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    Hazel's Boiler Room

    1. Dreamviews, and An Epic Quest

      by , 01-17-2011 at 04:40 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Took 100mg of B6 before I went to bed last night, then another 100mg during WBTB. I also decided to do my self-hypnosis technique, but that didn't work out very well when my cat kept stepping on me every five minutes.

      1- Dreamviews of the Future
      ((Note: this was a very abstract dream and most of it is really difficult to put into words.))
      Dreamviews is a physical place; I am exploring all of their new "features." I walk past a long line of people carrying musical instruments, whom I discover are all trying out for the new Dreamviews Marching Band.

      Next, I am looking at some dream journals. Each journal is it's respective member's private home, or inner sanctuary. I visit at mine first and am somewhat disturbed to find a long and very explicit dream written out for all the world to see. Why would I post that in such detail?

      I think of where I want to go next. I have been talking to Alice (from Resident Evil), and we have grown to be pretty close friends. So I decide to see what her journal is like. I should have known; entrance to her journal is painful and treacherous, as it is guarded by an imposing mound of thorns. Her "inner sanctuary" is more like an internal Hell, imprisoning her within her own dark thoughts. Poor Alice... I want to comfort her, but she resides in the very core of this prison. The dream ends as I am working my way towards her.

      2- Saved by the Goddess
      My getaway will be simple. Ditch these clothes, change into the ones left over by those imbeciles, and escape through the window. I have thought of everything; except, however, drawing the shades. One of the Emperor's cronies has spied me from the open window and has called for backup. My means of escape has quickly become my downfall.

      I leap out the window anyway, and break into a run. There is still a chance I can get away, though now it will be far more difficult.

      I make it as far as the road, a dry stretch of unpaved dirt, before I am surrounded. The Emperor and his men have me covered on three sides; the Dark Forest, brimming with werewolves and other man-eating atrocities, stands imposingly to my remaining side. They do not expect me to risk such a fate.

      An Elven girl a few years my elder, one who I used to call Sister, grabs my arm and secures a handcuff around one wrist. "Come quietly, Princess. There is no way out." Before she can cuff my other wrist, I kick her roughly away, dodge around the Emperor's men, and take off into the forest. They dare not follow, but they don't need to. Almost immediately I am faced with a Hunter; a soul-sucking once human that reeks of fear and decay. One of the Emperor's favorite pets. He actually sent the Hunters after me? I don't know whether to be hurt or flattered.

      Rather than have my soul taken, I quickly dart back to the edge of the forest where the trees are less dense. Hunters, along with all the other forms of Demon-spawn, would burn in this light. However, it also means that I am once more vulnerable to the soldiers...

      To my amazement, a voice in by head booms, "Stay behind me!" Suddenly a large brown creature is running in front of me, which I recognize instantly as one of the envoys of the gods. I follow him without hesitation as he guides me through the treacherous forest. The sound of the soldiers' bewilderment from the forest's edge makes me smirk.

      One out of the forest, I am met with one of my comrades at the outskirts of an old town. It is nighttime now, and avoiding the Demon-spawn will be more difficult. The envoy wishes me luck and is gone.

      As soon as he disappears, we are attacked by a small shadow creature. A church is nearby, emitting light from it's stained glass windows. I throw the creature into the light, but it merely cackles. "That won't work on meeee!" it screeches. "I am not a mere shade! HE gave birth to me from his very flesh!" The creature flies directly at my face. I hold it back as my companion opens a vortex in the ground, which makes quick work of the enemy.

      "We need to get inside," I instruct. But as soon as we enter the church, we are met by something potentially more dangerous than shadow creatures: crazed religious fanatics.

      "Witches!" the ladies cry. "Burn them! Kill the witches!"

      "Wait!" I protest. "We just want shelter here, same as you."

      The ladies continue with their cries of death and burning until the oldest of them calls them to silence. She looks at my friend and I knowingly and points to the wall. "What does it say?" she asks me.

