how exactly what I saw but, moments later, I showed up somewhere inside that scene along with the rest of my family members watch that movie.

      We were now in what seemed to be a parking lot of a small residential home. There was a long baseball field in front of it. There was also rain, but it felt like heavy rain. I had myself crouched down on the floor, watching what was left of the helicopter explosion that took place moments before. As I watched the flames and ashes floating away from the scene, I sang a tune as I slowly moved back away the explosion area.

      "When You're worried and you can't sleep, just close your eyes and count your blessings"

      I continued singing this tune as I moved up towards the stairs that would eventually led me towards the building that sat on this parking lot. My family followed.

      "and you'll fall sleep counting your blessings."

      The rest of my family were the first ones to run in to the residential home. I'm not sure what was in there, nor did I care much about it. All I wanted to do was listen to myself singing while being comforted with rain. Eventually, I began gaining consciousness of where I was. When I finally reached the building, I became lucid.

      After becoming lucid, I immediately ran in to the home, inside the garage. I walked past the garage and in to what seemed to be another garage in the same small building. I stopped and tried calming myself down. I told myself something along the lines of "This is a dream. I want to stay in this dream." I'm not sure what I said exactly but whatever it was, I felt a better sense of control of prolonging the dream. There was also someone with me. I'm not sure who. Probably someone who lived at the home? I'm not sure. He followed me as I went storming out of the house and towards the inner part of a high school.

      Once I reached what seemed to be a high school lunch area, I stopped and observed the environment. I noticed several students scattered all over the place, going on about their day. I saw several of my classmates standing around a drinking fountain, or so that's what it looked like - a fountain? The rain still went on, but not as much as it was a few moments ago. Suddenly, I felt this strange substance building up in my mouth. I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't like it. It started building up rapidly, eventually filling up my whole mouth. I put one of my fingers inside my mouth, hoping it would just be a bubbling type of food, but instead found a white-rice type of food. I don't even think it was rice, it tasted much more disgusting than that. I tried spitting it all out but before I could, woke up.
    3. Fear

      by , 01-27-2015 at 06:28 AM
      1. I started out walking through a small field inside a middle school. It was sunny and it was sometime around noon. I was walking towards a set of classrooms and stared around the area I was in. It wasn't until I looked up at the light blue sky when I slowly realized I was lucid. The feeling was intense. My mind slowly questioned itself whether or not the environment was real without doing any reality checks. I just sort of reminded myself how important it is to remember to question whether or not I'm dreaming.

      When I became lucid, I immediately started speed walking towards the right side of the classroom building. I tried summoning a dream character but the dreaming started fading away. I used the spinning technique to try and stay in the dream but it didn't work out as I planned. Somehow the dream didn't want me to stay in it longer. I'm not even sure if I left the dream, though. As soon as my vision turned black, I still felt as if the dream was still going on, I just couldn't see it. It happened a couple more times the same morning.

      2. I was somewhere inside a dark abandoned building. All the lights were off and no one was nearby. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I knew I had to do something quickly before anything came out of the dark and attacked me. That's when I figured out the solution. Though I'm not sure whether I was lucid or not at this point, I still managed to do what I planned on doing, in waking life, to light up the darkness. I extended my right arm back and reached out for a summoned flash bang grenade. I held it in my hand and threw it at the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, light started to appear. Not as much as I wanted there to be, but enough to get out of the building quickly.

      When I climbed out of a window inside the room, I was standing on the roof of an average size apartment building. At that point of time, my lucidity went higher. I took advantage and summoned someone I've been wanting to meet. I extended my right hand back again and felt her hand. It was Sydney. She was wearing a different uniform this time. I pulled her out in front of me. She looked back at me and stared at me with a seemingly happy smile. Without saying anything to her, I extended my hand back again and summoned a sharp knife. I pulled out the knife in front of me and noticed it was way too long. It wasn't also the knife I wanted. I wanted a sharp, simplistic knife, one that looks like Micheal Myer's knife.

      I extended my right hand out one last time and summoned one. This time I got the knife I wanted. I pulled the knife out in front of me and turned towards Sydney. It didn't seem to bother her that I had a knife in my hand. She was still smiling.

