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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Unlock Your Creativity

    1. Master Zombie Appears

      by , 06-06-2012 at 09:15 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was traveling with some people. I think I saw some relatives. Then I was watching a platform game. The character reminds me of Mario and Luigi. They're small, and they're on a toilet bowl. Unfortunately, they can't find a way to the next level. One of them found a way to lower the water level, and go through the hole.

      The scene changed to a boss challenge. A zombie. I get to decide the life of the zombie. I had the choice of 1 HP, 47 HP, and some others. I was thinking of choosing the 1 HP, but decided it's too easy. I chose 47. It's like an abandoned school ground area, with a night zombie mood. And he's huge. Our characters were minuscule, like characters in the Ragnarok Online game.

      We ran. The twins panicked and got left behind. They fought it a bit. Good thing they're close-range weapon wielders. Meanwhile, the mage found a spot to cast a spell. I found a spot near him and shot arrows. I think I shot three that hit the zombie.

      Then the zombie went to where we were. Good thing I was small enough, so I slipped through. It ignored me and pummeled (I think) the mage. I ran, and found another character lazily sitting on the side. Then suddenly, from behind me, the zombie shouted my name and told me to come back. I obliged.

      I found the rest of the characters with the zombie, teaching us where we went wrong. He told me in particular that I counted three hits but he kicked those arrows away. He said I should check again to see if my shots were clear. I felt insulted. I decided to label him Zombie Master, but I think Master Zombie sounds cleaner.

      A house. I was asked to do some acrobatics. Told him I'm not that good yet, and that the cord is loose. He told me it will just fix itself. I avoided them and left. Some time later, I went back to drink some water. I saw a lot of teens all around.