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    Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...


    1. 03/03/12 - Cool dreams

      by , 03-03-2012 at 07:19 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! This entire week's been full of weird and intense dreams and last night was no exception. I intended to take some G+C but after waking up from two nightmarish dreams I changed my mind.

      23.00: Sleep

      09.00: Zombie Apocalypse
      I'm in my apartment. Monica, my friend Felix and his girlfriend are there too and we're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, trying to survive. I walk towards the kitchen while looking out through the window. The apartment is next to a big square, which is now filled with zombies. A few of them notice me and starts waving and running towards the building. Luckily I'm on the seventh floor so they can't do much harm. I start boiling some pasta water. I turn on the TV and it shows a view of my apartment building. The zombies down below are throwing cobble stones and are reaching as far up as the apartment underneath.

      'Damn they're getting smarter...' Felix's girlfriend appears. We watch as they set a big truck on fire at the base of the building. "They almost seem human again" I say. She nods. We both realise that we're doomed if we stay.

      The dream skips. I enter the building several days or weeks earlier. A few zombies stand completely still in the stairs. They appear to be sleeping and I pass by, making sure I don't touch them. I take the seven flight of stairs and there are sleeping zombies all over the place. I get to the top where my apartment is. A big party seems to be going on. I get in, nodding to the two guards with sub machine guns standing guard. People are having a real good time. There's disco lights going on and everything, but I'm not in the mood. "Everyone get out! The party is over!" People starts to get out.

      All of a sudden I hear screams coming from the door. 'Oh shit the zombies have awakened!' I run towards it and try to close it. A woman tries to get in and I can't get it shut. "Help me!" she screams franticly. I slam myself at the door and it shuts. I turn the lock. I look out the peephole and the woman is standing there, scratching at the door like she's crazy. The two guys with the sub machine guns are still there, along with a few others. "Keep an eye on this door" I tell them. I have no idea what happened to them later.

      09.00: Huge ass pike
      I'm with my brother Martin at a big lake. We're fishing. I use a colourful lure intended for pike and cast it out. I make sure it ends up in a well lit up place in the water and can see a small pike trailing it. "You won't catch anything with that thing!" my brother mocks me. I refuse to give up and give it a few more tries. All of a sudden a huge and long shadow appears in the water. A pike is chasing my lure, and it looks like the snake from the movie "Anaconda." It doesn't bite and when I pull my lure out of the water it just sits there. I look more closely at it. Its entire body must be more than ten meters, and it's in a large U-shape.

      I cast the lure out and it sticks to its head. I hold on as it tries to pull the rod out of my hands, I have no hopes of catching this beast. All of a sudden we start talking somehow. Monica appears and it asks me if we want to go for a ride. "Nah I'm good" Monica says. Me and my brother agree to do it though and we jump up on its back where two plastic surfing boards are. I grab onto the pike below the water and we take off. I can't believe how fast we're going. The other side of the lake is approaching fast and I have to make small jumps not to hit my face on the lines going across the waters.

      Just before we crash onto land I jump off and dive into the water. Two people are watching us from a small boat on land. I hear a "Wohooo!" nearby and realise it's the pike. It's under a boat where a small pocket of air is. I go there and do a few "woohoo's" myself. I get out of there and head towards the middle of the lake when all of a sudden something stabs me in the chest. I feel my warm blood gushing out of a knife wound where my heart is. One of the guys on land was apparently an assassin and swims away from me.

      10.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I had another dream but I can't be bothered to write it down as it wasn't very interesting. I did lose two teeth, which is kinda cool.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: survival, zombies
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. 23/01/12 - Friday Lucids

      by , 01-23-2012 at 08:36 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I've been very busy this weekend and haven't had time to write down my dreams. I had three lucids in a row last Friday and it's about time I write them down. This many days afterwards, my recall won't be the best, but I think I can remember most of it with the notes I have.

      07.30: Lucidity burst MILD
      I'm standing in a dim lit room filled with ragged people. The doomsday has come and we're all survivors. I'm an Asha'man from the series "Wheel of Time." My brother is in the room with us and he's got the power to channel aswell, but we're both exhausted from weeks of constant channeling to survive. My dad is also there. The door bursts open and two men comes in. They look really worn out and they've got dirt all over them. I recognise them as two from our home village. "You want some food?" I ask them. "Yes please" one of them says and I look in the cupboard. We've only got some hard bread left. I open the fridge and take out some different kinds of pizzas. "It's okay for them to have it?" I ask my dad. He nods and I let them choose one each. We don't have that much food left, and there's one hundred and twenty people in the room. I'm dead tired.

      The dream skips. I'm in a moving car. My mom's driving and my brother is next to me. The dream is on the same scenario as the dream before. I look out the window and focus on a dark spot in the clouds above a vast field. The spot starts to grow in size and get darker, just like in "Lord of the Rings." "Make sure we're behind that hedge!" I say to my mom. "But the car will get scratches if I do!" she complains. "It doesn't matter if we're all dead!" I look at the sky again and huge pterodactyl like birds are everywhere. They've all got riders on their backs and they're very close. We continue down the road and pray no one spots us. It doesn't seem like they do, or they just don't care. After a while we stop the car in the forest and get out. There's a small house there.

      I realise I'm dreaming. I start walking down a trail with my brother just behind me. The dream is way too dark for my liking. I fill myself with "the one power" and everything becomes more clear and vivid, but not very much brighter. I rub my hands to try to get some light going but soon the dream is fading.

      I lie completely still as I wake up and end up in SP quickly. I black out.

      I'm in the small house on a chair. My brother is infront of me and he's on the phone with his boss' wife. She's crying and my brother can't be bothered to listen so he hangs up. She calls him a minute later and he picks up. "Oh sorry something must have happened" he tells her. He finishes his conversation. "Is your boss dead or what?" I ask him. "No idea, but I've been fine after lying under the house plenty of times though." Martin gets up and walks outside. He holds his hands out towards the building and lifts the entire thing up with telekinesis. "Whoa!" I say and hold on. He gets on and we start flying away. The roof disappears and the entire thing turns into a car.

      I realise I'm dreaming. I look down and infront of us. A barn appears up ahead and Martin lands the car infront of it. There's a toilet booth infront of the barn and I know there's going to be some guns inside. I open the door and the toilet lid. It's full of plastic bags and I have to look for a while before I feel something that resembles a gun. I can hear people shouting in the barn. Martin pulls out an uzi and steps outside. I find a glock and an uzi, but only 12 mm bullets, not 9 mm which I need. "Hey Martin, do you have any 9 mm bullets?" I ask him. He starts shooting wildly on the barn. I hold a pipe of some sorts in my hands and rub it for some stability. I head outside and jump into the car. Martin throws me a box of ammo and I try to reload the guns as he steps on the gas and heads out of there.

      I wake up at work. I've got my blanket with me and it's night out. No one seems to be around as I step outside. I start walking. 'Wait, aren't I still dreaming? Oh yeah I am.' I walk around the construction site for a while, thinking about what I want to do. A weird sign appears infront of me. It's like two big white steam roller wheels spinning, filled with numbers. I stand still and watch the mysterious spinning sign.

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. 16/01/12 - Going out camping

      by , 01-16-2012 at 08:01 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had an interesting dream last night, it's been a while since I had a survival dream.

      22.30: Sleep

      05.30: Camping
      I'm in my mom's neighbourhood. I walk through the woods behind her house when a car appears on the road on my right. I walk slowly, but a part of me tells me to run. I pick up the pace and head behind some bushes. The car keeps up with me but as soon as I break eye contact I get down on all four and start to run like an animal. I run up a steep hill on a game trail, trying to get away from the weird car. After a few minutes of running around I end up down by the road, only further down. A car stops next to me and I recognise it as my mom and dad's car. They start talking to me, and wants me to go with them. I follow them for a while but I soon stop. "I'm going out camping for a few days. I'm not going to bring anything" I tell them.