      I grabbed the knife hard and aimed it towards her left lower part of her stomach. The knife went in to her skin as my body moved in closer to hers. The feeling of my knife going through her stomach was intense. I'm not sure how I can describe it. After stabbing her, the dream then slowly faded away.
    4. Shooting for the Stars

      by , 09-17-2013 at 01:13 PM
      I been here before... This was a home where I resided after a long drive through the great plains surrounded by a tremendous forest filled up mostly with roads! There were so many layers one could come by driving all the way through it. Each layer of road would take you higher up until eventually you reach the clouds fogging some of the roadways up there. Fortunately, I was at the very bottom and at the center of this gigantic stadium of roads.

      There was a home located there, I've been there before. It made no sense to me how I got there, but I paid close attention to how it felt being back at this same place.

      Unlike the other dream, there was no one at the residence this time. This time, I'm leaving the land and I'm only back here to make sure everything is fine before I go. I saw the same layout of the home as I did in the other dream. I didn't have time to check for specific items or details of the room, so I continued my way outside, where I had discovered a new place to explore.

      I walked outside to see if I found anything interesting. I saw parts of the gigantic stadium of roads, and I also saw a group of women outside the home performing religious chants. I also noticed the weather changing slightly from sunny to a bit misty. I walked past the religious people and made my way towards one of the most beautiful scenes I see in a lot of my lucid dreams!

      Once I entered a new scene, I noticed a whole class of students walking towards the area I was heading to. Some of these people, I already know but a few others, I do not. We were walking on grass now, beautiful, brightly green covered grass. We walked alongside a fence that eventually led us to a dead end. At this dead end, there was a wall set horizontally from it. This wall had a faded yellow color to it. I also noticed that this wall led towards a gap between one side of a fence, the one where me and the class where standing by, and one end that was about 20 feet away from the fence next to us. This made me recognize something. I looked up to get a better look at the view across the other fence and noticed a big green, grassy field, along with a set of buildings and playgrounds beyond it. At that moment, I realized I was at Fairfax Elementary School.

      Fairfax is like the death bed for me. Dreaming of this place over and over again, experiencing astonishing events with past relationships with people, and remembering it to be the beginning of my timeline, I am truly motivated to keep lucid dreaming to keep my spirits up.

      I stood on this field and witnessed its wonderful moments of peace. Me and the others had then finally decided to go back home. There were people I seen across the field around the playgrounds. They all clapped their hands as we were heading towards the back of a school. We all clapped as well. I raised my voice and began shouting out of happiness. My voice raised the excitement from the others on the playgrounds. We would longer able to see them after entering the exits of school grounds.

      Although it may not seem so beautiful now, this next moment had me really joyful minutes after waking up from the dream, especially when I was in it. I saw one end of the school to my left and the other classrooms at my right. There was also a forest in the direction we were heading. I noticed a lot of vividness at this time. I paid close attention to the quietness of this area, as well as how many people were there at the time. There was a janitor walking around the back of the school and a few other students walking towards their classes. I heard almost nothing while I was walking past this scene. I ponder over it only because this was the first school I ever attended, and I happen to dream a lot of it. If I could, I think I could thoroughly remember what it all looked like...

      Before I knew it, I entered the forest and discovered a new set of fears that eventually made me want to wake up out of the dream.
    5. In the End

      by , 08-20-2013 at 07:18 PM
      Probably one of my newest favorite dreams!

      I had actually just gotten out of a dream where I was in a car along with a few other people I met back on a trip to Alaska. Now, I'm going to say who but I had some feelings for one of these people. She was a girl and although I never made much contact with her on my trip, I usually never do when I find someone attractive. Anyways, later on, I find out that I'm using Blender on a laptop while in the car. Strangely, I knew exactly what I was doing inside the software...But while doing this, I'm paying a lot of attention to that one girl sitting next to my sister besides me.

      Later on I find out that all of us were on a trip. We took a stop at a Motel 6 and walked in to the building complex where we had to sign in. As we were about to sign in, I see these two very young boys touching things they weren't supposed to(phone cables, folders, papers behind the staff table). Everyone in the room giggled as one of the staff members struggled to help control the children.

      At this point, I have already entered sleep paralysis. I know this because I could feel my body stuck to my bed when I had my eyes closed. I was unable to move but I tried my best to get out of it by moving my muscles from my hands, towards my arms, and later on my torso.