      A single, three letter word is etched into the wall. Her. I repeat the word with some amusement. This church was once a temple to the Goddess. How ironic.

      The lady details a story in which Merinia, an earth Goddess, was kidnapped and taken prisoner by the Demon King. Her power could easily have defeated the demons, if only she'd had her staff. The sacred object, however, had been stolen from her and lost somewhere in the world.

      I stare at the lady in shock as she hands me a beautiful, intricately carved staff. "Is this...?" She nods.

      "Save her," she tells me.

      I exit the temple/church. Demon-spawn emerge from the ground almost instantly, but the incredibly power of Merinia's staff kills them all with a single blow. I am in awe.

      Time passes. I have rescued the Goddess (though, it's more like She rescued me), and am now celebrating with my friends.

      ((Note: I don't think the name in the dream was given as Merinia. I know it started with an M, but I couldn't find an actual earth based goddess with a similar name, and since I couldn't remember it I had to make one up.))
    2. Bad Karma

      by , 07-22-2010 at 06:11 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      I finally had a fun dream!

      1- Bad Karma

      My family and I are witches. I seem to be an odd combination between Phoebe from Charmed, Hermione, and myself. And I'm in a world of trouble. The previous night, I had snuck into a graveyard and eaten the heart of a demon who was imprisoned there. This act would give me unimaginable power, but only if I am able to vanquish the demon on the following night.

      All day long, I'm a nervous wreck. My father is the first to notice my strange behavior, but I refuse to tell him what's wrong. That evening, my mom is driving us all to the movies. My dad tells her how odd I've been acting, and she asks if there's anything I need to tell her. "Nope, nothing." She definitely doesn't need to know what I've been up to.

      "She's lying!" my brother pipes up from the back seat. "She's activated my lie detector! Only... it says that she's just used a rehearsed apology."

      When we get out of the car, I take my wand out of my mom's purse without anyone noticing and slip it into my back pocket. (There had been something earlier in the dream about how we were all grounded from our wands for misuse of our magic.)

      *lapse in time*

      We are now back from the movies; the sun has set. I am not surprised to see the demon waiting for me as I enter my room. It is tall, with the body of a human, the face of an ogre, and the wings of a dragon. It's skin is literally on fire, burning with bright orange flames. All useful spells suddenly flee from my mind as the creature begins its attack. "Alohamora!" I screech, before remembering that that's an unlocking spell.

      None of my family members will help me. My brother is sleeping and does not wish to be disturbed. My parents have found out why the demon is after me, and say that it's my punishment to fight it alone. But none of my spells are working! In the end, I set a trap and crush the demon to death under a ton of heavy items.
    3. All Charged Up

      by , 07-03-2010 at 01:05 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Didn't feel like WBTB since my dreams were too interesting. I managed to re-enter it multiple times, but my memory is still pretty vague...

      1 through 4- Witchling
      There are several strange kids who keep popping up; they all have Finnish accents and dress very unusually. While I am trying to solve the mystery of who they are, I realize that the true mystery is who I am. They tell me that I'm a witch, that I just haven't discovered how to use my powers yet. (I also seem to be Tamora, one of my characters... Or rather, she is me. Confusing...) We end up in a mystical stone shop with my school, and the owner is giving out seashells. Everyone else gets a really pretty shell, but I get one that's faded and dull.

      As I sit down, I think to myself, "I wish I had a better shell." Before my eyes, my seashell is transformed into a beautiful rainbow-colored pearl. In the back of my mind, I (as Hazel) think to Tamora, "You idiot... Don't you know that that pearl belongs to someone else? You can't just steal things like that."

      I hear the shopkeeper mutter, "What a selfish way for a witch to use magic."

      A man who I had spoken to before walks up to me. "So, you figured it out. The secret to magic lies within thought." I am then told about a secret order of magic users in a different dimension. The man tells me that I must go there to fulfill my destiny.