      This is apparently what they didn't want me to do. "It's dangerous!" my mom says. "But this is what I want to do! That's also the reason I want to do it. To make my own shelter. Soon it will be dark and cold" I say. 'Perhaps I should bring a blanket...' "I might bring that blue blanket just in case I say and grab one from the car. I'm really looking forward to the trip. To be one with mother nature and just live off of what she has to offer for a few days.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: survival
    4. 07/11/11 - Cool zombie nightmare

      by , 11-07-2011 at 07:04 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a single dream last night and it was pretty cool. I guess it was a nightmare, I didn't feel happy exactly when I woke up but now that I think back on the whole experience: awesome!

      00.00: Sleep

      04.30: From prison to zombie survival
      "Use these to distract the guards, then change the combination code" a guy I know tells me and hands me a razor blade that is cut up into tiny little pieces. I throw some on the ground.

      Two prison guards show up and grab me by the arms and lead me into a room with one old school holding cell aswell a small box of a room in the middle of it. I spread the razor shards all over the place without them noticing. With a flick of my finger I make them all explode at once. "What was that?!" one of the guards ask the other and they run out of the room.

      I take my chance and run up to the box-like room. On the door is a keypad, I can see a button that says: "Change password" and I press it. It seems to have a four digit code. I enter my first four birth digits and walk over to the old school cell with prison bars. All of a sudden a bunch of prison guards show up and I can't do anything. I still have lots of razor blade shards in my hand and I hide them as best I can.

      "Hey! What are you doing?!" one of the guard says as he notices I'm holding something. All of a sudden the entire scenario changes in an instant. There's a window and outside I spot a coworker with a bunch of people. "Okay! Do you guys really want to die that bad? Fine then!" I say angrily. They decide to hear me out. I open the window and ask the coworker, Bosse, if he can take me and the guards with him. "Only if they know how to go down a river in a raft" he says. We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and we're going to try to survive.

      "If you're coming then you have to hurry the fuck up" he says and grabs a chain saw. I can see a whole bunch of zombies closing in on him and his group. One guy gets dragged off screaming. I walk back to the guards and explain to them they have to act quickly. "Go!" I yell and everyone scatters. It seems like I'm in my grandma's house. I head upstairs to try to find something useful when I realise I've already packed my bag. 'Something to keep it dry then... I find a sweater that I put on then head downstairs. "Let's go guys!" I yell.

      In the kitchen I find a guy looking through some drawers. "Here, you need this" I say and take the small knife he has on him and hand him a much bigger one. I grab one myself. I exit the house through the front door, right away I hear a weird growling sound behind me. I look back.

      She starts walking towards me but at a very slow pace. I jog to the front of the house and take a right where I know a big field of grass is. I spot two very long lines of people, atleast two hundred of them. They walk slowly in groups, one heading towards the woods and one going alongside the buildings. There are single individuals scattered all over the place aswell. My other grandma, not the one who owns the house, shows up. She looks pale and holds my cousin. "Hey Matte!" she says. She tries to hug me but I feel something's not right. My grandpa and my uncle is at he back of the big line going into the woods.

      I run away from her and dodge as a zombie tries to grab for me. Even though they're very slow they're scary as hell. "Look over there" my mom says from nowhere. "They seem to enjoy it." I look to the right at the second line of people and a small hill they're walking past. At first it looks like there's a slaughter at the hill, things flying over the people, but after looking more closely I can see it's just water. They're spraying the zombies or people, I'm not quite sure at this moment, with water.

      I head towards the second line to check it out more closely. Up ahead one of the houses has a weird mask shop. It has dark masks in different colours in a little stall. The line keeps walking on at an even pace. Without realising it, I've ended up in a corner. A big fence cuts me off from the line and the only way out of there is back, where a zombie is walking my direction.
      I can't be bothered to stay in the dream any longer and wake up.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 5½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! The last part of the dream I guess is lucid, but won't count the dream as one. I've done that loads of times when I've had just too much from a nightmare like that and woken myself up. Also was pretty cool to be able to calculate exactly when I fell asleep according to the time I woke up from the dream. At the end of my REM period.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: survival, zombies
      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. 12/07/11 - Long nightmare

      by , 07-12-2011 at 10:33 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a couple of actually pretty awesome dreams last night, but I'm so pissed that I didn't write down or couldn't recall more of a lucid I know I had early on in the night. Might have been so early in the night that the REM period ended. Anyways I was also up and had a bit of an adventure.

      01.30: Sleep

      02.15: Nightly Adventure
      *I wake up and jump out of bed. I grab a pillow and hold it up against the headrest of my computer chair. Phew! I blocked the path of the shots before they were fired. I stand there and hold the pillow firmly against the headrest so it won't shoot Monica who's sleeping.

      07.30: Fragments
      *I'm lucid. I'm with a few other people and I show them my telekinetic powers. I grab a steel beam of some sorts and throw it over my head. My dad smiles at me. I grab the beam again and a small, black ball. I throw them around simultaneously in different directions. Multitasking!

      *I'm talking to a doctor, and for some reason I'm speaking english. I try to tell him that I need someone to look me up. I tell him about my nightly adventures, how I have hallucinations almost every night and I haven't found out why yet. I say that I'm a Dream Guide and very educated when it comes to dreams and such, but I haven't met or read about anyone who also has them.

      07.30: WBTB 10 minutes

      9.30: Chased by monsters
      I'm inside of a big skyscraper. A huge monster is attacking the building, and I open a wooden door and close it. It won't shut properly so I have to try three times before it shuts. I can feel the world change. I open the door and look out. I have teleported to a nearby place on the ground. I can see the enormous monster destroying the building from outside. The building itself is huge, as tall as a skyscraper but just as long. The monster looks something like this.

      On a walkie-talkie I can hear my coworker yell as I watch the monster jerk and jump into the huge hole it has made. With insane speed it crashes through the building, spraying debris in all directions. The last thing I hear from my coworker is a scream. The monster pops out on the other side of the building and I decide to get its attention. I whistle as loud as I can. The monster twiches its head and looks me straight in the eye. I know how fast this thing is so I close the door quickly.

      Three times to teleport. I open it slightly after the first time and can see the monster outside of the door already. Oh shit I won't make it! I close it and can feel the monster trying to prevent me. I open and close it a third time and teleport away. I lean against the wall and open the door again. I know the monster will have morphed into something less harmful. A small girl appears and looks into the small room I'm in. I grab her arm and drag her into the room and teleport away. I end up on a muddy field, on a sign it says: "Woodstock". I push the girl out the door and teleport away again.

      The dream skips. I'm now watching different coworkers, how their days started. I want to find out who's responsible for the monster incident. One guy seems to be harmless, but another one has a strange feel to him. They're Asian for some reason. I go into 1st person mode and I'm in some kind of slum area, near where the teleport ended up the first time. I can see the big building nearby. I immediately run down into the basement, there's something dangerous coming for me. Down at the sewers, a man is lying half-buried in the sand.

      He looks very frail, and there's barely skin left on his bones. Two small boys are with him and they appear to be his grandsons. I look behind me at a green door, knowing something bad will come for us any second. "We have to go!" I tell them. I look behind me again and all of a sudden some watery liquid starts seeping through the cracks of the door. The boys picks up their grandpa and we start running. I get some liquid on my feet, it feels like oil.