      It was very hard. I also remember a sense of dizziness, or sensation, when I tried to move myself too quickly. I eventually gave up and thought to try something else out. I knew you can try and achieve a lucid dream during this, so I thought I'd give it a try. I closed my eyes(while a demon is yelling over my ear) and remained as calm as I could. This is when I first started seeing images in my head. I saw numbers. They were flicking back and forth. I stared at them and thought of a dream I wanted to be in. It didn't make any sense at first, but I knew I had to give it a try. There was only one beautiful scene I wanted to be in, my old elementary school.

      I imagined the playground of the school and thought about past dreams in which I had a great time here. But while picturing it all, it was almost as if I was telling a story that had already happened. Because of that, the scene didn't look so much like the school, it looked more like a desert inside of the school. I could feel that I was at the school because of sun's brightness and how happy everything felt.
    6. Only for the Children

      by , 04-01-2013 at 03:27 PM
      I'm sitting here in my child development class. In reality, today is my first day back from break after a two week period. The classroom is set out a little bit differently than the real one. I was seated right next to the teachers desk along with a few other students. We're waiting for an instructor, a visitor, to come in to the classroom.

      I was just about to give a class presentation, but something occurred. The visitor came in a bit later. Upon arriving, they didn't even apologize for their inconvenience. I didn't like her too well. I also do remember a purple blanket and using Blender to texture its body to come out with good results.

      The next thing that came up was something a little better. I was now seated next to the classroom exit door, watching what the outside looked like. I noticed I was back at Fairfax Elementary. I always picture the same exact scene whenever I dream of this school. It's my happy place. The only down side was seeing Quynh in this school. She already messed up my views of high school, I was going to let her mess up this one.

      There were a couple of children outside walking in a single line towards the assembly room towards the back of the school. I couldn't tell much from their faces but the innocence in them, or at least I hope they were innocent. I'm sort of having no motivation in being a teacher's aide or teacher in this type of criteria but, every time I see children in my dreams in a school like this, I sort of don't want to let this type of career go, despite my difficulties towards speaking in class with other students. I'm not sure what will happen.

      This next part was strange. I was playing Hitman Absolution but at the same time, I felt that it was real. I had to make sure I wasn't caught in the act of sneaking through an enemies' residence. This scene reminds me of the Run for Your Life mission. I had so many things to interact with such as stoves, knives, cookies, and buttons.

      I slowly made my way through the kitchen. Each room that I passed by had an enemy torturing someone or something else. I didn't pay too much attention to them. At times I thought it'd be cool to sabotage a stove to make gas spread out in the air but I never did.
    7. Living Unanswered

      by , 03-31-2013 at 02:51 AM
      Back in history class, with no teacher in charge, the dream is just beginning.

      The sun is out and shining, but there is hardly anyone around. I'm seated somewhere in the classroom and remember looking up at the board. This scene has got to be my dream sign! There was no teacher around, so I wasn't sure what to do. I do remember walking outside for a while but there is like almost nothing I can recall.

      The dream began changing places. I was now standing next to the ocean, right next to a Minecraft biome. There was spruce trees but I found no snow around. At the time, I was asking for someone's help, a moderator's help. Their name was Netsui. I sent them a message but accidentely wrote out, "/hoe", somewhere in the sentence. I apologized after, even when I felt that Netsui was useless as a moderator(most of their staff really don't know what's going on in the server, they help keep taking great stuff out from the game itself too).

      I later entered a scene where I found many friends and strangers. I also had vivid thoughts about some of their pasts. This area looked a lot like docks, but it also looked like an area where it was always trashy and no one bothered to clean up any of it. I was walking around a corner and found another server player. I walked up to him. As I was following him, I saw him break a chest placed under a tree and there was a lot of materials that popped out of the chest. There were redstone, lapis, and about 5 or 6 eyeballs. These eyeballs were usually used to scare people, so I decided to use them on one of the residents in town.

      I walked up to a two story home next to the docks and slowly approached one male. I gave him one of the eyeballs and asked him if he could show this eyeball to the first person who knocks on the door. I also gave another eyeball to a kid walking in front of me. These eyeballs scared the hell out of me, though, they didn't scared anyone else.

      After ding dong ditching some residents in town, there was a new place I wanted to explore. I wanted to go in to the building located in the back corner of this small little town. Upon entering, I found one of my cousins laying back in one of the apartments. She was pregnant at the time(no, it wasn't me). My mother, who was in the building at the time, agreed to have her stay here a few nights, to accustom the baby's needs. I also noticed a back window in this room. I don't remember anything after looking through it.