      *lapse in memory*

      I have been transported to the other dimension. Unfortunately, things aren't quite what I expected. (They rarely are.) I am kidnapped my the crazy matron of an orphanage and become little more than a slave.

      Poor little Ellie does something to piss off the matron, and she is forced into exile from the other kids. (I say "kids," but none of us are younger than 16 or 17.) She's not even allowed in the building; all she does is wander the grounds like a lost puppy.

      Alex, the leader of anything rebellious that goes on within the orphanage, sneaks Ellie into one of the courtyards and hides her.

      *lapse in memory*

      Alex and I are walking around; he's stirring up trouble, as always. We get caught by one of the guards (who is on our side, so its not like he really cares.) He asks us to help him with extermination. He wants us to help him kill the squirrels and cockroaches that keep getting in through the roof. Bashing squirrels over the head isn't going to help my bloodlust any, I think, But it sure sounds like fun.((Note: Tamora is very morbid.)) To my disappointment, we're supposed to use poison. Ugh, how boring...

      I sneak away, and while I am inside I hear strange noises. Sounds like Alex... Suddenly the power goes out. Great, what did he do this time? I find him on the roof, looking ecstatic. I can see immediately what he had done; Alex has the gift of absorbing electricity, and he used it to take all the power out of the school. (He had to plug himself into an outlet, though.)

      I laugh. "You're going to be in HUGE trouble when the matron finds out about this."

      "She can't stop me now! I have too much power!"

      I hear school security pulling up. "I'm getting out of here. I refuse to take the blame for you... again."
      Tags: fantasy, magic, witch
    4. June 15, 2010

      by , 06-15-2010 at 02:47 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      TERRIBLE recall last night. I didn't sleep well at all; after WBTB at 2:30 I pretty much just drifted through HI for a few hours until I FINALLY managed to get back to sleep.

      1- Vague Details
      Something vague about Raven Knight and Walms... Speaking to them... Then posting about it in my DJ.
      ((Even though I had JUST woken up from this during WBTB, those were the only details I could remember.))

      ((After that, a lot of HI about posting in my DJ and finding out that I'd had a shared dream. I was trying to type everything down on my laptop, then remembered that my laptop was on my bedside table, turned off, so what I was doing was pointless. I tried to read everything I had typed so I could remember it, but it was random nonsense about people I don't know. Then I kept typing more stuff, forgetting that the laptop I was using wasn't real.))

      2- Witch Information
      I am talking to some people on MM about witches. I say that I had found a site with some really cool information, but I couldn't remember the link at the moment. The next time I check the thread, I see that Z has made an account and that she has posted the link I was talking about.

      ((I wake up, shrouded in HI again. Z is sitting on the edge of my bed. "Thanks for the link," I mumble out loud, rolling over. I wonder why I'm talking to her, since she's not really there. She says something, and we talk for a little bit before I drift back to sleep.))

      3- Poor Bike
      My mom and I are leaving some weird neighborhood. When we leave, more people come, and a roadblock is set up saying that the maximum number of people have entered. We are waiting for Chris and Steven, but they are taking forever. My mom goes back in to find them after the road block is gone. I ride my bike through the neighborhood to pass the time. I see a girl ride up stairs on a scooter, so I try it with my bike.

      Oops, there go my tires... I hope that popping sound was only my imagination, but as I ride back to where my mother is, my tires deflate completely.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:51 PM by 10998

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Bloodwitch

      by , 06-10-2010 at 02:12 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Poor recall again last night... I was too lazy to WBTB and I played Fable for a few hours before I went to bed, so most of my dreams had a game-like quality.

      1- Bloodwitch
      I am alone at home except for a small baby I am watching for the neighbors. I go in the storage shed, to a place where I had drawn a pentagram on the floor in white chalk. I want to do some kind of spell, but I don't know how to begin. I decide to call someone. I get out my phone and call this weird stoner guy ((who is actually a character in Fable, and has nothing to do with magic)) to figure out how to cast a spell. I tell him that I am a bloodwitch, that I just started practicing magic and that I want to learn how to do a cool spell. He says he'll come over.