      We run through a maze for a while until we arrive at an arena of some sorts. Grandpa has been forgotten and me and the two kids jump over stacks of rubble and crates to go as high as possible. I see a path above the ground on some construction beams. For some reason we're not going to run anymore, but face whatever's coming. We start building traps with concrete steel on the only walkway there is.

      A very big guy in black armor appears.

      He starts walking on the pathway and we all release the concrete steel we've tightened. They smack him on his legs, doing absolutely nothing at all. He starts laughing at our futile attempts to stop him. I'm holding a couple of soft spears which has green feathers on them. I throw them at his face, aiming for his red glowing eyes. He starts laughing even more and reaches for me with a huge hand. All of a sudden he cries out in pain, a spear jutting out from his eye.

      He goes down on one knee, clutching his face. I take the rest of the spears we've got nearby and hand half of them to the boy next to me. "Throw these in his remaining eye when he comes at us" I tell him. One or two must hit, we've got like twenty spears each. With a roar the man reaches for us and we throw as many spears as we can, I start stabbing him when he's close enough but nothing happens. He grabs me and holds me tight.

      I wriggle loose and start clawing and punching him in the face. Again the man laughs at me. Once again he grabs me and holds me tight, I'm screwed this time. The third boy who had been completely forgotten had apparently been preparing some ultimate attack. I watch him as he loads up some crazy gun that emits some futuristic sound. I say his name and the man turns around and gets a full on blast in his face.

      I'm dropped to the ground, but the big arm holding my ankle is still squeezing it hard. It hurts alot and I scream in pain. After a while the hand lets go and I breathe out. I try to move my wrist (for some reason my wrist got hurt) and it feels like I can't move it properly. When I turn it, it sounds mechanic, like I've got a prosthetic. "You can do surgery on your wrists now" one of the boys tell me. Like I'm giving an OK to do it finally after all this time.

      09.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! What an epic and long dream. Too bad I didn't get lucid when I was in it, that evil guy would have been obliterated.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    6. 11/06/11 - Pretty fun night and 1000 dreams recorded!

      by , 06-14-2011 at 02:46 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I really need to start following the advice I give out. Once again I managed to make the dream fade by not activating my senses first. Oh well, a short little lucid with some flying is still something. Also had a bunch of pretty cool non-lucids. I also had my 1000th dream this morning! Including fragments ofcourse. Been writing them down since the end of January 2010 with a break last summer.

      23.00: Sleep

      10.00: Helicopter Dream #1000
      I'm at work. My coworker Björn is there, and a small helicopter has just landed on a helipad just next to the dock. We get in, I sit behind Björn in a very cramped seat, it feels just like in a roller coaster. The driver says something and another guy gets in next to me. With a full load of four people we take off.

      The dream skips. We're flying through a forest just above a path. There are some electrical wires going through the air up ahead so we land. I get out and look around. There's a small cabin to my right, and to my left I can see loads of blue berry bushes. The driver who is another coworker, disappears. The rest of us starts picking blueberries, god they taste amazing. Is it really the time for this? Shouldn't they arrive in yet another few weeks? "Hey where's Roger?" I ask. "He went into the cabin for a few beers" the other guy says.

      10.00: Amazing rockets
      I'm in an appartment in a big building. I hear a big bang and run out to the balcony. People are celebrating something and they're making alot of noise. I've just missed some fireworks, damn! The street is cramped with huge buildings and there's a small roof just beneath me. "There's another one!" someone says. I look up and can hear the loud "Swoosh!" A large fireworks rocket goes up in the air but something goes wrong and it takes a sharp right turn and disappears behind a building. Crap!

      A second later another rocket is launched and this one goes a bit too much to the right aswell. It explodes in a cascade of yellow balloons. People are going crazy and are trying to catch as many as they can. I see a whole bunch of them blown onto the balcony next to me. I spot something inside the balloons, it's a tiny note. Oh, must be some kind of prize! I look around for one myself but all of them are gone. A kid just under me on the roof has one though and he drops it. I catch it.

      "Hey give it back!" he tells me. I break the balloon with my hands and check what's inside. It's just a ten crown coin. I flip it to him, he drops it but manages to pick it up again. I find a tiny balloon and grab it. Inside I find a note saying: "You can upgrade your hard drive on your Xbox with this note." I figure you turn it in to some company and they'll do it for you.

      10.00: Survival game in mansion
      I'm with my brother Morgan. We're running through corridoors and I've got some kind of slime ball in my hands. We arrive at a door and I walk through it. "Here's where we go our separate ways" I say. It's not a game of survival. I head in one direction and he in another. The mansion we're in is huge! It's got old, dark, wooden walls and doors everywhere. I open one. Just a small closet with a pillow on a shelf. I close it again and pass a few other doors before opening one on my right.

      It's a laundry room of some kind. Wait a second, I need a bag of some kind. I spot a black sleeping bag and grab it. It's getting dark out, I should be collecting sleeping gear. I remember the pillow. Morgan shows up further down the corridoor and I scare him a bit by jumping from room to room, making my shadow look scary. "Stop that Matte!" he says. My other brother Martin shows up. I grab the pillow in the other room, aswell as two battery chargers lying next to it. Will come in handy for our flashlights.

      The three of us enter a big room at the end of the hallway and there's a big bed in there. I turn on my flashlight and look around the room. Two guys sitting on a bench just next to us is lit up. "Shit, hi?" I say. "Want to share the same room? It's easier if we stick together." "No thanks" they say and leave. Yet another guy shows up and I just figure he's with Martin. He shows me what he's found so far, it's a bunch of "Magic the gathering" cards. I check them out. "Wow these are really old" I say, but I realise they're just garbage.

      I find one big blue worm though. "Fire demon, forest demon" I read along with alot of other titles. Apparently you have to wait a turn when playing him to use his powers. "I've got another bunch" the guy says and I grab them and check them out. There are price tags on the cards and I try to see if any of them has any value, none do.

      10.00: Fragments
      *I'm talking to an old friend of mine. We start talking about why we stopped being friends.

      *There are big fire ants everywhere. They're very brightly yellow and I worry about a pile of clothes lying on the ground being infested.

      12.00: Fragment
      I'm walking down a road when I all of a sudden feel like doing a RC. I check my hand and see a bunch of pale and very chubby, short fingers. I count them and get to seven. I realise I'm dreaming. Cool! I jump and take off right away. I fly for a few seconds.

      12.00: Monica's away
      I'm with someone, we're going down into pits in the ground and it's very dark out. In one rather large pit, we hear a grunting noise. We get out of there as quickly as possible. I look around me and realise I'm down at the local gas station. A huge boar appears and starts walking around. I think about how I can kill it. I check my phone for messages. Nothing. Damn Monica, she left this morning without saying where she was going, and now it's night and I still haven't heard from her.

      I start getting worried. I try to call her but no one picks up. I enter the gas station store and they've remade the entire place. Nothing is where it should. I see a big pile of gravel lying against a counter. Another glass counter is filled with freshly baked bread. I don't buy anything and get out again. I try calling her again, it's getting very dark out. No answer.

      12.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 12½ hours

      Supplements: Alcohol

      That's it! Didn't complete any tasks except the Normal one which was to recall five or more dreams. I'll try tomorrow morning instead.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: survival
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 12/06/11 - Hiding from zombies and swimming with orcas

      by , 06-14-2011 at 01:33 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I haven't been as enthusiastic as I was yesterday when I went to bed for a long time. Intended to do a WBTB this morning but I failed to get up. Didn't have a lucid dream either.

      00.30: Sleep

      08.30: Zombies
      I'm in my old house I grew up in. Once again the zombie apocalypse is here and I'm hiding with a few people. I head up on the roof through a small hatch and stay completely still, peaking over the top every now and then. I've got a clear view of the entire town and there's not a single person in sight. Smoke rises from a chimney across the street. I duck behind cover and wait for a minute or so. I check again, I see a bicycle going past without anyone on it. Must be some kind of ghost. I hide again and look back up again after after a while. This time a car goes past, without a driver.

      I start noticing people now. Most of them are on bicycles for some reason. I duck behind the roof before anyone can see me. I look to the right and see a road going behind a mountain. People on the road can clearly see me only if they turn their heads to the right. I hope no one sees me, but soon one guy does. He stares at me for a long time before going out of sight. Another person sees me, and another.

      I figure it's time to go down and I slip down the hatch again. "A couple of zombies saw me" I tell a girl. She's our leader or something. "Shit! We gotta go then" she says and starts picking up things. "Go where?" I ask. "To the next house ofcourse, the zombies know we're here" she replies and I start packing everything useful. I find a revolver and some random trash I stash in my bag.

      10.30: Fragments
      *I'm taking a shit at my mom's house. One of her dogs lies infront of me. I pet her and she licks my face. Next to her is a cage with a pink rat in it. I pet the rat, afraid it will bite me. Its fur is completely pink and is so soft.

      *I'm playing a game similar to WoW. I am on an automated path and I have to throw bombs at eskimoes and indians. I try to get as many as possible. There are groups all around and I kill them all. Meanwhile a song is playing in the background. It sounds like "Pocahontas" and the song is about how we should treasure life and the nature. I spot a few mounds of gold and a pool of oil in the woods.

      *I'm talking to my uncle about the doctor education. "The english one is the hardest education there is" I tell him. He agrees. "Not everyone can do it though, it's so stressful". He starts telling me about how the salary is. "It starts like up here, and just continues upwards."

      10.30: Orcas
      I'm in a big pool with a couple of other people. There's another even bigger pool next to the one I'm in, and they're separated by a wall of glass. I see several big orcas in the other pool and they jump and splash everyone in the audience. One is particularly interested in me for some reason, and almost bites me in the arm. I get out of the pool. My dad is there. "Perhaps they think I'm one of the trainers because of my blue shirt?" I ask him. The few trainers around has blue shirts and I take mine off. I jump back in and land on my back.

      It's like I've got a life jacket on and I can't really swim under. After a few tries I can and I have to hold my breath for a long time before finding a ladder to climb up on. I get up and someone tells me that the biggest orca is going to make a big whirlpool further down in the pool. I have just missed it. The dream changes and I watch as a few coworkers go past me. It's like I'm playing a nintendo DS game and because I have cleared up a spot in my inventory and because I have so much energy. I can run 50% faster.

      10.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Supplements: 3 dl applejuice

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    8. 06/06/11 - Nightmares, all kinds

      by , 06-06-2011 at 10:45 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Every dream I recall from last night/this morning was a nightmare or close to it. Even the fragment which I'm having trouble recalling, had a very sinister feel to it and I woke up all sweaty from it.

      02.00: Sleep

      05.00: Zombie apocalypse
      I'm standing on a small mountain with a couple of trees nearby. There are shelters and stuff all around me, and people are running around. No wonder they are running around, the zombie virus has been released! I gather some things necessary for survival out in the woods. A very long fishing line, some plastic bags, etc. "How will we sleep?" someone asks me. "We will be huddled together for warmth" an older man says. I pack some last minute stuff into my already stuffed bag and throw it over my shoulder.

      We start walking, but don't have to go very far. A kitchen, without roof or two walls appears and there's two people in it. Except for the missing walls, the kitchen looks very new. This place will have to do for now. I greet with the guy sitting at the table. I sit down and we start talking. I look over his shoulder for any zombies incoming, he's got his back towards the "entrance."

      "What will you guys do when the electricity goes out?" I ask him. "What do you mean, the lights?" he replies. "No, the food in the refrigerator will spoil right away". "Oh, well, I dunno, we'll take it as it comes then" he tells me. I'm frustrated he has no plan and I don't think everything will be alright just like that. I look over his shoulder again and he gets frustrated because I'm so paranoid. "Well, you should be too" I tell him and take another look, this time I spot something.

      A woman in a white, hospital dress is limping towards us. Her skin in her face is starting to turn a bit yellow at places, like it's rotting. "She's infected, get away from her!" people starts yelling. The woman doesn't seem to be a zombie fully yet though. She reaches out with her arms, trying to grab me. I jump away and try to find a knife or anything to kill her with. She chases me around the table, luckily she's not very fast. I see a couple of forks and dining knives but nothing will do.

      I spot an orange working knife and I grab it. I grab the woman and shove the knife straight into her skull and twist the knife. She starts whining and screaming. Brain matter splatters all around us and I hold her over the sink to not get it on the floor. I keep my mouth shut tight to not get infected myself. Even though she should be dead she's still alive. I drop her on the floor and she stops moving finally. "Alright, this knife is mine" I say all riled up. Fucking retards who can't get things done. Good job letting the guy with the injured wrists do it.

      08.00: Fragments
      *Something about the game Terraria. Woke up all sweaty.

      *Ants, they were all over the place.

      09.20: Collapsing at work
      I'm at work. I have to do some concrete work and I try to find an old concrete bag with the right kind of concrete. I know it's supposed to be here somewhere but I can't find it. I see several other bags which are red, but not my bag. I decide to head up to the establishment and get a new one. I check the clock as I walk in. "8.30." I've still got time to do some work until the break at nine. I pick the concrete bag up and ask my coworker if he wants to help me carry another one, he doesn't. My boss shows up, he starts telling me how we have to speed up work, and that it has to be done by the next week in May.

      "Next year?" I ask him. "No, next week." God damnit. "Alright we'll step it up" I tell him. He starts telling me how it's better to get a job done fast rather than do a good job. I agree and head back out with my concrete bag. I run all the way back and I'm really sweating by the time I arrive at the gates to where I was going to do my job. The ground consists of loose gravel and I trip in it and fall over. I see a few worms crawling further down. I relax for a second, my leg is cramping like hell and I try to soothe it by rubbing it.

      A trucker girl nearby watches me, she looks a bit worried. I shake my head and get up. For some reason I'm very dizzy. I grab the fence next to me and try to stay up, but I fall down on my back. The girl runs up to me. I mumble something. "What text message?" she asks me. I have no idea what she is talking about. "You just said something about a text message" she tells me. "I must have been dreaming" I tell her. Wow I'm sweaty! I wipe my forehead but it still pours down into my mouth.

      After a while I get up, my machinist Krull is there. I tell him what the boss said. "Basicly we can just pour the concrete powder in there and just spit at it" I say. He laughs. We head back up and I try to walk as steadily as I can, don't want to show that I'm weak.

      10.30: Maths class
      I'm in my new maths class. It's the next one after the one I've just taken, and I spot a few people who was in my old class. My coworker Valdis is there aswell, his name gets called out and I ask him about his surname, it doesn't sound right. He repeats what the teacher said. I look at the problems we were handed out. A guy next to me is doing an earlier course's final exam. I solve my problems within seconds but I realise I've done a mistake. I erase it all while the teacher is watching. I notice that there are more numbers than I first had noticed, and it's actually a very hard equation. I'm worried I won't pass this class.

      10.30: Fragment
      *My friend G has nothing but shorts on. He's got hair all over his body and he's laughing like a maniac. He intends to shave it all off. He flexes his legs. "Look at all that muscle mmmmmmmh, yeah!" I flex my own leg. "Yeah, look at that!"

      10.30: Freaking bears!
      I'm with my younger brother Morgan at my mom's house. We're on the upper floor and watching the forest on the backside through the windows. I spot something moving up there, and I realise it's a big brown bear! My brother Morgan opens up a window and starts to annoy it. I've got a camera in my hands and I take a few good shots. Suddenly the bear rushes towards us and climbs the ladder beneath us. There's a hatch going into the room we're in. Morgan runs out while I stay to try to fend it off. The bear destroys the hatch but the hole it's made is too small for it to crawl through. I take a lighter and try to burn it. The bear's enormous claws almost rake me and I jump back.

      The hole gets bigger all of a sudden and I close the door, but it won't shut properly! I leave it and run down the stairs. I see my mom, she's only wearing a bathrobe and a towel on her head. "Hide!" I yell. "Where? I can't hide" she tells me. "Just go into your room and shut the door then" I tell her and run into another one. The bear comes crashing down the stairs. I head out back and close all the doors behind me. I don't go very far though, as I'm sure the bear will come around the corner any second. Ofcourse it does. What a smart fucking bear. I run back in and close the door behind me.

      I head upstairs. The bear has gone away finally. I look out the window to make sure it's not coming back, but it is, and it brought a friend aswell as a cub. For fuck's sake! I run to the front of the house and jump up on the roof. I head to the neighbour's roof and lie down. I check if they would be able to see me if they came down the street, and they would. I go to the next, and the next. After a few houses I'm comfortable enough to stay. I lie there for minutes, just waiting for the whole scenario to go over.

      I start hearing voices. "Strange that no one has ever reported it to the police, they should have shot the bear right away." "Yeah, oh well it's taken care of now luckily." After a while I can hear gunshots, so I head back. I climb on the rooftops and next to my mom's house is a huge house with black tiles on the roof. I take a peak around the chimney, and look down the backside. "It's all over, they're dead" my mom tells me. Relief washes over me like never before. I almost start to cry. I try to get down from the roof, all of a sudden very clumsy and slow.

      10.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! What a night. I hate bears, they've always been my mortal enemy in my dreams. One day I will make one appear in a Lucid and ask it why the hell its kind hates me so much. Perhaps they just want to make friends?

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    9. 19/03/11 - Killing zombies and abusing power

      by , 03-19-2011 at 06:21 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Didn't have any intentions last night, and I was out clubbing. The alcohol should have made me dream less but I had a few cool dreams. My head hurt this morning so I couldn't be arsed to remember more than two.

      03.30: Sleep

      13.00: Killing time
      I'm standing infront of three containers at work. Behind them up on a hill I can see movement. "Oh shit, here they come" I say to my two friends. We're survivors in a zombie-infested world. I grab a metallic pike and a small axe and start walking towards the howling zombies. Just as they reach us, they stop and become slow. I hack away with my axe, splitting skulls all around me. All zombies are killed and we get a few seconds to breathe. I spot more movement up the hill and this level is going to be harder. They run down the hill and this time they don't stop. I sink my axe into the head of a woman with only one eye, a cyclops. I remember her from the previous wave. A guy in an orange shirt attacks me. I hack at him but he gets near me and we both fall to the ground. I kick him off of me and kill him.

      13.00: Power DILD
      I'm driving a car towards two enormous hotels which has windows everywhere. I'm pissed off at the rich people living in there and I intend to wreak some havoc. I reach one of them and get in. I kick a door in and a rich guy collapses, I grab him and throw him into the hallway. I realise I'm dreaming. I grab the man by the throat and hold him up against the wall, his feet kicking beneath him. "I'm in total control over you. Do you realise how much power I have?" I ask and throw him down the hall. He gets up and tries to run but I quickly grab him with telekinesis and hold him against the wall again. I walk past him and rub my hand against the wall to stabilize. I get the most brilliant idea EVER! I feel like experimenting with thinking about my sleeping body. The entire dream starts to collapse right away. I quickly rub both my hands against the wall and manage to keep it stable for a few seconds before I get a FA.

      13.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9½ hours

      Supplements: Way too much alcohol

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    10. Wicked night

      by , 01-16-2011 at 02:06 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Last night was intense, or actually it was this morning, but still. I figured I'll try to become lucid two days in a row, and it worked. I used some galantamine at a WBTB and the dream I had after that was one of the longest dreams I've ever had. First time ever that I actually didn't want to stay in the dream after becoming lucid.

      23.30: Sleep

      05.00: Fragment
      *I'm watching an interracial couple having sex.

      05.00-05.25: WBTB - Mantra: I will lucid dream

      06.40: Adventure indeed MILD
      I'm in a couch with my brother and two of his friends. We're partying or something similar. I get up and walk around the place. We seem to be at some kind of convention, kinda like Dreamhack. I spot a crowd of people and decide to check out what's going on. "He beats them at chess while walking around!" a guy tells me and I can see a chess table and three guys playing. The younger one is walking around the table while he's playing. Apparently that's supposed to be very hard. The crowd cheers and I realise he's beaten them. I can tell his move was very clever. "You walked right into that one!" one of the guys in the crowd tells one of the losers.

      I start walking away from the table and suddenly I'm in a grocery store. I walk along the isles and find Monica standing by the freezers. "We should get something we can just snack on at night" I say and I've got pizza in mind. We check out several different kinds of pizza and similar things. I find a very cheap one. "2 kronor for a pizza is amazingly cheap" I say and show it to Monica. She agrees but the brand is something we've never seen before. A guy shows up and is looking for the same kind of food.

      The dream skips. I'm in the car with Monica on our way out of town. I spot a stable and know there's a supermarket just a kilometer behind it. I don't know how, but I make the car fly. It's very dark out but I imagine the place just as it looks like. I can see several streetlights and as we fly, the landscape gets clearer. We land outside of a small grocery store, just where I knew it would be. I go and get a ticket for the car. It expires in just two minutes. Weird. A girl working at the store comes up. "Don't worry, he never checks anyways" she tells us. "Ah damn, money well spent" I think. The car is making a very annoying sound.

      We check the car for a long time. We open different doors and close them, push all kinds of buttons but the beeping sound won't stop. My brother Martin comes up and shuts it off. We're just about to walk into the store when he grabs my arm. "Buy me two milky ways and some beer". I look at him and I'm getting angry. "When YOUR friends come to MY place, THEY buy ME stuff!" I yell at him. He disagrees and I leave him there. Entering the store I notice it's being renovated. All walls are grey and the floor aswell. I enter a big room and accidentaly kick away a golfball coming towards me. Two employee's are playing mini golf.

      "Hey, where is the place you buy food at?" I ask them. They laugh at the accident and points towards a few stairs across the large empty room. We walk across the room and down the stone stairs. We do not arrive at a grocery store, but a swimming hall. My family is there and so is my coworker Björn. They're swimming around a pillar and the water starts at the end of the stairs, there's no place to stand. I notice Björn's got swimming goggles and I put mine on too. They're blurring my vision alot, but I still keep them on when I jump in the water.

      The dream skips. I wake up in the dark. We're still in the swimming hall, but sleeping in different beds all around the room. The water is gone. I try to check my alarm clock, but alot of stuff is in the way. It's standing ontop of a TV in the dark and I make alot of noise as I clear the TV. "05.00". People start waking up. My brother Morgan is up, and so is my dad. Soon the lights turns on and everyone but me is up. My dad is standing by the entrance of the room. "My toe has cramps" his toe wiggles. My sisters and my mom wants to wake me up and starts harrassing me. I want to sleep some more so I can dream. "Get out!" I tell them.

      They start poking me in the mouth with nail files. My vision is split, and even though I've got my eyes closed, I can see myself on a monitor. I start biting the files they poke at me and bite off little pieces. They keep doing this and I can taste the files, they taste like licorice and they feel very unpleasant against my teeth. I finally get up and start writing down my dreams in my DJ on DV.

      I wake up. I get on the computer and onto the chat. I am about to write something like: "Omfg I just had the longest dream ever" but all I manage to type is a very long "-_-" smiley. I realise my DJ entry is there and I read something in spanish. Looks like a poem or something. I am confused and decide to take a walk. I've got a weak memory of just flying and I'm wearing a white shirt. I check my belt for the internet browser buttons. I press one and intend to get on a train site to check for train times. The load is way too long so I open a new window. Which makes me get another white shirt on. Just like internet explorer usually is, it is completely white (?). I walk down the road with my two shirts on, feeling weak and a bit dizzy. I stop at a sandbox for some reason.

      A girl clad in black down the road is coming towards me. She's wearing black leather and has a very "emo'ish" look. I look away for a second. When I look back, the girl is gone and replaced by a white cream cake. It's rolling down the road on wheels it seems, and just as it's next to me, the cake changes colour from white to dark purple. A second later the cake starts disintegrating and blows away in the wind in layers. A man shows up. "Hey, did you just see that?!" I ask him. "See what?" he tells me, and the second later, he also disintegrates and blows away in the wind.

      "Oh, I am still dreaming!?" I ask myself. This is getting too much. I'm standing outside of a very dark forest and I don't like the feeling of the dream anymore, I want to wake up. I start screaming ontop of my lungs, at first I can barely hear myself, but soon my voice is booming, "WAKE UUUUUUUUUUP!" I start floating upwards and I laugh a little at the entire scenario. I don't wake up right away, but I slowly start to.

      I can see my hand infront of me. I am completely paralyzed for a few seconds before I can move again. I get up.

      I wake up for real and do a RC right away.

      06.40-07.20: WBTB - Mantra: I am dreaming

      8.45: Short lucid MILD
      I'm by a lake with a few other people. A man, apparently very powerful, is standing infront of me and my friends. He tells us something and two huge green wings emerges from his back. Only one is fully stretched out though, but that's enough for him to take flight. He flies straight up, laughing. I can feel the wind picking up and I decide to follow him. I let the wind take hold of me and my two smaller wings and I start to fly. I fly around the lake two times in a wide circle just for the fun of it, I never get tired of the feeling.

      I position myself a few meters above the evil man. "Hmm, perhaps fire will work?" I ask myself as I realise his wings are made out of green paper. I imagine them catching fire and to my surprise, fist sized circles of fire form and eats through the paper in seconds. The man starts falling right away but so am I. We both crash into the water and I get a faint memory of being in the water earlier.
      I lose lucidity and suddenly we're having a "smoke break" on the dock with my two sisters.

      8.45: Insects
      I'm sitting at a table with my two sisters. I spot a cross spider spider to my left on the wall. It's curled up in its web and I blow some warm air on it to make it come to live. I know it isn't very aggressive and it fascinates me alot. It starts to crawl out and when I can fully see it, it's alot bigger than I first thought. We all shy away from it and a woman takes it in her hand. "Don't worry" she tells us. Her husband is there and she puts white glue on his head and face. She takes a wig and some fake beard and puts it on there. The glue drips down his face and they tell me their story.

      I feel like looking at the spider again. She tells me it's on the ground somewhere. I spot several spiders that looks just like it, but after a closer look, I can tell the difference. They aren't moving either. A cool bug comes running with one its mouth and I flick it away. My hands starts stinging and I notice a few fireants. I flick them away aswell and look where I'm standing. I'm in a fireants nest, and they're crawling up my boots. I shake them off and stomp my feet to prevent anymore from going up my legs.

      10.30: Party
      I'm at a big house by a lake. There's a party going on around me and they've put up tents. The sun is shining as I walk around the place. I spot a very hot girl in a yellow bikini. I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes off of her, but I force myself when her big latino boyfriend gives me a stare. I walk for a few meters and then turn around. Felix tells me that the girl was checking me out for a long time. "I don't want no trouble" I tell him. I get a text message, it's my dad.

      10.30: Party ended
      The dream doesn't skip, it's a new one. I'm at the same place, but the party has ended. It's dusk out and everything's very quiet. I know the world is about to change real fast, and I have to find some survival gear. My brother Morgan is there and I grab him. Some other boy, who looks like a tiny orange/brown alien shows up and I realise we have to take him with us. I chase him a bit, we all plunge into a pool and I help him up. Earning the trust of the alien boy, I can finally start looking for gear. I enter the house and my two sisters are on a couch. "Where is the gun?!" I ask them. They point at a box by a drawer.

      I open it and take out two guns. They're very heavy. Morgan grabs one and I tell him he can never, ever touch it. There's still ammo left in the clips, but I want some more. I rumage through the box and find a few keys, an army swiss knife, and sharp metal objects. All of a sudden, my vision changes. I can see the lake and I can hear someone on a radio. He's over the lake in the town and he's on his way over. I shoot with a mini-gun and he laughs. "That's gotta be heard halfway across town". An old man across the lake appears in the enormous hole I just blasted in his house. "You leave me alone you teenagers!" he yells at me, waving his shotgun.

      10.30: Fragment
      *I'm at a table and my sister Malin is singing. Her voice is amazing. When she's done I remember her being in a choir. "She's great at both singing, and drawing" I say.

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Supplements before bed: 2 x Omega-3, 1 x Lucid Dreamer at WBTB

      That's it! Awesome. My sisters were in almost all my dreams last night. They just came home from Egypt and I'm seeing them for the first time in a few weeks. Also why I dreamt of survival was because I thought for a while about it last night, what to buy and so on. Pretty amazing, perhaps thinking about it before bed would be even better? Inducing a dream that is. Gotta try that...

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    11. Back to dreaming for a few days

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:34 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. Had a few dreams yesterday, but I was too hungover to be arsed to write them down haha. Last night was pretty cool, since I managed to re-enter a dream. A zombie/survival dream again, was awesome but weird.

      05.00: Bedtime

      13.30: Double dreams, zombies in a store
      It's dark outside. I'm with two or three other people on the roof of a grocery store. There's a scaffold next to us, and some emergency exit stairs in metal. I run down the stairs and get to the bottom. There's an awful smell in the air. I spot the huge dark mass lying in the snow. It's some kind of dog, and I take a carpet of fur and put it next to the dog. Running back up, I wonder why it didn't attack us. A narrator voice tells me. "Even though the monster is incredibly strong, it has one weakness. When you use psychic powers on it once, it will obey" We start to lift up a metal hatch on the roof. It's all dark inside. I know what I need to get.

      I wake up, and wonder if I should write the dream down, but I don't.

      I'm inside the store. My sisters are there with me, and I think it was Felix. A strange sound, like a calling sound comes from a zombie woman standing nearby. She starts to walk towards me, and I jump around. She is VERY slow, and I got plenty of time to reload my gun (which is some kind of surringe/party bomb/toy gun thingy). I take away the cap which allows me to fire one shot. I aim it in her face and fire off a tiny blast of air and some water. It has no effect, but it all feels like a game. I look behind me and my sister has become one of them! She is walking too fast though. "Hey! You gotta slow down, you can't move that fast" I tell her. She complains a bit.