      I walked up stairs to search the rest of the rooms. I entered the second floor, finding only detailed information about some of the people I met sometime in this dream. One of them was a woman. She had red hair, looked really old but used make up to hide it, and she looked a lot like one of the staff from the school I am currently attending. These thoughts that I had about her, I was placing her on a hated part in the mind. When I thought of her, I saw her working for the gaming industry, being successful in all that stuff. It was the only idea I had about her. It's probably jealousy but, my jealousy isn't towards her. It's someone whom I hold closer to the spear of love and hate.
    8. Ignored

      by , 03-25-2013 at 08:17 AM
      Later in the night, I was supposed to spent some quality time with a really attractive girl. She's one I've met before but I won't mention her name because that's going off-bounds from a relationship with one of my friends.

      Although I don't feel any lust for that girl right now, she was so freaking beautiful in the dream! I was laying back on a couch in her home while she was standing on the on bedroom walk way. She was leaning against to the wall on the right, in a sexy-like posture. I'm guessing this probably happened because I was picking up prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto a couple hours ago. She told me something along the lines of, "Let's go somewhere more private and have a good time." I thought it was a good idea.

      Things started to change. Later on in the story, she was no longer interested in me. It could of been another girl, I'm just not sure. What happened was this... I was back at Pacific High School again, in history class, along with my child development class. Every female in the class was supposed to have sex with one male in the class. At first, the female I was going to have sex with agreed that we should. That soon changed though.

      When everybody took turns having sex, it finally came up to me and this girl. That's when she finally decided that she didn't want to do it. I'm not sure why she refused, but I didn't try arguing back. The other students, however, tried encouraging her to have sex with me. They said I was a nice guy and deserve some of it. It never happened. We then went on during the day while the girl was feeling guilty for not doing it. We never did it.
    9. Almighty Power

      by , 03-22-2013 at 10:27 PM
      My journey began at Pacific High School. It's the school I'm always dreaming about. I'm standing at the quad waiting for a few friends to showing up during the day. There was a lot of people walking around so I'm assuming school was out. I met up with a few friends a met from another school I'm taking right now. Well, I really just met Natalie. When she shows up, I was lucid. I was lucid before this, I just forgot where I was and what I was doing.

      There were times when I just wanted people to die. That's when I used my powers to have them killed off easily. That's when I start to notice differences in how I can control my powers. I felt that the more I thought about killing someone, the harder it'll be or it may not happen. I tried not to think about it and look away and strangely, it worked. I raised my right hand and formed it in a shape of a pistol and killed almost everyone I saw. Even as me and Natalie were walking home, I was killing people.

      I remember telling Natalie something. I told her that I had some kind of friendly love for her. She didn't show too much sympathy but when we reached the quieter part of the school, she showed some interest in walking very close next to me. I also saw a man walking in the direction we were walking in. At first, I thought he was going to kill us, but I walked in to a factory just half the mile from the school. I didn't take to much time there. That place was a ghost town. I'm not sure what was standing beyond the road, there was a big wall surrounding the area I was walking next to.

      This is the part where I ditch Natalie and enter the factory. There's a few people I met in the factory, but nothing special happened. I only noticed a few women standing in front a set of clothing while some of them were nagging about it.

      I also do remember another part. I was back at my house with the power of lucidity. I was standing in front yard with two other people on the ground, injured. I looked up at the sky and felt it was a perfect time to end the world off with a meteor. I paused and stared at the school for a few seconds and raised my right hand. I tried my best to destroy the world but it just wouldn't work. Again.
    10. I'm Not Afraid

      by , 02-28-2013 at 04:14 AM
      It was a raining day at Pacific High School. I can't seem to run away from this place and the more I think about it the more I start to believe about taking other in life. I started at the rear of the school. I'm inside a classroom, just waiting. There are a few people outside and we weren't allowed to go out at the time.

      This place gave off a gloomy, depressing feel to me. I was calm until I had to go out to the rain and speak with two adults. These two adults I spoke to, I don't know them, I forgot what they looked liked, but they were there to protect the school from this "unknown" monster.

      I volunteered to go with them and see if I could be of any use, despite not knowing what I was getting myself in to. They agreed to let me follow and from there, we ran down the halls of the school in to the danger zone.

      As I was running I noticed the fear I had preparing for this unknown confrontation. I had no idea what I was getting myself in to but no matter what it was, I had to be confident and defeat it.

      Once I knew we arrived, I saw a big backyard full of dirty things. There were clothes thrown out everywhere, lots of jungle trees and wet writing paper everyone on the ground. The rain only made it look depressing. My team rain across this big, dirty yard and I followed. They went on without me. I heard some screams, scared screams. I didn't like it. I ran back towards the entrance from whence we came. I was running in fear.

      On my way to the entrance, I saw a gorilla of some sort. It seemed human but still I wasn't sure. I was too scared to go back to the entrance so instead I turned back towards the screams and ran as fast as I could! That's when I decided to fly. I got a running start and slowly jumped in the air and began flying!

      I was slowly ascending up towards the rainy sky and eventually went out of sight from the gorilla. I was scared at the time so I didn't care how high I went, I just wanted to get away from the gorilla! I heard the gorilla yell out to me as I was happily moving away from this part of land. When I finally escaped the proximity of the gorilla's attacking range, I reached the plains behind the yard. It was safe there but I still wouldn't trust it.

      I woke up.
    11. Twisted Ends

      by , 01-14-2013 at 04:03 AM
      There's not much I can recall from this night, just a couple of things.

      I was back at school again, not sure what sure what school, so probably Pacific again. The classroom lights were shut off like always in the dreams. The students are sitting around the classroom in the form of a circle. We were the last ones left, all the other kids moved on to bigger and better places. I was stuck with them.

      There was only one face I remember. Her name was Leah. What surprised me the most was that she was a smart one where I actually went to school and she was also Asian. This surprised me because I don't see too many of them around the area I live in the real world. I talked to one but she barely knows English. Ever since I fell in love with someone from Vietnam, I started to feel excited when ever I saw an Asian person in the area I live in. So when I saw Leah in the dream, it felt like she wasn't supposed to be with students who fail lots of tests. Well, that was it.
    12. Crying for the Kids

      by , 01-07-2013 at 12:21 AM
      I was in a big lounge that looked a lot like a library I once went to a couple years ago. It was dark this night but it felt a little earlier than that because there was still some children awake at that time.

      I was a volunteer at this place and my job was to take care of these kids and made sure they were reading their books. I probably had this dream because my father wants me to join some volunteering work with some other people at a local place. It's not something I'm looking forward to in this horrible city!

      A few parents were here as well. There was a little girl who was supposed to read a paragraph from the book. As she started reading though, it felt like I needed to cry because these kids are growing up too fast.

      I also don't have a kid.
    13. A Christmas Gift

      by , 12-26-2012 at 02:11 PM
      I had just fallen asleep with the idea that 2013 will be no different than 2012, it was a bad year for me. Me and the rest of my classmates were back at that same area where one of the doctors had to inject a needle through me. This time it was different though. I felt no happy emotions throughout all of it. These feelings scared me. It was depressing!

      Me and the rest of the class started to work our way through a narrow hall down to the next station. There was no other classrooms in front of us, so that was kind of strange. I can only remember stopping once. I sort of smelled like a wet dog at the time, so I didn't want any of the classmates around to smell me. I tried my best to keep my distance from them.

      Okay, that seemed to be it for that part. There is another scenario that came along with it so I'll just include that one with this one.

      It was on a dark, lonely street. It was way past our bed time and being out here was very dangerous! Me and my family were walking down streets trying to find our home. We were all at a distance from each other at the time. While this was happening, I could only recall the horrible experience I've been through last year(beaten up while walking alone to see one of my friends). I have always hated to feel like it, especially loneliness. I began to shudder at the darkest parts of this street. I had no choice but to continue my search for home.

      I did run in to a few obstacles on the way. I ran in to an old man throwing some kind of fireballs on to the street I was on. Me and my father watched this man feared this man would've throw one at us. This other older man had a routine on where he would through the "fireball". He only threw it on the street. Oddly enough, my father walked past around the circumference of the landing zone on the street rather than simply walking on the front yards of homes. I did the same, it only took me longer.

      Once I got past that, a new fear entered my mind. I finally reached the end of the street. I was standing on the spotlight of a street light. I took the street to my right and continued walking, leaving my family behind. I was now alone which meant danger.

