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    1. Summer Comp. Day 13 - 2 short 1 decent lucids - fireball, weekly task fail, totm fail

      by , 08-11-2016 at 08:54 AM
      to bed at ~22:30 - first awakening 3:45 SSILD and tactile senses, problems falling asleep because of sounds and thoughts...

      wake up at 5:15 with this:
      FA: i stand up leave my room and go into the kitchen, i see a pot with some noodle soup in it that starts getting moldy. i turn around and see a chair with some towls on it that are wet and the whole ground is wet. i am pissed and leave the kitchen again and enter the bathroom. here i fill up my glass of water drink some and go into the corridor [the whole apartment has a different layout]. just before i enter my room i see my roommate at the door of my other roommate and wants to silently enter. i drank a lot of water and for whatever reason i ehm.. puke him a waterfountain in his neck. i find it a little funny but i am also uncertain if this might not be a dream. i lift my hand and see and show him this is a dream. at the beginning i cant say anything because i feel still water in my throat i move backwards and show him that the lightswitch doesnt work. then i run backwards and phase thru the wall. while falling i wake up. [after waking i noticed that the dream wasnt that stable, everything was dark and with not too much detail...]

      i am pissed because of the bad sleep quality and the poor lucid. this time i put earplugs in and try again with a little less effort to faster fall asleep. i wake up at 6:30 with this:
      [dont remember the non lucid part] i move down a street and realize i am dreaming, look at my hand to confirm. i want to summon sivason behind my back, feel a hand and turn around. "ah you look different, you are sivason?" he nods but says "only my upper part looks different ... bla... my name is so and so" "wait so you are not sivason?" "hmm" i instantly put my hand behind my back again and summon again sivason. i ask him and he nods. the first guy wants to keep on talking but i softly push him and point him to go. he leaves. i turn to sivason and tell him: "i know now how you do it and i have to channel my energy in my hand. i want to try it do you have any further advice?" "ah i think you get it its not that easy to explain its like this" he puts both hands together and they look veiny and strong. but no fire appears and i focus on my arm i feel some energy run down and as i look at my hands i already see some flames inbetween. cool! i throw it at a tree and it starts burning. i shortly try again but its not working instantly but i am satisfied. the fire disappears from the tree and i want to uproot it with TK. it starts shaking a little and i concentrate on the fact that there is no weight or problem and its easy. i hear some cracking and pulling sounds and the three fly up. i throw it on the ground and i want to make it disappear in front of my eyes but it doesnt work and i feel it not that important to try longer. i turn to sivason and say "hey you are an pharmacist right? i want to put my personality into a pill and make it a DC swallow it. can you help me? what do you need? some hair or something?" " oh thats easy i have done this often, you can give me anything, a 50cent coin for example" "a 50 cent coin?!" a DC that sits around on a bench says " ah you will have a problem because you need very clean water and you use normal water" while we talk sivason changes into a woman and i get a BJ. while this happens i pocketsummon a candy with eucalyptus taste. there are two candy in one foil. i take one and offer the other to the girl noticing that she is busy. i enjoy it for a minute and then she moves away. i walk behind her and she approaches a bus and wants to enter. i hold her and tell her "we can go there soon but first i want to do the TOTM. we have to fly and find a plane and look inside or enter. like we wish" we start flying hand in hand and the sky gets really bright like when you look into the sun and then somewhere else. i feel like the dream destabilize and i start to fly straight down to accelerate to the ground but before i reach it i wake up.

      i note the dream and just try to fall asleep with mantra and looking at the back of my eyes.
      i have a dream and then again a FA that i catch:
      i wake up and feel that a tooth of mine is loose. 'oh no not again' i carefully touch it and i feel that it fall out. i carefully put it out of my mouth and its a small corner one. i put it next to my clock and lay back and try to fall asleep. i move my tong and notice there is more and i pull out tooth after tooth and i feel the sound of loose tooth moving against firm tooth... i see this is a dream and plug my nose. now i have my sleepmask on and try to put it off but every time i take it of there a a new one underneath. i repeat this atleast 5 times and then i start so see in very bad quality and wake up.
    2. Summer Comp. Day 2 - freeze/reverse Time, summon Sivason, Fireball

      by , 07-31-2016 at 11:49 AM
      Remembered: 5 dreams (1 semilucid) and 8 fragments; 1 lucid dream

      i move thru a street and see a bike chained to a lantern. the saddle is off and the bike is somehow filled with water. i think maybe to make it even more theft secure? i think about how to picklock it, thinking about what spell might work for it and how difficult it would be to learn it [i hear a lot of Harry Potter audiobook at the moment] i decide that i am more of a dreamcontrol guy who affects his body and surroundings instead of using spells and a wand. while thinking this i start flying instead of walking anymore and fly only a meter over the ground thru a street. and wake up.

      i am in a restaurant and sitting with some people at a table. we start eating and i am sitting at a corner of the table. the guy next to me needs a hell lot of space for his arm. i make myself as tiny as possible and eat my food. after some time i ask him if he would like me to go around the corner with my plate so he could have even more space. he declines and i make a joke like "hey but you need more space every minute, i cant see my food anymore because your arm is around it..." i smile and tap his back. he nor anybody else find it funny and i stop smiling and finish my plate... he wants some licorice and bubblegum so i stand up, go to the next room and get it for him.
      while in the other room i start to get lucid and do a nosepinch. i cant breath in but i can breath out a little with some snot noises. close enough i think and i start to put on some cloth because if i want to fly outside it might be could. i put some weird cloths on i wouldnt wear in waking but there is nothing else so... i enter the room again give the guy his licorice and bubblegum after taking two hands full of licorice out into my pocket and eating some and tell them i leave. i kind of dont know where to because i am confused where i am exactly i decide to go to the "anne ecke" a bar and tell them i wont be out to late because i am alone but i want to go drink a beer and maybe i find someone. they tell me they will message me when they leave (so i might get a ride if i like to). i leave the restaurant and go up the street. i stop and my awareness rises to fully lucid. i remember the competition and dont want to waste this lucid like yesterday! i am highly motivated to collect some points and i start with random dreamcontrol. i see some people at the end of the street and i use Telekinesis to make a elder guy fall over. he falls and rolls down the street. i instantly feel bad to do something like this to an old man and shout out: "STOP" and time freezes. i do a hand gesture and time reverses. he rolls back, stumble and walk some steps backwards. time is running forward again and i see from the corner of my eyes how he stumbles again, falls and rolls down the street again. i ignore it, go past him and stand between some DC´s.
      i make a rising hand gesture with both hands and say "you all might have superpowers now!" some of them start smiling appreciatively. i approach a woman who is holding her baby stroller and tell her to jump because she now can jump pretty high! right next to her someone jumps up like two meters. she wont let go the buggy and i tell her the guy there will hold it. she tries hesitantly and jumps normally. i tell her "no, jump higher. jump up there" and point to a window terrace at around 5 meters height. i jump with ease and she jumps up also. because the terrace is small she has some problems with balance and instantly falls/jumps back down but because of the hight he hurts herself a little. i feel a bit sad to not thinking about that and jump down without any pain.
      now i remember my incubated goals, put my hand behind my back and say "hey sivason take my hand!" a second later i feel a hand and turn around. a guy with a little longer black hair around maybe 35-45 years and some funny cloth that reminded me of a football tricot stands in front of me and smiles at me. "hmm i thought you would look different... and is this a football tricot?!" "no its not" i look a little closer and agree that it is something unique. its color is blue with some lettering on it. it has an asian touch. next to me is one of the DC´s that stood around me previously and wants my attention and to say something. i ignore him and push him slightly aside and say to sivason: "nevermind, hey i wanted to ask you, since you have a lot of experience with dreamcontrol if you might show me how to summon a fireball between my hands, something like a miniature sun" he smiles again " ah i know exactly what you mean." behind him a guy with a costume? appears i ignore it too and focus completely on sivason [i regret this a little because i cant remember how the person looked. in some way it reminded me of someone or something?]. i hold my hands like holding something in between and expand my hands a little like holding a ball. he ignites the space with a lighter and some fire appears between my hands and i form it to a ball. it is pretty weak. after he uses the lighter he moves away and i follow him. because of the moving the fire goes out again. we approach a table and i tell him "ah you use an external lightsource too... i thought i could do it without and make it appear just like that. i can do without problems lightning and water" i hold my hand next to something like an mp3 player and some bolts come out of my hand to the mp3 player and it turns on. i squeeze my hand and water drips out of my hand. " i already can do some fire when putting in some liquid and ignite it..." i show him how i pur in some water into my palm and ignite it with my thumb imitating a lighter. the water in my hands starts burning and its hot. i startle a little and shake my hand so some of the liquid falls down on the table and the fire gets smaller. sivason says something to me but we are at a funfair and it is really loud. i cant understand or concentrate on his words.
      i start loosing awareness again and look around for a calmer place. i move some meters away and look around a corner but there is a concert too, i look into a building but there is something like a self-help group. i go back to him and start getting uncomfortable and unbalanced which lead to a
      FA: i am half sitting half lying in a back of a bus and try not to move to DEILD back in. i imagine the last dream but it feels uncomfortable and crooked so i move straight and then try to get into the same position after awakening. i give up and want to note down my dream. i look around for a paper and take a something hard that is in a saran wrap. someone enters the car and i tell him i am not scared of some guy? i have another FA and wake up for real.

      to bad i lost myself in doing fire and getting distracted by the noises. i incubated a lot more after the fire but i forgot it :/

      this night was better but considering the huge amount of energy and intention and microawakenings with journaling i put in i am a little disappointed that i had only one lucid. i did two bigger WBTB´s one with a WILD attempt and one with SSILD. the first half of the night i was a little pissed because recall was tough and needed some effort. but after 5h of sleep i woke up with a lot of dreams that just like that came up. so thats okay but considering old days where i was more in practice i got 3-4 lucids a good night with way less effort... maybe within some days it gets better. i think i over complicate it with wanting to get a save lucid with techniques instead of just setting intention and fall asleep with mantra like i would normally do.

      Updated 08-01-2016 at 09:03 AM by 87116

      lucid , false awakening