      Dream skips. The store has been cleared. I'm with a few other guys now, Linus from work is one of them. I've packed my bag with all kinds of stuff, and I'm ready to leave. I climb up on the huge food storage to my level. One guy is ready to go to sleep and is already in his bed further away. I decide to stay for the night. The store is pretty messy, with ketchup on the floor and a crushed jar which I threw earlier. I remember the satisfying sound of glass shattering. I quote "Laserturken" for a while. Linus asks me why I even bother to go out if I don't have fun and dance or something. He mocks me for not wanting to go all the way to the city to party. I am given a drink. It's white russian. "I've already had like a litre of this tonight" I tell them, but I just chug it.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements before bed: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! The alcohol suppresses REM, which then rebounds if I sleep enough. Sadly I didn't sleep enough, but it will definitely rebound tonight! I will try some Calea out during a small WBTB tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get lucid. Also the dream I had was completely random. I'm sure it was longer and more intricate than that though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      Tags: survival, zombies
    12. Meeting DV member and end of the world

      by , 12-12-2010 at 01:34 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had the intentions of getting lucid last night, but it only resulted in me talking about lucid dreaming with another DV member. I did have a cool nightmare about the end of the world. Other than that, I didn't dream much...

      12.00: Bedtime

      09.00: DV member at a party
      I'm in a car, driving through a very nice looking neighbourhood. The lawns are green, trimmed and everything looks new. I spot a barbeque with alot of people at one house. Alot of cars are parked at the sidewalk. We go for a minute or so more, and arrive at a house. Inside there's some kind of neighbour gathering of some kind. Two guys are making a welcome drink in a large bowl. One of them is my uncle. "We do it like this, 60/60. It's going to be perfect!" he tells the other guy while pouring in a whole bottle of whiskey.

      I'm in the kitchen, holding a drink myself. A guy in his mid 20's is talking to a woman about lucid dreaming. "My grandma was one of the first who registered, she's 70 years old" he says. The woman doesn't seem to care. "I have been a member for 7 years now" She walks away and I realise that the guy is actually
      Robot_Butler "Hey, I recognise you" I say and we start talking about lucid dreaming. He tells me about a thread he's made, and I know exactly what he's talking about. "Yeah I read that just the other day" I say.

      09.00: End of the world

      A massive nuclear blast appears on the horizon. I'm with Monica and two other people in the middle of the desert. "You're never going to make it" one of them says. "Goodbye" I tell them and jump up on my motorcycle. Monica gets on and we take off. I accidentaly do a wheelie but I quickly regain control. Going as fast as I can, I can hear the rumble of the explosion behind us, and I know the heatwave of it will strike within seconds. I spot a rocky area up ahead and I know it will give us cover from the intense heat. We make it in time, going down a small hollow behind some rocks just as the heatwave hits. I know that's not all, there's a shockwave coming next.

      Leaving the bike, we run along the rocky area. The ground starts to vibrate, and soon it's trembling. "Do you know why it's doing that?" I ask Monica. "No..." "Well, it's because one layer of ground pushes on the next, which pushes on the next and so on" I say as we start to climb a small hill of rocks next to a white seven stories building. The ground is shaking violently now and we jump down from the hill into a courtyard. There are a few buildings just like the white one around us. "We should be safe here" I say and the shockwave hits us. The ground behaves just like water would when a wave goes through it. I ride the wave. "Wohoo".

      The buildings all around us starts exploding, and glass shatters everywhere. When everything clears up, I can see that none of the houses has fallen. A large hole where the entrance should be, no windows left and most of them are crooked. We walk along the road away from the buildings. We're soon walking through a dark forest. Monica stops infront of a large pine tree with a rope ladder coming down from it. We climb up the tree, and I get this panicky feeling of being last in a dark room. Something's definitely going to grab my foot any second.

      Once up, everything's very dark. We're once again back in our little tree house, trying to survive in this world filled with zombies. The tree house is a small rectangular room, only 4 x 2 meters, with a small room to the right for sleeping. A table is right infront of me with all kinds of junk on it, and there's a kitchen counter behind that. I bumb into something and Monica makes a shush. We stand completely still, listening for any sound below. She hands me a pair of black large silverware. I put them away and grab my shovel instead. It's very light.

      "Get away from the hatch, if they come up, they'll see you" Monica tells me. I slowly back away, keeping my eyes on the hatch. After half a minute or so, we relax once again. I wish I was back at the house we were in before, where you could sleep without feeling anxious or afraid. I know those times are over. I hate this fucking tree house. "Hand me the gun" I tell Monica. She opens a drawer, pulling out an old revolver and carefully hands it to me. "Be careful! It's loaded" she tells me. I open it up, and is relieved to see all six bullets are still there. I am careful not to let it go off.

      I realise we have to get more weapons. Only six bullets and a shovel isn't going to get us anywhere. I look out the small window. The forest isn't very thick, and ends at a lake just fifty meters away. I can see two red houses by the shore. There's a town over the water, next to a harbor. I remember there being a mall there, with glass windows. A plan quickly comes in mind. I would drive by and break a window by shooting at it. Monica would sneak in while I would honk and attract all the undead. Monica asks me if she could open a can of Sprite. "Yeah go ahead" I say. She carefully opens it with a low hiss. "Does this taste old?" she asks me. I taste it. "No it doesn't"

      11.00: Fragment
      *A zebra lies down at a tree, and starts giving birth. I can see a huge pink thing come out from behind. It's covered in crushed up tomatoes.

      Amount of sleep: 10½ hours

      Supplements before bed: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Very cool and scary dream. Had trouble falling back asleep after that one, and the last dream I had was so weird I couldn't even recall it. Well well.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    13. Weekend away - 28/11

      by , 11-29-2010 at 10:56 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      These are dreams I had during the night between Saturday and Sunday. 28th is the date I wrote it all down. Awesome dreams! Nightmares perhaps? Still long, vivid and filled with emotions.

      Schizofrenic Depression
      I'm with a female psychiatrist. Apparently I am very sick in the head. I am handed two big white pills, and is told to swallow them. It takes a couple of tries before I get them down with some water. "You have a depression" she tells me. This depressions causes brain damage, and makes you kind of schizofrenic. A thousand thoughts and theories spin around in my head right away (much like while I'm awake).

      "So that's why I can't seem to stop thinking? I got a sickness..." I tell myself. I completely trust the psychiatrist and several pieces fall in place. We're sitting at a table with a few guys from work. I can't stop thinking. "How can I be so sure that any thought I have, is the real me? And not the disease talking. Who am I?" I ask myself. I pull my hair and yell that I have to stop thinking. People around me look very concerned.

      There are zombies everywhere. I'm standing on a road in the middle of nowhere. I spot a military vehicle in the ditch, and head for it. I have to fend off a zombie trying to bite me. The vehicle has a plastic bubble on the roof, and I see several people inside. They let me in and we're safe from the zombies. For now.

      Several weeks later, we come out and I have a beard. There are still zombies walking around, but they're much more rotten now. "We should head for the nearest gas station" I say. A zombie tries to bite me and I kill it with my fists. Its rotten flesh ripping easily. We drive the vehicle to a gas station. There's just one zombie around, and I pour gasoline on him. "Don't light him close to the pumps!" I yell, running away from the faster than normal zombie.

      He lights up, but doesn't seem to care. He just stands there, dying slowly. Suddenly a couple of cars appear. They're racing and a guy tells me to join them. I spot a light blue ferrari and I get in. The engine roars as I step on the gas and quickly catch up. The landscape looks a bit like from Fallout 3. From being in fifteenth place, I end up being third after a huge jump. It feels just like a racing simulator! In a tunnel I gain pole position, but sadly the dream ends.

      Summer Computer Problems
      I'm standing on a dock. The weather is amazing and the radio is on. "We have 30 degrees out at the moment, but we will expect much colder weather in the coming days" a woman says. I really enjoy the sun and I feel extremely happy. I want to take a swim but I decide not to because it's probably cold. Monica is with me, and I check my computer. A couple of files I don't recognise is on the desktop. I delete them.

      They appear again. I delete them. Once again they appear, and I notice some kind of loading window. Winrar is unpacking things onto my desktop. The entire computer's contents are being copied. I try to make it stop, but I can't. I decide to ask DV chat for help.

      I'm watching some kind of reality dating show. There are happy couples on the beach, telling people they've had the best time of their lives. I am standing in the water, and I accidentaly drop Monica's cellphone. It slides around on the sandy bottom. Felix tells me that I shouldn't be afraid to tell her I've got alot of hair on my back. "It's normal dude! She won't mind!" I find this strange since I am almost hairless.

      Amount of sleep: Around 8 hours

      Supplements before bed: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! I will write the remaining dreams tomorrow. Took alot longer than I thought.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    14. Dinosaur about to eat me... Load!

      by , 11-08-2010 at 06:35 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Woke up with barely anything, then BAM! Three dreams recalled. Pretty sweet since I only slept for seven hours. The dreams were pretty cool aswell!

      05.15: Survival in dinosaur land
      I'm with my two sisters and we're trying to survive in some kind of forest. "I'll go look for fresh water" I tell them and starts walking on a path leading into a swamp. As I enter the swamp I notice something behind the trees about a hundred meters in. It's a huge dinosaur, the one from Jurassic Park 3. I quickly run to the side and plunge into the muddy waters between a few bamboo trees. I try to lay as low as possible as the dinosaur starts walking towards the path I was just on, searching for food.

      I realise he's smelling the ground and I know I have to try to hide my smell by with mud. I barely dare to breathe though as I'm lying there with mud up to my upper lip. And decide to just try to sink down as much as possible. The dinosaur isn't more than a few meters away and is just about to pass me when I think "Perhaps he will notice me anyways"
      Good thinking you idiot! The dinosaur stops and looks straight at me.

      He slowly walk towards me and I know I will die any second, just a few meters away, when I can see his big, yellow/red eyes. I decide I cba to get eaten alive. "That would be horrible!" I think and press escape. I load the previous save. Suddenly I'm standing next to my sisters again. This time I decide to check out what's behind the wall of rock behind us. I spot a path leading upwards and we walk it. Suddenly we're inside a cave, with rugs on the floor, a wall with fresh water running down it, and a TV.

      "This place is perfect!" I say. A window is opened next to me and a chubby guy hands me a cup of coffee and tells me to put milk in it. I look at him defiantly and take a sip. "I ain't helping you out with anything" I tell him. We start arguing and he's a real asshole. He asks me if I want to play a game of chess, and I notice a chess board on the window panel. "No thanks, I hate losing and I would probably lose to you. And I don't want to get mad at a relative" Apparently we were relatives. He is ok with it and starts talking trash about my boss. I defend my boss and tell the asshole he's a good guy.

      05.15: Xbox competition
      I'm with my friend G and we're standing next to like ten awesome looking xbox consoles. "Please can I have one?" I ask. "No you can't... These are for the other contestants" he tells me. "But come on, they never even showed up" G agrees with me and hands me a console. Sweet.

      05.15: Heinreich
      I'm walking on a path with my friend Heinreich. I'm trying to smoke matches, and it's actually working. The sun is shining high above and we're joking around. His friend is also with us. We all arrive at a gas station and has to wait there for his mom. "She's got puppies now, so it's hard for her" he tells me. I find this a bit strange since the one who just got puppies, is my mom's dog. I don't think more about it. As we're standing there I decide to fool around a bit, and draw back my arm to fake a punch in his stomach. I hit something solid with my elbow. An old lady walks by me and I realise I've just hit her. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I say and feel embarrassed. She doesn't seem to be affected at all.

      Amount of sleep: 7 hours

      Food before bed: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Pretty sweet dreams imo. Could have turned into a very scary nightmare. Luckily it didn't!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: survival
    15. My powers aren't gone! Phew...

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:31 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Woke up earlier than usual today, and tried to WBTB, but I couldn't fall asleep. Anyways I had a few cool dreams last night, and even a very short lucid! No B6 taken for a week and I can still dream lots. Yay!

      6.00: Flying DILD
      I'm on a field with my relatives. We're all fooling around with these large plastic handheld fans, like they have in China. I decide to let the wind take a hold of my fan and I'm blown like twenty meters away. Everybody laughs. It felt awesome and I want to try it again. I wait for the next gust and jump as high as I can when it hits me. I direct the fan towards it and I fly atleast thirty meters up. I become lucid by the super high jump and I stay in air. "Yes! My flying ability is still there!" I say and fly around in circles, happier than I've been in a lucid for a while.

      10.00: Local drunken adventure
      I'm walking around at night in my hometown, talking to my friend Eric on the phone. I tell him I miss him, and that I miss the times we had back in the days. I don't remember what his reply was but there's silence for a long time. Suddenly I'm on a bus with my other friend Henrik. We talk about all kinds of things and I realise I have to get off the bus soon. I just miss my stop and decide to jump off where he lives. We exit the bus at the next stop and say goodbye. I walk up to the bus stop on the other side and look for a bus home.

      All busses are going the wrong way, so I walk to the next stop just up the hill. A bus is just about to leave and I run towards it. A small kid is trying to lock up his bike infront of me so I miss the bus. "Hey Patric, having trouble locking up your bike?" a man asks him. The boy nods and I ask the man if there would be any other bus coming soon. "Yeah I think so..." he tells me and we wait. It's getting really dark outside and I can barely see the cars going by. Suddenly I see a light coming up the hill.

      The light is coming from a cigarette in the mouth of an old hag of a busdriver. The bus doesn't stop and several metal platings roll down to cover all the windows. "What a bitch!" I yell and the man agrees. We're both drunk for some reason and I decide to walk home. We walk out on the street and I almost get hit by a car. I throw a snowball at the next one coming up. "Oh shit that's right, I haven't told Monica where I am" I say and take out my phone. "I'll send the message to her haha!" the man tells me. I ignore him and start walking, trying to send her a message. It doesn't work as usual (actually my IRL phone SUCKS, and I figured I was drunk, so no dreamsign).

      Finally I get it right, and I start running, saying goodbye to the man. I notice I've recieved a message from a girl I used to hit on before I met Monica. "If you need to talk, I'm here" she tells me. "What? Why would she type that?" I ask myself. I figure something must have happened to Monica and I run even faster. I think about dreaming and that I just had lucid. I never become lucid though. I decide to try to get on Facebook on my phone and I look her page up. There's no sign from any posts from her. "That's strange... She usually writes all kinds of things.

      10.00: Survival game
      I'm ontop of a cliff overlooking the sea. I can see a bear walking around on the beach below and I don't feel very comfortable. (I've had alot of nightmares about bears) I remember a guy testing a home made parachute and it didn't work very well. Suddenly the bear disappears and I look around. Only to see him just a few meters away. I take the big plastic bag I have next to me and I jump for it. Aiming for the water. I fall for a long time but I land in the water, very close to the beach. On the beach is a large robot and I know I'm dead.

      He shoots me dead with laser and I lose all my equipment. Also my saved "Survival ship". I have to start all over again so when I spawn, I run into a shed and start looking for things to build stuff from, and things I can use for survival. I find several nails, tape, plastic bags and alot of other stuff. "Do you wanna join me?" I ask Monica but she doesn't look very enthusiastic.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Food before bed: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! I also remember having like electricity going through my body. I'm pretty sure it was vibrations you get before you fall asleep, since I had trouble sleeping after my 6.00 WBTB alarm. I remember alot of strange images and feelings, so that was cool! Never had that before.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: flying, survival
      lucid , non-lucid
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