      Luckily, I reached one of the wide roadways, so if I got attacked, people would see. I was walking in the same direction from when the dream started now. I slowed down my steps. I saw a little boy a few meters away from me. He had seemed to be lost. I walked past him and heard a scream come out of him. The boy yelled out once he saw me right past him. I don't remember much of what he said but he said something about being afraid of me. I told him not to be afraid, I would not hurt him. Then a few seconds later, I see this young middle aged man in a car's passenger seat staring at me. He just kept looking at me. It was as if he though I would kill the boy. :/

      The dream would end here but there is another part I'd like to mention. A part that saddened my mind.

      I appeared in a car this time. Some woman was driving me to places I've been to before. She had no problem driving me to places. It felt like I was lucid dreaming sometimes too but it didn't feel like I had much power controlling it.

      She brought up Pacific High School. "You wanna go to Pacific?", maybe worded a bit differently but that's what she said. She drove me over to Pacific but I knew it was a bad idea to go back there again. That was what is bothering me. I'm not sure if I want to go back there again. I finished high school two years ago, but I still dream of this place! But going back there meant I could probably see my old friends again, possibly even Quynh, when she wasn't such a bitch. Still, this woman took me to this school I gained some awareness there or at least I thought(I kept asking the woman dreaming questions when we got there). But when we got there, I was spectating the whole thing from the top of the school. From there, the school looked a lot like a medieval palace.

      So anyways, I woke up after this and saw the Christmas in front of me. It was a sad year for me but I don't plan to keep dreaming about Quynh as much, but if I do, it'll be the only place where I can believe she loves me too, well, after I kill her once in the dream.
    14. A Place for Memories

      by , 12-23-2012 at 11:09 PM
      The first thing I could remember is becoming a helper at a kid's school. An instructor escorted me to the room filled with young kids between ages five and ten. This classroom was very small and had an irregular shape. I noticed that the floor had black and white square shaped tiles. I stared at the floor and only felt a sense of calmness enter inside of me. The classroom was filled with about ten kids but I don't recall any of their faces. I do remember walking around the classroom observing it. I did feel a little optimistic working with these children. Then I woke up.
    15. Beautiful

      by , 12-17-2012 at 02:58 AM
      It was my second lucid in a long time. There was another scenario I was in before this one but I forgot. I remember first spawning in a room with my old friends in high school. Chris, Johnny, and Jerimiah. But all I could is Chris' back. He was wearing the same red sweater he wore in high school.

      Already lucid, I followed all three of them. I'd like to mention too, while I was lucid, I tried my best to try and stay in the dream for as long as I could. Our intention was to go in to Pacific High School and knock on a few classrooms. The school is very close. We're in cafeteria right now and it looks a lot like a dream where I saw Varaporn in.

      The cafeteria was a really nice one. It gave a Las Vegas buffet kind of feel. Me and my friends walked past a few obstacles such as a boy, a little girl, and a drinking machine. Before we made our way past the drinking machine, there was something very strange. I was no long following anyone, instead, walking up past me were a few kids, similar to all three of my friends. The third kid who was passed me appeared to be a lot like an older version of me. It could of been Jerimiah but I had a strong feeling I was only in this dream to look back at my past.

      Now that I was alone, I realized that I did visit this dream before. There were people around eating and talking to one another. At one point, I did meet a few friends I met in the past before, but there was one who caught my eye. Her name was Mylinh Thieu. I never met her in reality, we would only chat on Facebook. She was sitting in front of a door I wanted to pass by. I tried not to stare at her but she stared at me. This got me thinking about her and why we never ended up meeting each other.

      After a few more tables I walked by, I finally reached a part where the dream was becoming harder to stabilize. I walked up in front of a girl and told her something. "We're in a dream." She looked a little shocked. I put my left hard on her right shoulder and left the area.

      I found a new exit. There was a door. I opened the door and met a few people inside. I don't remember who they were. I quickly walked to them and told them something else. "If you're real, email me. It may be able to help me with my depression, or not depression, but an idea." Maybe the exact words but I do remember saying it could help with my depression. She told me okay, so I proceeded to the next room.

      This was the last room I entered. There was no one in it. I began to become more worried about the time in the waking world. I saw a box of chocolate chip cookies on the counter in the room. It was Chip's Ahoy cookies. I walked up in front of it and grabbed it. At the time I grabbed them, the dream was fading away. I stared slowly at the ceiling and forced myself to wake up.

      I woke up trying to move my legs and body. At first I wasn't able to but a few seconds later I did and woke up to this world...
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