      Later, everyone finds out about what I was up to, and the mother of the child I was watching is furious for letting that stoner near her kid.

      ((I'm only typing that one up. There were more, but they're all mixed up now and not very interesting.))

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:46 PM by 10998

      Tags: magic, witch
    6. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (DV version)

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:57 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Quote Originally Posted by Hazel View Post

      1- Bloodthirsty WitchesI am part of a coven of witches. There are three of us: My mother, my younger sister, and myself. We are so connected that we use first person plural pronouns in place of first person singular. The dream begins with the three of us on the side of the road, where we hail a cab. the driver is a man in his middle ages, and his only other passenger is an elderly lady.

      I get the lady's atention, and my mother chops her head off with a double bladed axe. I then stab the driver in the neck with a pocketknife again and again, until he dies.

      Since the car is now out of control, the police stop us. I dart off into the forest at my mother's command, bloody knife still in hand. I am worried that my family has been captured, but I push all thoughts from my mind except for escaping from the police. I know that an Easter egg hunt is taking place in the forest somewhere nearby, and I think I can hide among the children. Instead, I run into a guy about my age who says he will help me.

      We go to my house, where I must retrieve something. Demons have invaded the place, however, so I tell my friend to wait for me outside. After a horrible struggle with the demons, I retrieve what I was searching for and make it out alive. But only just. I am wounded, and my friend has to carry me through the city. My powers allow us to fly over buildings and cover huge distances.

      In the lowlands, a swarm of yellow jackets get after us, but we make it to the ocean and hide under the water. It is here that we find my family. Only now, my mother wants to kill my friend. I cannot allow this to happen, because I have fallen in love with him. Thus, we run away yet again and go into hiding.


      1- House of Horror
      My parents are fighting, and I suddenly become lucid. I fly over the trees and go to a large city, where I meet a little cat girl who is showing me around. She takes me to an abandoned building where we find some creepy looking anime dolls. Suddenly, something starts banging on one of the doors, and I know that whatever it is means harm. I try to keep it from coming in, but I am not strong enough and it bursts into the room. It is a demon clown with a butcher knife. It chases me through the house, and in each room a new horror appears, each one resembling a horror movie villan. I am not scared, but I am doing my best to get away. I burst through the window and run home.

      Later, I learn that the little cat girl was a demon who had purposely put me in danger. I go back t that house in search of her, where I am yet again attacked by some sort of creepy creature. This time I stay to fight, and I kill it with a lawn chair, of all things.


      1- Prince of Darkness
      The village used to bea a peaceful, beautiful place, but then th ePrince of Darkness escaped fromt eh Land Under the Ground and took over. I am th eonly person remaining, forced to be a slave for the Dark Prince. He looks like an overgrown slug, and darkness is his aura.

      I sneak out of the village and find a large bird that looks like a tree. It tells me that its name is Multrite, and that it is my only hope. But it is dying, and it leaves a baby bird hidden somewhere in the forest.

      I go back to the village, and the Prince is waiting. He is furious that I left without permission, so he sends me out to the railway with the dogs as punishment. As we are walking, I ask Alpha (the doberman from UP) if he had ever heard of Multrite. He tells me that he hasn't.

      We go to the tunnel of the railway to speak to a consort of the Prince. This is the only perso n whom the Prince seems to respect. While the dogs confer with him, I decide to talk to The Tiger (my only friend in the village) about Multrite. I am certain he will have information.

      2- Assassin's Lament
      I am an assassin, and I have just killed a whole bunch of people. I walk to the edge of a cliff, wishing I could jump off rather than kill more people.

      3- Unholy Sanctity
      My mom takes us to a Church service which is being led by my cousin. It is taking place in an old Western town. Everyone cracks an egg into a cauldron full of boiling water, then drop a voodoo doll inside. They start laughing like maniacs. I am completely taken aback by this display, and I wonder what has come over all of them.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:30 PM by 10998

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid